The perfect Dark
Can you unlock costumes or do you have to buy them?
How do you get the
? (weapon spoiler)
How do you get the
Can you unlock costumes or do you have to buy them?
How do you get the? (weapon spoiler)katana
One set is bought, there's some others that are supposed to be unlocked, but I don't think we know the exact conditions yet. Likely require beating the game for campaign, not sure about the Raid Mode versions.
The Katana is a skill that Cipher has in Raid Mode, can be passed off to other characters. Isn't really a spoiler.
In regards to the costumes: The set with Rodeo Claire is $10 if you did the Complete Season Pass digitally. If you buy the retail package, they will be included for free though I'm not sure if you have to do something to unlock them or if they're just there.
Other costumes, spoiler for the sensitive:
There are alternates for Claire and Barry based on their classic look that you get for beating the game. I believe there's another alternate for Claire if you beat the game and get the good ending. The bonus episodes have different costumes for both Moira and Natalia, and I believe both are unlocked after their completion.
EDIT: And I should add while those are in-game unlocks, they do cost BP, I believe 10,000, to unlock for use.
Are the two extra episodes (The Struggle and Little Miss) hitting PSN alongside Episode 4 on Tuesday?
That's a lot of RER2 lovin' on one day. :-OI don't think it's been said, but I would assume so since those are in the retail version.
They're probably part of Episode 4 and you just need to beat that episode to play them.
Wonder if they are behind BP.
I agree it's a fantastic game. My second favorite after RE4, as someone who is primarily a fan of modern-day RE.Is there any way to send a letter directly to Capcom and all of us tell them this is the best RE experience since RE4?
I'm not serious about the letter, of course, but man... I love everything about this game besides the B-rated graphics and a few bland environments (both of which are just because of the budget).
The story, partner mechanic, enemy designs, and fan service in this game are top notch. Oh, and thank you for some moody atmosphere and puzzles again!!!
- Unlock the post-game weapons (i.e.)the Bubble Gun
lol, the graphics in Raid are as high-budget as RE6 because most of them are straight-up -from- RE6to distract myself from waiting for the 4th episode, i decided to try raids mode. in a few days as wesker, i managed to get over 300 medals, and the complete medal for each stage i've played. this mode is so easy thanks to his magnum mastery and the evade skill. almost level 60 and i have so many skill points that i don't know what to spend it on. although i have noticed i am running dangerously low on ammo, so maybe handgun mastery is next.
if the developers had more money to put in more melee moves, raids mode would definitely be more fun than merc mode. also i wish the music was better. ok and the graphics.
I agree it's a fantastic game. My second favorite after RE4, as someone who is primarily a fan of modern-day RE.
I think the graphics are great, too. On paper, I though the environments would feel generic (prisons and such being common settings in horror films), but in practice nearly every room looks and feels unique. They packed a good amount of variety in there, and made each place feel richly detailed and "lived in." Urban decay in a Soviet setting is a fascinating backdrop, IMO.
So I just realized tonight that I had unlocked Cipher in Raid mode, and I'm trying to level him up a bit...the katana is awesome and all, but how the hell can I handle any enemies that explode without a ranged weapon? I've tried like hell to slice and back away, but I still get blown up.
Hit with the tip. The katana has surprising range. But yeah, elites are trickier.So I just realized tonight that I had unlocked Cipher in Raid mode, and I'm trying to level him up a bit...the katana is awesome and all, but how the hell can I handle any enemies that explode without a ranged weapon? I've tried like hell to slice and back away, but I still get blown up.
i just wish Chris's melee for the otg was his re5 stomp
the knife attack is too slow
oh also hunk neck snap
I love the game, honestly. But by now the lack of melee is really grating. They have done a lot right here, with Rev2, but this was a massive omission. It is sorely missed.
They have dozens of animations they could have pulled from RE5/6. Dozens.
They have removed the emphasis on melee. There is no reward (unless you count the broken as shit katana) or emphasis on the melee anymore. This is a huge part of RE since RE4 and these Revelations games are missing the mark big time on this aspect.
One step forward, two steps back. I really hope they sort their shit out for RE7.
Barry can't shoot the clouds. Only Natalia can hit them, by swinging or throwing a brick. They become like puzzles at points, where you have to climb around to get the right angle, throw over a wall, etc.
Katana is OP as fuck. I got it with Moira and even at level 2 with a level 6 Melee Master skill it pretty much destroys everything. I can't even imagine how broken it would be with a maxed out Savor the Moment (Leon's knife buff) on top of maxed out Melee Master and a maxed out katana.
The Extra episodes aren't locked behind BP. You can play them from the beginning if you really want to.
So when you max out a skill is when you can pass it on to someone? I need to find someone with a Shotgun Skill so I can give it to hunk.
I really want to get Leon but man 20 completion medals sounds hard. How do you get completion medals anyways?
To get a completion medal, do the following:I really want to get Leon but man 20 completion medals sounds hard. How do you get completion medals anyways?
I might try those modes after I've completed three playthroughs of the main campaign (I'm already on track for this -- I played the first three episodes a total of three times each).I just finished invisible and countdown modes for each episode. Kind of a pain. I enjoyed countdown a lot more. There were parts of my invisible mode run that were complete bs. And I'm pretty sure invisible is set to the hardest difficulty.
I love the game, honestly. But by now the lack of melee is really grating. They have done a lot right here, with Rev2, but this was a massive omission. It is sorely missed.
They have dozens of animations they could have pulled from RE5/6. Dozens.
They have removed the emphasis on melee. There is no reward (unless you count the broken as shit katana) or emphasis on the melee anymore. This is a huge part of RE since RE4 and these Revelations games are missing the mark big time on this aspect.
One step forward, two steps back. I really hope they sort their shit out for RE7.
This game has the worst lockpicking mini-game in any game ever.
Other costumes, spoiler for the sensitive:
I believe there's another alternate for Claire if you beat the game and get the good ending.
I don't know if I'd call it the worst, but it makes no sense. Picking a lock with a crowbar? lolwut
I love the game, honestly. But by now the lack of melee is really grating. They have done a lot right here, with Rev2, but this was a massive omission. It is sorely missed.
They have dozens of animations they could have pulled from RE5/6. Dozens.
They have removed the emphasis on melee. There is no reward (unless you count the broken as shit katana) or emphasis on the melee anymore. This is a huge part of RE since RE4 and these Revelations games are missing the mark big time on this aspect.
One step forward, two steps back. I really hope they sort their shit out for RE7.
Any word ifshows up in raid?the fight with uroburous Neil
Would love to have that fight on demand and in coop.
Any word ifshows up in raid?the fight with uroburous Neil
Would love to have that fight on demand and in coop.
Sorry if this might be a bit off topic, but does anyone know if any group is scanlating the Revelations 2 tie-in manga "Heavenly Island?" I doubt we'll ever get it over here.