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Resident Evil Community |OT2| Best Fans Ever!

I can affirm as a rabid horror and co-op enthusiast there's nothing really like Outbreak on the market. The closet that comes to it is the ObsCure games (and notable those don't have online).

If you have very many horror action-adventure co-op games in the vein of Resident Evil: Outbreak to show me, then I'd love to see them.

As an abide to mechanically, Outbreak did a few things I think the "It's the same as X" is undermining. I mean, ignoring that there's a ton of games like X in every industry and this same argument we're having could be had for any Resident Evil title when it comes to taste, Outbreak did feature a few mechanics that differentiated it from the rest of the series. Nothing major, but notable. The most obvious ones being the infection rate system, the randomization/unlock system tied to this, and featuring a more robust item inventory system and character skill set to match with Resident Evil's limited inventory management system. Everyone will have their own faults and all, but I think trying to simplify it to, "Oh yeah, there's tons of games just like Outbreak and Outbreak does absolutely nothing special outside of having a RE skin," is too huge a generalization.

And if there's a ton of games that can give me the exact experience I have dove hours into digging into and do have a craving for, IE. the classic survival-horror or very similar type game with online co-op, or even just co-op functionality, I'd love to hear about it. There's less than a handful of games out there with that sort of set-up than I think many believe there are sometimes.

System Shock 2 had different classes to play as with their own skills too.


System Shock 2 had different classes to play as with their own skills too.

This is like comparing apples (FPS RPGs) to oranges (Action-Adventure games).

Plus SS2's co-op play was extremely half-assed since the game wasn't even built for it in the first place. Ken Levine even admitted as much in an interview a few years back.


It could also just be RE2 rather then 7.

The game started its development last year, there's no way it'll be ready to released within next year (unless you want a half-assed budged game). We will be lucky if we get a proper announcement trailer, or even a glimpse on the gameplay this year.
This is like comparing apples (FPS RPGs) to oranges (Action-Adventure games).

Plus SS2's co-op play was extremely half-assed since the game wasn't even built for it in the first place. Ken Levine even admitted as much in an interview a few years back.

The co-op was fine, he just thinks it ruins his vision of the game and the solo players experience, the publisher demanded it be added. First person camera doesn't change the genre.



The 4 million to me seems like it would be RE7. It's their biggest IP and the only other property that consistently sells that high.

Yeah, definitely. Nothing but the next mainline RE would realistically sell anywhere near 4 million.

I assume the 2 million title is Deep Down.


Does his best thinking in the flying car

The 4 million to me seems like it would be RE7. It's their biggest IP and the only other property that consistently sells that high.

Yup, has to be. I'm assuming RE2 (besides starting too late) is a product targeted more towards the Revelations crowd, and could never hit those numbers.

News Bot

Project Umbrella staff member Welsh recently dumped the text of the English and Japanese versions of Umbrella Chronicles. There is some unused material. The two major finds thus far are scrapped ending dialogue and an unused scenario featuring Leon. These two plot points are actually written on the SIDE A & SIDE B novel adaptations of the game's story. Wesker steals a "perfect t-Virus" sample just before fighting Sergei, and Sergei is written as shooting at Leon from the helicopter that drops the Tyrants.

WESKER: The total summation of all viral weaponry. The perfect strain of the t-Virus. The last achievement of a dying Umbrella. The first step will be to flood the black market with it, filling the world with the fear of bio-terrorism. That is where the next step in my plan will begin.

For comparison, this is what he says in the final ending.

WESKER: "Soon, Umbrella will be completely dissolved. While they obtained the trump card of the t-Virus, they couldn't find a useful purpose... That was their limitation. But I'm different. Anyone would realize the true victor."

Both pieces of dialogue hint at the Uroboros story in BIO5, but the final version is more mysterious. This is Wesker's seizure of the t-Virus detailed in the SIDE A novel. It isn't featured in UC outside of this scrapped dialogue.

There he stood at the door and entered a corridor at the end of which he found himself in front of a door with an electronic locking mechanism. An ID card was required. Wesker fired for a long time at the door lock until it was completely destroyed. He then opened the door. In the space that opened up before him, a large quantity of breeding boxes were stored in great numbers. Wesker of course knew that the virus material was stored here. He surveyed the interior of the room which was very dimly lit, this was to minimize the harmful influence of light upon the virus. He found a storage container for experimental viruses that was secred by a lock. Wesker unlocked it

"Unauthorized intruder!"

A warning announcement sounded, and red lights began flashing. Completely unimpressed, Wesker opened the door of the conatiner and took a capsule that was marked with a 'T'. He tucked it carefully into his inside pocket, and stepped back through the door. He then turned towards his final destination, the space in which his arch enemy lay in wait.

Leon's scrapped scenario was meant to be a short introduction to BIO2 and would establish how he met Ada, in order to serve as a prologue to Death's Door. Here is the scenario's complete transcript.

LEON: That was the worst day of my life. I was late, and my only welcoming party was a town infested with zombies. I met a girl named Claire and together we fled into the police station. We decided to split up to look for survivors.

CLAIRE: Is someone there? HELP!!!

OLD MAN: Except for Brian, the R.P.D. have been taken care of. Make sure you find him. The world can't know about his relationship to us.

SERGEI: Look at the young cowboy! Feel pain. What the!?

OLD MAN: Sergei. It's time.


ADA: Sorry, but when I saw the uniform I thought you were another zombie.

LEON: Who are you?

ADA: Ada. Ada Wong.

LEON: Ada Wong... Interesting how one chance encounter can alter the course of a person's life forever. The worst day of my life was just getting started.

This is the same scenario as detailed in the SIDE B novel. It matches up exactly with the above and ends at the same point. However, while there are no further BIO2 scenarios in UC, the novel contains the full story similar to Darkside Chronicles. So it seems that it was either scrapped at a very early stage or they only wanted Leon and Ada's introduction with Sergei's involvement.


Leon S. Kennedy was having what we would call a very bad day. At precisely the same time as Raccoon City was transformed into a hell on earth - the young policeman was about to take up his first ever shift with the Raccoon City Police Department.

Even just the night before he had been standing under an unlucky star. Through sheer stress and nervousness he could simply not get to sleep. It was only towards the early hours of the morning had he managed to doze off. And of course, his morning alarm clock had just to give up the ghost and die. The terrible punishment for this delay would be waiting for him practically outside his own front door; a city full of zombies. Raccoon City was populated by hordes of the living dead. Thus, Leon had had to fight his way through to the police station through hordes of monsters. On his way he met a young woman named Claire who was searching for her missing brother. His name was Chris Redfield, and was one of the elite police officers for the RCPD. Even for her it had been a rough day.

Leon had promised Claire to help find her brother, but before they could think too far ahead they had been forced to separate. As soon as Leon arrived at the police headquarters, he found that it too had been transformed into a nest of zombies. Whilst searching for Claire, whom he had arranged to meet at the police headquarters, Leon was looking around the ground floor of the building. But he could find neither Claire nor any other survivors. He then worked his way up until he reached the roof of the building.

Leon probably owed his survival to the fact that he had found plenty of weapons, which he had found in the building and taken himself. After a fruitless search of the flat roof of the police station, he heard a cry from the road below him. The young policeman threw a glance downward. Zombies and zombie dogs attacked several people running round in hopeless panic. Leon took out his M16 Ge-Defence from his back and took aim at his targets. He was quite used to shooting whilst standing and he was an excellent marksman. The young policeman fired. Next to the creature, the bullet drilled into the asphalt of the road. Leon corrected the settings of the scope and fired a second shot. One of the zombies was hurled backwards and collapsed. More targets were fired at and it was as if an invisible hand was knocking all the zombies down on the road below. The young policeman did not waste ammunition, every shot knocked one of the zombies stone dead.

Suddenly a shot rang out in the distance, and at almost the same moment Leon felt a burning pain on his right cheek. He touched the spot and saw bright red blood on his fingers. Someone was shooting at him. He quickly looked around and again another shot rang out. Shards of the concrete floor on the flat roof flew up in the air right next to him. Leon tried to identify the direction from which the shots were coming from. His eyes wandered upwards and above him a helicopter was circling. With the helicopter looking down on him on the flat room, Leon was a perfect target for it.

Leon ran towards the staircase and made his way down. He pulled his pistol from his holster and shouldered the rifle. Here, inside the building, a long-ranged weapon was clearly at a disadvantage. Taking the direct route, he reached the ground floor and stormed back through the entrance hall. But there was not a soul to be seen. Only dead bodies, which trudged throughout the area.
Leon wondered who had shot at him from the helicopter. Hard to believe that zombies were in the helicopter. Incredulous, the young policeman shook his head. That would just be too much. As he gasped for breath, his mind raced. But the longer he thought about it, the less likely it seemed that he would come to a conclusion. Finally, he brushed this thought aside and went down to the parking garage in the basement, for this area had not yet been searched.

Carefully, and holding his gun at the ready, Leon looked around. Fortunately, there seemed to be no zombies roaming around down here. Suddenly, a shot rang out and the projectile buried itself in the pillar next to him. Leon turned around and saw a strikingly attractive woman with an exotic face. She stared back at him with anxious eyes. This was the first encounter between Leon and Ada.
Yup, has to be. I'm assuming RE2 (besides starting too late) is a product targeted more towards the Revelations crowd, and could never hit those numbers.

Why would REmake2 never hit 4 million units? At least two healthy platforms, retail release, and giving a damn in marketing it would be an easy target to reach.

RE5 and RE6 didn't sell themselves.

Edit: Not saying that REmake2 is the mystery title there or anywhere in that figure. It's too far out to be there.
I was wishfully thinking REMake 2 might be the 2 million dollar seller giving REmake HD's numbers... It is very anticipated to say the least. I'm sure it's different game though.


Project Umbrella staff member Welsh recently dumped the text of the English and Japanese versions of Umbrella Chronicles. There is some unused material. The two major finds thus far are scrapped ending dialogue and an unused scenario featuring Leon. These two plot points are actually written on the SIDE A & SIDE B novel adaptations of the game's story. Wesker steals a "perfect t-Virus" sample just before fighting Sergei, and Sergei is written as shooting at Leon from the helicopter that drops the Tyrants.

For comparison, this is what he says in the final ending.

Both pieces of dialogue hint at the Uroboros story in BIO5, but the final version is more mysterious. This is Wesker's seizure of the t-Virus detailed in the SIDE A novel. It isn't featured in UC outside of this scrapped dialogue.

Leon's scrapped scenario was meant to be a short introduction to BIO2 and would establish how he met Ada, in order to serve as a prologue to Death's Door. Here is the scenario's complete transcript.

This is the same scenario as detailed in the SIDE B novel. It matches up exactly with the above and ends at the same point. However, while there are no further BIO2 scenarios in UC, the novel contains the full story similar to Darkside Chronicles. So it seems that it was either scrapped at a very early stage or they only wanted Leon and Ada's introduction with Sergei's involvement.

Yo, that's super interesting! I wonder why those were scrapped...


I was wishfully thinking REMake 2 might be the 2 million dollar seller giving REmake HD's numbers... It is very anticipated to say the least. I'm sure it's different game though.

I still have a feeling REmake 2 isn't going to be a big title. I see them going the Revelations route and making it a $40 dollar title. The whole reason it more than likely got greenlighted was aside from the REHD success, was that they could do it for cheap. Which really for that style game should be easily done.
Less than a month for E3!! hopefully we hear something related to the franchise there. Not really a fan of Umbrella Corps at all, such a bad way to celebrate the 20th anniversary IMO

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
A small thing to mention, in Capcom's sales reports they announced that since Resident Evil Zero HD released 4 months ago, it has sold over 800,000 units. It mentions digital sales with that number, so I also don't think this includes sales of the physical copies of Resident Evil Origins Collection. I'll be honest, that's more than I was expecting, and is a good sign hopefully Capcom will invest more into the classics. With this news, they also reaffirmed they're working on a full remake of Resident Evil 2.

Glad Zero did pretty good, it means it won't be the thing to hold Capcom back from trying more older-styled RE's like some feared with the HD remaster. I also am going to make a prediction that since REmake HD did better than they expected, and Zero did pretty good, if REmake 2 hits it out of the park there is a slim chance Capcom might attempt to make more classic-styled RE's, as they would take less of a budget and time frame to make than the more action-y RE's, and if there's a market for them they'll probably make them. To be seen of course and this is hypothetical, but it's the first real chance of something like this happening in years as it has to do with better than expected sales and reception to classic survival-horror Resident Evil games.


I wasn't expecting Zero to do that well either - even with being a more substantial reworking than REmake HD, I had thought being a lower-profile game with less built-up goodwill would have worked against it more. Depending on how it's handled, I think the remake of 2 could achieve a surprising level of success.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Some minor updates on their upcoming titles as Capcom has released the Q&A: http://www.capcom.co.jp/ir/english/data/pdf/explanation/2015/full/explanation_2015_full_03.pdf

Here are two points I think are related to RE:

Q. Do you anticipate continuous sales into the next fiscal year for the planned 4 million unit title scheduled for this fiscal year?
A. While it is difficult to make a statement with specific figures, we are transitioning from a limited run business model to a continuous business model, and therefore do anticipate long-term earnings contributions.

Q. Can you provide details on revisions to the development roadmap in the Consumer business?
A. For games to be hits at the global level they must be high quality. To this end, as a result of judging it necessary to spend a little more time on the development and operation of titles that are not yet up to that standard, we have revised the development periods for a small number of titles. Rather than absolutely holding to sales periods or development deadlines, in the pursuit of quality that wholly satisfies our users we will carry out development that prioritizes completeness even if it requires some scheduling adjustments.

The 4 million copies sold title is totally RE again. The, "we are transitioning from a limited run business model to a continuous business model," is 100% what they've been doing with the Resident Evil franchise, they've been making port-able versions of all of the mainline RE games that can more easily be transferred onto future/current platforms. After the remake of RE2, the only RE's they need versions to be easily transferable to future platforms will be RE3 and Code Veronica, and notably every released mainline RE game outside of those two are available on all current platforms. I expect Resident Evil 7/REmake 2 are also being made to be on all current platforms and be able to be ported to future platforms much easier so Capcom can continuously release all the mainline RE games on every platform.

The second question and answer I think is a general thing, but almost 100% includes Resident Evil 7 with, "a small number of titles," already being effected to reach some content and quality threshold to become a hit. They originally said before RE6 released they wanted to make their development cycles less than 2 years, but here RE7 seems it won't be releasing until 4 years later, and Capcom said last October we'd be hearing RE7 news, "very soon," but here we are 7 months later and we still haven't heard anything. I suspect that RE7 saw some major changes and overhauls in development, and also is probably receiving particular polish, which should be interesting to see. and might be reasonable due to the response to RE6, where one of the most called flaws and one even Capcom acknowledged was it being bloated and not focused or as refined.

Just two things I thought I'd post here.


they've been making port-able versions of all of the mainline RE games that can more easily be transferred onto future/current platforms. After the remake of RE2, the only RE's they need versions to be easily transferable to future platforms will be RE3 and Code Veronica, and notably every released mainline RE game outside of those two are available on all current platforms.

Code Veronica already runs on MT Framework (the HD version) so it already is as port-able as any other last-gen CAPCOM's game. It does look outdated, but they can't really do anything about this outside of completely remaking it.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Thanks man.

It is very likely that RE7 was hit with a next gen 'makeover' (ala FFXV) after Capcom saw how fast the PS4/X1 took off.

It's a highly likely answer, and there's a chance they may have also decided to redo some things in true RE series development tradition. We won't know until we know, but obviously RE7 has taken them longer than I think they initially had planned for the title.

Code Veronica already runs on MT Framework (the HD version) so it already is as port-able as any other last-gen CAPCOM's game. It does look outdated, but they can't really do anything about this outside of completely remaking it.

Yup, with the PS3/360 version, but a note is Capcom seems to not be making that version of Code Veronica their 'main' version, and haven't released it off the last-gen platforms. With RE4 they ported at the same time, they did the Ultimate HD Edition of RE4 and did a number of changes to it (such as 60fps and some updated textures), and it seems it's that version they'll be using for future RE4 ports (like the upcoming PS4/Xbox One versions).

My guess is they want to do something similar with Code Veronica; since Code Veronica is completely in 3D and they already have a version ported in MT Frameworks, I would take a swing why they haven't ported it yet is they want to do a 'touch-up' remaster ala what they did with RE4, or maybe even REmake/Zero HD. I think it's fairly likely they may eventually announce an 'HD Remaster' of Code Veronica with updated models and textures, in the similar vein of what they've been doing recently with REmake/Zero HD, except as the full game is 3D already they can probably do more with it easily (but would be a good title to tackle after experiencing REmake/Zero HD as well).


I just remembered two things that were very endeering about RE Rev2. I played it co-op with a complete new RE player.

There was some kind of big square trolley in front of a bus door in a Claire/Moira section. My friend just took it as being all debris to block off the street, but playing older RE games, I new better. Cue the old 'shoulder push' animation. He was flipping out and I was in nostalgia overload.

The other part was a puzzel, where when we removed an object from a statue, which triggered a lowering spiked ceiling. Buddy is trying desperately to shoot another statue that holds a jewel and it looks like he does it, right before he gets spiked in the head. He was all 'how the hell do we get past this room?', I thought back to old-style RE puzzels, and said 'Hmm... lets crouch, and wait for the spikes to lower. I think the spikes will shatter the statue, giving us the jewel, and then we can quickly put the other object back into the other part of the statue to send the spikes back up.' Plan worked great.

I just found the difference in our reactions/thought processes as a new and an old RE fan to be strikingly different.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
This is being discussed on the Gaming side, but not in this topic, so will post it here.

Some tweet from Serkan Toto on Resident Evil 7 (rumor, but he's a sound source to my knowledge):



I will say people should temper expectations. Just because it's going back to root, the amount can vary. They've said the series would be doing that with 5 and 6.

So don't be surprised for RE7 to be announced and still have coop and TPS. I've been saying for awhile basically just expect RE5 again. It'll be dialed back but still a "action" game in a sense.

Sounds like RE6 combat might be dead though.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I will say people should temper expectations. Just because it's going back to root, the amount can vary. They've said the series would be doing that with 5 and 6.

So don't be surprised for RE7 to be announced and still have coop and TPS. I've been saying for awhile basically just expect RE5 again. It'll be dialed back but still a "action" game in a sense.

Sounds like RE6 combat might be dead though.

They actually never said this with RE5 and RE6, as I'm making the argument in the main topic. They did bring up the word horror, but always subdued it with something else. For RE6 for example, they claimed it would be an 'action-horror hybrid which they called Dramatic Horror.' <--Would be what they actually said and refereed to it.

This said, I don't trust Capcom's definition of horror, but I bet I'll like the game if it tries to be more horror even if it's not scary or anything. I would be fine with a more atmospheric action game, and I actually want it to have co-op, personally. Being a horror enthusiast, I do want stronger horror stuff though, obviously.


They actually never said this with RE5 and RE6, as I'm making the argument in the main topic. They did bring up the word horror, but always subdued it with something else. For RE6 for example, they claimed it would be an 'action-horror hybrid which they called Dramatic Horror.' <--Would be what they actually said and refereed to it.

This said, I don't trust Capcom's definition of horror, but I bet I'll like the game if it tries to be more horror even if it's not scary or anything. I would be fine with a more atmospheric action game, and I actually want it to have co-op, personally. Being a horror enthusiast, I do want stronger horror stuff though, obviously.

That's what I meant, Capcom likes to bring up horror and then it's basically nonexistent to most. I personally don't care. Resident Evil could become gears of war and I'd be fine. I'm not connected to the series for being horror or scary. I'm here for the characters and BOWs


I just hope it's not a full reboot with new characters. Love all the current characters.

After the backlash DmC received I really doubt Capcom would want to risk loosing fans or making them angry by rebooting their most successful series. They keep using the same characters (mainly Leon, Ada, Chris, Jill) over and over again for a reason.

If anything, I expect a soft reboot at most as the new generation of characters (Sherry, Jake, Moira) start replacing the old cast; or a completely new story set in the universe - something like RE4 - with current characters taking a back seat.


That's true and I prefer it to be more horror but that probably means the gameplay of 6 will be gone which I enjoyed a lot. Can't imagine them going back to their roots with 6 gameplay controls.


That's true and I prefer it to be more horror but that probably means the gameplay of 6 will be gone which I enjoyed a lot. Can't imagine them going back to their roots with 6 gameplay controls.

Still think people are taking back to roots too strong. It's going to be an action game, however will probably be a bit slower in pace and have more scary atmosphere. Maybe some light puzzles sprinkled in.

The RE6 combat style can still work in that, but I do expect it to be revised. With probably making it far more risk vs reward styled.
This is being discussed on the Gaming side, but not in this topic, so will post it here.

Some tweet from Serkan Toto on Resident Evil 7 (rumor, but he's a sound source to my knowledge):


Thanks for the news! Really glad to see that we'll know something about RE7 soon...

News Bot

I just hope it's not a full reboot with new characters. Love all the current characters.

The series storyline is currently up to 2015, with Heavenly Island still ongoing and Umbrella Corps yet to be released. They won't scrap it suddenly. I do expect new protagonists and the like, going back to basics.


Still think people are taking back to roots too strong. It's going to be an action game, however will probably be a bit slower in pace and have more scary atmosphere. Maybe some light puzzles sprinkled in.

The RE6 combat style can still work in that, but I do expect it to be revised. With probably making it far more risk vs reward styled.

I just hope they wont downgrade Combat just to get cheaply a more horror Like atmosphere, they already did that For Rev Series no need to involve mainline games too.


is there a single mainline re game where they didn't say they were 'going back to their horror roots'

i am like 100% certain they said that shit for re5 and re6 and well, uh

like, even rev1/2 are supposed to be 'horror centric' but they're pretty much just toned down action games with portable-based mechanics to suit that


is there a single mainline re game where they didn't say they were 'going back to their horror roots'

i am like 100% certain they said that shit for re5 and re6 and well, uh

like, even rev1/2 are supposed to be 'horror centric' but they're pretty much just toned down action games with portable-based mechanics to suit that

No. Capcom has never stated this for any game post-RE4.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I think what a lot of people are mistaking for the horror roots comment is three separate smaller things. Before Resident Evil 6 was officially revealed, there was a lot of rumors, none of them ended up being true. The most famous was a combo of a a teaser image, 'insider information', and this fake teaser trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzTR3ggWYmM

The rumor claimed that the world was becoming almost post-apocalyptic and would be returning to the, 'isolated, horror roots of the originals,' or something along those lines. This was all hogwash, however.

With Resident Evil Revelations 1, they talked about how they were going to make a survival-horror game that would appeal to newer fans, but notable they never said this was returning to the series roots, they just said the game would mix things from the newer and older games on handheld, and they think fans of the older games may appreciate it. For Revelations 2 they said a similar thing, but also talked a lot about testing the episodic format I quote Revelations 1 a bit ago, here's what they said on Revelations 2:

Q: Revelations 2 seems much slower paced than a lot of current Resident Evil titles and it harkens back to the series’ survival horror roots. Does its episodic structure allow you to make it a more initimate, old school horror game than if you were working on one of the franchise’s bigger titles?

A: If you break down the series’ history, Resident Evil 1-3 are the classic era and the titles that came after that kind of modernized the series. Some players prefer the classic era and others like both. You’re right in saying Revelations 2 is a kind of back to basics title in the series. It’s very much following on from the concept that was core in the first Revelations; we wanted to merge the more up-to-date feel of the gameplay in the franchise’s later entries with the classic horror atmosphere of the earlier titles.
Its episodic structure gives us the chance to unfold the story at a slower pace and take our time with it a bit more. It also allows us to concentrate on making the atmosphere more oppressive. The game has been designed to make just walking down a corridor with nothing there as creepy and inherently scary as possible. It’s a great experience to play the game in a dark room with headphones on!

"Revelations, the place where it lives in the pantheon of the Resident Evil franchise, it's sort of serves as a bridge," he said. "It's got the best of both worlds: We've got the more traditional horror elements ... and the gameplay of the post-Resident Evil 4, action-centric era. it strikes a nice balance between the two. We're definitely focusing on the horror, but it kind of lives between those two extremes. "

^IS what they said for Revelations 2, though Revelations 2 was arguably the Resident Evil game that most recalled to the classics in both literal and design terms since RE4, I say this since I don't think what they were saying there was a lie, even if it may not have gone as far as some people would of liked it to.

People also keep saying they said this for Resident Evil 5, but to show what they did say, they never said it was returning to series roots:

Q: When you're working on making a horror game, are there pinpoints -- or tenants -- that you use to create the proper horror experience?

I think one thing that sets Resident Evil apart from other games where shooting is very important is that you often can't see where the enemies are in our game. Often in more typical shooting games it is very important that you be able to see all your enemies so you can maintain a line of sight and shoot them. But because we're making a horror game, it's very important to us that you can't see everything that's going on. It's one of our most important horror elements.

Another element is this set of limits we impose. A good horror doesn't allow you to do all the things you want to do. That's not scary. So the obvious example from RE5 is that you can't move and shoot at the same time. By imposing that restriction on the player it creates the feeling of horror and tension in the game. Creating that feeling is very important to us.

^But to notably, this is in response to a question about the horror in RE5. They originally advertised RE5 in part to being overswarmed by angry mobs who mutate, and later begin to sell the co-op angle, but they were banking on RE4's success, not 'going back to the classics,' and talked far more about it interviews.

Also to clarify, a member of Capcom actually said the OPPOSITE before Resident Evil 6 released, so all those saying Capcom said RE6 was returning to the roots is silly:

Some long-time Resident Evil fans might long for the "good old days" of the franchise, when early games in the series were deliberately-paced, nerve-wracking explorations into a "world of survival horror." Today, the series' emphasis is on action that rarely lets up.

But while there are those who'd love to see a return to classic Resident Evil gameplay, the market for that style -- "survival horror" -- just isn't viable enough to warrant the biggest investments, Capcom's Resident Evil: Revelations producer Masachika Kawata told Gamasutra in an interview.

"Especially for the North American market, I think the series needs to head in that [action-oriented] direction," Kawata said. "[Resident Evil's primary games] need to be an extension of the changes made in Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5.

"RE4 started in that direction, and RE5 kept going in that direction," he said. "And I think that especially for the North American market, we need to keep going in that direction, and take that a step further. And that's exactly one of the reasons that Revelations is the way it is," he said.

That's what a producer said in March of 2012, before RE6 had released. People who think Capcom said RE6 was a return to the series roots are just mis-remembering completely.


Which leads to the main thing I think everyone is mistaking, and this is the most sensible one. Capcom refers to all of the Resident Evil games as horror games. I don't disagree with them being horror games,but horror is a broad stroke, there's a lot of sub-genres and types under that name. They're also very much action games, and action-horror is a thing. But Capcom advertised the action in the games too, even in the case of the Revelations games.

However, and this is to note, Capcom has never once claimed they were 'going back to the series roots.' In many cases, they actually argued against that claim, including the 'survival-horror is not liable' Capcom person I linked above.

Now I'm not expecting Resident Evil 7 to be exactly what a lot of people want, but I do think it'll be toned down a lot and darker than RE6, and I do think they'll try to make a more serious horror game. Not just because of what the guy on Twitter said again, I collected all the interviews for RE7 recently from 2017 onward, and what I've picked up from going through all of them is that they have said they think horror is liable again, they think the main series should be more experimental than the spin-offs for some reason, and they think people thought RE6 was too bloated.

My bets for a while is the game will probably still have action, which is fine as even the older RE games did and I don't think they should get rid of good gunplay in horror (and they can, in fact, make a horror game with good combat systems if they tried, but need to make more interesting/atmospheric locations and pacing, better diversity in gameplay away from shooting and a willingness to slow down, make twisted powerful things that aren't always the best option to shoot through, etc.), I doubt they're getting rid of co-op as that definitely helped RE5 and RE6 sell (I don't actually want them to get rid of co-op either, the number of good campaign co-op games is incredibly overstated, and I think Resident Evil 5 & 6 are some of the best, despite what people complain about them), but I think it will try to change the tables up again a lot ala RE4 and try some completely new systems, setting, and scenarios that tries to evolve the series again. They have talked about wanting to experiment in the main series and focusing on horror again, but I take it they aren't trying to make a classic-styled RE, or trying to make a RE4/RE5/RE6 game. My stance is they're probably trying to completely reinvent the series again, which we will see if that's true and what it looks like at E3 probably, I guess.



Now I'm not expecting Resident Evil 7 to be exactly what a lot of people want, but I do think it'll be toned down a lot and darker than RE6, and I do think they'll try to make a more serious horror game. Not just because of what the guy on Twitter said again, I collected all the interviews for RE7 recently from 2017 onward, and what I've picked up from going through all of them is that they have said they think horror is liable again, they think the main series should be more experimental than the spin-offs for some reason, and they think people thought RE6 was too bloated.

They seem to be going back and forth on that
I think Revelations has its own unique fun and allows us to try new and experimental gameplay ideas that we couldn't do in the numbered titles

News Bot

Continuing with the Umbrella Chronicles information I posted a while ago, I can confirm that "Dark Legacy" was meant to be a three-part scenario similar to "Umbrella's End." However, the second part was cut likely due to time constraints. It is in this part that Wesker steals the perfected t-Virus.

Essentially, UC was meant to be a bigger game. A lot of the recycling (particularly egregious in the BIO3 section) was due to time and budget constraints.

EDIT: Significant update.

Leon was definitely planned to have a scenario. He has two themes remaining on the disc, one unused and the other is the Live Evil track, which ended up being used for Beginnings.

The game's main cast were also each meant to have the classic "BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL" title call, to further portray the game as an ensemble of perspectives.
Continuing with the Umbrella Chronicles information I posted a while ago, I can confirm that "Dark Legacy" was meant to be a three-part scenario similar to "Umbrella's End." However, the second part was cut likely due to time constraints. It is in this part that Wesker steals the perfected t-Virus.

Essentially, UC was meant to be a bigger game. A lot of the recycling (particularly egregious in the BIO3 section) was due to time and budget constraints.

EDIT: Significant update.

Leon was definitely planned to have a scenario. He has two themes remaining on the disc, one unused and the other is the Live Evil track, which ended up being used for Beginnings.

The game's main cast were also each meant to have the classic "BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL" title call, to further portray the game as an ensemble of perspectives.

Thanks for the info! interesting, didn't know that Capcom planned a Leon scenario for UC

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
An Umbrella Corps and a Resident Evil 20th anniversary PS4 model has been announced for Japan, they release there on June 23rd, same day as the game.



Also be another Resident Evil 20th anniversary PS4 theme featuring all the characters artwork and an Umbrella Corps theme which are all included with the PS4 models (but the game isn't for some reason).

Also due to all of this Sony love for the RE stuff recently, it does mean if RE7 is revealed at E3, I'm placing my bets on it being at Sony's conference.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I wonder if RE is going back to be PS exclusive.

I don't think so. Sony also had some small marketing pushes for Revelations 2, but it came out simultaneously on every platform, and an exclusive Vita version later on. We won't know until we know, but we shall see.


You can now preorder Umbrella Corps. Should be popping up on GMG and the like within the week.

All Preorders get the Fashion Victim Pack

For an additional 10 you get the Upgrade Pack

From the trailer this is more cosmetic items that let you play as characters from the series.
For an additional 10 you get the Upgrade Pack

From the trailer this is more cosmetic items that let you play as characters from the series.

Yes!!! This is what I was waiting for. Now I actually have a reason to play it. It's a shame none of the ladies of the series are in the pack though. I was hoping Claire or Jill would be playable.


Yes!!! This is what I was waiting for. Now I actually have a reason to play it. It's a shame none of the ladies of the series are in the pack though. I was hoping Claire or Jill would be playable.

I said in the thread, I think it's because in UC there's no female body types. So having character's like Jill or Sherry on these bodies would look a bit odd. Hopefully they plan on adding more customization so there's a female body type with female heroes in the future.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
ALSO, Eagle Eye me notices something in the Umbrella Chronicles trailer.

There is a part in the trailer that they show the globe and circle around the globe. Now, they have 'levels' selectable on different parts of the Globe, and in gameplay we've seen the globe is the level select map, and the locations on it makes sense to where they should be selectable from the mpas we've seen. IE., there's two levels in Africa which is obviously the RE5 map & the Tricell Labs map, there's a single level in Europe which is obviously the Village RE4 map, there's a level in Antartica, which is obviously the Code Veronica map, and then there's three levels in America, which are probably the Raccoon City map, the Police Station map, and the first map we saw, that underground Umbrella lab/sewer map.

HOWEVER, Eagle-eyed me noticed there's three maps that are on the globe they haven't shown yet. There's one in China, which is probably a RE6-themed map. There's surprisingly one in South America, which hints out of all things there may be a Darkside Chronicles-themed map. And finally, there's a map set in Japan.

This would also make the game have 10 maps, which is a nice rounded number, and I thought was worth mentioning. While China and South America are pretty easy to guess, I wonder why there's a map based in Japan?
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