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Resident Evil Revelaitons |OT| 3D Jill Sandwiches


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I need final boss help. I can't figure it out. I can get through 90% of the fight unscathed, but then he starts
charging at you and I don't understand how you can identify which one is the real one at that point. I don't see purple smoke any more.

What's with this bullet sponge crap?


Finished this last night.

Easily one of my favourite Resident Evil games, probably fourth behind RE2, Remake and RE4. The story felt satisfyingly self contained to me. It was enjoyable and all made comparative sense within itself, but I can't really tell you from memory how any of it feeds in with the rest of the series or with the other games. That's probably to the game's benefit though, to be honest. It was cheesy as hell in parts (Keith and Quint.. err, lol?) but it never seemed to drag and always felt pretty satisfying.

Did the game in just short of 8 hours. The end boss was a frustrating bullet sponge but it's just a case of trial and error and knowing what weapons to use against his various stages. Loved the design of him though, reminded me of
a more aggressive looking and advanced Tyrant
. The enemy design in this game was a big plus for me all the way through, actually. The use of Hunters was a little uninspired and the Ooze don't look amazing, but they're pretty intimidating (especially in numbers) which works well. All the bosses were pretty good, especially.

Really, really impressed with the game and shows that handheld consoles have reached a point where they can deliver these sort of experiences without any trouble at all. Would love to see another Resident Evil, Dead Space or even a Dino Crisis come to 3DS and/or Vita on the evidence of Revelations.

Great job, Capcom.


I need final boss help. I can't figure it out. I can get through 90% of the fight unscathed, but then he starts
charging at you and I don't understand how you can identify which one is the real one at that point. I don't see purple smoke any more.

What's with this bullet sponge crap?

Run straight forward as soon as he is "charging" and you will dodge it. spin 180 and blast him
I don't get the complaint of the bosses being bullet sponges.

They were usually like that in the old games and they ARE bosses.

I'm not sure what some were expecting.


Can I add my friend code to the list, please?


If anyone add's me, could you please drop me a PM? I lost track with a few of the add's during the Mario Kart 7 friend codes list and ended up with a few grey empty blocks on my friends list..


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009

The bosses. They suck. Especially compared to the well characterized, inventive, and varied bosses of RE4. The bosses in this game (excepting
) are about as creative as the regular monsters.

I don't get the complaint of the bosses being bullet sponges.

They were usually like that in the old games and they ARE bosses.

I'm not sure what some were expecting.

I think the bosses in this game compare most closely to Code Veronica's. Crap like the Alexia fight. Yeouch. I expect a boss to take a lot of hits. But I don't expect to unload 350 machine gun rounds! I don't even think RE2 has 350 machine gun rounds in the entire game.


Finished the game last night on Normal. About 9 hours clocked. Kind of have indifferent feelings towards the game still. I liked some things about the game, but I disliked or rather was disappointed by a lot of design decisions. At least the final boss was cool. Seriously though, it was like the only boss I enjoyed fighting. This RE game has to have some of the worst, most un-fun enemies to fight. I really don't care for ANY of the Abyss Virus enemies. The ONLY one I thought was cool was the one they introduced at the very end
the dude with the sword and shield.

RE games need enemies that you can POP. The old school RE games had such satisfying combat because you could get head shots with Magnums (or occasionally with a pistol) and the shotgun, aimed upwards, instantly popped zombies heads. Felt so good. Yeah, I know the Revelation enemies had "weak" points, but there is no good feedback or satisfaction when downing these Double Helix-like Silent Hill rejects. And what the fuck was up with the hordes of
. Talk about throwing in a classic enemy type just for the sake of fan service. These enemies used to be fearsome as shit! Now they are simply fodder enemies that pose really no threat. God damn, the way Revelations used "classic" enemies was more disappointing than how RE5 treated Lickers, and that's a turd of an accomplishment to beat!

I'm very disappointed with the lack of puzzles too. I thought we were going to get more interesting puzzle types similar to the screw/wire crossing puzzles as I got deeper in the game, but they reused those things throughout the entire experience. Now, grant it, they sort of reminded me of the Onimusha slider box puzzles, as those were in an abundance in that game too but those were generally optional. I liked the wire crossing puzzles, but I would have loved if there was some sort of V-Jolt-like scenario, crank puzzle, or SOMETHING, Christ Capcom!

I still like the design of the boat a lot. My initial opinion of the game remains the same. I wish the entire game was on the boat, more fleshed out, entirely old school. The filler parts with the flash back scenarios just felt like a reason to artificially lengthen the game. Oh, and during one of those flashback scenarios, when Jackass said "This would be the tits!" I was so mentally done with the game. THIS IS TITS in an RE GAME!? Come on, people...

So, in the end, it's not my least favorite RE game, but it's far from being my favorite. I like it more than RE Mercs on 3DS, but it kind of falls in somewhere around where I place RE5, which isn't very high on my list. I'm looking forward to Raid mode at least and I'll probably replay the game on Hell and get all the Missions completed because I'm OCD like that.
I'm very disappointed with the lack of puzzles too. I thought we were going to get more interesting puzzle types similar to the screw/wire crossing puzzles as I got deeper in the game, but they reused those things throughout the entire experience. Now, grant it, they sort of reminded me of the Onimusha slider box puzzles, as those were in an abundance in that game too but those were generally optional. I liked the wire crossing puzzles, but I would have loved if there was some sort of V-Jolt-like scenario, crank puzzle, or SOMETHING, Christ Capcom!

Even in the best Resident Evil(4), there were hardly any puzzles.

Not sure about 5 as it's one of the few of the series I haven't played but it seems Capcom doesn't give a shit anymore about puzzles.

I thought it'd bother me more than it does.


allright, added everyone on the list so far (i guess...)

missing in action are:

-The Insane Dufresne
-Solemn Nomad
-Mr. Pointy
-Sammy Samusu

PM'ed all of you.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
You're insane; MayDay is a classic.

Classic how? He wasn't really any different from regular Ooze. You read some notes and hear him going MAYDAY for a few minutes, which is cool. But is there anything like the foreshadowing of Del Lago or the sheer ominousness of Chief Mendez? These bosses have great setups and are mechanically varied. I realize these are high bars to reach.

Finished the game last night on Normal. About 9 hours clocked. Kind of have indifferent feelings towards the game still. I liked some things about the game, but I disliked or rather was disappointed by a lot of design decisions. At least the final boss was cool. Seriously though, it was like the only boss I enjoyed fighting. This RE game has to have some of the worst, most un-fun enemies to fight. I really don't care for ANY of the Abyss Virus enemies. The ONLY one I thought was cool was the one they introduced at the very end
the dude with the sword and shield.

RE games need enemies that you can POP. The old school RE games had such satisfying combat because you could get head shots with Magnums (or occasionally with a pistol) and the shotgun, aimed upwards, instantly popped zombies heads. Felt so good. Yeah, I know the Revelation enemies had "weak" points, but there is no good feedback or satisfaction when downing these Double Helix-like Silent Hill rejects. And what the fuck was up with the hordes of
. Talk about throwing in a classic enemy type just for the sake of fan service. These enemies used to be fearsome as shit! Now they are simply fodder enemies that pose really no threat. God damn, the way Revelations used "classic" enemies was more disappointing than how RE5 treated Lickers, and that's a turd of an accomplishment to beat!

I'm very disappointed with the lack of puzzles too. I thought we were going to get more interesting puzzle types similar to the screw/wire crossing puzzles as I got deeper in the game, but they reused those things throughout the entire experience. Now, grant it, they sort of reminded me of the Onimusha slider box puzzles, as those were in an abundance in that game too but those were generally optional. I liked the wire crossing puzzles, but I would have loved if there was some sort of V-Jolt-like scenario, crank puzzle, or SOMETHING, Christ Capcom!

I still like the design of the boat a lot. My initial opinion of the game remains the same. I wish the entire game was on the boat, more fleshed out, entirely old school. The filler parts with the flash back scenarios just felt like a reason to artificially lengthen the game. Oh, and during one of those flashback scenarios, when Jackass said "This would be the tits!" I was so mentally done with the game. THIS IS TITS in an RE GAME!? Come on, people...

So, in the end, it's not my least favorite RE game, but it's far from being my favorite. I like it more than RE Mercs on 3DS, but it kind of falls in somewhere around where I place RE5, which isn't very high on my list. I'm looking forward to Raid mode at least and I'll probably replay the game on Hell and get all the Missions completed because I'm OCD like that.

I agree with this post. I really expected more puzzles. There really isn't even a puzzle like "bring all the chess pieces to the chess board lock" a la RE2. The game in design felt a lot more like RE4/5 on a boat than classic RE with an RE4 perspective. Not that that is entirely a bad thing.

Even in the best Resident Evil(4), there were hardly any puzzles.

I thought this was going to be more like "classic" RE.
Classic how? He wasn't really any different from regular Ooze. You read some notes and hear him going MAYDAY for a few minutes, which is cool. But is there anything like the foreshadowing of Del Lago or the sheer ominousness of Chief Mendez? These bosses have great setups and are mechanically varied. I realize these are high bars to reach.

Having played RE4 again recently, Del Lago has about as much foreshadowing as any boss in Revelations
sans Rachel
, which is to say very little. Other than that exception, there's really nothing like Mendez. As a sidenote, Mendez is awesome because he's clearly the only competent villain in the entire series. That said, my favorite boss is a complete and total surprise, and he isn't a bullet sponge at all.
It was pretty cool when that sword guy tore his way into the decontamination room, and you had to survive until Chris opened the door. Then you could run for the magnum in the bigger tank room and take him out in like three shots. Of course, it turns out he's a regular enemy later, but whatever. It was a very well set up encounter. I thought the rock boss was going to be like that when you do the great elevator part, but then you just kind of run around and wait for him to charge.
You don't always need foreshadowing if the surprise is good enough, but it would have been nice to have one or two bosses with a more elaborate set up.
I thought this was going to be more like "classic" RE.

In "feel" it is a lot of the time.

Capcom obviously doesn't care about puzzles anymore.

I never thought the puzzles in Resident Evil games were too impressive but I kind of miss them but 4 was so good that it's the reason I didn't notice them being gone.


Classic how? He wasn't really any different from regular Ooze. You read some notes and hear him going MAYDAY for a few minutes, which is cool. But is there anything like the foreshadowing of Del Lago or the sheer ominousness of Chief Mendez? These bosses have great setups and are mechanically varied. I realize these are high bars to reach.
May Day was great.
You know he's a glutton when the note in the main hall says he's hiding in the promenade. Then you have the silence of the promenade, punctuated only by his screams: "This is the Queen Ze-no-bi-a... Maaaaaaaaay-daaaaaaaaay". You can scour the intricate stage layout for ammo and herbs, but May Day is locked in the pantry until you shoot him free; breaking the padlock on the rattling door was a blood-chilling "Oh god am I signing my own death sentence" moment. Then the fleshy monstrosity comes staggering out on his stump legs with his buzzsaw whirling -- classic RE4/RE5 chainsaw noise and all the fear it inspires -- and spitting goddamn beartraps that can keep you from running so he can instant-kill you with his mouth move. You hear "TASTY," hot on your ears in both headphones, and you know you're fucked. Then you finally kill the sucker and find the diary about how he was infected, developing split personalities, the second head, etc. Creepy shit.
One of the most memorable boss encounters in the series, if you ask me.

The bosses were just right, imo. They were challenging as bosses should be, taking damage and aggressively doling it out. They had presence, and their appearances were all telegraphed in some way, like the
towering shellfish-man stopping the glass elevator and lowering his two heads to watch you
, or
the sea monster's tentacles in the hovercraft scene or slithering through the bowels of the lab
. The game even got turret battles right with the
chopper scene
that conveyed an impressive sense of scale on the 3DS,
this skyscraping monster in the palm of my hand
. Even some of the minor monsters had boss-like presence, such as the
globsters swimming through the sunken ship at the end; I got insta-killed by one and tensed up whenever I caught fleeting glimpses of their white bodies in the distance
. I'm just thoroughly impressed with the bosses, but to each their own.

Oh, and
design wound up working really well as a monster.
The clash between her feminine beauty and sexuality and the blood-stained monster she had become made her always interesting to look at, and I don't mean that lewdly. You can't help but feel bad for her as well, especially when she whimpers, "Please don't hurt me."

On a side note, if you want to see really impressive lighting, play as wetsuit Jessica in Raid on one of the crew quarters levels where you're near the broken window looking out on the sea. The lighting in the hall nearby makes her black wetsuit glow with an impressive sheen that seems to change colors based on diferent lighting sources in relation to her.


Adding those in the FC List to mine, slowly but surely. Sending out PMs as I go along. And for the first 8 or so, you get a message where I unintentionally misspell Revelations! How embarrassing. Everyone should receive a message soon. My friend code is 3566 1542 2931.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I think it is a bad idea to
reuse boss models as regular enemies. Not that other REs (and other games in general) don't do it, but I feel like it cheapens it a little. I think Parker says, "Rachel...she's still alive!" at a later point in the game, but in reality there's just a Rachel in every room. It's like stop already, geeze.
I think it is a bad idea to
reuse boss models as regular enemies. Not that other REs (and other games in general) don't do it, but I feel like it cheapens it a little. I think Parker says, "Rachel...she's still alive!" at a later point in the game, but in reality there's just a Rachel in every room. It's like stop already, geeze.

They probably couldn't resist because she was a total highlight of the game.

It did nothing for her character though.


only appear in
the rooms between where she was killed and the cafeteria, and then the library later on, and finally the control room
? At any rate,
recurring stalker bosses
are cool and most certainly welcome in a RE game, for my tastes anyway.

Past REs have reused bosses as well. Four El Gigantes in RE4 come to mind. Though each of those encounters was incredibly unique and they even gave each El Gigante a different look (classic El Gigante, spookily-lit El Gigante, and then the two S&M El Gigantes). Still, I don't think they overdo it in RER.
Wasn't it mainly just the Skagdeads that made second appearances, outside of Rachael? I'm pretty sure the shellfish-man was one-off, as was the sea monster and of course the Tyrant. Though Raid's another story, as I'm learning on Abyss, lol.
By the way, I thoroughly enjoyed Quint.

I loved how his cliche persona changed the atmosphere of the game.

I don't want every character being ultra serious in games that are known to have plenty of campy moments.

The dude rules and if you don't think so, you're jealous of him.

He's kind of like McGee from NCIS but with a personality.


You're insane; MayDay is a classic.
He could've been a classic, but then you blow up, like, 6 gas tanks, melee his ass each time he staggers after those explosions, throw all those grenades you hadn't used at all by that point, kick him again, and generally just empty all your clips into him (well, at least the ones you didn't use to kill the endless waves of those Abyss monsters that got in your way). I'm not sure if I did something wrong, but it took way too much effort to take him down.


He could've been a classic, but then you blow up, like, 6 gas tanks, melee his ass each time he staggers after those explosions, throw all those grenades you hadn't used at all by that point, kick him again, and generally just empty all your clips into him (well, at least the ones you didn't use to kill the endless waves of those Abyss monsters that got in your way). I'm not sure if I did something wrong, but it took way too much effort to take him down.
Aim for his human head. You were probably sinking bullets into his fat.
I think it is a bad idea to
reuse boss models as regular enemies. Not that other REs (and other games in general) don't do it, but I feel like it cheapens it a little. I think Parker says, "Rachel...she's still alive!" at a later point in the game, but in reality there's just a Rachel in every room. It's like stop already, geeze.

I think it's supposed to be the same character, even though it just seems like a regular enemy at that point. The problem I had with Rachel is you never actually take her out permanently. There's no closure. Also, unrelated but I would have rather played as the doomed Rachel than as Keith and Quint, who are ridiculously out of place.


Is there any possibility this game will receive DLC? I don't know if it has the DLC hooks in place but it's certainly easy to imagine possible content:

- Prologue where you play as Rachael
- Rachael in Raid
- Third outfits for Jill and Chris in Raid
- New outfits for Jill in campaign
Oh, man. They dropped the ball IMO. It started off so very promising with great atmosphere and exploration for a little while, but then something happened. It quickly turned into yet another action extravaganza. The second half of the game has been almost nothing but these little short-burst scenarios, just jumping around to a lot of stupid and pointless shit when I'd much rather just be creeping around the ship like I was able to do in the mansion in RE1, or the police station in RE2.

It was so good there for a while, but the plot just started to rattle off and hop around from place to place, taking away my ability (and desire) to be completely immersed in the environments. Honestly I don't think the demo paints a truthful picture for the rest of the game. It's almost like they tried to sway everyone in by pulling off some really nice, horror-driven exploration and creature encounters but then almost completely took that away.

And it gets worse. Not only does the narrative develop some serious ADD, but when you finally get to
explore deeper into the ship, where by all accounts it should get even scarier, you have to encounter some of the most fucking annoying enemies in the series coupled with some not very fun swimming segments

I don't hate the game by any stretch, it's fun, but beyond the opening hour or two, it's not the classic RE type experience that the developers, or the demo promised. It definitely has some very good, old school style moments that I appreciate, but in the second half of the game they're very few and far between.
Is there any possibility this game will receive DLC? I don't know if it has the DLC hooks in place but it's certainly easy to imagine possible content:

- Prologue where you play as Rachael
- Rachael in Raid
- Third outfits for Jill and Chris in Raid
- New outfits for Jill in campaign

someone from capcom said DLC isn't possible.

what sucked was Jill only had 1 new outfit(wetsuit)
Chris' wetsuit I actually liked more than STARS so his 2 are ok.
I was surprised Rachel wasn't in Raid considering the others.

I disagree brandonh83, it was promised to be a combination of new and old, and I felt they found a near perfect balance. Yes the later parts are more action but the series has always been like that.
Do you just add the FC numbers and then their names appear automatically, or do you have to type in all the names too?

It depends on whether the other person has already added your code or not.

If they have already added your code then as soon as you add their code their username will automatically appear.

If they have not already added your code then you need to add their code and their name.

So if you wish to be lazy, only add people who have added you first :p.

Is there any possibility this game will receive DLC? I don't know if it has the DLC hooks in place but it's certainly easy to imagine possible content:

It's Capcom so I would be surprised if it doesn't!

someone from capcom said DLC isn't possible.

I am surprised! :(


I just realized something about that Rachael cutscene that never appeared in the game...

Remember how it was intercut with shots of Veltro infecting the dying crew members? Yeah -- that has to be Raymond.


Can anyone confirm that this song is singing lines from Dante's Divine Comedy in Latin? I think it would make more sense in Italian, given it was the language it was written in, and given the monster names are the Italian version of characters from Inferno, but someone on YouTube claims the lines are Latin in this song.

God, this soundtrack.
Okay, I'm losing it here. Been refreshing the store for the last 30 minutes now to get the last super rare weapon (the rifle). Every other rare weapon popped up at least 3 times until now. I want that f'ing costume! :(

Mind removing me from that list? I'm receiving PMs and I can't add more people.

Removed you from the last update, but I won't go through the thread again to edit all of my posts of the list.
Can anyone confirm that this song is singing lines from Dante's Divine Comedy in Latin? I think it would make more sense in Italian, given it was the language it was written in, and given the monster names are the Italian version of characters from Inferno, but someone on YouTube claims the lines are Latin in this song.

God, this soundtrack.

No clue, but I somehow thought that was some old, now open domain classical piece. :lol It sounded so familiar.


Can anyone confirm that this song is singing lines from Dante's Divine Comedy in Latin? I think it would make more sense in Italian, given it was the language it was written in, and given the monster names are the Italian version of characters from Inferno, but someone on YouTube claims the lines are Latin in this song.

God, this soundtrack.

No clue, but I somehow thought that was some old, now open domain classical piece. :lol It sounded so familiar.
I strongly doubt it's public domain. And it does look like the lyrics are taken from Dante Alighieri's Inferno, Canto III:

Per me si va ne la città dolente,
per me si va tra la perduta gente.


I just watched a video of a Ghost Ship run where they just run straight through the Promenade without fighting anything but the dogs and use an Old Key to get out of the area. How is this possible? I'm all for avoiding the skagdeads...

EDIT: And what is this? (BOSS SPOILERS)


You know what's an awesome combo? Using Charge 2 on a rifle. I was able to stunlock
Rachel's crying bitch-ass
to death on the first encounter because of it.

And I just now remembered on this playthrough that I never did find out what happens when the pool is filtered. I'm guessing that one of the handprints I missed is in there.

News Bot

A full professional translation of "Jessica's Report" from the "REVELATIONS REPORT" DVD that came with the Limited Edition of the Japanese version can be found here.
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