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RESIDENT EVIL Community Thread: Tank Controls > *

Mr_Zombie said:
- Nemesis could follow you through several rooms
- Nemesis was also the first enemy in the series that carried a weapon
- two different kind of enemies in one room (in Mercenaries there are few room where you could have Nemesis and zombies in one room)
- "randomized" puzzles
- "randomized" enemies location
- turn around move
- dodge
- explosive barrels
- the return of branched scenario

And I don't get the idea that Nemesis was "bascially a copy of Mr. X". While Mr. X was slow and very often non threatening (you could easily avoid him), Nemesis was a hunter that chased (!) you. Nemesis is an evolution of Mr. X concept rather than a copy.

Agree entirely on Nemesis. Mr. X is a non-issue. Nemesis is always an issue. Even if you're still a pro dodger and have scores of ammo available, he's not the cakewalk that Mr. X was. Well, not until the
rail cannon

One awesome feature that I never see Resident Evil 3 get credit for is that it has the greatest variety in zombie models types. All the others have about 5 or 6 different models throughout the entire game. Resident Evil 3 has .... well, I never counted (I can remember about 10 notable ones), but it's rare to get the feeling that you're shooting the same cop zombie or the same 3 civilian zombies repeatedly.


- Puzzles/fetch quests make a little more sense. There were still some bad ones, but it didn't feel like the entire town was built like the Spencer mansion.
- Better graphic effects. The character models were significantly improved over RE2 and miles ahead of RE1. Backgrounds were even more detailed and featured more animated interactions (Water splashing out of a broken hydrant, general debris).


I am shocked by the amount of hate for RE4 in here.
I understand RE5 hate,but people just hate RE4 just because it changed to much seems very stupid.

News Bot

All this talk makes me want to set-up all of the games for emulation and/or PC and play them with my DualShock3 for added awesome on the days I'm off work this week...


I love the tank controls, hehe :)

My fav in the series are REmake and RE4, didn't care much for RE 5, here's hoping RE6 will be a masterpiece !
Celsior said:
I am shocked by the amount of hate for RE4 in here.
I understand RE5 hate,but people just hate RE4 just because it changed to much seems very stupid.

Or, maybe, they don't hate it but dislike the direction it took the series. You know - a perfectly viable reason for disliking something.
Correctomundo said:
Or, maybe, they don't hate it but dislike the direction it took the series. You know - a perfectly viable reason for disliking something.
fair enough, but the series would be about as dead as the Silent Hill series is by now if not for RE4. people were starting to get tired of the classic formula and were calling for something different. it didn't erase the old series and replace it with something else, it REFRESHED the series that was already starting to stumble.


Favorite RE game is RE4, without a doubt. It's in my top 10 games of all time.

Least favorite is RE5, and it's quite possibly my most disappointing game of all time. How do make so many aspects of an amazing game WORSE in one iteration?

I finally played all the way through REmake for the first time last week. I tried playing RE0 and REmake back before RE4 was released, but the sluggish controls and not knowing what the fuck to do really turned me off of the games.

Years later, I can say that REmake was a fucking masterpiece. The sluggish controls, the graphics, the camera angles, the music, the zombies, THE CRIMSON HEADS... all of these things make the game an absolutely horrifying experience.

I look forward to playing it again with Chris, and of course, playing 2. From the sounds of the 8-4 Play retrospective, it sounds like 3 and CV don't hold up, and 0 doesn't pick up. I'll get to them eventually.

As for the next game, that's a tough question. I love both control methods. But after RE5, and considering we have Revelations on the way, I'd really like to see RE6 have the traditional, REmake style gameplay. That shit would look spectacular. REmake still holds up, imagine something made from the ground up on PS3/360?
plagiarize said:
fair enough, but the series would be about as dead as the Silent Hill series is by now if not for RE4. people were starting to get tired of the classic formula and were calling for something different. it didn't erase the old series and replace it with something else, it REFRESHED the series that was already starting to stumble.
Actually, it did, in pretty much every possible way. It effectively killed off the classic Resident Evil gameplay and all preceding storylines. We haven't had a classic entry for almost nine years (Outbreak and "Lost in Nightmares" really don't fit that description), and it's unlikely we'll ever get one again. RE4 could have treated the earlier titles with more respect by cutting off connections, but it did not: There was some behind-the-scenes turmoil going on within Capcom that caused these huge ramifications for the series, and the outcome left a sour taste in the mouth of the fanbase.
Prime Blue said:
Actually, it did, in pretty much every possible way. It effectively killed off the classic Resident Evil gameplay and all preceding storylines. We haven't had a classic entry for almost nine years (Outbreak and "Lost in Nightmares" really don't fit that description), and it's unlikely we'll ever get one again. RE4 could have treated the earlier titles with more respect by cutting off connections, but it did not: There was some behind-the-scenes turmoil going on within Capcom that caused these huge ramifications for the series, and the outcome left a sour taste in the mouth of the fanbase.

Exactly. This was always my initial problem with it. You could have easily replaced Leon with some dude named Bob, Ada with some chick named Betty, dropped those 3 or 4 mentions of Raccoon City or Umbrella (which, although brought up, neither affected or pertained to anything in the game at all), and the game would be the EXACT SAME THING.

If Solid Snake showed up in a linear third person over the shoulder shooter where he drops Nazis like flies and the title was Metal Gear Solid 6: Boots of the Reich, people would call foul. Rightly so.


I know nobody likes Resi 5 but two-player co-op (on the same machine) on Mercenaries Reunited is basically the most enjoyable thing in the series. Shame it was DLC/on Resi 5. Trying to get 150x combo is the best thing.

Also I like tank controls because it doesn't trigger motion sickness for me. I couldn't do Dead Space because of its controls, but that's just me.


sphinx said:
I always wanted to ask, was everybody there watching as Resident Evil 4 took the world by storm in January 2005??

If I remember correctly, in the months leading up to the release of the game, the game was being followed by a moderately small group of fans, most of them veteran and experienced resident evil fans.

When reviews started appearing, everyone began having serious meltdowns and praising the game obsessively, like, they couldn't believe the game and its qualities. I remember then in december when sites and magazines where giving the game of the year award, the words they were saying to praise the game. that hyperbole has not been surpassed ever since.

it was awesome to be there.

anyone has stories to share? specially people that worked as reviewers or in gaming sites or magazines.

what was it like for you??

oooooooooooooh I love my RE4 story. Remember it perfectly.

Being a Nintendo kid, I never owned PS1 (and never played RE2 for N64). So my first exposure to Resident Evil was with REmake on the Gamecube. I remember reading about it in EGM and my mind getting blown.



So I bought REmake. And... I was disappointed. I was too young, I think. Got lost, the controls frustrated me, lack of ammo/ink ribbons frustrated me, so I stopped playing. My body was not ready.

Fast forward to 2004. I randomly pick up this DVD because I wanted to relive the glory of the 2004 E3 Nintendo press conference over and over.


However, the highlight ended up being something else. A video walk through of Resident Evil 4. This was not that weird REmake game I played and dropped years ago. This was something different. This was AMAZING.

I must have watched that video 20 times. The game just looked addicting. Soon after, I discovered Famitsu was going to give away that very same demo with their magazine. One problem. Famitsu is a Japanese magazine, and I don't live in Japan.


My hype was far too high to let that stop me, though. I finally managed to convince my dad to let me use his credit card online. Although I think it had more to do with my dad's friend convincing him that it's totally safe. Regardless, I made my first Internet purchase thanks to Resident Evil 4.


With region locking no longer a problem thanks to the Action Replay, I was actually playing Resident Evil 4 months before it's North American release.

The game BLEW me away. The demo ended with the bells ringing and the villagers going to play bingo. But I never got sick of playing that segment of the game over and over. and over. and over. Handgun only. Knife only. Speed running. I loved it so much I even used Action Replay codes to keep the bell from ringing, and even finding unused icons and secrets.

Needless to say, my hype was through the fucking roof. At the time, it was my most hyped game of all time (Now, it ranks third, only to Brawl and Twilight Princess).

Finally, the day came. January 11, 2005. I got home from school and popped that fucker in. Noticing every miniscule difference from the Biohazard 4 demo, I made my way to the village. This time, the game didn't end after the villagers left.

What followed was 10 hours of euphoria. I could not put the game down. Everything about it was amazing. The graphics, the controls, the villains, the environments, the bosses... mind blowing. I finished the game that day, but I was no where near done. Mercenaries mode, Chicago Typewriter, Handcannon and Professional Mode? It was the game that just kept on giving.

Never in my life have I hyped something so much, just to have my expectations completely blown the fuck away. It's so often the opposite (Brawl and Twilight Princess). That first day with RE4 is definitely one of my most memorable gaming experiences.


News Bot

Prime Blue said:
Actually, it did, in pretty much every possible way. It effectively killed off the classic Resident Evil gameplay and all preceding storylines. We haven't had a classic entry for almost nine years (Outbreak and "Lost in Nightmares" really don't fit that description), and it's unlikely we'll ever get one again. RE4 could have treated the earlier titles with more respect by cutting off connections, but it did not: There was some behind-the-scenes turmoil going on within Capcom that caused these huge ramifications for the series, and the outcome left a sour taste in the mouth of the fanbase.

It's not really that BH4 doesn't have a good story. It's just that it isn't really presented well. At all.

Umbrella may have been gone, but they made up for it by including the involvement of the opposing organization of Umbrella (The 3rd Organization) and a sub-plot involving Ada betraying... someone... for someone. They could have continued the series if they focused more on Wesker, Ada and the opposing organization, and whatever organization Ada was truly loyal to. But they didn't, they focused on "Rescue the president's daughter", probably because they wanted to make the game more accessible to newcomers with a simple by-the-books plot?

All of BH4's story substance is in supplemental material. Moreso than the other games, and that's saying something since most of the meatier bits of the story are cluttered in various books and DVD's and interviews and so on.

biohazard 4 Kaitai Shinsho

Key point: The Man Named Albert Wesker
Ada works for the man named Albert Wesker who is controlling "The 3rd Organization.” He was a member S.T.A.R.S. but was actually a spy for Umbrella. He was part of the mansion incident caused by Umbrella and he led the members of S.T.A.R.S., who were sent in to investigate the incident, and put them in danger while some died. Everyone thought he was dead until he appeared on Rockfort Island. What is he planning? What is “The 3rd Organization”....?
*Wesker came back with incredible strength. Could he be trying to rebuild the Umbrella he used to know?

biohazard 4 Incubate (backstory of the village)

Benny Matsuyama's story texts do a better job of presenting the story than the entire game.


Celsior said:
I am shocked by the amount of hate for RE4 in here.
I understand RE5 hate,but people just hate RE4 just because it changed to much seems very stupid.

I don't hate RE4. Game was fun, but i hated Re5, and generally older RE fans see it as the turning point the series went to shit. With its storyline specially.

I think it was just Mikami leaving and the amateur Capcom devs who replaced him taking inspirations from Paul Anderson's movies (Jill=Alice in Re5, RE Degeneration etc).
News Bot said:
Umbrella may have been gone, but they made up for it by including the involvement of the opposing organization of Umbrella (The 3rd Organization) and a sub-plot involving Ada betraying... someone... for someone.

I thought Wesker, after being revived, went to work for the organization that Ada worked for, and became her superior. He was just using them for his own plans, but Ada and that organization figured him out and double-crossed him at the end of Separate Ways.

That's the way I understood it.

News Bot

Sir Ilpalazzo said:
I thought Wesker, after being revived, went to work for the organization that Ada worked for, and became her superior. He was just using them for his own plans, but Ada and that organization figured him out and double-crossed him at the end of Separate Ways.

That's the way I understood it.

Things were slightly more complicated. Wesker did join her organization (after being invited by them) and eventually rose through the ranks after gaining influence, eventually controlling it (although he wasn't the only leader). Ada apparently betrayed Wesker and the opposing organization of Umbrella for a completely different one in Separate Ways.


Ada at first gives Leon a rocket launcher at the critical moment of battle in a fight with Saddler, but then points a gun at him and demands he hand over the dominant strain Plaga sample, and then tosses him a jet ski key to aid his escape, as if she still enjoys this relationship with Leon.
She escapes by helicopter to a different organization than Wesker's and disappears. Even in this mission to capture the Plaga, the true identity of the woman who has been called the "key to the true purpose" remains enshrouded in mystery.

Upon hearing information about a parasite in Europe that gave superhuman strength to its host, Wesker planned a mission to steal a sample of this "Plaga" parasite from the cult of Los Illuminados. In 2004, he ordered Jack Krauser and Ada Wong to go there to steal a sample of the dominant strain Plaga. Although meticulously planned, Krauser was cut down by Leon and Ada betrayed him, resulting in only obtaining a subordinate strain Plaga sample. However, through another means of acquisition, he successfully obtained a "dead dominant strain Plaga."

The Third Organization
FEMALE SPY (Page 237)

Just as Leon arrived at the European village in order to save kidnapped Ashley, one woman was working behind the scenes. Her name was Ada Wong.

She is a female spy, who fought together with Leon in the Raccoon City destruction, and was operating with secret instructions to steal the 'G-Virus' from the Umbrella underground laboratory. She snuck into Raccoon City immediately before its destruction, happened to meet Leon there, and pretended she was a civilian looking for her Umbrella worker lover, and used that as cover to steal the G-Virus. She used Leon to to steadily work towards her goal, but she found herself attracted to Leon's single-hearted devotion, and a bond was formed between the two of them. Then, although Ada successfully obtained the G-Virus, she was tragically wounded trying to protect Leon, but was saved by Wesker as she teetered on the edge of death.

Six years later, at the beckoning of Wesker, Ada joined 'The Third Organization,' and performed information-gathering missions under his orders. The objective; obtain a sample of the 'dominant strain Plaga' being developed by Luis at the Los Illuminados cult. Ada intercepted an e-mail requesting medical assistance sent by Luis to a university friend, and from this correspondence learned that he wanted to leave the cult as a personal decision.

So, she decided to approach him and offer him a deal; she would protect him if he would steal a sample from the cult. However, Leon made his appearance as an agent of the United States. Minutes after ending her reunion with Leon, Wesker's cold voice delivered the final blow; "Eliminate any doubt. Do not take things further." Ada was shocked by the cold order to kill Leon.

Ada's plan began to go horribly wrong, with Luis being killed by Saddler, and the sample falling back into the hands of the cult. Even worse, Krauser, who was secretly operating between The Third Organization and the cult making it a three-way struggle.

Having overcome his human limitations Krauser's objective was to become the strongest warrior. Krauser wanted the great power of the virus ever since severely injuring his left arm in Operation Javier, in which he participated together with Leon in 2002. All in the name of self desire, he went so far as to even fake his own death, to approach Wesker and to join The Third Organization.'

Amidst the chaos, Ada turned her back on Wesker's instructions and began operating independently according to her own objectives. She sometimes used and sometimes supported Leon in the pursuit of these goals, much like the Raccoon City incident of six years ago. Leon defeated Krauser, who was sent by Wesker as an assassin, and Ada fought the cult leader Saddler in order to take back the dominant strain Plaga. Then, when Saddler transformed and showed his true form as as a Plaga dominator, they fought together magnificently to beat him back.

After repelling Saddler, Ada stole the dominant strain Plaga from Leon, and after saying their goodbyes, she escaped from the island moments before its explosion. Leon also successfully escaped the island together with Ashley, whom he saved from the cult.
"I don't do evil." Just as her words described, Ada delivered a simple Subordinate Plaga strain to The Third Organization and sent the real strain to a different 'Organization', the one she actually belongs to. In other words, Ada was 'a double agent.' She was working for a seperate organization the whole time and her alliance with Wesker was just a facade.
Wesker was very hurt by Ada's betrayal. However, it might not have been a total surprise to him. Wesker obtained a dead dominant strain plaga through a different route and began his own research, taking the first big step towards a new goal.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Strider2K99 said:
What was it? RE4 HD?

I hope not, just spent 1600 of my free MS points on it 2 days ago :lol

Also, I still have yet to play RE5. I have the Gold version on PS3...
badcrumble said:
I dunno, RE3 on Hard is pretty punishing (because, for some reason, RE3 only has two difficulties: extraordinarily fucking easy and ridiculously punishingly hard).

RE2 Ex Battle Hard. Licker one swipe your dead. Unless you play as Leon and are at 95% health or higher. You die.
badcrumble said:
I dunno, RE3 on Hard is pretty punishing (because, for some reason, RE3 only has two difficulties: extraordinarily fucking easy and ridiculously punishingly hard).
WutWut. RE3 even on hard is one of the easier RE games. Healing items are plenty, enemies are easy to dodge and add to that the new dodge mechanic. You can make 100+ magnum rounds from powders for the factory bosses ect.

I've got a question for the community, how are the Resident Evil novels? I know this series is not the best place for good storytelling, but always been curious about how the books were done.
They are pretty good if you are a fan. I would rank the ones I have read UC>Nemesis>CV>CotD

Started to play RE5 GE and oh my god my partner drove me insane at the first ''boss'' where you try to trap the monster in the small room. AI can be so bad at times.

News Bot

I've got a question for the community, how are the Resident Evil novels? I know this series is not the best place for good storytelling, but always been curious about how the books were done.

The novels written by S.D. Perry are meh. They don't have anything to do with the games, they're pretty much just Perry's work.

There is a novel written by FLAGSHIP (the subsidiary which was in charge of CAPCOM's story writing for a while) called "BIO HAZARD The Strange Beast of the North Sea". It focuses on a noble family which helped establish Umbrella and is set on an island. The main protagonist is an SAS soldier. http://www.projectumbrella.net/articles/BIO-HAZARD-Strange-Beast-North-Sea

There are also two Umbrella Chronicles novels which cover all of the scenarios in that game.


I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
News Bot said:
The novels written by S.D. Perry are meh. They don't have anything to do with the games, they're pretty much just Perry's work.

There is a novel written by FLAGSHIP (the subsidiary which was in charge of CAPCOM's story writing for a while) called "BIO HAZARD The Strange Beast of the North Sea". It focuses on a noble family which helped establish Umbrella and is set on an island. The main protagonist is an SAS soldier. http://www.projectumbrella.net/articles/BIO-HAZARD-Strange-Beast-North-Sea

There are also two Umbrella Chronicles novels which cover all of the scenarios in that game.


I read those SD Perry novels..geezus..12 years ago? I loved them, they're actually really tense.
Correctomundo said:
Exactly. This was always my initial problem with it. You could have easily replaced Leon with some dude named Bob, Ada with some chick named Betty, dropped those 3 or 4 mentions of Raccoon City or Umbrella (which, although brought up, neither affected or pertained to anything in the game at all), and the game would be the EXACT SAME THING.

If Solid Snake showed up in a linear third person over the shoulder shooter where he drops Nazis like flies and the title was Metal Gear Solid 6: Boots of the Reich, people would call foul. Rightly so.
That was the biggest point of criticism in the fanbase when the game was first released. It has no connection to everything that came before, it only uses some established character names. Instead, they should have branched off the series into completely different directions: the classic gameplay titles concerned with the cheesy B-movie stories, and the action gameplay titles concerned with over-the-top Hollywood camp.

The initial RE4 was drop-dead gorgeous and looked like a neat progression of the old gameplay while keeping the claustrophobic atmosphere.






Napalm_Frank said:
WutWut. RE3 even on hard is one of the easier RE games. Healing items are plenty, enemies are easy to dodge and add to that the new dodge mechanic. You can make 100+ magnum rounds from powders for the factory bosses ect.
The hard mode is where you get the epilogue files, right? Yes, I think the difficulty was bearable there. CODE:Veronica is pretty hard in the first hour or so, but quickly becomes easier upon receiving more weapons. I'm still hesitant to beat the remake and RE0 on the hard setting because they can be quite brutal...

News Bot

The initial RE4 was drop-dead gorgeous and looked like a neat progression of the old gameplay while keeping the claustrophobic atmosphere.

This can't be stated enough. The Fog and Hallucination versions of BH4 should have been tweaked as a separate stand-alone horror game at least, if not another extra chapter in the series.


So godlike... still.


Was gonna replay the game, had just upgraded to component cables for Xenoblade... for some reason the game (REmake) refused to display in anything other than 4:3 :/

Oh, and why the hell did Chris get the facial makeover?? He looks way better in REmake, hmmfr !


News Bot

for some reason the game (REmake) refused to display in anything other than 4:3 :/

The pre-rendered backgrounds are all native 4:3, displaying them as anything else would be an ugly mistake.


News Bot said:
The pre-rendered backgrounds are all native 4:3, displaying them as anything else would be an ugly mistake.

Hehe, well I've played the game in widescreen with my composite cables back in the day, and guess I didn't notice since the graphics were so jaw dropping anyways at the time. Still like to have to option to go widescreen though!
Prime Blue said:
Actually, it did, in pretty much every possible way. It effectively killed off the classic Resident Evil gameplay and all preceding storylines. We haven't had a classic entry for almost nine years (Outbreak and "Lost in Nightmares" really don't fit that description), and it's unlikely we'll ever get one again. RE4 could have treated the earlier titles with more respect by cutting off connections, but it did not: There was some behind-the-scenes turmoil going on within Capcom that caused these huge ramifications for the series, and the outcome left a sour taste in the mouth of the fanbase.
you're missing the point i was trying to make. how many classic games would we have gotten without RE4? 1? 2? what state would the franchise have been in?

you're blaming RE4 for causing something (the death of classic survival horror) that was already pretty sign posted before it came out.

hey, i loved classic survival horror too, but it's days of being a million selling genre were almost over if not already over by the time 4 shipped.

there were very valid reasons why 4 took the series in a new direction, and you can't ignore them, and then blame 4's success on 'killing' the classic style. the classic style was already starting to die. by zero, most people saw the controls and the fixed camera angles as a dated throwback, no matter how much we loved them.
Prime Blue said:
That was the biggest point of criticism in the fanbase when the game was first released. It has no connection to everything that came before, it only uses some established character names. Instead, they should have branched off the series into completely different directions: the classic gameplay titles concerned with the cheesy B-movie stories, and the action gameplay titles concerned with over-the-top Hollywood camp.

The initial RE4 was drop-dead gorgeous and looked like a neat progression of the old gameplay while keeping the claustrophobic atmosphere.

With as many times as they started a Resident Evil game and spun it into something else (Onimusha, Devil May Cry, and though I don't recall it having any connections, even Haunting Ground seems genuinely inspired by the success of Resident Evil), you'd think they could have done it there. It's a shame that we'll never know the possibilities. Stringent purists like myself would still be happy, and fans of the current RE4 would have their fun little shooter.

Imagine a Resident Evil 5 coming off the fog or Hookman games....

You know, speaking strictly as an aside to all this, I may consider 4 to be the weakest Resident Evil, but it's still a decent game. And for all the dogging it gets, I rather enjoy RE5 as well. Certainly more than I enjoyed RE4. Though I really should point out that I only ever play it in co-op with my girlfriend. You know, the one who knows what the hell she's doing. I suspect that the ire the game draws is from poor unfortunate souls playing without the benefit of a improvisationally capable partner. So while I am decidedly pro-classic style, I don't completely loathe the new. I just am not content with it.
Probably still my favourite series, but a combination of RE5 bumming me out and the story turning into a convoluted clusterfuck has left me kind of uninterested in where Capcom takes the series in the future. I'm still very interested in seeing what RE6 has in store and I love getting rosy eyed and discussing the older games, but not to the same level I used to be.

RE2 and REMAKe are the best for my money. Hated RE4 when I first played it but come on, you can't argue with that kind of quality.
plagiarize said:
you're missing the point i was trying to make. how many classic games would we have gotten without RE4? 1? 2? what state would the franchise have been in?

you're blaming RE4 for causing something (the death of classic survival horror) that was already pretty sign posted before it came out.

hey, i loved classic survival horror too, but it's days of being a million selling genre were almost over if not already over by the time 4 shipped.

there were very valid reasons why 4 took the series in a new direction, and you can't ignore them, and then blame 4's success on 'killing' the classic style. the classic style was already starting to die. by zero, most people saw the controls and the fixed camera angles as a dated throwback, no matter how much we loved them.
I didn't mean to contest that. You're right in that nothing more than the old gameplay could have killed off the series at that time, as the management set Mikami an ultimatum with RE4: either it sells well or it's the end of the series (although it's highly unlikely they would have ever realized this threat, given that it was their most popular series even then).

However, Resident Evil is a franchise that, from minute one, was open to many different kinds of games. You have survival horror (even those have a broad spectrum of remake's classic horror to the more action-oriented RE3), light gun shooters and even full-blown action games. For a series that relies so heavily on spin-offs, the direction RE4 took with the universe was simply stupid, especially since it's a series that is built upon a strong, supportive fanbase. They should have severed all ties to the other games, and branched off into two different styles of gameplay for the main series.

We will never know how well it would do unless we actually get another classic title. I still think that the market for those games is there, and the brand is as strong as ever with the financial success of the live-action films. Add to that experiments in the series always get a free pass for success the first time around, no matter how mediocre they are. Outbreak, The Umbrella Chronicles, The Mercenaries 3D: They all performed mighty well for what they were. A classic RE certainly wouldn't be a financial failure these days, especially not with Capcom's heavy emphasis on multi-platform development.
Didn't wanna be that guy and create yet another thread. Thankfully stumbled upon this

So i'm still trying to soldier on with my series Anniversary playthrough.
Sometimes your in the mood, sometimes your not, but I have the rest of the year so i'm chipping away at it. Actually just finished CampaignA of RE2 on the potty today (yay handheld horror!). Debating whether or not I wanna to C-B or just move on the RE3. I beat RE-DS with just Chris.

Speaking of which, if you really need to pick up a definitive version of Resident Evil, stay the fuck away from the PSN director's Cut and buy Deadly Silence instead. It really is the perfect version unless you have the original PSX one. Better (but not overdone) animations, touch menu stuff is convenient, and super quick gameplay due to non-existant loadtimes (you can skip door loads). Only knock is slightly less audio quality and not as colorful backgrounds, though small screen mitigates that a bit.

Anyway, should I proceed with RE2 Campaign-B or just move on to RE3?
AgentOtaku said:
Didn't wanna be that guy and create yet another thread. Thankfully stumbled upon this

So i'm still trying to soldier on with my series Anniversary playthrough.
Sometimes your in the mood, sometimes your not, but I have the rest of the year so i'm chipping away at it. Actually just finished CampaignA of RE2 on the potty today (yay handheld horror!). Debating whether or not I wanna to C-B or just move on the RE3. I beat RE-DS with just Chris.

Speaking of which, if you really need to pick up a definitive version of Resident Evil, stay the fuck away from the PSN director's Cut and buy Deadly Silence instead. It really is the perfect version unless you have the original PSX one. Better (but not overdone) animations, touch menu stuff is convenient, and super quick gameplay due to non-existant loadtimes (you can skip door loads). Only knock is slightly less audio quality and not as colorful backgrounds, though small screen mitigates that a bit.

Anyway, should I proceed with RE2 Campaign-B or just move on to RE3?
do campaign B.

and yeah, Deadly Silence is awesome. you just need to remember to turn the brightness down one level below what you normally play at. the backgrounds were made a bit brighter to compensate for the DS-Phat's backlight, and if you don't lower the brightness on anything since it looks washed out.


I found myself wishing that they gave CODE: Veronica a little bit of the Deadly Silence treatment for the HD remasters. Allow for reloading outside of the main menu, brandishing the Combat Knife by holding L, and if possible, skipping door loading sequences. Would have definitely been appreciated and could be turned off to retain the original gameplay.

I mean, they went through the trouble of implementing MT Framework and redoing the lighting engine, so I suppose the above 3 would have been relatively simple additions.

It's odd how Deadly Silence feels like the most advanced of the traditional REs in terms of gameplay.
plagiarize said:
do campaign B.

and yeah, Deadly Silence is awesome. you just need to remember to turn the brightness down one level below what you normally play at. the backgrounds were made a bit brighter to compensate for the DS-Phat's backlight, and if you don't lower the brightness on anything since it looks washed out.

Oh okay, I'll do Campaign B

Also, didn't think about th RE-DS brightness. Will definitely have to try that!
cvxfreak said:
It's odd how Deadly Silence feels like the most advanced of the traditional REs in terms of gameplay.

Because it kind of is at this point along with RE3 lol

All this CVX negativity is making not wanna replay it =/
cvxfreak said:
I found myself wishing that they gave CODE: Veronica a little bit of the Deadly Silence treatment for the HD remasters. Allow for reloading outside of the main menu, brandishing the Combat Knife by holding L, and if possible, skipping door loading sequences. Would have definitely been appreciated and could be turned off to retain the original gameplay.

I mean, they went through the trouble of implementing MT Framework and redoing the lighting engine, so I suppose the above 3 would have been relatively simple additions.

It's odd how Deadly Silence feels like the most advanced of the traditional REs in terms of gameplay.
as much as everyone wanted RE2make myself included... I'd have been satisfied with RE2DS. shame that we probably won't ever see either.

and yeah, some more tweaks in CVX would have been nice. i'd have gone for a half decent turning animation as a first course of order.


cvxfreak said:
I found myself wishing that they gave CODE: Veronica a little bit of the Deadly Silence treatment for the HD remasters. Allow for reloading outside of the main menu, brandishing the Combat Knife by holding L, and if possible, skipping door loading sequences. Would have definitely been appreciated and could be turned off to retain the original gameplay.

I mean, they went through the trouble of implementing MT Framework and redoing the lighting engine, so I suppose the above 3 would have been relatively simple additions.

It's odd how Deadly Silence feels like the most advanced of the traditional REs in terms of gameplay.
They're saving it for the Vita remake.

plagiarize said:
i'd have gone for a half decent turning animation as a first course of order.
What do you mean?


Nemic77 said:
Nice to see someone who thinks like me. I used to love all the old Resident Evil games. Hell I even enjoyed Survivor for the PSX. But I haven't played a singule minute of RE4 or 5.

They just don't feel like Resident Evil to me.
But...you haven't played them. How can you know what they feel like if you haven't played them?


Why didn't Capcom give the REmake treatment to RE2 and 3?

I know it wasn't a sales thing for REmake (since that sold rather well), they just never planned to do it at all, but why not?

Now, RE2 and 3 have aged VASTLY better than RE1, they're both still playable, still scary, and still fun, whereas RE1 is just a bit too dated to be effective anymore. Still, the improvements in graphics, and the extra areas and plot points added, like REmake, would have been made for a brilliant RE2make and RE3make.
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