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Resident Evil Community |OT2| Best Fans Ever!


not me
You can fix that after a patch that was released not long after the game came out. Just take a look.

These are examples of the two extremes, but there are also various FOV levels inbetween.

Thanks for demonstrating this. It was definitely one of my biggest complaints and I didn't even realize it could be fixed.


No rumors, just things we know from the last few years.

-An ex-higher up from Capcom (who left to join Sony) before leaving talked about projects in development at the time (this was in early 2014 I believe). He talked about Resident Evil among other things, and mentioned Resident Evil 7 was in development. He said they had started Resident Evil 7 less than a month after Resident Evil 6 had launched (towards the end of 2012 he clarifies), and that Capcom had paid a lot of attention to the response to Resident Evil 6, the criticisms, how people liked Leon's campaign the most, etc. He also said that Capcom thought that Horror was potentially liable again, but he pointed to Last of Us, Tomb Raider, and Walking Dead as their arguments, so take that as you will.

-In 2014, three separate voice actor things happened. Firstly, two more niche voice actors listed Resident Evil 7 on their list of credits, but quickly removed them when some people noticed. Later, a bunch of voice actors got together on a "super secret project," and took a lot of group shots of themselves together. The voice actors included all people who have previously done some voice work for RE, including Leon and Hunnigan's voice actor. Hungarian's VA even tweeted out at the time, "Reoccuring video game roles are the best." All of this was removed when people connected dots, but there's a high chance this could of been for the upcoming CG movie, as notably some of the actors there have only appeared in RE's CG film side (and since this happened, a third CG Resident Evil film has been announced, and Leon is indeed in it).

There's actually not much else that we know, but guesses. We know RE7 has been in development for over three years now (getting close to three and a half), and Resident Evil's 20th anniversary date is on March 22nd (20 years since RE1 released). If RE7 is announced before E3, that date or around that date would be the most likely.
Thanks. I do remember the Capcom dude saying they were listening when fans asked for horror to come back after RE 6 got a polarizing action game criticism


Nevermind, to beat Operation Javier 7 you need to grind ammo and gold. The game just increases the difficulty, since now herbs don't give me full health.


Hey guys, what was the plot reason for Leon and Helena not being affected by the Lepotitsa gas at Tall Oaks, or in the plane, or in Lanshiang?



s-so do we get to s-see Helena... drinking w-water... through her b-bewbs




How are the CGI movies?

My fandom has truly reached sickening new lows

I watched a Tyrant vs. Licker scene from Damnation that looked cool

Saw a chase scene with Leon and some generic brunette in Degeneration, but thought the run animations seemed funny, and the facial expressions vacant




How are the CGI movies?

My fandom has truly reached sickening new lows

I watched a Tyrant vs. Licker scene from Damnation that looked cool

Saw a chase scene with Leon and some generic brunette in Degeneration, but thought the run animations seemed funny, and the facial expressions vacant


They're okay. Better than the life action movies.

Leon in Degeneration looked like a mess. Looked like a boss in Damnation.

Claire was awesome and hot. dat wink

you should watch them and wait for the third one



How are the CGI movies?

My fandom has truly reached sickening new lows

I watched a Tyrant vs. Licker scene from Damnation that looked cool

Saw a chase scene with Leon and some generic brunette in Degeneration, but thought the run animations seemed funny, and the facial expressions vacant


They're both worth a watch. Then you can be part of the other discussion of which is better.

The answer is Damnation


They are CGI direct to video tie ins to the Resident Evil series. I'll let you do the math there.
Number of ways I can interpret your comment.

Interpretation A: "You are a diehard Resident Evil fan who is obsessed with this series. Of course you should get them!"

Interpretation B: "The storytelling in this series is shit, why would you get the equivalent of a feature-length cutscene, lol"

Legit not sure which you're suggesting!


whichever one has leon spouting actually nonsensical one-liners is the better one but they're both pretty shaky in general, both from a spectacle and a dramatic standpoint


whichever one has leon spouting actually nonsensical one-liners is the better one but they're both pretty shaky in general, both from a spectacle and a dramatic standpoint
I thought the Tyrant vs. Licker fight looked amazing, so I'm leaning toward RE: Damnation, but if I get these I'll probably get both because I need more ways to give Capcom money
Number of ways I can interpret your comment.

Interpretation A: "You are a diehard Resident Evil fan who is obsessed with this series. Of course you should get them!"

Interpretation B: "The storytelling in this series is shit, why would you get the equivalent of a feature-length cutscene, lol"

Legit not sure which you're suggesting!

Plz Neiteio, you know I don't factor in being a fan in regards to anything, I only value cold, hard quality.
Option B, obvi


That's why I thought damnation was the better movie. Since it's a lot more fun than damnation which tries to be way too serious with not much to show for it.
It's true. I'm even excited to play RE6 again...which is weird considering how much I didn't like it the first go around. I blame all the gifs of sweet moves people have been posting over the years.


It's true. I'm even excited to play RE6 again...which is weird considering how much I didn't like it the first go around. I blame all the gifs of sweet moves people have been posting over the years.
RE6 is ridiculously fun.

The key is to just slide everywhere at all times.

Stop only to admire Leon and Helena's amazing hair.

Or to do a QTE, etc. Temporary nuisance!
I hope the remaster lets us skip the prologue. I really don't want to go through that again...

But yeah I'll go through that tutorial thing you made this time around so I have a better handle on how to do everything, see if I like it more.


It's true. I'm even excited to play RE6 again...which is weird considering how much I didn't like it the first go around. I blame all the gifs of sweet moves people have been posting over the years.
if you still hate it then i'm sorry for luring you into the trap again



I hope the remaster lets us skip the prologue. I really don't want to go through that again...

But yeah I'll go through that tutorial thing you made this time around so I have a better handle on how to do everything, see if I like it more.
Please do. I made the guide with love!

Btw, I replayed the tutorial a couple weeks ago. It's still dumb how they do the whole "push any direction but only move forward" thing, but it's kind of fun if you go in with the right expectations.


I think the wait will be good for RE7. Had it came out so soon after RE6 there would have been backlash since it would more than likely be following the same formula. So with such a long dev we should be in for something new which is cool. Plus the longer the wait the more hype it brings I feel.


Google 'Leon running scene'.

You're done.
I'm guessing that's from Degeneration, right? I watched two scenes earlier: The Tyrant vs. Licker scene from Damnation, which was awesome, and a scene where Leon and a generic Helena wannabe ran from a Neil-type transformation in a dark factory... and they looked goofy as hell running.

How are the CGI movies?

My fandom has truly reached sickening new lows

I watched a Tyrant vs. Licker scene from Damnation that looked cool

Saw a chase scene with Leon and some generic brunette in Degeneration, but thought the run animations seemed funny, and the facial expressions vacant


I find them surprisingly enjoyable. Leon is in total dour mode in Degeneration so that's a bummer but Claire more than makes up for it. And Damnation is just a lot better all around and Leon is much closer to his RE4 self.



How are the CGI movies?

My fandom has truly reached sickening new lows

I watched a Tyrant vs. Licker scene from Damnation that looked cool

Saw a chase scene with Leon and some generic brunette in Degeneration, but thought the run animations seemed funny, and the facial expressions vacant


I had fun watching both movies Alyson Court playing Claire again in Degeneration was a nice surprise.
I had fun watching both movies Alyson Court playing Claire again in Degeneration was a nice surprise.

I think she played Claire in every single appearance until Rev 2. I'm sure News Bot or somebody else can confirm but I think that's the longest the series has gone without a voice actor change.

Maybe she would have done Rev 2 if it has been a union production.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
The CG films will received mixed reception by most due to how they are. To be completely blunt, they're Resident Evil CG films. For better or worse, they feel like Resident Evil cutscenes in the format of a movie. That will either make them worth watching for you, or not. The CG isn't particularly impressive and bit cheap looking, but it also doesn't look that distracting or bad (I guess average would be the word I'd use), and the plotlines feel like a Resident Evil plotline. The films are canon in the universe of RE, and in particular Revelations 2 had direct references to both Degeneration and Damnation in the game.

Degeneration is probably the weaker of the two. It has zombies and
the G-Virus
in the film, but many people (including myself) don't like how Leon is portrayed, since he acts like an emotionless robot in the film (thus the jokes about robot Leon featuring in Degeneration). It's surprisingly slow-paced, but has the sort of conspiracy, character moments, and biological weapon testing aspect you'd expect of a Resident Evil storyline. There's also a character voiced by Laura Bailey who I view as being Helena beta version, kind of looks like Helena, sounds like Helena, kind of has a similar personality, conflict with a sibling going B.O.W., works with Leon, etc. Claire is enjoyable in the movie I thought, and a few fun scenes and nods. Something I also never seen mentioned by people, but Degeneration actually has a pretty decent soundtrack to it. Even the music kind of sounds like a Resident Evil game's soundtrack, and there's a couple odd remixes in the game, such as this remix of a theme from RE2 cutscene theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWhjueKPW-I

As most will say though, Damnation is the better movie. The CG quality does see a bit higher production value for one, but what really helps it is that the pacing is much better, and the characters as a whole are much more enjoyable (Leon actually acts like Leon, Ada replaces Claire as the secondary protagonist and is enjoyable in the film, the side characters are much hammier but likable). The story still feels like a Resident Evil story, the action scenes see much improvement. It's basically Degeneration, just a bit prettier looking, Leon acts like Leon as opposed to a cold stone robot, better pacing and action scenes, and replace Zombies and
the G-Virus
with Las Plagas, Lickers, and Tyrants.

Since you've played Revelations 2, Degeneration establishes what TerraSave is and that Claire is in it, and get to know a bit more about them in Degeneration. There's a Russian Radio report in Revelations 2 talking about the events happening in Damnation since Claire's scenario in Revelations 2 is supposedly happening around the same time Damnation (and they're both happening relatively close to each other, since they're both around Russia). Damnation also came out before Resident Evil 6 (as Degeneration came out before Resident Evil 5), so there's a small story tie-in to RE5/RE6 towards the end of both films, and in Damnation's case, they spoil a lot of Leon's RE6 campaign in the credits of Damnation since cutscenes (without audio and this one vocal song for Damnation, which you can hear here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEgC82w4Zlc ) play from RE6 during the credits, and show scenes of Leon and Ada from Leon's campaign, including things from Leon's final boss stuff.


I find them enjoyable for what they are, they may be the 'truest' video game movies, in that they certainly FEEL like Resident Evil cutscenes adapted into a movie. And they're the only example I can think of off the top where the movies have a canon place in the game universe, and thanks to Revelations 2, are even referenced and used in the games.

I find myself strangely anticipating the third CG Resident Evil film (even though I wasn't that excited for Damnation at the time when it was announced), though notably the third CG Resident Evil will be quite a bit different than the previous two. It should look prettier since SEGA's animation studio is working on it (who have worked on a few very pretty CG films for some French IP thing), and the people behind the third CG RE film are promising. Though the Japanese press release says that the third CG film will be trying to make itself more like a 'horror' zombie film, and we know Leon, Chris, and Rebecca will star in it. It also seems they may want to, starting with the third CG Resident Evil film, attempt to make a bigger franchise out of the CG films, they claim apparently the film is being made with the idea to kickstart some on-going film thing that may run alongside the games if it's successful (the other two CG films did pretty alright).

Is she the person who voiced Claire in RE2?

And if so, has she learned how to act since then?

"There's a gun inside."

Yup, and she does better in Degeneration, no worries. She also voiced Claire in Darkside Chronicles/Code Veronica. Leon is Degeneration is also voiced by his RE4's/Darkside Chronicles VA. In Damnation, Leon is voiced by his RE6 actor (as is Ada).


Dusk Golem delivers again with deeper insights! Thanks for the great writeup. :)

So Damnation is the newer of the two films, huh?

I'm still a bit unclear on the timeline, though...

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Dusk Golem delivers again with deeper insights! Thanks for the great writeup. :)

So Damnation is the newer of the two films, huh?

I'm still a bit unclear on the timeline, though...

Degeneration takes place between RE4 and RE5 and released first (released before RE5 in late 2008 I believe).

Damnation takes place between RE5 and RE6 and released like a month and a half before RE6 released (September, 2012 I believe). It also seems to take place around the time when Claire's Revelations 2 scenario happens, since there's radios speaking in Russian in Revelations 2 that talk about the events happening in Damnation if translated (Revelations 2 takes place off the shore of Russia on an island, Damnation takes place in a fictional Russian country).

Both films have a small tie-in to RE5/RE6 towards the end of the films.

The third CG film is being handled by a different studio than what handled the first two CG films, and the Japanese press release mentions it's a sort of 'reboot' for the CG films, to try and make them their own sort of on-going story thing set in the game universe I suppose, but we'll see exactly what they mean by this later.


Completed Darkside Chronicles. Except the very last mission, the game is much easier than UC, at least on Easy.
The new plot mission is pretty much useless, but it's good having something new with two revisited missions (RE2 and CV).

Just a question: in RE5 there's a cutscene in which
Jill and Chris went to find Wesker, they fight and Jill felt with Wesker in a cliff, or something like that. This cutscene isn't in any game, right? Because some people say that cutscene is a reference to CV, but in CV there's nothing like that.


Some part of me wants them to do a small tie in to Resident Evil 7 at the end of the third CGI movie, if that movie happens to come before the game.

A little stinger at the end will suffice.


Well, I feel tempted to at least buy RE: Damnation

I've seen two scenes from it now: Tyrant vs. Lickers/Tank, and Ada vs. President

Both looked nice and were pretty darn cool


Just a question: in RE5 there's a cutscene in which
Jill and Chris went to find Wesker, they fight and Jill felt with Wesker in a cliff, or something like that. This cutscene isn't in any game, right? Because some people say that cutscene is a reference to CV, but in CV there's nothing like that.

it's from lost in nightmares, the prequel DLC for RE5 that tells what circumstances leading to the main game

imo it should've been part of the main game anyways but eh

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Some part of me wants them to do a small tie in to Resident Evil 7 at the end of the third CGI movie, if that movie happens to come before the game.

A little stinger at the end will suffice.

I've been curious as well. We know very little of the third CG film, just the animation studio change, some of the people behind it (which include this one manga writer, Kenji Kawai (the composer of Ghost in the Shell, Vampire Princess Miyu, and other works... He does great music), the director of the Ju-On/Grudge films (and a personal favorite film of mine, Marebito) is working on it, among others). We know it stars Leon, Chris, and Rebecca, and that it's apparently trying to be more of a horror film than the previous two CG films, and more in-line as a movie stylized like a zombie movie.

We have this one piece of concept art for the film:

And the Japanese press release mentions along with the bigger focus on more being a 'zombie horror film' that the film is sort of a 'reboot' for the CG films, as in they want to make it the first of a potential series of films, from the sounds of it.

But no word if it'll tie in directly to the RE7, or even word if it's canon to the games (though one would assume so like the previous two). The other thing we know is that the film will be releasing next January, so I guess we'll learn more about it this year. It's almost 100% likely we'll see a lot more of the film at Tokyo Game Show at least (and maybe even before then).


Dusk Golem delivers again with deeper insights! Thanks for the great writeup. :)

So Damnation is the newer of the two films, huh?

I'm still a bit unclear on the timeline, though...

Did someone say timeline?!

BIO HAZARD The Wicked North Sea (1998)
Resident Evil 0 (July 23, 1998 - July 24, 1998)
Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles - Beginnings  (July 24, 1998)
Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles - Nightmare (July 24, 1998)
Resident Evil (July 24, 1998 - July 25, 1998)
Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles - Rebirth  (July 25, 1998)
Resident Evil: Outbreak - Outbreak (September 23, 1998)
Resident Evil: Outbreak - Hellfire (September 23, 1998)
Resident Evil: Outbreak File #2 - wild things (September 24, 1998)
Resident Evil: Outbreak File #2 - underbelly (September 25, 1998)
Resident Evil: Outbreak - The Hive (September 26, 1998)
Resident Evil: Outbreak - Below Freezing Point (September 27, 1998)
Resident Evil: Outbreak File #2 - flashback (September 27, 1998)
Resident Evil: Outbreak File #2 - desperate times (September 27, 1998)
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (September 27, 1998 - October 1, 1998)
Resident Evil 2 (September 29, 1998 - September 30, 1998)
The 4th Survivor (September 30, 1998)
Resident Evil: Outbreak - Decisions, Decisions (October 1, 1998)
Resident Evil: Outbreak File #2 - end of the road (October 1, 1998)
Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles - Death's Door (October 1, 1998)
Resident Evil Survivor (November 25, 1998 - November 26, 1998)
Resident Evil CODE: Veronica X (December 17, 1998 - December 28, 1998)
Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles - Operation Javier (2002)
Resident Evil: Dead Aim (September 23, 2002)
BIOHAZARD Umbrella Chronicles ~Prelude to the Fall~ (2003)
Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles - Umbrella's End (February 18, 2003)
Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles - Dark Legacy (February 18, 2003)
Resident Evil: Revelations - Terragrigia Panic (2004)
Resident Evil 4 (Autumn, 2004)
separate ways (Autumn, 2004)
Resident Evil: Revelations (2005)
Resident Evil: Degeneration (November, 2005)
Lost in Nightmares (August, 2006)
Resident Evil 5 (March 5, 2009 - March 7, 2009)
Desperate Escape (March 6, 2009 - March 7, 2009)
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Claire - Episode 1: Penal Colony (Early 2011)
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Claire - Episode 2: Contemplation (Early 2011)
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Claire - Episode 3: Judgment (Early 2011)
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Claire - Episode 4: Metamorphosis (Early 2011)
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Extra Episode 1: The Struggle (Early-Mid 2011)
Resident Evil: Damnation (Early 2011)
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Extra Episode 2: Little Miss (Mid 2011)
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Barry - Episode 1: Penal Colony (Mid 2011)
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Barry - Episode 2: Contemplation (Mid 2011)
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Barry - Episode 3: Judgment (Mid 2011)
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Barry - Episode 4: Metamorphosis (Mid 2011)
Resident Evil: The Marhawa Desire (Early 2012)
Resident Evil 6 - Chris' Story (December 24, 2012 - July 1, 2013)
Resident Evil 6 - Jake's Story (December 24, 2012 - July 1, 2013)
Resident Evil 6 - Ada's Story (June 27, 2013 - July 1, 2013)
Resident Evil 6 - Leon's Story (June 29, 2013 - July 1, 2013)
BIOHAZARD heavenly island (2014)
Umbrella Corps (2015)

... I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me.

it's from lost in nightmares, the prequel DLC for RE5 that tells what circumstances leading to the main game

imo it should've been part of the main game anyways but eh

From what interviews before the game came out imply, it was meant to be in the game in some extent. They might have cut out what they had, extended it and sold it as DLC.


it's from lost in nightmares, the prequel DLC for RE5 that tells what circumstances leading to the main game

imo it should've been part of the main game anyways but eh

Lol, I also played that years ago on PS3 when Sony gave the Gold Edition, I don't remember it. I only remember the push-that-rock section with Chris.

Looking to get Umbrella/Darkside Chronicles. You guys recommend the Wii or PS3 versions?

Of course PS3 version for improved graphics.


huh, that timeline makes me realize something else that separates re6 in tone drastically from other REs besides the lack of generally connected small area

the game takes place over a really long time span, meaning there's a significant loss of tension through a bunch of passed time off screen for characters you are following

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Did someone say timeline?!

BIO HAZARD The Wicked North Sea (1998)
Resident Evil 0 (July 23, 1998 - July 24, 1998)
Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles - Beginnings  (July 24, 1998)
Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles - Nightmare (July 24, 1998)
Resident Evil (July 24, 1998 - July 25, 1998)
Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles - Rebirth  (July 25, 1998)
Resident Evil: Outbreak - Outbreak (September 23, 1998)
Resident Evil: Outbreak - Hellfire (September 23, 1998)
Resident Evil: Outbreak File #2 - wild things (September 24, 1998)
Resident Evil: Outbreak File #2 - underbelly (September 25, 1998)
Resident Evil: Outbreak - The Hive (September 26, 1998)
Resident Evil: Outbreak - Below Freezing Point (September 27, 1998)
Resident Evil: Outbreak File #2 - flashback (September 27, 1998)
Resident Evil: Outbreak File #2 - desperate times (September 27, 1998)
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (September 27, 1998 - October 1, 1998)
Resident Evil 2 (September 29, 1998 - September 30, 1998)
The 4th Survivor (September 30, 1998)
Resident Evil: Outbreak - Decisions, Decisions (October 1, 1998)
Resident Evil: Outbreak File #2 - end of the road (October 1, 1998)
Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles - Death's Door (October 1, 1998)
Resident Evil Survivor (November 25, 1998 - November 26, 1998)
Resident Evil CODE: Veronica X (December 17, 1998 - December 28, 1998)
Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles - Operation Javier (2002)
Resident Evil: Dead Aim (September 23, 2002)
BIOHAZARD Umbrella Chronicles ~Prelude to the Fall~ (2003)
Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles - Umbrella's End (February 18, 2003)
Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles - Dark Legacy (February 18, 2003)
Resident Evil: Revelations - Terragrigia Panic (2004)
Resident Evil 4 (Autumn, 2004)
separate ways (Autumn, 2004)
Resident Evil: Revelations (2005)
Resident Evil: Degeneration (November, 2005)
Lost in Nightmares (August, 2006)
Resident Evil 5 (March 5, 2009 - March 7, 2009)
Desperate Escape (March 6, 2009 - March 7, 2009)
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Claire - Episode 1: Penal Colony (Early 2011)
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Claire - Episode 2: Contemplation (Early 2011)
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Claire - Episode 3: Judgment (Early 2011)
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Claire - Episode 4: Metamorphosis (Early 2011)
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Extra Episode 1: The Struggle (Early-Mid 2011)
Resident Evil: Damnation (Early 2011)
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Extra Episode 2: Little Miss (Mid 2011)
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Barry - Episode 1: Penal Colony (Mid 2011)
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Barry - Episode 2: Contemplation (Mid 2011)
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Barry - Episode 3: Judgment (Mid 2011)
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Barry - Episode 4: Metamorphosis (Mid 2011)
Resident Evil: The Marhawa Desire (Early 2012)
Resident Evil 6 - Chris' Story (December 24, 2012 - July 1, 2013)
Resident Evil 6 - Jake's Story (December 24, 2012 - July 1, 2013)
Resident Evil 6 - Ada's Story (June 27, 2013 - July 1, 2013)
Resident Evil 6 - Leon's Story (June 29, 2013 - July 1, 2013)
BIOHAZARD heavenly island (2014)
Umbrella Corps (2015)

... I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me.

From what interviews before the game came out imply, it was meant to be in the game in some extent. They might have cut out what they had, extended it and sold it as DLC.

Only thing I may change on the timeline is a bit more detailed list of how RE6's timeline works (since the chapters can be set-up in a chronological way pretty easily), and Resident Evil: Gun Survivor 2, despite being incredibly unimportant, is in fact canon, and takes place immediately after Code Veronica (as it's a dream Claire is having after the events of Code Veronica). If I recall, Gun Survivor 2 though mostly unimportant does contain some small details that are considered canon, since there are minor things in it that expand on elements of Code Veronica.

Only other thing I might add, but is totally optional since it plays no importance to anything but hasn't been contradicted either, would be BIOHAZARD 4D-EXECUTER, which was written by Flagship who had done writing for other main entries in the series. It's completely unimportant in every way, but since the main writer behind it did also aid with RE2, The Wicked North Sea, Resident Evil Survivor, Code Veronica, and Dead Aim, I think it might as well be canon, especially as it doesn't contradict anything else either.


Only thing I may change on the timeline is a bit more detailed list of how RE6's timeline works (since the chapters can be set-up in a chronological way pretty easily), and Resident Evil: Gun Survivor 2, despite being incredibly unimportant, is in fact canon, and takes place immediately after Code Veronica (as it's a dream Claire is having after the events of Code Veronica).

Only other thing I might add, but is totally optional since it plays no importance to anything but hasn't been contradicted either, would be BIOHAZARD 4D-EXECUTER, which was written by Flagship who had done writing for other main entries in the series. It's completely unimportant in every way, but since the main writer behind it did also aid with RE2, The Wicked North Sea, Resident Evil Survivor, Code Veronica, and Dead Aim, I think it might as well be canon, especially as it doesn't contradict anything else either.

It's been a while since I've played RE6 so I don't remember how the distribution of the Chapters per day, unfortunately.

I think it was
  • Jake Chapter 1 (December 24, 2012)
  • Chris Chapter 2 (December 24, 2012 - December 25, 2012)
  • Jake Chapter 2 (December 24, 2012 - December 25, 2012)
  • Ada Chapter 1 (June 27, 2013)
  • Leon Chapter 1 (June 29, 2013)
  • Leon Chapter 2 (June 29, 2013)
  • Ada Chapter 2 (June 29, 2013 - June 30, 2013)
  • Leon Chapter 3 (June 29, 2013 - June 30, 2013)
  • Chris Chapter 1 (June 30, 2013)
  • Jake Chapter 3 (June 30, 2013)
  • Chris Chapter 3 (June 30, 2013)
  • Jake Chapter 4 (June 30, 2013 - July 1, 2013)
  • Leon Chapter 4 (June 30, 2013 - July 1, 2013)
  • Chris Chapter 4 (June 30, 2013 - July 1, 2013)
  • Jake Chapter 5 (July 1, 2013)
  • Chris Chapter 5 (July 1, 2013)
  • Ada Chapter 5 (July 1, 2013)
  • Leon Chapter 5 (July 1, 2013)
With Ada Chapter 3 & 4 thrown in there somewhere? This is from memory, so I'm not sure? I need to replay the game...
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