Wasn't one of the movies set in Japan? It wouldn't be the first time they've influenced the games.
It's the crossover we've all been waiting for.
Resident Evil x High School of the Dead
Wasn't one of the movies set in Japan? It wouldn't be the first time they've influenced the games.
Iirc the last film had a facility that had a Japan simulation. Don't recall if the Japanese office was ever shown. In-game, Chicago and Paris offices were frequently mentioned, but no outbreaks.
Marhawa and Heavenly Island are out too iirc. Hopefully it does indeed tie into RE7.
heavenly island takes place in the South American islands, Sonido de Tortuga and Zanahoria.
You mean you've never heard of the famous 「TURTLE SOUND」 and 「CARROT」 islands?WHAT THE FUCK CAPCOM
You mean you've never heard of the famous 「TURTLE SOUND」and 「CARROT」 islands?
REmake, RE2, RE3, RECV, RE0, RE4, RE5, Revelations, RE 6, Revelations 2Soooo, say I've never finished a Resident Evil game before. I own a majority of them and can get my hands on the rest in their remastered forms (except 2 and 3, I'd have to play the PSX versions of those). What order should I play them in? 1-6 and then the spinoffs?
Soooo, say I've never finished a Resident Evil game before. I own a majority of them and can get my hands on the rest in their remastered forms (except 2 and 3, I'd have to play the PSX versions of those). What order should I play them in? 1-6 and then the spinoffs?
Soooo, say I've never finished a Resident Evil game before. I own a majority of them and can get my hands on the rest in their remastered forms (except 2 and 3, I'd have to play the PSX versions of those). What order should I play them in? 1-6 and then the spinoffs?
Jawmuncher recommends skipping RE4, note the time
If you've seriously never played any RE game before like it was my case just last year playing them in that order would spoilIt's best to just play them in release order. Though you can move some thing's around. Since the series mainline is more or less in order outside 0-Remake and the Revelation games.
RE1 (if you want)
RE: Revelations 2
Some stuff like 0 or the Revelations games work better if you play them in release order, because of the way they use plot points from the games chronologically after them.
Having said this:
RE0 (optional)
RE1 (optional)
RE: Degeneration movie (optional)
RE5 (make sure to play the DLC, or at least Lost in Nightmares)
RE: Revelations
RE: Damnation movie (optional)
RE: Revelations 2
There's two games and two movies you can skip unless you really want to get the full RE experience.
Isn't Revelations 1 pretty optional as well?
RE5 launching on June 28th http://www.famitsu.com/news/201605/31107032.html
The highlight of the release is the new "The Mercenaries United" (YEEEES! Capcom heard my prayers... lol) mixing The Mercenaries with The Mercenaries Reunion characters.
RE5 launching on June 28th http://www.famitsu.com/news/201605/31107032.html
The highlight of the release is the new "The Mercenaries United" (YEEEES! Capcom heard my prayers... lol) mixing The Mercenaries with The Mercenaries Reunion characters.
RE5 launching on June 28th http://www.famitsu.com/news/201605/31107032.html
The highlight of the release is the new "The Mercenaries United" (YEEEES! Capcom heard my prayers... lol) mixing The Mercenaries with The Mercenaries Reunion characters.
Woo! That's fucking amazing. Wonder if this applies to Versus as well?
Will this have No Mercy for Mercenaries?
RE5 launching on June 28th http://www.famitsu.com/news/201605/31107032.html
The highlight of the release is the new "The Mercenaries United" (YEEEES! Capcom heard my prayers... lol) mixing The Mercenaries with The Mercenaries Reunion characters.
The pride is back
So, after recently going through 6 once again and finally having the pleasure of experiencing Revelations 2, there's some lingering questions.
What is the basis of the C Virus to allow it to do so many different things? I mean:
- C-Virus aerosol dispersal creates zombies and their mutations
- C-Virus injections creates J'avo
- C-Virus Improved strain injections supposedly create advanced mutations like the Napads...but so does apparently mutation through trauma on J'avo? Advanced mutations seem like a roulette wheel of chance, with their forms based on....what? What makes a Napad hatch rather than Strelats or Gnezdo (latter could be female host, but never see this in-game iirc).
- Can be used to create/incubate a 'clone' from the DNA of an individual(?) introduced while a host is in the chrysilid state(?)
- Further "improved" strain causes severe mutations (
) that vary greatly.Simmons, Carla
Opposed to T, G, T-V, Plagas, and Uroboros, C-Virus feels like the equivalent of a broad superhero. It/They can do whatever the writer wants to happen, rather than having the single direction and clear/reasoned stages of the others.
REv2 (+6):
How are these mind/personality transfers (RE6:; REv2:Ada to Carla) being done. Yes, the Chrysalid/C-Virus is a factor in 6 and there's an incubation machine (+ something to do with T-Phobos) in REv2, but how it's being achieved doesn't really get touched on in any in-game or post-game documents or dialogue.Alex to Natalia
I did find it amusing/ironic thatin REv2 is doing something very similar, in a much smaller time frame, to what Alexia was attempting to achieve in RECV. Do we know much more on whatAlexwas exposed to with Umbrella, or is the island in REv2 the extent known?Alex
My first post here, I'm a relatively new fan since I've only played most of the series for the first time this year. Just have 0 and CV left then I've beaten all the main canon titles I think. Will do 0 next but I tried it earlier this year and I'm really not looking forward to dealing with dumber AI than RE5 lol.
My first post here, I'm a relatively new fan since I've only played most of the series for the first time this year. Just have 0 and CV left then I've beaten all the main canon titles I think. Will do 0 next but I tried it earlier this year and I'm really not looking forward to dealing with dumber AI than RE5 lol.
So, after recently going through 6 once again and finally having the pleasure of experiencing Revelations 2, there's some lingering questions.
Yes, the C-Virus has very broad effects compared to the t-, G-, t+G and t-Veronica viruses to allow the writers bigger freedomRE6:
What is the basis of the C Virus to allow it to do so many different things? I mean:
- C-Virus aerosol dispersal creates zombies and their mutations
- C-Virus injections creates J'avo
- C-Virus Improved strain injections supposedly create advanced mutations like the Napads...but so does apparently mutation through trauma on J'avo? Advanced mutations seem like a roulette wheel of chance, with their forms based on....what? What makes a Napad hatch rather than Strelats or Gnezdo (latter could be female host, but never see this in-game iirc).
- Can be used to create/incubate a 'clone' from the DNA of an individual(?) introduced while a host is in the chrysilid state(?)
- Further "improved" strain causes severe mutations (
) that vary greatly.Simmons, Carla
Opposed to T, G, T-V, Plagas, and Uroboros, C-Virus feels like the equivalent of a broad superhero. It/They can do whatever the writer wants to happen, rather than having the single direction and clear/reasoned stages of the others.
REv2 (+6):
How are these mind/personality transfers (RE6:; REv2:Ada to Carla) being done? Yes, the Chrysalid/C-Virus is a factor in 6 and there's an incubation machine (+ something to do with T-Phobos) in REv2, but how it's being achieved doesn't really get touched on in any in-game or post-game documents or dialogue.Alex to Natalia
I did find it amusing/ironic thatin REv2 is doing something very similar, in a much smaller time frame, to what Alexia was attempting to achieve in RECV. Do we know much more on whatAlexwas exposed to with Umbrella, or is the island in REv2 the extent known?Alex
Another interview, this time with Yasuhiro Anpo and Yoshiaki "H" Hirabayashi
Can't wait to watch some footage of REmake2 and a trailer of 7
I have assumed that initially the Weskers were all exposed to the same viral regimen. Something that killed almost all of the subjects? So Albert and Alex both could withstand these experiments, and this made them special.
I didn't realize that Heavenly Island had been translated, but it looks like at least some of it has been (I found it while typing this post). It's set after RE6, but it is a tie-in to REV2.... I'm going to go read it and then come back--I've heard it's good background on REV2 (and possibly RE6 as well).
Hi, I'm not News Bot, but I'm here to attempt to answer your questions!
Yes, the C-Virus has very broad effects compared to the t-, G-, t+G and t-Veronica viruses to allow the writers bigger freedom. The in-universe justification is that the C-Virus is based on the t-Veronica and the mutated G-Virus found in Sherry, as well as the study of the Plagas parasites. The C-Virus rewrites the genetic information of the victim with the genetic information set in the virus. This is based on the G-Virus' rapid and adaptive mutations. The insect-like mutations and chrysalid structures (which gives it it's name), as well as the retained intelligence and obedience, are based on the t-Veronica.for arsepulls
Direct injection with the virus results in a J'avo, which can later mutate further, eventually enter the Chrysalid state. However, more concentrated doses result in a direct move into Chrysalid state. Once in Chrysalid state, the mutations from it are seemingly random, though the result might be from the particular DNA set into the virus. This is why Carla exists, as she was given the genetic information of Ada Wong.
The C-virus does not create zombies directly, these are created by the Lepotitsa, which are based on the unique C-Virus mutation of Nanan Yoshihara (from The Marhawa Desire).
As for the super mutations, those are just enormous pulls for cool boss fights. The wild mutations that Carla, Simmons and Piers undergo are from a super special strain of the C-Virus, of which there are 3 injections. The mutations just very wildly because they vary by the individual and may or may not be a result of their mental state.
The "personality transfers" are completely different, one involved the use of the C-Virus' transformation and mind altering capabilities while the other involved an actual machine that imprinted memories on another body. The t-Phobos was not, in fact, directly involved in the process of the transfer, and was merely a means to weed out the weak-willed and (theoretically) achieve adaptive mutations similar to Albert's for Alex's new body, as seen in the bad ending. Supposedly (running theory by News Bot, at least, and who am I to say otherwise) those who adapt to the t-Phobos (goes red but don't mutate) are special or something? I dunno.
Interesting. I wonder who the director of Remake 2 will be. I thought it was going to end with them announcing Anpo would do it but seems like he has another role on the project.
Hirabayashi and Anpo discuss Resident Evil 2 remake, among other things:
So, both of them will be involved in the project, but they won't have directorial duties on it. Apparently the director of the remake will be announced in the next interview.
EDIT: Beaten like Kenneth.
"Skipping over even a single door animation would make the pacing too fast for the player."
Is there a nice polite way of stating that I want to repeatedly slap this person with an extremely large pineapple?
"Skipping over even a single door animation would make the pacing too fast for the player."
Is there a nice polite way of stating that I want to repeatedly slap this person with an extremely large pineapple?
Didn't you already mod away the door animations? What more do you want!?
Well, I just ordered the first three volumes of The Marhawa Desire. Should be fun.
EDIT: I like the door animations myself, but I'm curious: has anyone calculated (roughly) how much time door animations add to a run?
Door animations are exactly 7 seconds long in REmake and RE0. Not completely sure how much time would be spent looking at door animations during a normal playthrough, but I figure it would be at least 1-2 hours. I know for a good REmake speedrun lasting around 90 minutes, 30 minutes of that is spent looking at doors.
The origins of the Wesker Project is familiar to me, but it would have been nice to see what Alex' relation is to Umbrella's history after seeing how involved Albert was. Especially the echoes to what Alexia Ashford set out to do.
God, I really hope that RE2make's door animations (if it has them) are short and/or skippable. REmaster and RE0 HD reminded me how annoying they get in repeat playthroughs.It's the first time I've seen the developers explain why they decided to keep the door animations. And it's triggering the part of me who wants to throw pineapple at people. It's also a little bit worrying for RE2 remake. But I'll be baffled if they decide to give that game equally long unskippable door animations.
Door animations are exactly 7 seconds long in REmake and RE0. Not completely sure how much time would be spent looking at door animations during a normal playthrough, but I figure it would be at least 1-2 hours. I know for a good REmake speedrun lasting around 90 minutes, 30 minutes of that is spent looking at doors.