I got matched up with a crazy good player in Rev 2 last night. Like he has speed run videos and everything. Unreal.
I routinely pull in 2,000,000+ scores now on RE6 Mercs No Mercy. Just take a minute hitting the hourglasses at the start when enemies are light (an optimal path is like 60-90 secs on most stages), then trigger a combo bonus and spend the next eight minutes fighting. Mercs is amazing.Is it frowned upon in the RE community to hate Mercenaries? Because I hate Mercenaries. I always have. I admit it's because I suck terribly at it. I tried it in 4 as a kid and only managed to barely unlock Ada and Hunk. I'm playing it now on PS4 and only got 55k with Leon in the village. It was ok in RE6 probably because it felt a lot easier. A lot of the time you can just parry enemies for an easy kill, but I got bored with it once I unlocked every outfit with every character which didn't take long. I just hate the time limit mostly. It's so stressful to me and I'm always desperately looking for hourglasses. I didn't even touch the mode in 5.
I'd say RE6 has the best Mercs, but RE5 is close. I wouldn't give up either of them.RE4 has by far the best campaign in any of the action-y RE's, or maybe even the entire series. Maybe even the best campaign of all video games but I never really cared all that much for Mercenaries in RE4. Maybe because it doesn't have such a big focus on Melee yet as RE5 and RE6 do. Melee in RE4 is good for crowd control, but not as an actual way to deal damage. RE5 has the best Mercenaries Mode.
I'd say RE6 has the best Mercs, but RE5 is close. I wouldn't give up either of them.
RE4 has by far the best campaign in any of the action-y RE's, or maybe even the entire series. Maybe even the best campaign of all video games but I never really cared all that much for Mercenaries in RE4. Maybe because it doesn't have such a big focus on Melee yet as RE5 and RE6 do. Melee in RE4 is good for crowd control, but not as an actual way to deal damage. RE5 has the best Mercenaries Mode.
When I think about it, the melee is another reason why I don't like Mercs in 4. My preferred playstyle is staggering enemies then meleeing them. You can't really do that in RE4 Mercs because you'll lose your streak.
I have never cared for Mercenaries at all. I've never got far in it mostly because I got bored of trying.Is it frowned upon in the RE community to hate Mercenaries? Because I hate Mercenaries. I always have. I admit it's because I suck terribly at it. I tried it in 4 as a kid and only managed to barely unlock Ada and Hunk. I'm playing it now on PS4 and only got 55k with Leon in the village. It was ok in RE6 probably because it felt a lot easier. A lot of the time you can just parry enemies for an easy kill, but I got bored with it once I unlocked every outfit with every character which didn't take long. I just hate the time limit mostly. It's so stressful to me and I'm always desperately looking for hourglasses. I didn't even touch the mode in 5.
Is it frowned upon in the RE community to hate Mercenaries?...
I didn't like mercs until 6. The movement and melee options make it feel like a character action game so it was more fun to do it there. I don't like the crowd control aspects of 4 and 5 in an arcade like setting with limited movement and 3 is just...well it started everything so can't hate on it too much.
I tried really hard to like RE6 Mercs but it just got so boring for me. RE5 and it's melee spammage was one thing but then RE6 took it further with needing counter-spam.
Near release I did well with a Freezing-nade launcher, freezing and sliding for quick time additions, forget who even has it now. Managed to top the scoreboard on Mines but when the good players started countering everything I quickly got knocked off.
Was also top scoreboard on most of RE5 maps at one point, solo split between my partner and I and duo the two of us. Not logged into it for a few years now so I guess dropped down on that also.
If they ever do a Mercs standalone game for consoles I really hope they get rid of the melee time bonus. I'd rather a set time limit and infinite enemies, or a set enemy count and you get a bonus for your speed killing them all. Various melee attacks should be for dealing with certain enemies better, not for spamming on every enemy.
Yeah I've noticed the counter spamming a lot. I've been watching videos to decide if I really wanna get RE6 on the PS4. I couldn't stand the campaign but Mercs was alright and this is on sale and 60 fps. But all these top scores are just people standing around and countering. It's so boring. You can fucking DDT a zombie but instead they just stand there countering all day.
It's entirely Capcoms fault, they put all this stuff in the Mercs modes and then design it so only a very specific playstyle works if you want to compete on the leaderboards.
They also need individual character leaderboards if they not gonna balance the characters properly.
RE4 mercs is my favorite precisely because you can't just melee spam outside of Hunk.
RE5 stun-n'-melee is fun in its own way but it makes the characters feel all too similar. In RE4 both your loadout and character can make a huge difference in how you approach enemies.
Is it frowned upon in the RE community to hate Mercenaries? Because I hate Mercenaries. I always have. I admit it's because I suck terribly at it. I tried it in 4 as a kid and only managed to barely unlock Ada and Hunk. I'm playing it now on PS4 and only got 55k with Leon in the village. It was ok in RE6 probably because it felt a lot easier. A lot of the time you can just parry enemies for an easy kill, but I got bored with it once I unlocked every outfit with every character which didn't take long. I just hate the time limit mostly. It's so stressful to me and I'm always desperately looking for hourglasses. I didn't even touch the mode in 5.
The biggest issue with RE 6 Mercenaries is that the time bonus for countering and killing an enemy is +10 seconds vs. a +5 for Melee and +3 for just shooting an enemy. You will never 100% a run with just shooting and it comes damn close for just using Melee (really you have to do a basically perfect run). So at that point why wouldn't you spam Countering?
I will never understand why people prefer Mercenaries over RE2's extreme battle.
Because it is essentially endless, being a highscore based mode. You can always try for a higher score or try new tactics.
What sucks about Extreme Battle and Raid mode etc is that once you have run through each level, or got top ranks on it...that is it. End of content.
Isn't that the same for Mercs? Or is that included in etc?
Mercs is a high score based mode, the ranks are pretty meaningless. You can forever try for a better score.
Oh right. I understood rank as high score. It's too bad I never really cared for my high score in any game. Yet I still might just go ahead and buy RE6 despite me hating the campaign so much. After all, I still love the characters and it is only $12 right now.
Man, all of this. So much this.In RE7 news, i'm still weary on the game. Not in the sense that the game will be good. i'm sure it will be. But i'm still rather curious how characters and universe will be handled. Like it's dumb, but I hope RE7 is still easily insert-able into fan content. Such as remixes like sikshadows and all of that. I have always loved how fans shoved RE into so many different mediums. The biggest worry is once again it's the FPS view. Fans have gotten so attached to RE characters, and I still feel it'll be really hard for them to pull off a memorable character for the RE series in only first person. The horror aspect also kind of hurts things in a sense as well for overall content imo. Since to me even the earlier RE games I would consider "hero" games. While this time "supposedly" we're an average joe. Though with the esrb leak, sounds like Ethan is going to get plenty of moments. January can't come soon enough, i really need to see how it's going to fit into the entire series.
Though I guess all of this is another case of RE being different things to different people. Though I gotta say, anyone who equates to series to being nothing but horror, I feel is missing the point of the entire series up to the present. In the sense of "If I don't find a RE game scary it's not RE" and what not.
Stick with RE6. I swear by its core gameplay (gunplay, melee, evasion, mobility) as the best in the series. Shines brightest in Mercs. Also, I never counter, but I still manage to kill 300/300 enemies in Mercs No Mercy for scores of ~2,100,000.I already regret buying RE6 on the PS4. The campaign is pissing me off and the game just controls so weird. It's so fucking slippery and the shooting doesn't have the same feedback RE4 and 5 have. I had a bit more fun in raid mode but man am I rusty. I only managed to kill 83 enemies before running out of time. I just wasn't killing shot of fast enough I guess. The counter spamming may be boring but it's a lot harder than it looks so I gotta give credit to the people that can pull it off so often. I also gotta get used to the evading again. I keep pressing circle like it's Revelations 2. Also the sprinting camera is annoying. It's always bugged me.
As for RE7, it still doesn't look like RE. I prefer a more grounded RE like the earlier games, not the over the top Michael Bay shit 6 was going for, but this looks too grounded and too gritty. I need some levels of cheese in my RE. I need Jill sandwiches and right hands coming off.
I want Leon and Ada to bang so bad. Like, I hope when they finally do it's like the steamiest and craziest sex Leon has ever had.
Playing Dead Aim at the moment. It's wonky as hell, but i'm warming up to it. I'm sure it would be more fun with the guncon. But overall it's not too bad, definitely feels like a budget RE game.
Stick with RE6. I swear by its core gameplay (gunplay, melee, evasion, mobility) as the best in the series. Shines brightest in Mercs. Also, I never counter, but I still manage to kill 300/300 enemies in Mercs No Mercy for scores of ~2,100,000.
Key thing to remember with RE6: Everything flows from L2 and X.
If you use L2 by itself, you aim. If you tap X while aiming, you duck in place. If you tap X plus a direction while aiming, you'll roll or dive in that direction. But what if you hold X to run before tapping L2? Then you'll slide in that direction instead. And if you let go of L2 before completing your roll, dive or slide, you'll pop back to your feet. But if keep holding it you'll stay on the ground and at that point you can roll left or right by double-tapping in that direction, or scoot forward and backwards.
You can even slap a remote mine on the ground as you slide past an enemy, pull back on the stick to spin 180 degrees mid-slide, and then detonate the bomb while still lying on the ground for a glorious full-frontal view of the gibs raining down.
Tapping R2 while aiming will shoot. Tapping R2 without aiming will kick and punch, as many times as your stamina gauge will permit. You can of course still stun enemies in their face and limbs for context-sensitive melee moves. You can even run and tap R2 for a high-flying jump kick or shoulder check.
And if you need to shoot something quickly, tap L2 and R2 at the same time to automatically target an enemy and shoot, using up a bit of stamina. And if you want to mix and load your herbs without opening your inventory, simply hold R1 and tap Square. Then you can manage your health one bar at a time by tapping R1 to consume pills, Tic Tac-style.
Remember you can automatically vault over ledges and short walls by simply running at them with X. You can also slide across car hoods and crates this way. Your character has tight turning when running, so learn when to ease off the accelerator to take sharp corners.
It feels so good when it all comes together. RE6 Mercs No Mercy is incredibly addictive.
Oh god, good luck with the last boss fight. It's basically a whac-a-mole kind of fight where the boss' weak spot appears for a second in random places. I remember playing the game few years ago on a controller and was stuck at that part for a very long time. :|
Went with a quick picture to try and show what I meant. Though it starts to look even worse than this.
Welp! Not sure if its ok to ask here but...
Will anyone going to the resident evil U.S. tour help me get one of those adorable lickers plush? Not living in the U.S. so cannot get it T.T
Thank you m(__)m
Stick with RE6. I swear by its core gameplay (gunplay, melee, evasion, mobility) as the best in the series. Shines brightest in Mercs. Also, I never counter, but I still manage to kill 300/300 enemies in Mercs No Mercy for scores of ~2,100,000.
Key thing to remember with RE6: Everything flows from L2 and X.
If you use L2 by itself, you aim. If you tap X while aiming, you duck in place. If you tap X plus a direction while aiming, you'll roll or dive in that direction. But what if you hold X to run before tapping L2? Then you'll slide in that direction instead. And if you let go of L2 before completing your roll, dive or slide, you'll pop back to your feet. But if keep holding it you'll stay on the ground and at that point you can roll left or right by double-tapping in that direction, or scoot forward and backwards.
You can even slap a remote mine on the ground as you slide past an enemy, pull back on the stick to spin 180 degrees mid-slide, and then detonate the bomb while still lying on the ground for a glorious full-frontal view of the gibs raining down.
Tapping R2 while aiming will shoot. Tapping R2 without aiming will kick and punch, as many times as your stamina gauge will permit. You can of course still stun enemies in their face and limbs for context-sensitive melee moves. You can even run and tap R2 for a high-flying jump kick or shoulder check.
And if you need to shoot something quickly, tap L2 and R2 at the same time to automatically target an enemy and shoot, using up a bit of stamina. And if you want to mix and load your herbs without opening your inventory, simply hold R1 and tap Square. Then you can manage your health one bar at a time by tapping R1 to consume pills, Tic Tac-style.
Remember you can automatically vault over ledges and short walls by simply running at them with X. You can also slide across car hoods and crates this way. Your character has tight turning when running, so learn when to ease off the accelerator to take sharp corners.
It feels so good when it all comes together. RE6 Mercs No Mercy is incredibly addictive.
they already did pre-damnation and post-re4
I'll be going later this month hopefully, so i'll see what I can do.
However the most interesting part of all of this to me was Morpheus and his transformation. Since while the file says he is obsessed with beauty. His mutated form has him change gender it felt like.His BOW form has high heels, and changes his voice higher as well. Was just rather surprised. When his mutated form is first revealed I thought it was a new character. Like a Tyrant that had been on the ship that got free or something. Which was the correct version of the earlier tyrant posted. His BOW form is easily the best monster design in the game though. Even if it's a bit oddly focused. I think it might have been a case where the PS2 graphics just weren't helping. Since as I said earlier the human models in the game look really weird.
My hype for RE7 would be higher if it wasn't first person, that was the worst possible direction they could have taken.
If it had a toggle then it would be a different issue.
Beat Resident Evil: Dead Aim
Had only played a bit of it before. Overall it's not too bad and reminds me a lot of Gun Survivor (Since they are part of the same series). Both of them in some ways are more or less resident evil "lite" games. The basic idea is there, even the tank controls, but there's really no puzzle and they're short even on a normal playthrough. Was a bit surprised how Dead Aim played though. With some tweaking it more or less could have been another over the shoulder RE4 style game. Since it is basically the tank control style in a third person form, though not as polished. The biggest complaint would just be the aiming. Thankfully on easy there isn't too many issues with that. Since you can just pump lead into most things without aiming, but the last boss requires you to move around a bit. So if you don't have the luck to see pop the certain points it can be a pain. Though thankfully it wasn't too hard.
It was rather interesting seeing what was essentially Revelations 1 before Revelations 1. Since it seems like a lot of ideas carried over and not just the boat setting. The more fishy designs, and such of revelations on the bigger monsters are on display here. The dodge is also in there, though it's a bit more like RE3.
The biggest part I wanted to talk about was the story however, First off I though it was pretty cool that they mention Africa. So I guess Capcom knew at some point they were gonna take the series there. First off though the VA was pretty bad. They must have done it with a shoestring budget. It was hard to hear the character's, and I swear it sounds like they didn't even record it in a studio. Like someone just went and used a PC microphone. Aside from that, it's rather interesting how Bruce Mcgivern and Fong Ling are also another "lite" version of RE characters Leon and Ada. Their designs aren't too bad in drawn form, but they look really weird in game. They have really dull faces and this long neck thing going on. Regardless of that, wish they had played up the cowboy aspect of Bruce more. Wouldn't mind seeing the character's again, since their designs aren't bad in the right light such as the cover art.
The BOW designs I also though were to be honest. Really shit. Sure they're different and some decent ideas. But they just don't look cool. Everything just looks really derpy. Though pluto (The biggest one), was rather interesting to see a blind enemy. Since that was something else used in a later RE title. There were also these frogs that were scared of light and would jump on you and throw up.
However the most interesting part of all of this to me was Morpheus and his transformation. Since while the file says he is obsessed with beauty. His mutated form has him change gender it felt like. His BOW form has high heels, and changes his voice higher as well. Was just rather surprised. When his mutated form is first revealed I thought it was a new character. Like a Tyrant that had been on the ship that got free or something. Which was the correct version of the earlier tyrant posted. His BOW form is easily the best monster design in the game though. Even if it's a bit oddly focused. I think it might have been a case where the PS2 graphics just weren't helping. Since as I said earlier the human models in the game look really weird.
So overall a decent little RE game that doesn't overstay it's welcome. I would say it's worth taking a looking at.
I'll be going later this month hopefully, so i'll see what I can do.