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Resident Evil Community |OT2| Best Fans Ever!


Yeah Capcom has messed up how voice more than once.


Anything that made him sound like a robot is just gross. Nothing beats the OG, but some of the others have been fine. Funny enough I think he sounds fine in apocalypse for example.

I agree. The Apocalypse one probably sounds the best out of the new ones. Now if only they didn't give him feelings and make him a punching bag for Alice...I really hope some of the other characters get a chance to actually do something in the new movie

How often did you use the ammo making tool? On my first playthrough I didn't use it at all. Not because I didn't want to use it. More because I was too impatient to learn extra game mechanics.


I agree. The Apocalypse one probably sounds the best out of the new ones. Now if only they didn't give him feelings and make him a punching bag for Alice...I really hope some of the other characters get a chance to actually do something in the new movie

How often did you use the ammo making tool? On my first playthrough I didn't use it at all. Not because I didn't want to use it. More because I was too impatient to learn extra game mechanics.

I used it a lot, mainly for shotgun ammo. Could have made better apps had I not wasted combinations.

Playing REmake for the first time in over a decade...I'm getting freed up. Love this style of Resident Evil though.

The old style holds up well. Makes me wonder why they never tried to make any new ones after 0.
I used it a lot, mainly for shotgun ammo. Could have made better apps had I not wasted combinations.

The old style holds up well. Makes me wonder why they never tried to make any new ones after 0.

Yeah now that I'm playing it, I feel all the talk about the old style being outdated to be overblown. REmake 2 should be just like this.

As long as Capcom makes a RE game for the action fans (that includes myself), all types of fans of the series should be satisfied.


Ugh, that robot Nemesis sounds awful. The original is so great, I love how monotone his "STARS" chant is: it's a "matter of fact" statement, not a threat or a scream. He sees a STARS member, and he remarks on it. The lack of emotion makes it more terrifying.
So like I said, dude wasn't even lost. He just wanted a break. Since on Jill she finds one of his hideouts. Would have been far more interesting if Chris actually did get caught by umbrella and you rescue him. With the help of Jill to combine the whole "we have to find Chris" thing they wanted to set up and ultimately failed at imo.

Ah, I see what you're saying. Yeah, that would have been a neat plot to explore.

Instead of a "rescue Chris" plotline we ended up getting boulder-punching invincible tough guy Chris. Kind of funny.
Wait wait...

I just noticed that Barry took the time to go around three zombies to write a note stating that he left bullets in the saferoom and went around those same three zombies without killing them. I need footage of how he got that note up there.


Junior Member
Just played the Moira episode from Rev 2. Was really excited when I saw the opening section being having to gather rations and they act as continues. Thought that was a really cool idea...then it turned into horde mode. Guess that's the thing with Rev 2 as a whole though lol. It has great ideas but can't fully realize them. Points for trying something new though. Good they are experimenting.


Geez, Krausers voice in Darkside just doesn't sound like it should. Despite being the same voice actor. Like the actor decided to take a break.


The old style holds up well. Makes me wonder why they never tried to make any new ones after 0.

Because the developers themselves were getting tired of it. Critics were getting tired of it. And even fans were getting tired of it. In other words, stale.

I know it's hard to believe today, since everyone is so starved for a decent action-adventure horror game these days. But that's the basic gist of why they stopped making those games.


Got a couple hours of the house to myself when I get home from work... Either going to start Resident Evil 0, or play some of the "Battle Game" for Code Veronica.

Is the Battle Game for Code Veronica worth messing around with? I read you can play in first person, which is kinda cool. Plus, I should have most of the characters unlocked already, as I found the Gold Luger and killed Nosferatu with the Sniper Rifle through the heart during my playthrough.


Because the developers themselves were getting tired of it. Critics were getting tired of it. And even fans were getting tired of it. In other words, stale.

I know it's hard to believe today, since everyone is so starved for a decent action-adventure horror game these days. But that's the basic gist of why they stopped making those games.

I mean yeah I get that. But like the time they did the CVX HD or when ORC came out. Seemed like a perfect time for another attempt imo. Considering even at that point the break had been a long one.

Got a couple hours of the house to myself when I get home from work... Either going to start Resident Evil 0, or play some of the "Battle Game" for Code Veronica.

Is the Battle Game for Code Veronica worth messing around with? I read you can play in first person, which is kinda cool. Plus, I should have most of the characters unlocked already, as I found the Gold Luger and killed Nosferatu with the Sniper Rifle through the heart during my playthrough.

It's fun to mess with for all of 5 minutes. Getting all A ranks is a pain for the linear launcher. Mess around with it and move onto 0.
Kinda tempted to try ORC for $4, I need to scratch the RE itch with something lol.

Edit: forgot it's on Steam, might as well get it there next time it's on sale if anyone tells me it's worth it.
If you do play on easy. Helps alleviate some of the bullet sponge the enemies have. But there isn't anything else to buy that you haven't played yet?

Not really, I'm a huge fan of the franchise and played everything outside of the MP games multiple times.
Hell, I played through it all just last year.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Didnt realize there was a dedicated RE Community thread here. Just completed the original Resident Evil for the PS1 yesterday, and trying to get through as many as possible during the next month. Guess I need to start post here!


Didnt realize there was a dedicated RE Community thread here. Just completed the original Resident Evil for the PS1 yesterday, and trying to get through as many as possible during the next month. Guess I need to start post here!



So just got done playing Resident Evil: Gun Survivor 2 - Code Veronica Project (A name that just rolls off the tongue). It's easily the biggest oddity to me in the entire RE series. Even though it's bad, I still have a soft spot for it though. Since I beat it at a actual arcade cabinet in the states, and got first place in it. Playing it again on PS2, and a lot of stuff this time popped out to me.

The entire game is like this weird Frankenstein creation. You can tell they literally just pulled and placed objects from numerous games and called it a day. I swear Nemesis, Lickers, and the drain demons were just ripped right out of their PSX games. I find it odd that they pushed so hard for a arcade, and went with the budget of basically nothing for the game itself. Since you can tell the engine and mechanics are also ripped straight from the CVX battle mode while in first person for the most part. Guess they figured, if they were going to spend all this money on arcade cabinets, might as well save some money some where. Since the cabinets were pretty big, especially for the coop.



I've never played it. Is that the one where Claire is dreaming?

Supposedly. It's at most 30 minutes long since it's a arcade game. You can watch a YouTube play through in even less time. Even though it's first person, you turn left and right with L1 and R1. It auto aims on enemies above and below you.


What comes with the Revelations 2 season pass? Tempted to grab it on sale.

You'll get the all of the story episodes and hunk for raid mode.
The deluxe includes all of that, wesker for raid, some more raid maps, costumes and two bonus story episodes, Which depending on who you ask are good or bad.

Personally I feel you'll be just fine with the season pass. Unless you see yourself playing a lot of the game multiple times.

Operation Raccoon City installed.

I'm scared, guys.

Downloaded again on PC. I plan on playing it again. Actually beat it like 3 times before. To have the most fun (imo). Play on easy and play as Lupo and the Soec Ops equivalent. Characters that can have invulnerability for a bit are the most useful.


My goal is to play every RE game this year. But I'm not gonna bother with Gaiden and 2 for gamecom. They're just too annoying to play.


You'll get the all of the story episodes and hunk for raid mode.
The deluxe includes all of that, wesker for raid, some more raid maps, costumes and two bonus story episodes, Which depending on who you ask are good or bad.

Personally I feel you'll be just fine with the season pass. Unless you see yourself playing a lot of the game multiple times.

Downloaded again on PC. I plan on playing it again. Actually beat it like 3 times before. To have the most fun (imo). Play on easy and play as Lupo and the Soec Ops equivalent. Characters that can have invulnerability for a bit are the most useful.


My goal is to play every RE game this year. But I'm not gonna bother with Gaiden and 2 for gamecom. They're just too annoying to play.
Are the story episodes different then what comes with the game? I have the physical copy of the game buy haven't cracked into it yet.


What the fuck is going on with the aiming. I hold L1 but it zooms in and out constantly. I can't aim for shit.


Crossposting from the "GAF plays...31 Nights of Horror" thread. Click there if you want to read about the Pumpkin Beer I paired with tonight's gaming session...


So I started RE0 HD today (Even though I snuck my GCN original in the pic above, heh). I haven't played this game since it first released on the Gamecube, so it's been some time. The HD port looks amazing: unlike the HD port of REmake with upscaled the 480p prerendered backgrounds, it looks like they had access to the original 3d models this time (or had original rendered them at a higher rez), so everything looks really sharp.

The game itself is one of the weaker RE titles though. The dual character system is pretty neat at first (And you can see where the franchise is heading with RE5 and RE6), but the lack of item boxes kills the game. I've only played up until the first boss, which is very near the beginning, and my inventory is already full with both characters, and there's still a ton of items I'm coming across. You have to constantly pick up and drop items, ferrying them along the game. That said, I probably won't have 10 First Aid Sprays, 5 green herbs and 30 ink ribbons by the end like most other RE games, haha.

The game is gorgeous, and the atmosphere is great, if not as foreboding as the REmake. All in all, I'm still enjoying it, but as the 5th "classic" RE in a row, I'm kinda looking forward to the more action-oriented later games.


Why do so many people think RE7 is going to be delayed? The game has been esrb rated and is currently being tested on steam. RE6 was announced and released the same year as well. Not showing a lot of the game doesn't mean it's not done. Just means they're keeping their cards close.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Why do so many people think RE7 is going to be delayed? The game has been esrb rated and is currently being tested on steam. RE6 was announced and released the same year as well. Not showing a lot of the game doesn't mean it's not done. Just means they're keeping their cards close.

There was a good post around TGS time that 'ambiguous' marketing for games might be dead with current standards as people are so used to being served all the info they need easily via the internet, so when such information is not available many assume there's something wrong or they're hiding something because they don't want to show it off. It's silly and unfortunate, but people are info scroungers (I know, I know, as a person who does analysis and info collecting, it's a bit hypocritical of me to say this). I think they've actually shown a decent amount, just not straight-out, and people don't want to think or put things together, they'd rather make assumptions of what something is based on what they see, ie, the game is first-person so it must be like X horror game, that sort of deal.

They'll show more as we get closer of course, but there has been a few sources who have basically confirmed RE7 is done and just being polished and a few small details about its playability (such as the projected length of the game). While I don't think we'll get a 'big' update this month, there's no way we're not getting a new small gameplay video or something closer to Halloween, so we'll see what comes of it.


On Mercs Mode, I kind of expected it wouldn't be this game's bonus mode. We'll have to see whatever they choose to do there. They could go back to the Battle Game formula and expand it, or try something new.


Where do you have that 20th Anniversary poster from? I was looking for a high-res picture to print it as a poster, but I can't find anything. :/

It's definitely not high-res to print enough as a poster. I actually can't remember when I downloaded the file from, but I printed it on a normal size piece of paper, which if you look close, has the resolution printed on the top! "790 x 1080".

It looks fine printed at that size, but it would be pretty blurry if printed any bigger.
There was a good post around TGS time that 'ambiguous' marketing for games might be dead with current standards as people are so used to being served all the info they need easily via the internet, so when such information is not available many assume there's something wrong or they're hiding something because they don't want to show it off. It's silly and unfortunate, but people are info scroungers (I know, I know, as a person who does analysis and info collecting, it's a bit hypocritical of me to say this). I think they've actually shown a decent amount, just not straight-out, and people don't want to think or put things together, they'd rather make assumptions of what something is based on what they see, ie, the game is first-person so it must be like X horror game, that sort of deal.

They showed the Lantern demo twice which they say wasn't representative of how the game would play, a story trailer ("AW NOT AGAIN!"), and had a 20 minute demo which they said wasn't representative of the final gameplay. Other than that we've got a ton of vague statements. So it's their own fault if people are wildly speculating. We know more from leaks than we do from Capcom.


They showed the Lantern demo twice which they say wasn't representative of how the game would play, a story trailer ("AW NOT AGAIN!"), and had a 20 minute demo which they said wasn't representative of the final gameplay. Other than that we've got a ton of vague statements. So it's their own fault if people are wildly speculating. We know more from leaks than we do from Capcom.

Capcom seems to really want to surprise people like they did with RE4. Though to be fair they definitely still showed more of RE4 than they have of 7.
Capcom seems to really want to surprise people like they did with RE4. Though to be fair they definitely still showed more of RE4 than they have of 7.

I get that and I hope it works out, but you can't blame people when they've advertised it as being "Like X horror game" for the past 5 months. A casual RE fan isn't going to be pouring over interview after interview, so when the demo and all the trailers make it look like an Amnesia/SOMA/Prenumbra clone, that's what it's going to be called.


I just replayed Leon's campaign in RE6 for the first time since 2012, this time on the PS4 remaster. I also played as Helena.

I have to say... It was really enjoyable. Really enjoyable. I mean, we already know the combat and mobility mechanics are top-notch once you learn them, but this I also enjoyed the journey, the pacing, the variety, all of the different fights, mild puzzle-solving and goofy set-pieces. There was a lot more downtime than I remember — chances to relax and reload, to explore off the beaten path, nicely contrasting the thrill-a-minute enemy encounters. Whole campaign is drenched in atmosphere too, with the slate-like shadows and flickering lights. Also seems the QTEs have been simplified (like climbing the rope is now simply a matter of holding R2), and the bosses were clearly rebalanced to be less of a bullet-sponge. Everything just flowed smoothly.

Eager to revisit Jake's campaign next. I wonder if playing in 1080p 60fps with my refined Mercs skills will help make his 2-1 play better. (The infamous blizzard level!)
I just replayed Leon's campaign in RE6 for the first time since 2012, this time on the PS4 remaster. I also played as Helena.

I have to say... It was really enjoyable. Really enjoyable. I mean, we already know the combat and mobility mechanics are top-notch once you learn them, but this I also enjoyed the journey, the pacing, the variety, all of the different fights, mild puzzle-solving and goofy set-pieces. There was a lot more downtime than I remember — chances to relax and reload, to explore off the beaten path, nicely contrasting the thrill-a-minute enemy encounters. Whole campaign is drenched in atmosphere too, with the slate-like shadows and flickering lights. Also seems the QTEs have been simplified (like climbing the rope is now simply a matter of holding R2), and the bosses were clearly rebalanced to be less of a bullet-sponge. Everything just flowed smoothly.

Eager to revisit Jake's campaign next. I wonder if playing in 1080p 60fps with my refined Mercs skills will help make his 2-1 play better. (The infamous blizzard level!)

Leon/Helena has the least amount of bullshit of all the campaigns. The enemies aren't bullet sponges, there are no shooting galleries, there are far fewer QTEs, there's only a single short vehicle section, there are no stealth sections, no extended turret sections, and no level visibility gimmicks. It also has the most environmental variety (though the level design is still far more action set piece driven than RE 4 or RE 5 with environmental exploration taking a major backseat) and atmosphere.

Story pacing is fucked though and the game does jack shit to teach you the combat mechanics.


I personally find Leon's campaign to be the least focused. I don't enjoy his campaign at all until he gets to shanghai.

Chris campaign at least knows what it is, so it goes all out as a shooter.

Aside from Jakes terrible chapter 2, I think the rest of his campaign holds up quite well.

Leon to me reminds me a lot of the revelations games when he's in tall oaks and the church. Trying to hard to be please everyone and thus for me, pleasing no one.


Leon/Helena has the least amount of bullshit of all the campaigns. The enemies aren't bullet sponges, there are no shooting galleries, there are far fewer QTEs, there's only a single short vehicle section, there are no stealth sections, no extended turret sections, and no level visibility gimmicks. It also has the most environmental variety (though the level design is still far more action set piece driven than RE 4 or RE 5 with environmental exploration taking a major backseat) and atmosphere.

Story pacing is fucked though and the game does jack shit to teach you the combat mechanics.
I actually think the story pacing was great this time around. Better than I remember, at least. Although it's comical how willing Leon is to be constantly strung along (Helena: "I'll tell you when we get to the cathedral." Leon: "What are you doing here Ada?" Ada: "It's complicated").

My favorite campaign used to be Chris' campaign. I replayed it when the PS4 version came out, in co-op with The Xtortionist, but I think I might give it another go in single-player since I can better take it at my own pace. I remember it being the most bombastic but also wonderfully varied with some great action.

Fully agree they don't teach you the game, though. I was able to enjoy it so much because I've already mastered the mechanics in Mercs. But yeah, they don't teach you much, outside of loading screen tips and the occasional prompt (like a note how to slide when getting past a trap in the catacombs).

A true tutorial -- one where you're given a sandbox and can simply experiment with the mechanics while the game prompts you onscreen -- would've been great.
I actually think the story pacing was great this time around. Better than I remember, at least. Although it's comical how willing Leon is to be constantly strung along (Helena: "I'll tell you when we get to the cathedral." Leon: "What are you doing here Ada?" Ada: "It's complicated").

My favorite campaign used to be Chris' campaign. I replayed it when the PS4 version came out, in co-op with The Xtortionist, but I think I might give it another go in single-player since I can better take it at my own pace. I remember it being the most bombastic but also wonderfully varied with some great action.

Fully agree they don't teach you the game, though. I was able to enjoy it so much because I've already mastered the mechanics in Mercs. But yeah, they don't teach you much, outside of loading screen tips and the occasional prompt (like a note how to slide when getting past a trap in the catacombs).

A true tutorial -- one where you're given a sandbox and can simply experiment with the mechanics while the game prompts you onscreen -- would've been great.

Second time through it's not so bad, first time through however is a three hour "Where are we going? I'll tell you when we get there" followed by an hour long filler chapter 3. They could have at least established that Leon and Helena were already acquainted or have been partners for a bit to at least make it believable that Leon would follow her into a secret underground lair without telling him why. Like you said, it's comical that Helena tells him that she'll tell him at the cathedral, then holds off until they get through the lab, then still refuses until they get Deborah (which she also refuses to tell Leon who that is or why they're looking for her), and then refuses to tell him until they get Deborah out. World's going to hell, zombies are everywhere, the president is gone, this stranger he met just confessed "It's all my fault" and we're supposed to believe Leon would only get a bit frustrated through all of that and continue cooperating? Fuck, at least tell him "We're going after the person who did this" but Helena doesn't even do that.

I think it works better when you play as Helena since you the player are the one leading and are entering the series with RE 6 and don't have a previously established connection to Leon. But even then they stretch it to the limit.


I think Leon'a campaign is the closest example to what the RE2 remake will be like. I actually enjoyed Jake's hand to hand combat mechanics though.


Leon's campaign was overall my fave as well and yeah I agree, subsequent playthroughs of RE6 are more enjoyable than the first. The same was true for DMC4.

The nice thing about RE6 is that at the end of the day you do have four different campaigns at your disposal so replaying the game every now and then feels a lot less routine.

And the chapter select easily lets you skips sections of levels you don't like.

I think Leon'a campaign is the closest example to what the RE2 remake will be like. I actually enjoyed Jake's hand to hand combat mechanics though.

I'd be very, very surprised if REmake 2 doesn't look and play like a classic RE.
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