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Resident Evil Community |OT2| Best Fans Ever!

The AI does not fire at you.

Not on purpose, but she will keep shooting at an enemy if you are in front of her even it it hits you. I tested it. She will not reposition herself. It's not like it hurts or anything, it just wastes bullets.

Really, it's this baffling oversight that is the main downside of the game so far. Simply fixing that would take away my largest complaint about the AI.

Edit: Is this because I have attack reaction on?


There isn't. There is nothing as shitty as the prologue (which is still one of the worst openings to a game I've ever seen), there are no forced "walk and talk" sections, the cutscenes are much shorter but convey just as much information about the situation (and in general seem better directed), the pacing is all around better and nothing seems to drag on and on, there are no shootbang elements as of yet, inventory management is actually a thing, and there are so much fewer QTE sections. And it's not like RE 5 was hated in general. 86/100 is pretty damn good and the sales legs have proved that it had staying power. Sure it's not as good as what I've played of RE 4 (never got past chapter 3 when I had it, want to rectify that this year), but adding the bullshit elements in RE 6 and going RE 6 Chris route was not the answer.

The shootbang elements starts later in the game. Machine-gun wielding enemies and hiding behind a cover are a norm in the ending chapters (it's still not Gears of Wars or RE6 level of shootbang, but it's there). But I agree with you, overall RE5 is a much better designed game. It has its own problems (e.g. I didn't like how many levels felt like battle arenas, a slightly bigger Mercenaries maps instead of actual places), but as a game it works so much better.

I think RE6 was the result of people complaining about tank controls, people complaining about RE5 being a carbon copy of RE4 (the whole game structure is very similar, down to enemies types etc.) and games like Uncharted (and all its clones) - with lots of scripted shootbang set pieces and QTEs - being a thing.

Edit: Is this because I have attack reaction on?

When I play solo, I always have my AI partner on defense and only switch to attack when I want her to be aggressive with enemies and kill enemies in a distance (there's one point in the game where you're on a rotating platform and Sheva headshoting enemies is a blessing). Give her a pistol or uzi (if you don't use any machine gun weapons), a stun rod and a rifle and she will do her job perfectly.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
On mobile, but yeah the RE7 healing item email for Ambassadors. I like the dirty look they've given the herbs, they look more like... Well, actual herbs now as a rooted plant than a miniature growing tree/bush. Dirt remaining on them is a nice detail, as well as being bagged up instead of potted. And since we're on a plantation, may fit thematically. The fresh dirt on them may suggest our character tugs on them out of the dirt to pull them out of plantation soil.

We have two bottles of green liquid, one with a smaller label and one with a larger label with a bit more form. I think the healing mouthwash with the bigger label may be healing sprawling since the top looks like you could press down to spray and the symbol looks like the healing spray symbol. Don't know what the smaller bottle is though, mixed herbs?

And yeah, want to raise questions with the coin. My first two thoughts were maybe it's set way to get healing items from vending machines, like find old coins and put them in to purchase items like herbs (that'd be a lot like WhiteDay), or some unrelated purpose not to healing, which probably would mean it's not it as it's the healing update (ie new ink ribbon, kind of reminds me of the spiritual charms in Silent Hill 4, etc). I doubt they're using anything similar to that crystal life system from Raid Mode in Revelations 2.

I'm for small little fluff updates like this for RE7.


You know I find it interesting that those who talk loudly in support of RE7 mainly seem to be in the "RE4 died 4 with for camp". Basically anyone who absolutely hated the action. Which is understandable. But still I find it odd that both camps have people not understanding why people liked their preferred style.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
You know I find it interesting that those who talk loudly in support of RE7 mainly seem to be in the "RE4 died 4 with for camp". Basically anyone who absolutely hated the action. Which is understandable. But still I find it odd that both camps have people not understanding why people liked their preferred style.
Some people adhere to the logic that they must voice their opinion loudly and adhere to things not in their taste to make sure their voices are heard. Some worse off believe those who like things they don't like are wrong.

Or there's people like me who liked both the newer and older games a lot actually, and going to try a first-person mainline RE with an open mind. I prefer third-person, but there's some very good first person horrors I've enjoyed, and despite all the 'split fanbase' complaints, I do think Resident Evil has a very distinct 'flavor' to it that goes through the whole seties, some things that make it feel like RE even when it goes in vastly different directions.

I know with RE7 some are afraid it won't feel like RE and it'll be RE in name only. I'm not worried about that though; despite what some seem to think, I think Capcom knows and does listen to what people appreciate about RE and did have a long hard look at the series before making RE7. While I may understand not everyone is going to be jumping with joy at a first-person horror RE game set in the South, I think it will feel like a RE series and be tied into the universe it comes from and have some of the quirks and such.

I also am grateful as hell that Capcom isn't listening to those 'reboot' peeps. I fully believe a big part of what makes RE charming is the continuity in the series no matter how bat shit insane it gets sometimes, and the odd logic the RE universe follows where puzzles are common security locks, terrorism uses actual monsters, we all heal with green herbs, and have special forces of good-looking trained characters we've followed through the series and newcomers take on hazardous outbreaks with hammy supervillains.
Not really looking forward to RE7 right now. That demo (teaser, whatever) was not enjoyable at all, the horror of the early games is wildly exaggerated. I really hate all these first person horror games with shit torchight visibility also. It shouldn't be a chore just to see clearly the game you're trying to play.

Also if not gonna be featuring the main cast then why call it RE? Is the only original thing left of the series at this point.
The shootbang elements starts later in the game. Machine-gun wielding enemies and hiding behind a cover are a norm in the ending chapters (it's still not Gears of Wars or RE6 level of shootbang, but it's there). But I agree with you, overall RE5 is a much better designed game. It has its own problems (e.g. I didn't like how many levels felt like battle arenas, a slightly bigger Mercenaries maps instead of actual places), but as a game it works so much better.

I think RE6 was the result of people complaining about tank controls, people complaining about RE5 being a carbon copy of RE4 (the whole game structure is very similar, down to enemies types etc.) and games like Uncharted (and all its clones) - with lots of scripted shootbang set pieces and QTEs - being a thing.

Yeah, I get that RE 6 is a product of its time but it's like they thought "Hey, these popular games have these elements. Our popular game has these other popular elements. Add them together and we'll get MEGA POPULAR! ALL THE SALES!" without any kind of fundamental understanding of why these elements were popular to begin with. And now we have the overreaction of RE 7 which is following trends yet again in hopes of salvaging the franchise's reputation. Problem is that RE 1 and RE 4 were known as trend setters in of themselves and RE 2 and RE 3 were known as damn fine sequels and are some of people's favorite games of all time in their own right. RE 5 may be a perfunctory sequel (and it kinda is), but it still retained some of that identity. RE 6 followed trends and failed, and now RE 7 looks like a clone of every FPS horror game of the last five years.

And I try not to be super down on RE 7, but I just don't like what I'm seeing. I'm not a fan of the Outlast/Amnesia stuff, not a fan of the perspective change, I'd really rather play as the main cast, and the visuals are unappealing. This should have been a Revelations type spinoff, not RE 7.

When I play solo, I always have my AI partner on defense and only switch to attack when I want her to be aggressive with enemies and kill enemies in a distance (there's one point in the game where you're on a rotating platform and Sheva headshoting enemies is a blessing). Give her a pistol or uzi (if you don't use any machine gun weapons), a stun rod and a rifle and she will do her job perfectly.

Thanks, the AI is working a lot better like this!


Junior Member
Not really looking forward to RE7 right now. That demo (teaser, whatever) was not enjoyable at all, the horror of the early games is wildly exaggerated. I really hate all these first person horror games with shit torchight visibility also. It shouldn't be a chore just to see clearly the game you're trying to play.

Also if not gonna be featuring the main cast then why call it RE? Is the only original thing left of the series at this point.

I agree. There are jump scares and creepy environments/enemies but the older games are nothing like the type of horror they are promoting with 7.


You know I find it interesting that those who talk loudly in support of RE7 mainly seem to be in the "RE4 died 4 with for camp". Basically anyone who absolutely hated the action. Which is understandable. But still I find it odd that both camps have people not understanding why people liked their preferred style.

I find it even more funny that people keep saying that RE7 (with a demo that is practically combat-free) is a return to the roots since early RE games have a ton of action. RE1 is the only game that is somehow slow in this regard (but only in the first half of the game), but the all-beloved RE2 starts with an explosion and the main characters running through zombie-infested streets; you can kill (or at least run past) dozens of zombies even before you enter the RPD. It's not RE6 level of shootbang and enemies do not wield weapons like in RE4, 5 and 6, but the game is still mostly about shooting enemies to death (with a couple of puzzles in-between and some running back and forth to unlock new doors and collect items).

I'm sure RE7 will have some action, but the Beginning Hour is not what RE games were ever about.

Yeah, I get that RE 6 is a product of its time but it's like they thought "Hey, these popular games have these elements. Our popular game has these other popular elements. Add them together and we'll get MEGA POPULAR! ALL THE SALES!" without any kind of fundamental understanding of why these elements were popular to begin with. And now we have the overreaction of RE 7 which is following trends yet again in hopes of salvaging the franchise's reputation.

Do you want to know why Revelations 2 has the whole non-combat partner mechanic (Claire and Moira, Barry and Natalia)? ;)
Last of Us


Does his best thinking in the flying car
Maybe my hopes are misguided, but I really don't believe that we are going to get something like Outlast in Resident Evil. From the beginning, a focus on weaponry and ammo (greatly reduced in RE6) has been key. Improving your arsenal and fighting back, these have always been integral to RE.

Through multiple technical evolutions, this has remained constant. Shifts in gameplay focus, perspective, etc have not changed this fundamental truth: RE is about fighting back. This has been true from day one.

I believe changes in gameplay are natural, and many have occurred over time, but the central concept of "fight your fears and survive" has allowed each game, however different, to retain the spirit of Resident Evil (again, less so with 6, but still there).

Until I've been shown a hide and seek game, I don't know why I would believe it likely. I just don't see it happening. That would be a much bigger deal than a camera change (which we've experienced more than once already).

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
As a horror enthusiast, Outlast is a parkour-horror game, basically a faster - paced take on the defenseless horror games. Amnesia is a hide'n'seek horror game, slower paced and lighting the environment and not attracting attention are the big things.

This doesn't seem like it'll be similar to those to me. I do think some people think first-person means specific things it doesn't, though. If anything I think this may most resemble Condemned, but even that comparison might not quite be apt.

Actually, outside of snowy environments, it reminds me of Cryostasis. Had cryptic exploration, Condemned-like combat, and like how RE7 has a VHS system where you live through people's last moments that changes the present a bit, Cryostasis had a big emphasis on this by touching dead bodies to change the time line by reliving their memories and changing things.


You can't really blame anyone atm. The demo for a large part just wasn't very impressive unless your only criteria was "spooky atmosphere" . Until they show more you're going to have a lot of skeptical people. The fact that the demo blew up on YouTube exactly as a typical FPS horror game does with the same sort of movements didn't help matters.

Currently what we have is a game that from the info provided is a new take on RE taking inspiration from titles of recent years. Rather than a title leading the way like RE1 and RE4.

Yeah I get they don't want to ruin surprises and such, but more needs to be done with the game. Especially after the no worthy clues demo investigation. They seem to really be hanging on "It's resident evil and it's scary" more than anything else.

I'll give it the benefit of the doubt, but I expect more than just that . I didn't become a fan of RE because it was scary. That's honestly my last criteria for what a RE game needs.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
You can't really blame anyone atm. The demo for a large part just wasn't very impressive unless your only criteria was "spooky atmosphere" . Until they show more you're going to have a lot of skeptical people. The fact that the demo blew up on YouTube exactly as a typical FPS horror game does with the same sort of movements didn't help matters.

Currently what we have is a game that from the info provided is a new take on RE taking inspiration from titles of recent years. Rather than a title leading the way like RE1 and RE4.

Yeah I get they don't want to ruin surprises and such, but more needs to be done with the game. Especially after the no worthy clues demo investigation. They seem to really be hanging on "It's resident evil and it's scary" more than anything else.

I'll give it the benefit of the doubt, but I expect more than just that . I didn't become a fan of RE because it was scary. That's honestly my last criteria for what a RE game needs.
I certainly don't blame, and find the concerns interesting. Part of the fun for RE is discussion as we learn about it, I think it's a joy.

I do analyze things and will forge observations, and having played a large number of horror games when people make comparisons I can chime in. RE7 I have a good feeling about, but we won't know until we know.

I do hope the upcoming demo is quite good and helps sell some things better, though. How the next one plays out could change tone a lot, dependingly.


I certainly don't blame, and find the concerns interesting. Part of the fun for RE is discussion as we learn about it, I think it's a joy.

I do analyze things and will forge observations, and having played a large number of horror games when people make comparisons I can chime in. RE7 I have a good feeling about, but we won't know until we know.

I do hope the upcoming demo is quite good and helps sell some things better, though. How the next one plays out could change tone a lot, dependingly.

Definitely hope they're listening and reacting to the fears and conplaints currently. You'll obviously never please everyone, but there is more they can offer to set at ease a lot of people.
Definitely hope they're listening and reacting to the fears and conplaints currently. You'll obviously never please everyone, but there is more they can offer to set at ease a lot of people.

They don't listen to shit, for well over a decade now all they've done is copy other popular games.


They don't listen to shit, for well over a decade now all they've done is copy other popular games.

They've got to at some point. We are getting a RE2make. But I do agree, if they were listening better we definitely we have gotten a mercs game or something more polished than umbrella corps.


There's nothing like that in The Last of Us, though?

In 2013 Capcom, in response to RE6 criticism, Capcom's marketing boss Micheal Pattison said that:
A lot is said about the saturation of this zombie, post-apocalyptic survival horror. But it is still alive and well. The Last of Us shows a good direction of what the consumers want. Tomb Raider as well, we spoke to R&D and they looked at that and they enjoyed that experience. I think that proves there is still a strong market for that sort of content.

Lo and behold, one year later Revelations 2 is revealed and one scenario includes a grizzly looking, armed old man protecting little girl that is immune to enemies, can throw stuff at them and can announce their locations. Yeah, I'm sure that's just a coincidence.


In 2013 Capcom, in response to RE6 criticism, Capcom's marketing boss Micheal Pattison said that:


Lo and behold, one year later Revelations 2 is revealed and one scenario includes a grizzly looking, armed old man protecting little girl that is immune to enemies, can throw stuff at them and can announce their locations. Yeah, I'm sure that's just a coincidence.

Along with the box caring rather than boxes on wheels like in TLOU
They don't listen to shit, for well over a decade now all they've done is copy other popular games.

RE7 is not only a result of them listening, it's in fact much more so than the change they did with RE4. They scrapped the full horror version of 4 after REmake didn't sell as much as they had hoped among casuals (confirmed by Mikami recently, as if common sense wasn't enough). 6 is the second best selling Capcom game of all time, so 7 is mostly a reaction to the piss poor fan perception of 6. Certainly while keeping in mind that more critical flops would gradually decrease future sales, but fan perception was still the deciding factor.
Just because they copy things doesn't in any way exclude that they are listening. They might not invent a new kind of gameplay like RE4, but they specifically chose to return to horror. And there has yet to be a 1st person horror game selling better than RE6, so it's not like they are chasing the ,,success" of better selling series (like that CoD shit of previous iterations). It's like Zelda WiiU. Sure, they are mostly copying instead of truly innovating like in the past, but the shakeup is still a direct response to fan discourse and a decent enough way to bring back the classic series' design philosophies without being archaic.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Revelations 2 definitely has some Last of Us influence, and seems to be the game they made from hearing people liked Leon's campaign in RE6 the most. On the flip side though, I do think Revelations 2 is inspired by LoU as opposed to a clone of it though. That's a fine line, but I think it has the inspiration while still retaining it's own identity rather than feeling like a budgeted imitation.


Revelations 2 definitely has some Last of Us influence, and seems to be the game they made from hearing people liked Leo's campaign in RE6 the most. On the flip side idea though, I do think Revelations 2 is inspired by Lou as opposed to a clone of it though. That's a fine line, but I think it has the inspiration while still retaining it's own identity rather than feeling like a budgeted imitation.

You're right. But that budget will forever show.
In 2013 Capcom, in response to RE6 criticism, Capcom's marketing boss Micheal Pattison said that:


Lo and behold, one year later Revelations 2 is revealed and one scenario includes a grizzly looking, armed old man protecting little girl that is immune to enemies, can throw stuff at them and can announce their locations. Yeah, I'm sure that's just a coincidence.

I get what you're saying, but you only control Ellie once in Last of Us, and at that point she's solo and has the same weaponry and such as Joel. You have no ability to control Ellie when you play as Joel.


I know, but I wasn't saying that Rev2 copied TLoU mechanics, just that the game was an inspiration for Rev2. Capcom took the idea and added it's own spin to it (asynchronous co-op or switching between characters on the fly); just like RE6 isn't a carbon copy of Uncharted gameplay, but it's clear the game and it's setpieces and cinematic feeling had a huge impact on RE6 production.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I should also mention that in an interview they said for RE7 they played all the big first-person horrors and said RE7 was not like Outlast... let me get an exact quote.

The R&D team definitely plays these games and checks out many many different types of games. I haven't played them personally, but I know that the staff has, and they've taken a deep look at some of these. It's actually part of the reason that gave the team the confidence to move to the first-person perspective, these independent games, which have proven that it is a viable perspective for the genre.

I couldn't find the exact quote I was looking for off the top, but that pretty much says the same thing in basic (was asked if they've played Outlast & Amnesia). But I recall them saying they didn't want to go in that route, and that RE7 will be different though they may have learned a few things from playing a lot of first-person horrors to see what's been done already.

Two other interesting tidbits I had forgotten about I re-read while scanning interviews; Capcom wants this to be like a B-Horror movie, they say they are working with a B-Tier budget but and have purposely been watching a lot of B-Horror movies and trying to go for that feel. Also they said it will sometimes be better to run than kill enemies, but they also said, "or use other items to fight back or survive through other means", which I thought was interesting.


The first person view is still the most interesting piece. Characters have always been a big piece of RE, and the most iconic FPS characters are more so due to design than actual character. Master Chief is barely the exception to this. When you're in a first person view, even when you're playing a character you still feel in the role. Sure this helps build immersion, but it makes it hard work to make iconic characters. Being able to see the character to me, helps build a connection that it's their story. Not yours.

Also the B budget confirms they arent breaking the bank on this like RE6. Hell probably a cheaper budget than RE5. That's not a bad thing, but explains a lot. Especially when it comes to only expecting 4 million sales.


The first person view is still the most interesting piece. Characters have always been a big piece of RE, and the most iconic FPS characters are more so due to design than actual character. Master Chief is barely the exception to this. When you're in a first person view, even when you're playing a character you still feel in the role. Sure this helps build immersion, but it makes it hard work to make iconic characters. Being able to see the character to me, helps build a connection that it's their story. Not yours.

Yeah, and I'll be honest, this is one of the main aspects that does concern me about 7. It's one thing to be brave enough to go with a brand new lead (which I honestly think is necessary). But it's another altogether to make it so we likely will barely see them, and won't have awesome animations to go with them. That, too, helps make a character iconic, in the same way that "suplexes" helped endear Leon to another generation of gamers.

So, I find myself wondering how they will go about this. Even the likes of the Chronicles games still found ways of making the character personalities shine through some context animations...

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
The first person view is still the most interesting piece. Characters have always been a big piece of RE, and the most iconic FPS characters are more so due to design than actual character. Master Chief is barely the exception to this. When you're in a first person view, even when you're playing a character you still feel in the role. Sure this helps build immersion, but it makes it hard work to make iconic characters. Being able to see the character to me, helps build a connection that it's their story. Not yours.

Also the B budget confirms they arent breaking the bank on this like RE6. Hell probably a cheaper budget than RE5. That's not a bad thing, but explains a lot. Especially when it comes to only expecting 4 million sales.
I have a feeling the characters will still play an important role. Though not the best basis, they did play a pretty sizable role in the Chronicles & Survivor games. I don't think they'll be blank slate at all, and I know you've noticed as much as I have how much they've avoided talking about the main character of RE7, outside of who you play as in the demo isn't who you play as in RE7.

Actually, right now re-reading a few interviews, couple small interedting things they've hinted about I had just spaced on.

In the final game, there are many gimmicks or design choices that play on the player's desire to try to collect everything. Perhaps there's a carrot that's just out of reach, like an item that there is a way to get but maybe they don't get it the first time. 

There's also story elements, narrative elements, where they constantly keep the player guessing about what's happening. And perhaps if you play it a certain way you might not find the answer the first time. I feel that these also facilitate replayability.

That bit basically confirms there will be back-tracking in RE7 and that there may be multiple story paths/endings, or even maybe items and things you can miss the first time, optional areas and items.

There are influences through. There's a particular work that influenced the game, but if I tell you what it is it will spoil the story. So I'd like you to imagine that.

The key art is a big hint.

So particular influence from something.

Possible spoilers:
The key art does look like a giant psychology 'what do you see' test is notable.

Yeah, and I'll be honest, this is one of the main aspects that does concern me about 7. It's one thing to be brave enough to go with a brand new lead (which I honestly think is necessary). But it's another altogether to make it so we likely will barely see them, and won't have awesome animations to go with them. That, too, helps make a character iconic, in the same way that "suplexes" helped endear Leon to another generation of gamers.

So, I find myself wondering how they will go about this. Even the likes of the Chronicles games still found ways of making the character personalities shine through some context animations...

I did notice in the demo the way the characters hand reacts to walls is more dynamic than I've seen in any first-person game, if that makes any difference.


I have a feeling the characters will still play an important role. Though not the best basis, they did play a pretty sizable role in the Chronicles & Survivor games. I don't think they'll be blank slate at all, and I know you've noticed as much as I have how much they've avoided talking about the main character of RE7, outside of who you play as in the demo isn't who you play as in RE7.

Actually, right now re-reading a few interviews, couple small interedting things they've hinted about I had just spaced on.

In the final game, there are many gimmicks or design choices that play on the player's desire to try to collect everything. Perhaps there's a carrot that's just out of reach, like an item that there is a way to get but maybe they don't get it the first time. 

There's also story elements, narrative elements, where they constantly keep the player guessing about what's happening. And perhaps if you play it a certain way you might not find the answer the first time. I feel that these also facilitate replayability.

That bit basically confirms there will be back-tracking in RE7 and that there may be multiple story paths/endings, or even maybe items and things you can miss the first time, optional areas and items.

So particular influence from something.

Possible spoilers:
The key art does look like a giant psychology 'what do you see' test is notable.

I did notice in the demo the way the characters hand reacts to walls is more dynamic than I've seen in any first-person game, if that makes any difference.

Sounding like
shattered dreams
might be an inspiration then. As I've said before Ill give them the benefit of the doubt. Just hoping the character here once we play the game can hang out with with rest of the cast.


Just beat Desperate Escape on Pro. That was easier than I expected. I did it in less than 40 minutes and even got an S rank. The glitch in the final section still works (thank god)

Replaying RE5 these past few days has been a blast. Playing with the AI can be quite frustrating at times (especially on Pro) but damn, when playing co-op RE5 is a masterpiece.

And now to pre-order RE4...
RE7 is not only a result of them listening, it's in fact much more so than the change they did with RE4. They scrapped the full horror version of 4 after REmake didn't sell as much as they had hoped among casuals (confirmed by Mikami recently, as if common sense wasn't enough). 6 is the second best selling Capcom game of all time, so 7 is mostly a reaction to the piss poor fan perception of 6. Certainly while keeping in mind that more critical flops would gradually decrease future sales, but fan perception was still the deciding factor.
Just because they copy things doesn't in any way exclude that they are listening. They might not invent a new kind of gameplay like RE4, but they specifically chose to return to horror. And there has yet to be a 1st person horror game selling better than RE6, so it's not like they are chasing the ,,success" of better selling series (like that CoD shit of previous iterations). It's like Zelda WiiU. Sure, they are mostly copying instead of truly innovating like in the past, but the shakeup is still a direct response to fan discourse and a decent enough way to bring back the classic series' design philosophies without being archaic.

What you're describing is throwing other companies shit at walls and seeing what sticks for themselves.

Not listening to feedback from fans.

RE6's performance is not good and shouldn't be used as a measurement for anything positive. It hit the bargain bucket very fast as well as received quick, steep digital discounts. Numbers of units aren't everything. Plus it didn't even hit its 7m by April '13 sales targets using lifetime sales anyway.

Triple A failure.
- Discounted fast
- Didn't meet unit numbers
- Critical flop

Don't need fan feedback to see that shit ain't sticking.

I get what you're saying, but you only control Ellie once in Last of Us, and at that point she's solo and has the same weaponry and such as Joel. You have no ability to control Ellie when you play as Joel.

It's not just the co-op Rev 2 copied, the stealth, stealth kills, smoke bombs allowing insta kills even when spotted, finding supplies to combine into useable items etc is clearly all lifted straight from TLOU.
What you're describing is throwing other companies shit at walls and seeing what sticks for themselves.

Not listening to feedback from fans.

RE6's performance is not good and shouldn't be used as a measurement for anything positive. It hit the bargain bucket very fast as well as received quick, steep digital discounts. Numbers of units aren't everything. Plus it didn't even hit its 7m by April '13 sales targets using lifetime sales anyway.

Triple A failure.
- Discounted fast
- Didn't meet unit numbers
- Critical flop

Don't need fan feedback to see that shit ain't sticking.

Nothing you say even excludes each other like you think. Just because they are doing something similar to others doesn't mean they aren't listening to fans. The fact that they are choosing survival horror, even if not groundbreaking, shows that they are listening. They didn't invent their own style of new horror - so what? What does that have to do with not listening to fans? Otherwise they could have easily ramped ramped up the CoD. RE6 is way more successful than the FPhorror games they ,,copy", no matter how hard you wanna spin it. So the change mostly comes from poor fan reception on 5/6, since it's not even a natural business decision to make 7 like poorer selling horror games. Unlike RE4's final change, which was solely based on REmake not selling to casuals. Sure, 6 also didn't meet their ridiculous sales goals, but that doesn't mean they didn't look at fanfeedback to prevent further sales damage. Because they clearly looked at it by going back to horror.


Just beat Desperate Escape on Pro. That was easier than I expected. I did it in less than 40 minutes and even got an S rank. The glitch in the final section still works (thank god)

Replaying RE5 these past few days has been a blast. Playing with the AI can be quite frustrating at times (especially on Pro) but damn, when playing co-op RE5 is a masterpiece.

And now to pre-order RE4...

What glitch?
Nothing you say even excludes each other like you think. Just because they are doing something similar to others doesn't mean they aren't listening to fans. The fact that they are choosing survival horror, even if not groundbreaking, shows that they are listening. They didn't invent their own style of new horror - so what? What does that have to do with not listening to fans? Otherwise they could have easily ramped ramped up the CoD. RE6 is way more successful than the FPhorror games they ,,copy", no matter how hard you wanna spin it. So the change mostly comes from poor fan reception on 5/6, since it's not even a natural business decision to make 7 like poorer selling horror games. Unlike RE4's final change, which was solely based on REmake not selling to casuals. Sure, 6 also didn't meet their ridiculous sales goals, but that doesn't mean they didn't look at fanfeedback to prevent further sales damage. Because they clearly looked at it by going back to horror.

Nice theory but they've got a history of ignoring fan feedback and just following sales. It took REMake HD selling well to get RE2make greenlit, which 'fans' have been asking for for 15 years. ORC was majorly hated yet we get a similar themed game as a follow up. You're all wishful thinking.

What glitch?

Stand at specific spots and the enemies just loop about/generally ignore you save the odd majini (or those with guns).
Watching Degeneration and really liking it and especially liking Claire.

"You might want to shove that ego up your ass considering your own secretary left you to die."

I also love how deadpan Leon is.

Oh, and I don't know who said it, but whoever said "Helena is basically Angela Miller", yeah I see that now.


I also love how deadpan Leon is..

The deadpan Leon in Degeneration was awful. He was nothing like RE2 Leon (rookie cop who tries to save the world but no one is listening to him) or RE4 Leon (cool bro who saves the world James Bond-style while spewing one-liners). It seems they wanted to do a more professional acting Leon, but failed miserably since he was a complete departure from what we got in previous games (especially the RE4 Leon). I think RE6 Leon was the far better evolution of RE4 Leon who, after working for years as a special agent, matured and started acting more professional, while still maintaining that cool attitude.
The deadpan Leon in Degeneration was awful. He was nothing like RE2 Leon (rookie cop who tries to save the world but no one is listening to him) or RE4 Leon (cool bro who saves the world James Bond-style while spewing one-liners). It seems they wanted to do a more professional acting Leon, but failed miserably since he was a complete departure from what we got in previous games (especially the RE4 Leon). I think RE6 Leon was the far better evolution of RE4 Leon who, after working for years as a special agent, matured and started acting more professional, while still maintaining that cool attitude.

I guess I should have said "I find this absolute character bastardization funny". I totally get that this is not Leon is any sense, but the way he gives one or two word answers for half his dialogue or just kind of stand there silently like DMC 2 Dante is so try hard I'm laughing. The scene where Miller is pouring her heart out and Leon just kind of stares at her is so awkward I can't help but laugh. Then again, I'm only staring to get back into the series, so maybe as I play the games more I might find it less funny.

By the way: What do you guys think of the voice change for Leon?


Never knew about that glitch.

As for Degeneration, I was never a fan of the movie. Outside the end BOW fight it was rather boring. Damnation made up for it though.


Oh god, Off Topic reminded me that the Resident Evil live action movie series is a thing. Has anyone here watched them all?

I have. Apocalypse is my favorite since it tried the most to be like the game. Really 1 & 2 imo are the best. 3 I absolutely hate, 4 was meh but the Wesker scenes were great. 5 was decent.

I'm actually curious what they'll do after 6. I'm betting they reboot since it is supposed to be the final chapter. Film Wise it makes sense for the film's to be scary instead of action imo.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Remember: They said around the time the final Resident Evil movie released, they would have word of a Resident Evil TV series.


Remember: They said around the time the final Resident Evil movie released, they would have word of a Resident Evil TV series.

I would think that they'd still want to do the movies as well though. Apparently RE the final chapter and RE7 might be coming out the same month.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I would think that they'd still want to do the movies as well though. Apparently RE the final chapter and RE7 might be coming out the same month.
As well as the third CG Resident Evil film, Vendetta. If they also announce a RE tv series in January, then they really want to make next January RE month.

I think the reason is because Paul Anderson wanted this to be the final film, but wouldn't be surprised if something else creeped up. The film series may go down as one of the biggest guilty pleasure popcorn film series in history, each sequel got progressively worse reviews bit did progressively better in the box office.


Oh god, Off Topic reminded me that the Resident Evil live action movie series is a thing. Has anyone here watched them all?

I genuinely like the first. The rest are trash, but I get a bit of a guilty pleasure out of watching them: seeing some of the creatures realised in live action can be pretty cool, even if they get stuff wrong more than right.
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