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Resident Evil Community |OT2| Best Fans Ever!


As I am finishing up Ada Wong's campaign in RE 6 I'm realizing the biggest issue issue with it is the designers ideas about adding variation to the game.

Yes! When the game adds variation that supports its primary gameplay, it's still fun. But everything else: shoehorned driving/flying sections, stealth sections (I hate Ada 1 for that; thankfully the stealth section in Ada 4 isn't as bad), the snow level, QTE-fests, heavily scripted sections that take away camera controls from you - those things are awful and bring the game down. That's why there are levels that I love to replay and levels that I dread replaying.

As you said, Leon's campaign is the best because the worst it does is it bombards you with QTEs. Chris' campaign has one awful (and awfully long - still can't believe someone saw that, played that and said "it's good!") driving section and one not-so-awful-but-still-bad harrier section; it's also guilty of a lot of cheap deaths due to taking camera controls away from the player. But most of the time you still just shoot enemies in the face, with some variation here and there, so it's still good.

But then there's Jake's campaign where I think Capcom tried to spice things up the most and often with terrible results (stealth, the snow level, motorcycle section, snowmobile chase, helicopter fight, QTE-based bosses, running-away-from-things sections... ugh), and Ada who has two stealth-based levels (that aren't simply an elaborated "puzzle" like in Jake 2 section), and terribad final level (you once again witness the never-ending battle against bulletspoonge Simmons, but this time you spent half the time in a helicopter :|).

There's always hope for Resident Evil Revelations 3...

Revelations series is seen as RE4/5 that steers more towards the classic atmosphere, so I doubt they would put RE6 controls and combat mechanics in the sequel. Not to mention, Rev1 and 2 had rather bad combat mechanics (very stiff and without the wow-factor) so currently I have no faith in the sub-series when it comes to combat. :/


Yeah unless they are drastically changing revelations 3, I don't think they'd put that sort of action gameplay from 6 into it. I feel like they'd make a new sub series with that sort of gameplay.

Mainline - average Joe's
New series - hero gameplay

That's the way I would see it, with of course remakes and such of the old school style as their own thing.
Yeah unless they are drastically changing revelations 3, I don't think they'd put that sort of action gameplay from 6 into it. I feel like they'd make a new sub series with that sort of gameplay.

Mainline - average Joe's
New series - hero gameplay

That's the way I would see it, with of course remakes and such of the old school style as their own thing.

7 onward - Disempowered Hide and Seek (until they stop showing it as such, I won't stop referring to it as that)

Revelations - Action

Umbrella Corps/Racoon City - full on action

REmake 2 - Classic

Would Capcom do a fifth type of series? I mean, I hope they do, but they said the unannounced game is one "we've been waiting for", which would hint at Revelations 3.


7 onward - Disempowered Hide and Seek (until they stop showing it as such, I won't stop referring to it as that)

Revelations - Action

Umbrella Corps/Racoon City - full on action

REmake 2 - Classic

Would Capcom do a fifth type of series? I mean, I hope they do, but they said the unannounced game is one "we've been waiting for", which would hint at Revelations 3.

I feel like Orc and Umbrella corps are there own thing so I wouldn't really count it. I would say that a game we have been waiting for would have to be an action game. Since that is the only base they don't have covered out of announced titles that aren't out yet.

A full on mercs and raid game would be a big deal. But who knows what they think everyone is waiting for. I'm sure depending on who you ask the answers are different. Off the top of my head these probably pop up the most

Mercenaries standalone
Outbreak HD
REmake 3
Revelations 3
New action series carrying torch from RE6
End of Ada chapter 4.

So, our villains were:

A) A guy obsessed with Ada Wong

B) A woman who tried to destroy the world because said obsessed guy turned her into a clone of Ada Wong.

I'm not sure how to describe how lame that reveal was.


Oh man... I'd forgotten how incredibly bad the back tracking is in Code Veronica! Still live the game's setting
and Claire's my fav RE hero
, but man can it be a slog.

Going on a submarine ride to get a keycard, then riding the sub back to use said keycard had me laughing at the sheer absurdity.


This thread is so bad for me. I am in full RE hype right now but I have so many games to finish. And then I ordered all the movie blu-rays (yeah....) as well.
Finished Ada's campaign.

What a whimper of a finale.

The revelation of the villains motives killed any interest I had. Simmons is really pathetic and Carla's motivation was seriously "I don't like being a clone of Ada Wong... I'll destroy humanity now"? Focus on Simmons and "The Family" like Ada said, what the fuck is with the global destruction shit? With the shit she pulled she could have easily usurped Simmons and the family and would have been the person running the world. And then it turned out she was in just as deep as Simmons in human experimentation and WAS FUCKING HEADING THE ADA WONG CLONE STUFF TO BEGIN WITH! It's like they wanted a tragic villain and then said "fuck it" but didn't rewrite!

Oh, and I guess Simmons has a really vague conspiracy thing going on with "The Family" and a dumb "This is for the good of the country" type shit when really that holds no water when you look at what they're actually doing. It's all really dumb, but not in a fun cheesy way.

I'll do a final write up, but I'll say right now that these last few hours of RE 6 have pushed me closer to RE 7.
Final thoughts...


Why was this a thing? No seriously, why? It sets such a bad tone for the game and sours you to the experience from the word "go". It teaches you jack shit about the robust combat system, is an In Media Res opening that does nothing to enrich the story and isn't even in continuity with the game since we go through that section in Leon/Helena chapter 5 and it happens differently, and is a slow walk/QTE fest.

Leon and Helena

As mentioned, this is probably my favorite campaign simply because it contains the least amount of bullshit. There are also genuinely atmospheric moments. The rising and falling piano tune playing in the background of Tall Oaks Streets as the city is going to hell with silhouettes of zombies coming from around the corner and people being torn apart by zombies legitimately makes my heart race. The trek from a College Campus to Sewers to a Subway followed by the chaotic streets of a city and then on to a Cemetery, Cathedral, Underground Lab, and finally some Catacombs was a hell of a ride. Chapter 4 and 5 were also good fun just to see how much more over the top the boss fights would get. And of course how could I not mention the gameplay? Because there is the least amount of QTE, forced running, etc. bullshit, you spend a majority of your time wrestling and shooting zombies which is where all the fun is at in this game.

However, this game has too many failings to give it high praise.

One of the largest problems is the story pacing. As many have mentioned, Leon and Helena simply don't have much to do in the overall story. You start with the president dying and Helena saying that you need to get to the Cathedral and... that's it. The next two chapters don't advance the plot at all outside of small bits. The problem is that these are probably the longest two chapters in the entire game so it's a 3 to 4 hours period first time through that you are just kind of waiting for Helena to spill the beans. And then when you finally know what's going on, Chapter 3 is pretty much a filler chapter. The story really doesn't get going at a good pace until Chapter 4 which is 5 to 6 hours into the campaign.

Another issue is that while there isn't nearly as much bullshit design in the campaign, there is nothing that really shines either. Long stretches are just narrow corridors to fight through with little variation. Chapter 3 borders on being annoying because you simple move from area to area with low visibility and kamikaze zombies coming from the catwalks surrounding you. It's not actively bad, but it's not good either.

Sherry and Jake

This is where the game begins to fall apart. Let me list to you the end of Chapter 1 to the beginning of Chapter 3: You end chapter 1 with a turret fight, begin chapter 2 in a next to zero visibility ice storm where you have to fight long range and flying enemies, move onto a vehicle section, then deal with a stealth section, then end Chapter 2 with a QTE section, and finally start Chapter 3 with yet another stealth section. By the end of Chapter 3 you are back to forced running into the camera, start Chapter 4 with a vehicle section, and then are put into a shooting gallery that ends with a really shitty helicopter fight which continues throughout the level. NONE OF THIS WAS PARTICULARLY FUN. I refer everyone back to what I said earlier:


Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to make it so that you can barely see (there are points in the level where visibility is even worse) as you have long distance enemies and enemies that fly around!? Or to make it so that if you are knocked down at the top of the hill, the ice in the level will force you to slide all the way back down to the bottom with no way to stop yourself? Or the previously mentioned issue with the snowmobile? And then adding in a mandatory stealth section after a mandatory vehicle section? And then top that all off with a QTE section?

The best thing about the campaign is that I really liked Sherry and the story in this campaign probably best links to the main themes of the game (taking responsibility for one's actions, trust, and redemption).

Chris and Piers

Resident Evil: Shootbang edition. Overly loud, bad sound design, bright flashes which blind the screen in the first two chapters, too many long range snipers and machine gunners that dispense way too much chip damage, all enemies later on become bullet sponges (but it isn't tense because I know I won't run out of ammo because there isn't ammo scarcity in this game), forced camera angles, forced running sections, the helicopter fights, holding blasting points, QTEs, generic military talk over the radio constantly, the jeep vehicle section, the harrier section, I could go on. After I get the few remaining Serpent medallions, I'm never touching this campaign again. Everything wrong with Resident Evil 5 and 6 were condensed down into one really shitty campaign that I can't believe passed the design stage. I'd give it a lower score, but there was nothing wrong with tech or actual playability (in theory).

And you'd think that an action based campaign would best utilize the robust combat system, but it doesn't. The long range snipers, machine gunners, and rocket launchers force you to play much more conservatively and much more like a common TPS which is the worst way to play RE 6. But what are you supposed to do when you have shooting galleries full of long range enemies or bullet sponges or are much harder to melee (or in the case of Chapter 4: there are enemies who cause splash damage by exploding upon death, so of course I won't melee them).


This campaign is where the game simply overstayed it's welcome. Thing, is, it's not like there's much to talk about. The first two chapter are really boring puzzles with chapter 1 having a really bad stealth section and Chapters 3 - 5 are simply about connecting the dots in the story and crossover moments. There simply isn't much to talk about. It was boring and the story reveals were really dumb. I wish I could say more, but I was kind of on autopilot by that point in the game and just wanted to get through it.

The Mercenaries

Best part of the game and I can't praise it enough. This is where the combat system really shines without any of the bullshit from the campaigns. I have spent over a dozen hours just messing around with the different characters, costume weapon load outs, enemy placements, strategies, etc. Simply put: It's a hell of a lot of fun. It's just too bad there isn't more customization like choosing our own weapon load outs.

The Story

One of the things I appreciate the most about Resident Evil is that despite being a horror series they still manage to stay hopeful. The main character don't die, they triumph over adversity. The stories aren't nihlistic, they are about banding together as partners and saving the world/city/what have you. Of course, this also leads to even more cheesiness and it's hardly mature in its examination of its subject matter and generally has the story execution of a middle school book report, but I still have a soft spot for the zany antics and hopeful message Resident Evil puts out and its so charmy just how hard the writers try despite not being skilled.

The soft spot I have for RE 6 extends only to the overall themes. The game maintains the overall hopeful message of the franchise: Second chances, redemption, taking responsibility, friendship, and trust.

The problem comes with the the moment to moment stuff which is simply too dour for the level of execution going on here. This is a plot where the big revelation is that we have a governmental conspiracy being perpetrated by a top level official who actually became so obsessed with a former employee quiting and rejecting him that he funded what I can only assume to be a billion dollar research facility and program to CLONE HER. And when that didn't work, he cloned his top researcher into Ada. And that's what kicks the plot off: Carla wants revenge for being turned into a clone of Ada Wong, only instead of taking out Simmons and "The Family" (which the story is already asking you to suspend your disbelief that such an organization wouldn't kick Simmons out on his ass for wasting billions on being a creepy, clingy asshole), she decides to destroy the whole world. Oh, and Simmons says something about "for the good of the nation" and "maintaining the current order" which is a load of bullshit and makes zero sense why they wouldn't be covert about their plot and instead killed 70,000 people and nuked a city when being covert would have taken so much less effort and wouldn't have risked exposing their whole operation. And they take it SO SERIOUSLY. With the sad piano pieces or the horror themes or the tense epic music or whatever on top of the mumbly serious dialogue and so on.


As mentioned there are probably enough good ideas in the game to support a single 8 hour campaign, not four campaigns clocking in at 25 hours. There isn't enough story to cover that 25 hours either and even if there was, it was still very disappointing and even outright horrible at times (even for a Resident Evil story). On top of that, all of the variation comes from ideas outside of the core mechanics (Stealth, Vehicles, QTEs, Swimming, Forced Running, Forced Camera Angles, and so on) and none of them are fun because the developers couldn't flesh any of them out. If they had focused on Leon and Helena's campaign, polished it, fit the story into that campaign and given them expanded motivations and character arcs (Leon is a generic do-good person and Helena wants revenge and that's supposed to carry an 8 hour campaign), given us a charismatic villain (not an obsessed ex-employer who is beyond clingy or a clone of Ada Wong), and focused on the action and added mechanics which took advantage of the robust combat system they implemented they might have had a truly rip roaring zombie wresting adventure starring Leon S. Kennedy and guest starring a cast of fan favorites and some newcomers to base future games on (particularly Sherry and Jake). As it is, we have a game where I'll only be willing to replay 1 out of 4 campaigns and will spend a majority of my time in an optional extra mode. I would only ever recommend playing Leon and Helena's campaign, and even that would be with some massive caveats.

The team clearly developed a fundamental misunderstanding of how an action RE title should work design wise sometime between RE 4 and RE 6, so maybe some time away will give them a fresh perspective for spin offs or for RE 8. I just wish RE 7 would have gone back to classic style or something like that rather than what they are showing now.


Overall I agree with you, but things I disagree on:

- Leon's campaign has a lot of useless QTE: QTE to hold the door, QTE to look for the car keys, QTE to dodge the train that can instant-hit you, QTE to start the truck (or whatever that was you used during the Ustanak fight in Leon 4), QTE to fly the plane, QTE to shake off Rasklapanje while Helena does nothing... etc. A lot. It also suffers the most from trying to combine the classic zombie movie atmosphere (which it does excellent) and over-the-top Micheal Bay action (which it does horribly). Plus the bullet spoonge boss fight in chapter 5, although from what I heard they fixed that a little in the PS4/XO version.

- I think Sherry 3 chapter is pretty strong (minus the tank chase near the end). Sure, you start with the "stealth" section, but a stun rod wielding Sherry and Jake with his fighting moves can easily take on J'avo without worrying too much about stealth. It's not like in chapter 2 when even a slight mistake can cost you life since Ustanak can one-hit kill you; J'avo are stupid and melee moves are way too powerful against them to hide in a corner. However, there's no redemption for Sherry 2 and 4 - those chapters are garbage.

- I like Chris and Piers campaign. It is more shootbang and there are more long-ranged enemies, but you can still play it like a brawler, utilizing the core fighting gameplay (writing it like that makes it sound really bad considering RE should be a survivor horror game >_>). Beside the helicopter fight, the car chase in Chris 3 and one too many situations where the game takes the camera controls away from you (while allowing enemies to attack you in the mean time), I really don't remember anything bad about this chapter. I didn't mind the whole military mumbo-jumbo though.

- I thought puzzles in Ada 2 were fun when I played it for the first time - a nice distraction using in-game physics, but they became annoying on repeated playthroughs. And it's clear that chapters 3-5 are simply connect-the-dots chapters, since they lack any unique designs or even a good flow; they just repeat situations you saw and/or played in Leon's, Sherry's or Chris' campaign, only from Ada's perspective. The worst thing though is that the chapter doesn't give you anything noteworthy in the end. The last good thing in Ada's campaign was a confrontation with Carla. Chapter 5 is: a long and annoying helicopter section, boring and neverending fight against Simmons that you already played as a Leon, a short helicopter section where you shoot zombies from afar, a very short walking section.

And I agree with what you wrote about villains. Carla could be an entertaining villain (how could you not love her after this scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5t8LEkWWiI) but her potential is wasted so she could become a plot twist (Ada's a new bad guy, and she dies! Nope, she's just a clone with yet another "destroy the world!" syndrome). Simmons could also work if they ditched the whole Ada's clone subplot (he spent years trying to create Ada's clone just because she ditched him... creep) and focused more on his political plans and The Family. It doesn't really help that half the backstory (most of the backstory regarding both Carla and Simmons) are locked behind the Serpant emblems. :|
Overall I agree with you (what you wrote before your edit), but things I disagree on:

- Leon's campaign has a lot of useless QTE: QTE to hold the door, QTE to look for the car keys, QTE to dodge the train that can instant-hit you, QTE to start the truck (or whatever that was you used during the Ustanak fight in Leon 4), QTE to fly the plane, QTE to shake off Rasklapanje while Helena does nothing... etc. A lot. It also suffers the most from trying to combine the classic zombie movie atmosphere (which it does excellent) and over-the-top Micheal Bay action (which it does horribly). Plus the bullet spoonge boss fight in chapter 5, although from what I heard they fixed that a little in the PS4/XO version.

- I think Sherry 3 chapter is pretty strong (minus the tank chase near the end). Sure, you start with the "stealth" section, but a stun rod wielding Sherry and Jake with his fighting moves can easily take on J'avo without worrying too much about stealth. It's not like in chapter 2 when even a slight mistake can cost you life since Ustanak can one-hit kill you; J'avo are stupid and melee moves are way too powerful against them to hide in a corner. However, there's no redemption for Sherry 2 and 4 - those chapters are garbage.

- I like Chris and Piers campaign. It is more shootbang and there are more long-ranged enemies, but you can still play it like a brawler, utilizing the core fighting gameplay (writing it like that makes it sound really bad considering RE should be a survivor horror game >_>). Beside the helicopter fight, the car chase in Chris 3 and one too many situations where the game takes the camera controls away from you (while allowing enemies to attack you in the mean time), I really don't remember anything bad about this chapter. I didn't mind the whole military mumbo-jumbo though.

- I thought puzzles in Ada 2 were fun when I played it for the first time - a nice distraction using in-game physics, but they became annoying on repeated playthroughs. And it's clear that chapters 3-5 are simply connect-the-dots chapters, since they lack any unique designs or even a good flow; they just repeat situations you saw and/or played in Leon's, Sherry's or Chris' campaign, only from Ada's perspective. The worst thing though is that the chapter doesn't give you anything noteworthy in the end. The last good thing in Ada's campaign was a confrontation with Carla. Chapter 5 is: a long and annoying helicopter section, boring and neverending fight against Simmons that you already played as a Leon, a short helicopter section where you shoot zombies from afar, a very short walking section.

-On Leon's campaign: One of the issues I've been having putting everything in one post is that it's such a large game and it's taken over a month to get through it all (counting the break I had to take because I simply burned out after Chris' campaign), I forget some of the moment to moment stuff. You're right, that kind of stuff really drags it down.

-The middle part of Sherry chapter 3 is fun, I agree. The beginning and end just really aren't for me, though.

-Agree to disagree, lol.

-A lot of my issues stem from the fact that Ada's campaign was already past the "worn out welcome" point. There's nothing outright terrible about it (aside from Chapter 5), but there wasn't anything great either. Like mentioned: It's connective tissue with minimal effort put into it.


One thing I hated about Ada's campaign: she never shuts up; she constantly comments on everything, throws in sarcastic lines, talks to herself. As much as I love Ada as she is portrayed in other campaigns, I started to hate her after her campaign. She's so full of herself it became annoying.
I edited about the story section. I have a soft spot for RE 6's themes about second chances, redemption, and so on. The actual story is just so dour and the motivations behind why the plot even happened are just so dumb that I just don't enjoy it most of the time.

One thing I hated about Ada's campaign: she never shuts up; she constantly comments on everything, throws in sarcastic lines, talks to herself. As much as I love Ada as she is portrayed in other campaigns, I started to hate her after her campaign. She's so full of herself it became annoying.

The funny thing is that they actually had prolonged silences during the other campaigns, but during Ada's they felt the need to have her comment on almost everything. Maybe they felt the need to make up for the fact that she was alone most of the time and her campaign is on the shorter side? Personally I liked Ada and how confident she is.


One thing I hated about Ada's campaign: she never shuts up; she constantly comments on everything, throws in sarcastic lines, talks to herself. As much as I love Ada as she is portrayed in other campaigns, I started to hate her after her campaign. She's so full of herself it became annoying.

I loved that.


I could listen Ada talk to herself all day.
While watching her crawl through a vent, I agree.

I like Ada's campaign, personally. It's a pretty ok remix of all the other campaigns, and Ada is a fun character to play. I don't like her campaign it as much as Chris or Jake, but I would definitely put it above Leon.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
still no word on the new cgi movie

im thinking it might be canned

I am 90% sure it'll be revealed at TGS. The original CG film released its first trailer at TGS, and Damnation also had its first trailer that wasn't a teaser trailer at TGS.


No way they show anything before RE 7 comes out. It already has people on edge, showing REmake 2 would certainly steal some of its thunder.

You know I think we'll see it sooner than we're expecting. There's already the rumors that RE7 might be coming with a RE2make demo after that video and SLUS tease. I imagine that either TGS or PSX will be their last big push for marketing on stage. One of those two I think we'll get a tease of RE2make and the drop that the demo is included if that's indeed happening.

Than end of January is packed with Resident Evil. Adding a demo to that would be one hell of a celebration.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Ooo, the new Resident EVil 7 information from the preview interview has some interesting tidbits that fall in line with things I had thought before, and a few things that had never crossed my mind.

It seems the rants Marguerite has while stalking you includes talking about feeding 'her babies', and refers to some female figure as being a leader or even a god. This firstly obviously refers to the woman who's at the center of a lot of promotional material in RE7, but up until now I had kind of assumed by the song and clues that she may be kept down and only just escaped. I still am thinking she's a tragic villain (whoever she is), but my image of their power-play maybe different than I was expecting. It implies that they heed her as opposed to constrain her, and the reason they hunt Mia in the VHS tape is that Mia apparently angered their goddess.

It is confirmed again that Marguerite (and the others) have been missing for years and only just returned (I do believe they went into hiding for Umbrella's sake and don't realize they're dead yet), but something that hadn't crossed my mind, but is a bit disturbing to think about. I think Marguerite might of been popping out babies in the time she was away and they may be experimented on. The line could be less literal than that, but it fits perfectly into something else I was looking into but I hadn't considered the possibility they might go that route. If that's the case, we may have to deal with a literal twisted family, and that may include monsterized infants. That's a bit creepy.

The projector puzzle is confirmed in the preview what it relates to, to quote:

There is a puzzle in the demo as well, involving a typically convoluted method of unlocking a door. This has you picking up an odd-looking piece of modern art and then shining it in the light so that its shadow creates the image of a spider. In other words, a textbook example of Resident Evil impracticality, that nevertheless has you panicking that you won’t solve it in time before Marguerite comes back.

This is re-affirmation, but good to see they don't seem to want to discard the universe they've built up anytime soon like some were vouching for in recent years:
We did want to bring a new direction to the series, not just the gameplay but if you’ve been following the news of the title it’s got a different setting than before, and there’s new characters. At the same time I think we appreciate that there’s a lot of investment out there, in the history of the series – and the legacy. So, we didn’t want to just discard all that. We want to take it in a new direction, as much as we can, while at the same time saying, ‘This is still that same universe that you know and love’.

The game is definitely taking place within the same universe as the previous titles, so that’s one aspect that makes it not just a scary game that happens to be branded this way. Even though this is a new series of events happening to new people in a new location, at the same time somewhere in the world, all the characters everyone knows from previous games are out there doing their own thing. It’s taking place parallel to those things.

You mention green herbs, that’s just one of the things that are going to be featured in it that will make you think of past titles. And even the gameplay system, even though it’s being substantially refreshed and updated we are keeping that link to that legacy – whether it comes from stuff like inventory management and so forth it’ll be the sort of thing you expect from a Resident Evil game. Even though we haven’t necessarily shown off all those aspects just yet, in the content we’ve shown you so far.

Also when asked on cheesy dialogue:

MK: We do take it seriously when we’re making it, so it’s definitely not taken out.

GC: [laughs]

MK: There’s this sort of perception that the series gets in the West sometimes, of having a certain B-movie quality. But I don’t really know how to explain where that comes from. We’re trying to take things that are inherently unrealistic and trying to make them seem realistic in the context of the game, because we think you’d be scared by them.

We’re not showing just a thriller with a serial killer, it’s always something that couldn’t really exist in the real world. But inside the universe it’s treated as real. So maybe that gap between reality and unreality… somewhere in the middle this thing you’re calling cheese can kind of grow.

(In reference to the original game) Well, the original game is in English and they just subtitled it in Japanese.

Back then it was written in Japanese, and then, for some reason, it was being sent to Canada for localisation and it came back in a kind of Canadian dialect, possibly… I don’t know.

Scenes like the Jill sandwich scene, Japanese players do laugh at that as well. So there’s not necessarily a huge difference there.

TK: We’ve moved on from that process though. What we’ve done this time around is to make sure we have a really high quality English script. The storyline outline is written in Japan, by our Japanese team, and then an English writer has written the entire screenplay. So our methods have matured over time.

>It's also due to mistranslations and dialogue, but oh my. I think they may not be aware as newsbot likes to point out that Capcom USA seem to tackle translating the games with haminess in mind.

I do wonder how having an English writer tackle it this time (and the Spec-Ops: The Line writer, of all things) will handle this.

Re-affirm that combat is in, as they say, "But rest assured we know what people want from Resident Evil: it’s exploration, puzzle-solving, managing limited resources, and combat in a horrifying situation. And you know, we’re gonna get there."

Also, they say they don't want RE7 to be 'too' realistic, about its world or puzzles. "So we wanted to make it so that following a ‘game-y’ logic will lead you to the right answer, rather than considering what you’d do in real life. That’s the feeling we want to keep alive in Resident Evil 7. It’s like the new Mad Max movie. Throwing logic out of the window in service of having a good time."

Interesting little tidbits.
GC: Another legacy aspect to Resident Evil, which I imagine is the most difficult to maintain, is the cheesy tone of a lot of the dialogue. Even having spoken to Mikami-san I’m still not really clear how intentional this aspect was originally, or whether it’s the sort of thing you’d want to retain for this new game.
MK: We do take it seriously when we’re making it, so it’s definitely not taken out.
GC: [laughs]
MK: There’s this sort of perception that the series gets in the West sometimes, of having a certain B-movie quality. But I don’t really know how to explain where that comes from. We’re trying to take things that are inherently unrealistic and trying to make them seem realistic in the context of the game, because we think you’re be scared by them.
We’re not showing just a thriller with a serial killer, it’s always something that couldn’t really exist in the real world. But inside the universe it’s treated as real. So maybe that gap between reality and unreality… somewhere in the middle this thing you’re calling cheese can kind of grow.

So... there weren't being ironic or anything with RE 6's plot.

We're actually supposed to take "I am Clone Ada, Destroyer of Worlds" and "Come back to me Ada" Simmons seriously.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
So... there weren't being ironic or anything with RE 6's plot.

We're actually supposed to take "I am Clone Ada, Destroyer of Worlds" and "Come back to me Ada" Simmons seriously.

It's not too surprising if you follow newsbot's exploits of translating the Japanese version of scripts and files from the RE game. Their tone is incredibly serious compared to the English translations, but it seems the people who have handled RE series translations for the series up until now have translated it in a tongue-in-cheek way (but not entirely accurate to the original scripts, which have caused some continuity errors), which is what we're most familiar with.

This all said, I do think RE7 will still have some cheese in it. The person they hired specifically has done 'serious' works that have a layer of cheese as well. Be interesting to see how it goes down.
It's not too surprising if you follow newsbot's exploits of translating the Japanese version of scripts and files from the RE game. Their tone is incredibly serious compared to the English translations, but it seems the people who have handled RE series translations for the series up until now have translated it in a tongue-in-cheek way (but not entirely accurate to the original scripts, which have caused some continuity errors), which is what we're most familiar with.

This all said, I do think RE7 will still have some cheese in it. The person they hired specifically has done 'serious' works that have a layer of cheese as well. Be interesting to see how it goes down.

Does it play better in Japanese? Is it a cultural difference kinda thing? Then again they said "yeah, our Japanese fans laugh at those lines all the same" so are the writers just not aware that so many people don't find their writing believable?


What game has the best Raid Mode? I just palyed an hour of RM in Revelations 1 and it's pretty fun (but when do I unlock new stages?). I can see me getting invested in this and also getting my quick gaming fix when I am in the mood for short gaming bursts.


What game has the best Raid Mode? I just palyed an hour of RM in Revelations 1 and it's pretty fun (but when do I unlock new stages?). I can see me getting invested in this and also getting my quick gaming fix when I am in the mood for short gaming bursts.

Rev 2 Raid I think plays better, but it is missing Ghost Ship which is the biggest piece people loved of Raid mode in Rev 1.
What game has the best Raid Mode? I just palyed an hour of RM in Revelations 1 and it's pretty fun (but when do I unlock new stages?). I can see me getting invested in this and also getting my quick gaming fix when I am in the mood for short gaming bursts.

You unlock new stages as you progress through the game.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
I was quite surprised to hear than Biohazard (jp) is much more serious

I kind of see it as two separate storylines

Reading alternate translations is interesting
I think saying it's two separate storylines is a bit much. I think it's more like the same story being presented in a different way: one played straight, and the other with a more self-aware and hammy feel to it.


I am 90% sure it'll be revealed at TGS. The original CG film released its first trailer at TGS, and Damnation also had its first trailer that wasn't a teaser trailer at TGS.

Hmm, this is making me happier. Just checked the date for TGS, it's almost here.



Junior Member
Well I'm interested in seeing the writing in 7 now but this confirms my fears of them taking it too seriously. Even if it wasn't the intent that's what the series has become to many people over the years.
Okay, reading the site linked with all the "original translations" leads me to believe the change is much smaller than some make it out to be (especially in "The Files" where the "changes" amount to slight rewording) and its exactly what I thought: quite a bit of the "cheese" is unintentional like in any given Bond film that's not a Moore film. The writers truly intend for something to be dramatic but for whatever reason it doesn't come across that way. Some of that may be a language barrier/cultural barrier, but the director said Japanese audiences also laugh at it.

Resident Evil has always taken itself seriously even in the English version, and that too is part of its charm ( RE 6 is just missing something in this regard that just makes it so dour).

I was just hoping the Simmons Carla stuff was ironic because it was really lame. I guess my reaction came from the fact that they took THAT aspect completely seriously. Kind of overreacted in that post.
One thing I hated about Ada's campaign: she never shuts up; she constantly comments on everything, throws in sarcastic lines, talks to herself. As much as I love Ada as she is portrayed in other campaigns, I started to hate her after her campaign. She's so full of herself it became annoying.

She is talking to her imaginary friend, Agent.

You know I think we'll see it sooner than we're expecting. There's already the rumors that RE7 might be coming with a RE2make demo after that video and SLUS tease. I imagine that either TGS or PSX will be their last big push for marketing on stage. One of those two I think we'll get a tease of RE2make and the drop that the demo is included if that's indeed happening.

Than end of January is packed with Resident Evil. Adding a demo to that would be one hell of a celebration.

This is the real reason that Capcom expect RE7 to ship 4million copies in ~2 months, off the back of the RE2make 2 demo they'll pack it with

I was quite surprised to hear than Biohazard (jp) is much more serious

It really isn't though, Japanese fans find it as silly as we do. No localisation changes how ridiculous the series plot is. Even some memes unique to the English versions are popular there.
One last thing on RE 6 and then I'm moving on to other games in the series.

The story in Leon/Helena is fine. Poorly paced, but overall in line with what we know from the franchise. Most of the fun comes from how absurd the situation becomes (fighting a tentacle dog on a bullet train to fighting a tentacle zombie dinosaur in an arena to fighting a tentacle dog up the side of a burning building as you climb an elevator cable to finally fighting a Mutated Fly creature who you have to puncture with a lightning rod to conduct lightning to strike it so you can finally blow it up) and how serious they still take it. Sherry/Jake is probably my favorite of the campaigns story wise because it is probably the most cheesy and light-hearted of the four and connects the best to the overall hopeful themes of the game.

Chris/Piers is where they start losing me because the gameplay sours me to it and then Ada completely loses me because the plot amounted to "Guy with blue balls clones not-actually-his-girlfriend who decides to destroy the world" and the gameplay was purely perfunctory.

Gonna finish RE 5 and then I'm gonna have to choose between RE 4 and RE Revelations 1/2.
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