I wonder why GAF doesn't like CV (or CVX) that much. I played it for the first time 5 years ago on the PS3 and I really liked it compared to 3. Only thing that might turn off some people is the difficulty and how it can bottleneck the players by missing stuff.
The environments are lacking details, this was bad even when the game first release and has made it age worse than all the games using pre-rendered backgrounds, even the PS1 games.
The game has the worst backtracking in the series by far. Well past the point of exploring, it just straight up has some awful back and forths.
Weapons all sucked, handgun ammo is everywhere, while other weapons lack ammo aside from bow, plus the other weapons like the shotgun were weak compared to previous games, and none of them felt powerful anyway because...
No damaged to zombies or anything else, even with a rocket launcher, another prices of going fully 3D I guess, or maybe because they self censored the game, you cannot decapitate zombies or anything.
On DC/GC/PS2 the game is visually dull with fogging used in some areas, the HD Remaster actually helped improved this a lot.
This is where the series really started the cinematic cutscenes, as well as the superpowered nonsense that for many is unwanted in the series.
If really want to nitpick, it lacked small touches and advances in the series, like being able to walk up/down stairs like in RE3, despite RE3 releasing before it (CV actually started development first, but that isn't really an excuse).
Unlike RE2 no alternate scenarios, unlike RE3 no player choices or actions alterting the scenario each time you play. CV was a single scenario that never changed outside of saving Rodrigo which didn't change a damn thing.
Story gets a mixed reception, but everyone agrees Steve was an awful and annoying character.
It was overall a poor effort that paid a hefty price for going 3D, gained pretty much noting for it and mechanically was a very inferior game to RE3 which released before it.