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Resident Evil Revelaitons |OT| 3D Jill Sandwiches


Are the enemies like the ones in the demo where they're kinda like bullet sponges and can take a ton of shots before dying?

Does that get annoying after a while or do you prefer it that way?


not tag worthy
Are the enemies like the ones in the demo where they're kinda like bullet sponges and can take a ton of shots before dying?

Does that get annoying after a while or do you prefer it that way?

Head Shots and Charged Melee Attacks sort them out, also as you progress better weapons plus upgrades help even things out


So, I have been bothering to follow this thread but I'm getting the game tomorrow from Amazon.

Is the Circle Pad worth it or not? I found that the demo felt fine with the regular controls.
It's nice that there's some depth and customizability to the raid missions, and they'll give you something to do if you want to keep playing after the story is over, but the game's action isn't good enough on its own that I wanted to go back and spend a lot of time on those missions after the fact.
It seems he is pretty much alone on this.

Same guy reviewed RE5 with a 5/5. I am not able to put my comment about this into comprehensible, non-insulting words.
That's just...wow!

I'd say there are more than enough right now as RE:R is the only game that supports it right now.
Ace Combat supports it as well.

Are the enemies like the ones in the demo where they're kinda like bullet sponges and can take a ton of shots before dying?

Does that get annoying after a while or do you prefer it that way?
They take quite a few shots. I like it because ammo is also relatively sparse, adding to the tension. You can save ammo by doing headshots or dazing them by shooting their limbs and then a super-melee.


Hey, you know how Capcom apparently had RE5 running on 3DS?

I kinda wanna see RE4&5 on it.



Just played the demo, the graphics look amazing but the controls are very stiff and it is hard moving her. I tend to run into beds/shelfs/trim of doors. Plus the sensitivity of the aiming is not that great. Finishing the demo I would not pick this up day one maybe lots later.


Isn't that only Ace Combat 3D Cross Rumble? I have Assault Horizon Legacy, but there's no option for it.

Just got my copy of ACAHL in the mail right after you posted this (talk about coincidence). You appear to be right. There's no mention of the accessory anywhere in the options, the manual or on the box.


Isn't that only Ace Combat 3D Cross Rumble? I have Assault Horizon Legacy, but there's no option for it.

Ace Combat 3D: Cross Rumble is the japanese version of our Ace Combat.

In Japan have support Circle Pad and we don't have it.

Namco beats again.
Raid mode is pretty incredible. So far I've almost put more time into that than the singleplayer. I only wish you could search for people that are in your level range when you play with strangers, and I see no reason why the game needs a dedicated save screen after every menu. Auto-save should only be indicated by a little symbol in the corner of the screen or something similar.


El Capitan Todd
Nope, it works fine but it also works fine without it.

I prefer without, honestly.
It is perfectly tied around 3DS hardware, not only graphic-wise.
I'm really loving this game: chapter 4 at the moment.
I'm just a little worried about the fact that a lot of people told me that after chapter 5 action increase and horror decrease.


Just reached the first boss, not have much time to play :( , really enjoying the game so far. I didn't like the first action section
snow section
, but the second one
trying to reach the penthouse
was fun. I am enjoying much more Jill's chapters, the ship reminds me of the first RE:the mansion.
The story doesn't seem interesting , which is a pitty, but the atmosphere is really really good. Btw, the music in the hall if i am not mistaken is really nice too, very castlevania-like. It really fits.
Playing with the CPP, once used to it feels very good and comfortable, despite its thickness. Only complain is that when i restart the game after a pause it disconnects and have to go through options to enable it again.

Mr Swine

Yes!!! After a whole week I finally managed to kill the first boss :D didn't see the
the first canister in the same room as the boss, doh!
makes me so happy :D


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
I wonder how much having this game initially priced at $50 is gonna hurt its sales.

Well, now it's at 40$, so at a better price to sell! If you in America can do it, I'd like some anecdotal reports about the game. Just if you have the possibility, obvious :D

Now I'm doing the second difficulty at Raid Mode. Level 21, with Parker. Sucks my connection is so bad I can't go play online :(


So that extensive bit of CGI involving Rachel getting attacked and killed isn't shown in the game? Shame, would've been neat to see... her in 3D.
I was really hoping there would be a section where you play as her that leads up to her death.
I was really hoping there would be a section where you play as her that leads up to her death.

Actually what Capcom did with their pre-launch advertising of this game was pretty amazing. A lot of misleading stuff, the demo included, that ended in some pretty amazing wtf moments while playing the game. Too bad stuff like this gets spoiled in here so blatantly.


Well gamestop text me (seriously when did they start doing that?) and let me know my copy should be there today around 10 am. Good thing I don't work till 12, and that my job is connected to the gamestop, and that we're aloud to goof off during work hours. I love my job.


Neo Member
Played for a bit last night; so far, I'm liking the atmosphere, and the gunplay feels fun. However, the fact that all the humanoid enemies do the Axl Rose dance as they shimmy-shimmy-shimmy towards you makes things a bit difficult, and I'm not sure yet if that's a good thing or a cheap trick.

My main complaint is that despite the lovely visuals and atmosphere, the game is surprisingly mute. You can't investigate anything that isn't designed to hide an item or story clue, and that robs Resident Evil of its classic narrative charm.

I'm going to try to get a Circle Pad Pro today, though the default controls work really well, I think, and have re-conditioned me to enjoy Resident Evil with a controller instead of a Wiimote.
So is there anything I should know before I play in terms of missing anything major or upgrading guns wrong or something? I don't want to use a guide but i don't want to screw myself over either
So is there anything I should know before I play in terms of missing anything major or upgrading guns wrong or something? I don't want to use a guide but i don't want to screw myself over either

You can't upgrade weapons incorrectly. You can add/remove mods without penalty. Also, if you're carrying three weapons and come across another one, don't worry. Just pick it up and put it back down. As long as you pick it up once, it appears in your storage box.


Game is quite good, played the first (very short) chapter. There's some good old resi vibes in this bitch. The map sucks though, I can not make out anything from it. Also I can't melee anything... How the hell do I tell what is a stagger and what animation is not...

The 3D is nice when you put it to strong.
You can't upgrade weapons incorrectly. You can add/remove mods without penalty. Also, if you're carrying three weapons and come across another one, don't worry. Just pick it up and put it back down. As long as you pick it up once, it appears in your storage box.

So what ur saying is this game is perfect. I love you


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
According to a banned site, this game is selling really good and it already outsold Mercenaries in Japan.

The fact it already outsold Mercenaries in Japan is true...we have Media Create / Dengeki / Famitsu datas about it.
For the Europe, we have only a pretty good first week, and a sudden fall in the second one.
And, however, the 50$ problem was especially in US. Now, it's been solved.


You can't upgrade weapons incorrectly. You can add/remove mods without penalty. Also, if you're carrying three weapons and come across another one, don't worry. Just pick it up and put it back down. As long as you pick it up once, it appears in your storage box.
Wait... What??! Really? I can pick a weapon up and drop it immediatly and it will go to my box? DAMM! Thanks for telling me that! :)


Just got my copy of ACAHL in the mail right after you posted this (talk about coincidence). You appear to be right. There's no mention of the accessory anywhere in the options, the manual or on the box.

Meh. Oh, well, enjoy the game! For me, it was like a breath of fresh air after Assault Horizon.

Ace Combat 3D: Cross Rumble is the japanese version of our Ace Combat.

In Japan have support Circle Pad and we don't have it.

Namco beats again.

Yeah, I expected as much. I mean, the game doesn't really need it, but I'd like to have the option at least. :/
Not that it matters, because in four hours, Assault Horizon Legacy will be out of my 3DS and Revelaitions will be in for weeks.
At least I'm hoping.
The guys at RadioFreeNintendo seem to think the same thing, and they too only got into RE because of 4. Do these guys hate REmake or something?

I'm going to go on to say there are now two camps of RE fans: pre-RE4 (puzzle horror) and post-RE4 (militarism). People who did not enjoy the games prior to 4 will find RE:R's attempt to be offputing, while those who loved REmake and the rest will appriciate the attempt, and probably argue that it did not conentrate hard enough on the horror aspect as they wanted because of the militarism. It's sad that so many post-militarism RE fans can't appreciate pre-RE4 games, while most traditional RE fans can appreciate what RE4 did to reinvigorate the franchise (psst: Check out the recent Retronauts episodes dealing with the subject matter).

Also I have no trouble with gyro aiming setup. I find it quicker and I don't suffer from any non-focusing, even at fully blast 3D.

The first Resident Evil I could beat was Resident Evil 4, and I loved it. Not like I hated the first ones, in fact I really liked them, and Ive played a lot of RE1, 2 and 3 before playing 4, but i could never beat them.
What revelations brings to the table is fantastic, just the things that I like from the first ones, mixed with the things I liked from RE4.
Resident Evil 5 is a piece of shit, althought I know that people that love that game are the ones that from the start played the game in coop and never used the singleplayer.

Meh. Oh, well, enjoy the game! For me, it was like a breath of fresh air after Assault Horizon.

Yeah, I expected as much. I mean, the game doesn't really need it, but I'd like to have the option at least. :/
Not that it matters, because in four hours, Assault Horizon Legacy will be out of my 3DS and Revelaitions will be in for weeks.
At least I'm hoping.
It will, and I can assure you Ace Combat AHL is one of my favourite games on the 3DS, and I have already 10 games for it.


I played through RE5 in single-player first, and loved it. I also loved RE4. I'm sure I'll love Revelations when it arrives today. I don't see why loving RE5 and loving RE4 have to be mutually exclusive concepts. They both have gorgeous graphics and sound, airtight controls, likable characters and badass monsters, and the same wonderful gameplay where tensions run high as you stand your ground until you're nearly surrounded. They both have the melee moves and gunplay/reloading that just feels so right. And I like the fact they have different atmospheres, different tones. RE5's world was richly detailed in its own right, with humid swamps and forgotten ruins and third-world cities that felt down and dirty like the hotbed of misery they are. And the three-part Wesker finale, not to mention the two-part Wesker/Jill confrontation ealier, were very memorable. And that's in single-player, but especially in co-op where curing Jill is concerned (my brother restraining her while I removed her mind-control device with a magnum at point-blank range, lol). I've loved every RE since RE4 -- RE5 damn well included.


Alright so from what I played thus far, just got past the first Chris and Jessica part, I can say I like it.

The controls work great for me, the graphics are quite amazing (just got done playing the gamestop demo of Uncharted on the PSV and can honestly say these two games can go toe to toe graphically). I will admit dodging is dodgy (see what I did there?), it works when it feels you timed it just right, making timing it kind of awkward.

The Jill parts I played thus far have that classic RE feel. Low ammo, enemies coming out of nowhere (though sometimes predictable), and just a creepy atmosphere all together. The way the enemies dodge you (or move like they got vibrators in their "pants") and make you waste ammo actually adds to the tension of the game.

The Chris part was more like RE4, paced MUCH better than RE5, but more action oriented than the Jill sections. I also knifed the wolves to death, which I must admit was quite fun. The conversations between Chris and Jessica are kinda awkward. Why is Jessica jealous of Jill?

Last, I got the first edition case, which yes, does have the misspelled Revelations on the side :p

I don't count the part with the giant beach vaginas as being a level. It felt more like a tutorial.
Gamestop is doing there "oooh you had to preorder it." bullshit.

I'll go to Kmart tomorrow to see if they have any left.

Got the Nyko Power Grip though.
6 hours with max everything? Sweet.


Just got done with the first two chapters and so far I like it a lot. I didn't find the 3D effects that good so I just play with the slider off. Graphics are amazing, definitely the best looking portable game that I've played so far. I like the pace, the game is definitely more focused on classic RE survival horror which is a plus for me. No major complains with the controls so far. Dodging is a bit awkward though and I still don't know exactly how it works or how to time it correctly.

Anyways, will take a break right now and then jump in to beat chapter 3 and unlock Raid mode.


So, one more question.
Compared to the eShop demo, are the visuals noticeably better? Or are they pretty much the same? Not trying to be a "graphics-whore" or anything, but was just curious.

You are indeed right. Sorry for the confusion.

Actually, I was just curious. :b
I've heard several contradicting stories and just wanted to see if it was confirmed. Which it is.

It will, and I can assure you Ace Combat AHL is one of my favourite games on the 3DS, and I have already 10 games for it.

Yeah, I think the only game I've been playing more then AHL was SSFIV3D. If ACES and Access churn out another, with online co-op and more aircraft then JA, it'd be godly. :D
Too bad the game apparently sold poorly.
Here's the updated community FC list just in time for lttp US launch :p

RAID chat:

AndrewDean84xX__________0946 2259 9774
Toma____________________2191 7626 0648
Cwarrior _________________3480 2553 6304
NintendoGal ______________1075 0708 3958
weird____________________4639 8940 9147
boris feinbrand____________2019 9637 7448
jufonuk __________________2277 6685 7486
kamorra _________________2664 2164 4466
AkimbO_Arcana ___________3394 3575 4066
XPE _____________________1504 5776 5139
The perfect Dark___________0559 7475 3457
Phife Dawg________________0173 1278 8671
Nicko ____________________4253 3495 9513
profit ____________________3566 1713 2484
Luigiv____________________0173 1316 9263
slaughterking______________0602 6475 2803
The Evil Ganon ____________3007 8108 3296
Vidiot ____________________0216 0799 8851
Sadist____________________2363 5742 0044
loborzelda ________________2363 5624 2558
Evilcrane _________________2406 5147 3160
ReconPeon________________4682 8480 9046
MiamiWesker______________0731 4748 8002

(I added all of the newcomers to my friend list. So add me back. I'll delete quickly otherwise, because of full list)
smh :/ i should have just bought from amazon

went to toys r us cause they were giving a $10 gift card but the price is still $50 there, the fuck, i will just go to best buy later then

i want to play now :(
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