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RESIDENT EVIL Community Thread: Tank Controls > *

As I am typing this, the credits for Code: Veronica HD are rolling. Goddamn it this game is shitty. Really, not only is it the worst of mainline RE games, but even as a standalone game, it has very few redeeming qualities. Awful graphics, story, enemies (Bandersnatches, anyone?), voice acting; the game is way too long for its own good, etc. Just a poor game in general.
Yoshichan said:
I think a huge part of my hatred towards RE3 is because I dislike the actual Nemesis and the fact that it should've never been called RE3 from start. Also it's much, much more action-heavy. And it also came directly after RE2, which was perfection and I such high hopes for RE3 that it turned out much worse than I had expected. And those shitty side-characters which should've never entered the Biohazard-plot from start. And Jill is butt fucking ugly in this. Oh and no Wesker.

Mercenaries was pretty cool though. Spent a lot of time in that mode.
i bolded the sentiment i still don't get. all CVX does to push the game forwards from RE2 is improved graphics. RE3 developed the formula a lot more. i've never really got what people say it shouldn't have been called RE3.

Wesker wasn't in RE2 either.

but then i remember that people actually care about the stories of these games for some reason.


plagiarize said:
but then i remember that people actually care about the stories of these games for some reason.

Yeah, I think that often comes up when people like or dislike a game in this series. I honestly couldn't care about the story of the series since CV, with the exception of REmake and Outbreak. There were some nice, old school ideas in there, not bogged down by the Post-CV awful story and Matrix shit.

My biggest gripe with RE5 (a game that I really enjoyed) is still how they treated Spencer and some of the older story elements. It was a total slap in the face to the older fans, and proof to me that they didn't know what the fuck they were doing with the story. Even thinking about it now makes me sad. Fuck.


Lol, I thought about posting a Resident Evil community thread a few days ago but I didn't want to steal cvxfreak's thunder.

As for me, my favourite RE titles are:

Resident Evil 4, REmake (never can make a choice between the two)
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil Code Veronica
Resident Evil Zero
Resident Evil 5

I do agree that CVX is a bit too silly. I liked it, but several parts of the game (Like Steve...) just didn't click with me. Zero is still a great game, but the item drop system and the whole partner zapping system needed more refinement.

Don't get the hate for 3. It's amazing.
Well Capcom said "screw it" and instead put a simple "trust him? yes/no" question in a cut-scene that made no goddamn sense. Barry pointed his magnum at Jill, at fucking point blank; and (if you give him his weapon back when Lisa appears) Jill doesn't even question him. After the fight with Lisa both of them act as if nothing happened. I mean, what the fuck? Why did they change that perfect system from the original RE1 and turned that into the stupidity in REmake?

I'm glad I'm not the only one to find this part weird.


Resident Evil REmake
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil CVX
Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil 5

REmake is still the pinnacle of the series. That game is nearly perfect. Resident Evil 5 is an abomination and should never be mentioned when talking about RE games.

Tank Controls > 3rd person shooter
Old Style >>>>> lolnew style

That is all.

News Bot

BH3 is fucking amazing. Takes everything that made BH2 good and improves on it. How can you not like it if you liked the previous two games? Awesome monsters, great atmosphere, great locations, more enemies in general, great creature designs, etc. Great overlapping story too, with many little plot details which add up to make quite a great backdrop. Such as this stuff; http://www.projectumbrella.net/arti...-Official-Guidebook-Complete-Conquest-Nemesis

Q1. The citizens of Raccoon City could not escape from the closing by US forces?
A1. It took some time for U.S. troops to surround Raccoon City, including the decision of the Congress. Raccoon City was blockaded by the President's executive order, but there were considerable number of civilians who escaped before that time. Many of whom were caught in the security network of the Army and National Guard and those detained for examination received quarantine treatment depending on the level.

Q2. By what method was the Pursuer flung into Raccoon City?
A2. It was taken in by a private carrier like the helicopter that airlifted Tyrant. Incidentally, Hunters and the like were transported overland due to the large number.

Q4. How did the Pursuer ascertain S.T.A.R.S. members?
A4. The team which developed the Pursuer was also in charge of education, and the officials had it memorize photographs and visual materials of S.T.A.R.S. members. The Pursuer is intelligent so it will carry out any instructions through understanding.

Q5. What is the origin of the word "Nemesis"?
A5. The word Nemesis means "Goddess of Revenge" and is what the development team of the Sixth Laboratory in Europe that developed the Pursuer chose as a pet name. It may have been carried out in revenge for the prototype Tyrant, which was tragically defeated by Jill in "BIOHAZARD 1".

Q7. The whereabouts of the Raccoon City Mayor?
A7. The Raccoon City Mayor ran away at the start and is under the protective custody of U.S. forces.

Q14. Carlos created a vaccine to neutralize the T-Virus at the hospital, but did the hospital create this vaccine before it was destroyed? And if so, why weren't they able to use it?
A14. Doctors arrived at the testing stage of the vaccine through research as written in the diary left in the hospital. However, most of the doctors and nurses at that point were under a semi-conscious state in response to viral infection and turned into zombies until not a single one survived.

Q15. What are the effects in the T-Virus that will revive the dead as inferred from Brad who turned into a zombie after losing his brain and the zombified bodies sleeping in the cemetery?
A15. Brad was infected with a powerful form of T-Virus, which dwelled in the tentacles of the Pursuer so he was destroyed by the brain, but his body did not die. Also, the zombies who crawled out from the cemetery were infected with T-Virus and revived in the earth because they were buried once in state of apparent death.

Q16. How did Nicholai know all the Monitors?
A16. All Monitors recognized each other.

Q17. What was the US Army doing at the Disposal Plant? Also, what was the reason for Tyrants fighting against US forces in the place?
A17. It was a complete miss that they, the U.S. Army Special Forces, went out to the Incineration Disposal Plant. There are Umbrella personnel within the U.S. government. However, among these type of people there are double agents on both sides and intelligence on the Umbrella side was leaked to the U.S. government. The Special Forces wiped out in the factory were dispatched for the purpose of seizing the newly developed "G-virus" and to protect the developer, but went up the lift to the Disposal Plant far from the destination because there was no intelligence of the actual facility. (They invaded from the underground train route for carrying-out). But at the same time Umbrella had already caught the leak in intelligence and ordered that all remaining Tyrants be dropped at the Disposal Plant after one T-body was dropped on the police station. The consequence was that Special Forces and Tyrants were lost in grand simultaneous attacks and the virus was recovered by Umbrella Special Forces who gained total control of the laboratory in the meantime. In addition, the Rail Canon which the Special Forces brought in for use against "G creatures" was not used during the surprise attack by Tyrants.

Q18. Why did the Pursuer kill Nicholai?
A18. Jill came in contact with Nicholai and the Pursuer saw them talking several times; he recognized that Nicholai was Jill's partner. "That woman is dangerous..." (No. We can't trust her.) What he felt so uneasy about on the streetcar became a reality and he was killed.

Q19. Which type of missile appeared in the ending?
A19. As of yet, it is unclear if this new type of bomb is one like a thermobraic bomb with the highest destructive power next to a nuclear weapon, but radioactive contamination seems to be extremely low. In this story, it can be said that it is equal to the Rail Canon as a strictly confidential weapon of the U.S. Army.

Q20. To what extent did the American government know about Umbrella? In addition, is there a reason why they never publicly attacked the Umbrella Corporation?
A20. The United States itself is a prominent customer so it has extensive knowledge of Umbrella's product list, say for example viral weapons and B.O.W. (Bio Organic Weapons) However, the details are limited to products available on the market and they have not received intelligence on sections considered to be top-secret in Umbrella such as development status. Also, the reason why the U.S. government doesn't attack Umbrella is "unnecessary trouble brought upon oneself". Striking Umbrella would expose the dark side of the U.S. government itself for the cosy collusive relationship between Umbrella and government leaders. It's an act of suicide for a lot of politicians. This concept can be said for many advanced nations. It circulates in almost every advanced nation where powerful political leaders have purchased something from Umbrella's product list.
Q18. Why did the Pursuer kill Nicholai?A18. Jill came in contact with Nicholai and the Pursuer saw them talking several times; he recognized that Nicholai was Jill's partner. "That woman is dangerous..." (No. We can't trust her.) What he felt so uneasy about on the streetcar became a reality and he was killed.

I was under the impression that Nicholai is still alive as told in outbreak games. Quess they retconned it to have another old villain for later use lol.
RE3 found a cool way to provide replay value without the zapping system; the monsters actually aren't randomized, but the choices that you make (both in the bits where the screen flashes to black and white and in other ways, like choosing to pursue one goal before another, or whether you explore enough to see a particular optional cutscene, et cetera, and ESPECIALLY whether you kill each Nemesis encounter counts as a choice) end up determining all sorts of stuff like enemy/ammo placement and which cutscenes you'll encounter later in the game. RE4 is a much, much more directed experience, but it would've been cool as shit to have a similar system in place for that game (considering how insanely replayable it already is).
I used to consider myself a tremendous Resident Evil fan. Being a major zombie freak, I was brutally obsessed with the games. Then RE4 had to come and cure that addiction.

Maybe someday Resident Evil will be good again. I can dream.
I feel bad for anyone who can't enjoy RE4, or who can't enjoy the early ones. But I feel bad that RE4 had to be a Resident Evil game specifically - it still could've been the best game of all time without having to be a part of the RE series. And as someone who likes both halves of the series but fully understands that they're in totally different genres, I completely understand that if you aren't a fan of the shooter genre, or aren't a fan of the cinematic survival horror genre, you won't be able to like them all. I'm lucky enough to like both genres, but I do recognize that it's kinda crappy that the cinematic survival horror genre part of RE just up and died, especially now that Silent Hill is dead (and with it, survival horror in general).

I'm not trying to mock the post above me - I think it's 100% legitimate that if you don't enjoy shooters you'll be deeply disappointed by RE4; even though it's a fucking amazing shooter, it's still a shooter.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Best: Biohazard 2/3:Last Escape
Worst: Biohazard 5/Code Veronica: X.


Also tank controls don't bug me. The focus on ACTION over survival has.

News Bot

Napalm_Frank said:
I was under the impression that Nicholai is still alive as told in outbreak games. Quess they retconned it to have another old villain for later use lol.

Naw the question was only asking why Nemesis killed him in that particular cut-scene, doesn't mean that's the "canon" scene. His appearance in OUTBREAK actually takes place before he arrives at the abandoned waste factory. The file in GUN SURVIVOR which was supposedly written by him was actually only partly written by him; he wrote the first two entries prior to the city's destruction. The last entry (Oct. 6) is written by a "B.O.W. Development Staff". So even then it is ambiguous.

We won't ever see Nicholai again so his alive or dead status is pretty irrelevant, BH3 was meant to be multi-choice and if there's one thing CAPCOM is actually dedicated to, it's putting how the game is meant to be played over the story. I assume he's alive though since he was the last surviving Monitor, and thus the only person able to get Umbrella the data they needed to produce some of the B.O.W.s seen in CODE:Veronica ("Black Widow" and "Gulp Worm").

Also I really don't understand how people actually find the tank controls difficult or annoying. A lot of people make it out to be some sort of difficult handicap to overcome, but I have always found it absolutely simple, without any time needed to adapt. Did some of you only ever use a single control system your entire life before the series came along? Its baffling. :|
badcrumble said:
I feel bad for anyone who can't enjoy RE4, or who can't enjoy the early ones. But I feel bad that RE4 had to be a Resident Evil game specifically - it still could've been the best game of all time without having to be a part of the RE series. And as someone who likes both halves of the series but fully understands that they're in totally different genres, I completely understand that if you aren't a fan of the shooter genre, or aren't a fan of the cinematic survival horror genre, you won't be able to like them all. I'm lucky enough to like both genres, but I do recognize that it's kinda crappy that the cinematic survival horror genre part of RE just up and died, especially now that Silent Hill is dead (and with it, survival horror in general).

I'm not trying to mock the post above me - I think it's 100% legitimate that if you don't enjoy shooters you'll be deeply disappointed by RE4; even though it's a fucking amazing shooter, it's still a shooter.

I enjoy plenty of shooters. And to a certain extent, I did enjoy Resident Evil 4. But because it turned into a shooter the series has jumped it's shark (first person to bring up my old avatar gets a no-prize). But make no mistake, RE4 is the series' very own Final Fantasy 7, a sacred cow whose strengths, however significant, utterly mask it's glaring flaws in the eyes of believers.

I should probably apologize. I can understand why someone would think RE4 was the best Resident Evil. The series wasn't exactly player friendly before. Mikami just made it accessible by slapping the title onto a more popular genre. I just think it's a damn shame the series had to lose it's horror vibe, tension, and sense of continuity to devolve into a slow, yet progressively more - dare I say dudebro - blastathon. No, on second thought, I refuse to apologize. I have every right to find it a lackluster effort. I expect more from the Resident Evil name.

Though you'd never know from NeoGAF, change can be a good thing. I simply disagree that this is the change Resident Evil should have taken. The gulf in inspirational quality between the original/REmake and 4 is so vast, that I can't help but be severely disappointed in the game.


Dacon said:
No, they aren't. There is nothing innately better about one or the other.

One CAN be better than the other given its execution. It's all about creativity and good game design.

SH:H for all my hate of it has some legitimately scary/tense moments that I thought were pretty well done.

The question you are responding to is "tank controls are better for horror" - period. Of course they aren't, plenty of scary games don't have tank controls.

However, for the overall game design and theme that Capcom were trying to achieve with the early RE games, tank controls were a legitimate option.

Of course, I'll fully admit that as a young player, I hated tank controls at first. However, I grew to appreciate them and now I am a big fan. The controls aren't bad (ie, unresponsive), they are perfectly sharp. But the way they are implemented in conjunction with the level design, the combat, the enemy AI, the camera and the pacing make them excellent for the original series. And they do, along with a balanced combination of other factors, contribute to the tense situation of the game and create unique and effective horror gameplay.


Correctomundo said:
I used to consider myself a tremendous Resident Evil fan. Being a major zombie freak, I was brutally obsessed with the games. Then RE4 had to come and cure that addiction.

Maybe someday Resident Evil will be good again. I can dream.

Nice to see someone who thinks like me. I used to love all the old Resident Evil games. Hell I even enjoyed Survivor for the PSX. But I haven't played a singule minute of RE4 or 5.

They just don't feel like Resident Evil to me.


the piano man
I always wanted to ask, was everybody there watching as Resident Evil 4 took the world by storm in January 2005??

If I remember correctly, in the months leading up to the release of the game, the game was being followed by a moderately small group of fans, most of them veteran and experienced resident evil fans.

When reviews started appearing, everyone began having serious meltdowns and praising the game obsessively, like, they couldn't believe the game and its qualities. I remember then in december when sites and magazines where giving the game of the year award, the words they were saying to praise the game. that hyperbole has not been surpassed ever since.

it was awesome to be there.

anyone has stories to share? specially people that worked as reviewers or in gaming sites or magazines.

what was it like for you??


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
sphinx said:
what was it like for you??
I popped the disc in (GC) and expected another Resident Evil game.

Needless to say, I had no idea I was putting in one of the best games of all time and ~15 hours later, I was in heaven. I had literally reached the Nirvana. I remember telling myself and everyone I knew that this game was the first 10 I'd ever give out. Perfection.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
sphinx said:
what was it like for you??

I remember being hyped for that Church Village opening that was shown at E3. Showed a friend. Let them borrow the Gamecube version... find out they didn't like it because "the controls sucked and it isn't like a FPS where you can strafe. LOLZ"

SMH for that person that ruined Bio5 EVEN MORE with that shittastic new control scheme. Yeah, I said it: I hate the "new age" fans that jumped on Bio4 and think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. Bio4 is amazing, sure, but it isn't the best in the series.
My most favourite series of all time. It's actually the only series I now follow longer than a decade. Shit, has it been already that long? Anyway, except the massiv disapoinment that Resident Evil 5 was for me, I loved all entries of the game. Some more (RE1,2 and 4), some less (Zero).

I really hope that RE5 was only a minor letdown and that the series will return to it's full strenght with RE6.

I already bought 2 systems only because of Resident Evil --> GameCube and 3DS. I obviously didn't regret buying the GameCube and I really hope that Revelations will justify my 3DS purchase. We'll see.


Great thread. Old RE > New RE any day of the week.

REmake is by far the best Resident Evil game ever released. Game still creeps me out even though I know that mansion layout off by heart and the pre-rendered environments somehow manage to still look better than a lot of games this gen.


I've got to be an oddball, because I found my partner to be great in RE5, and I despise tank controls.
I mean, here we had this gorgeous REmake, and the characters moved like remote control robots. UGH!


My first Resident Evil game was Resident Evil: Code Veronica for DreamCast. I loved it. I've seen and tried Resident Evil games before this one, but RE:CV was the first to click with me. With that in mind here is my personal ranking of the franchise:

Resident Evil Remake
Resident Evil: Code Veronica
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil 5

After RE:CV, I played the Dreamcast releases of RE2 and RE3. I enjoyed both, but RE:CV already spoiled the notion of playing with two characters in the same game and running from a near indestructible foe.

I played Resident Evil 4 on the PlayStation 2. I remember enjoying the action, but I also recall the game being light on the scares. This was also the first RE game with QTEs which frustrated the hell out of me.

Resident Evil Remake was a return to form for me. I played it after RE4 and enjoyed it immensely despite regressing back to tank controls. It oozed atmosphere and I loved it.

I was initially massively disappointed with Resident Evil 5. It lacked the atmosphere the series was known for and the action fell flat. A couple of years after its release, I revisited the game and came to enjoy it as a co-op game with RE trappings. Things were made more amusing by the fact that we were sporting overpowered weapons.

I don't have a problem with tank controls or the new style of controls. I just want a game in the vein of Resident Evil Remake where we're given the opportunity to soak in the environment. You can have scares and action; Dead Space is an example of that.
My favourites are Remake and Resident Evil 2. You could say Resident Evil is one of my favourite series. I loved getting into the stories and atmosphere by reading all the diary entries and notes. I don't feel like any other game did it the same entertaining way like Resident Evil. I never disliked the tank controls as it made perfectly sense due to the changing static camera angles. Switching the controls like you could do with Silent Hill series didn't work so well when you were running and the camera switches (as you end up running in the wrong direction).

Despite the hate Code Veronica gets, I did like its different locations and atmosphere. From a gameplay perspective it was definitely the worst of the bunch. With its horrible lengthy backtracking and unable to do headshots (taking a billion bullets to kill zombies, or the useless bow weapon).

Zero was also cringe worthy from the path they took with the story. Trying to shoe-horn things together unsuccessfully. With the scary opera singer James Marcus threatening your path (conducting his symphony of leeches from the cliff). I know Code Veronica was cornier and had some terrible moments, but I was more forgiving back then as a young teenager. The train level was amazing though, and the partner system was interesting at least. Billy was a more interesting partner than Steve thats for sure!

If I have to pick only one game in the series thats my favourite, I would have to choose Resident Evil 2. This was also my first Resident Evil game. I loved how they made the different scenarios feel different and added new plot elements that continued the ending. When I first got my hands on Remake (never played the original back then) I was disappointed at how similar Jill and Chris scenario felt, despite the inclusion of different endings. That plot was also non existent as you were told the plot twists on the beginning of Resident Evil 2 (why did they have to do that when Wesker was hardly mentioned in the sequel?).
The Police station was a very entertaining location, and not to forget the beginning where you try to escape the streets. Mr X was also an interesting twist on the second scenario. I have unfortunately never finished Resident Evil 3, which further expanded the ideas from 2 (only played 20 minutes of it).

For the future I just hope Revelations will be some sort of return to the old formula even I know it will be more similar to RE5 than the first games.

I've got a question for the community, how are the Resident Evil novels? I know this series is not the best place for good storytelling, but always been curious about how the books were done.


My rankings on the series goes like this

S Rank:

Resident Evil REmake
Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil 4

A Rank:

Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 1

B Rank

Resident evil: Code Veronica
Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil 5

Yes, I put RE3 over RE 1 and 2 mainly due to the fact that I had sooo much fun with 3 nemesis. In terms of gameplay options it shits over every single traditional RE game in existence. 1 and 2 may be better story wise, but 3 kills both games in the gameplay department.


SomeDude said:
What really did resident evil 3 bring? In a lot of ways Nemisis was basically a copy of Mr. X
True, but where Mr. X only made an appearance during a few moments throughout the Leon/Claire B scenario, Nemesis is always around. While playing RE 3, (after encountering Nemesis a few times) I always entered rooms with a certain caution. "Oh man, I just found this item which can help me escape the Police Station, but Nemesis will be just around the corner to kick my ass." It was such a relief when Nemesis wasn't there, only to appear a few seconds later or in another room where you didn't expect him.

Plus, in RE 3 you didn't have to push a button to walk up/down stairs. I liked Jill's dodge move as well.
sleepykyo said:
Ammo mixing, dodge and a precursor to the current mercenaries.
Save for the name, "The Mercenaries" from RE3 has little to do with the newer games, though (basically, it was "run from A to B and avoid enemies").

And I think there's a reason why ammo mixing and dodging was dropped for the remake and Resident Evil Zero: it was simply too action-y for the series and empowered the protagonist too much, which is an absolute no-no in the survival horror genre. Remake even improved upon the dodging feature with its defense items. You could block an attack with them, but they were rare enough to provide you with tension once they ran out.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
I loved RE on the Saturn and liked 3 on PS1 and loved Veronica on Dreamcast, I thought the controls are great back then. I loved RE4 on Wii and thought 5 was OK on PC. But when I tried to play REmake on Wii I just stumbled on everything, I guess tank controls with an analog stick instead of d-pad don't work so well for me...
Alextended said:
I loved RE on the Saturn and liked 3 on PS1 and loved Veronica on Dreamcast, I thought the controls are great back then. I loved RE4 on Wii and thought 5 was OK on PC. But when I tried to play REmake on Wii I just stumbled on everything, I guess tank controls with an analog stick instead of d-pad don't work so well for me...
might be a bit late for this advise, but try the type C controls on the cube classics. those worked a treat, and it's a shame CVX HD doesn't have them. basically you use the R trigger to walk, and you push it all the way down to run. you turn on the analogue stick.

it's definately the best control setup for the classics in my eyes, and i remember being slightly disapointed that zero didn't offer it either, but that was on account of giving you two characters to control at once.

i get why people resent RE4, or say things like RE4 is the best game in the series but not the best Resident Evil, because there's a sense that it 'took away' the old style of games, but i think it's unfair to saddle it with that.

people were tiring of the old style of games. if the series had carried on like that, there's no way it would be as strong today as it is. the series would likely be stumbling around like a zombie, as Silent Hill essentially is these days. i'd rather see it change into something else and keep going, than to fall further and further with each subsequent release (and I say this as a fan of Silent Hill).

RE4 revitalised a franchise that was on the verge of going stale. I loved RE:Zero, and I know it sold pretty well overall, but I really don't think they could have kept pushing out that type of game. With each game complaints about the controls and camera angles and inventory were getting louder and louder.

RE4 was still a horror game, it was just one that aimed for a different kind of fear. Being overwhelmed by large numbers of enemies in more open spaces was fresh, and still scary. Many people will tell you that the villiage was the scariest environment in the series for them. It wasn't for me, but I've seen it again and again. That said, for me, the night time section of the villiage is scary. The dungeon in the castle is scary. The regenerators and iron maidens are scary.

RE5 I have, and only ever will, play co-op, and co-op horror is something I have a penchant for. That pasted over the many cracks in the game for me personally... but I understand that co-op for a lot of people short circuits horror. For me, it intensifies it, because it adds something which few horror games get right: unpredictability. When your human partner panics, and tears off, leaving you in a situation that you're not going to overcome single handidly... I find that intensely scary.

RE5 is no RE4, and it's certainly not as good as RE:make RE2 or RE3... but I've played through it about three times start to finish, everytime in co-op mode, and it's been a really good game every time.

It's going to be interesting to see the series continue on the path started with the Lost in Memories DLC with RE:Revelations... where it goes from there, is anyones guess.

I hope though it can stay relevant. I hope it can stay scary. I'm glad though that we got another game mostly in the RE4 vein before they changed it up again, even if the overall quality fell way short.

RE lover

I loved RE0's premise but in the end as a prequel it was disappointing. The story had little to do with the original (leeches WTF?) and the places you visit are boring. In fact the train at the beginning was the best part. I just couldn't believe you don't even get to see how Rebecca and the other team members reach the mansion :(

Still an underrated game though.


In some ways it makes sense for S.T.A.R.S. to have doding techniques/etc. They were special forces. I did like however in the original game that ammo was more scare and the claustrophobic nature of the mansion in the first game was really suffocating (which i really liked.)

In the silent hill games the player should be much weaker. The way the main characters acts in silent hill and silent hill 2 is very fitting, and should be encouraged for that type of game and it's scenario.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I hope I'm not the only one not feeling REmake. It's very scary sure but after having played RE1 (PS1), I don't have the energy to actually complete the game again... Not to mention killing the crimson heads/beheading the dead zombies is quite a hassle and the bullets are very scarce.
ULTROS! said:
It's very scary
ULTROS! said:
killing the crimson heads
ULTROS! said:
bullets are very scarce
Oh hell yes!!!! Hearing talk of REmake and all its glory makes me so eager to play again. I do consider myself fortunate to have experienced the remake first as my results are quite the opposite of yours. I purchased the DS version of RE1 and could not force myself play more than a half hour at most. The devil on my shoulder could not stop reminding me my copy of REmake was right next to me.


HalfbrickPhil said:
The question you are responding to is "tank controls are better for horror"

Uh, no shit?

However, for the overall game design and theme that Capcom were trying to achieve with the early RE games, tank controls were a legitimate option.

I don't recall saying they weren't.

The controls aren't bad (ie, unresponsive), they are perfectly sharp.

Whether or not they are "bad" is wholly dependent on the person playing, as is whether or not they actually contribute to the atmosphere and overall tensity of the game.

But the way they are implemented in conjunction with the level design, the combat, the enemy AI, the camera and the pacing make them excellent for the original series. And they do, along with a balanced combination of other factors, contribute to the tense situation of the game and create unique and effective horror gameplay.

That's like, your opinion bro. I don't necessarily disagree, but I do admit that they've been a source of frustration for me on several occasions. They've worked in the past but I don't see any reason we can't move past them and retain a horror filled game. As well as they worked in the original games, I still feel as though they can be extremely limiting, especially when dropped into a fully rendered 3d environment ala Re4-5.


Ogs said:
RE3 Mercenaries is the best Mercenaries.

Naw son! Saturn Battle Game!


Aw yeah!




SomeDude said:
What really did resident evil 3 bring? In a lot of ways Nemisis was basically a copy of Mr. X
- Nemesis could follow you through several rooms
- Nemesis was also the first enemy in the series that carried a weapon
- two different kind of enemies in one room (in Mercenaries there are few room where you could have Nemesis and zombies in one room)
- "randomized" puzzles
- "randomized" enemies location
- turn around move
- dodge
- explosive barrels
- the return of branched scenario

And I don't get the idea that Nemesis was "bascially a copy of Mr. X". While Mr. X was slow and very often non threatening (you could easily avoid him), Nemesis was a hunter that chased (!) you. Nemesis is an evolution of Mr. X concept rather than a copy.
remake, re2 and 3 is all you need. Resident evil 2 is the best game in the series. And is one of my favorite games ever made.

Resident evil 4 is a good game but isnt a resident evil game.

re:cv is corny as hell.

never played resident evil zero. Only played the demo re5. And its clearly ruined by the shitty coop.
I dunno, RE3 on Hard is pretty punishing (because, for some reason, RE3 only has two difficulties: extraordinarily fucking easy and ridiculously punishingly hard).
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