I tell ya, the ending to episode 2 is fantastic. Can't wait for people to see it.
I'm really anxious going by the response to the ending. I'll probably grab a six pack before diving in.
I tell ya, the ending to episode 2 is fantastic. Can't wait for people to see it.
It's not available yet. I guess we're going to get it when the store updates later today.
Haha, yeah, it effectively changed every character to only having 5 passive slots, because I can't see any reason why you wouldn't want it on everyone
That is so fucking lame, they should be pushing that stuff at midnight like they did with the initial release for season pass owners.
I'm really anxious going by the response to the ending. I'll probably grab a six pack before diving in.
dodge canceling honestly isn't that great besides getting out of OTGs as fast as possible. except the most common otg attack, the knife stab, is super slow to hit so it's not great for most of the characters anyways
marhawa desire was ok as it brought into existence a panel of chris redfield decking a dog so hard that it's eyes explode out of it's head in the very first volume
also i guess it's a pretty okay tie-in/prequel/lead-up to RE6
has anyone tried out using claire's shield passive yet? i'm wondering if it's inheritable and if i should get it to stick onto hunk since he has like no skills worth investing into anyways beyond weapon masteries
Anyone know any tips for PC performance? It runs so badly.
Use the beta patch currently on offer.
You'll see it in the steam community forums for the game.
Wich are your favorite Raid characters?
Since yesterday I had only Barry and Claire. I bought Season Pass and finished Episode One, so now I have unlocked Moira, Gina and Hunk aswell.
Hunk just seems like the best character early on. He has the 4 weapon slots opened from start, and that invisibility ability that can help a lot either. Have not tried Gina and Moira though.
Im thinking about buying Wesker.
Eh, I've been using Moira with her ammo-on-kill and it makes having additional weapon slots a bit pointless. If you find a gun you really like you can take only that, with the benefit of crates always giving you the ammo you need. I'm using a shotgun with Moira and a handgun for triggering follow-ups and she rocks people. Handguns would be a lot better if it only took one headshot to stun, though. Always takes two so I usually just end up shotgunning people in the face instead.
Bought her Urban Ninja outfit, too. Part of the problem but regret nothing.
This ammo-on-kill skill is placed in wich characters? This and Wesker's evade skill seems to be by far the best skills in the game.
Also, if I inherit a skill the original user lose it? Can the skill be transfered to all characters so all of them carry this same skill?
Inheriting skills works like this:
- All players receive access to the skill.
- If a skill is owned already by a particular character, but locked by a level gate, it becomes immediately available.
- After gaining access to the skill, other players must "purchase" it and level it with SP as normal.
I didn't find the Ammo drop skill really doing anything. Got to like 28% and I think it coughed up ammo once so far.
Y'all love it? OMG! I hate it. It's ridic.
Y'all love it? OMG! I hate it. It's ridic.
Leon's hair has finally become self-aware and all-powerful.
Leon channels his hair energy, and wooshes all the enemies away.
If it was in the main game, naahh, I wouldn't like it. But in Raid, it doesn't bother me. We have people dancing to kill things, mega power-drills, katanas, so why not?
Leon channels his hair energy, and wooshes all the enemies away.
Use the beta patch currently on offer.
You'll see it in the steam community forums for the game.
I hope Chris summons a boulder from the heavens.
I have another question so excuse my extreme lack of knowledge about Raid Mode...
How do you level skills up? I have SP but I don't see how to use them.
I have another question so excuse my extreme lack of knowledge about Raid Mode...
How do you level skills up? I have SP but I don't see how to use them.
Spoilers for Chris's special move in Raid Mode:He punches his first together, then he literally turns silver and made of steel, and becomes invulnerable for about 6 seconds and does power powerful melee moves, the skill is called, 'Coat of Armor'.
I am not making that up, btw.
Spoilers for Chris's special movie in Raid Mode:He punches his first together, then he literally turns silver and made of steel, and becomes invulnerable for about 6 seconds and does power powerful melee moves, the skill is called, 'Coat of Armor'.
I am not making that up, btw.
Go to the customize mannequin, pick a character, skills, go over to the skills list and click on a skill and you can level it up.
Just go to where you equip skills, and when you click on the skill (what you'd normally do to equip it) you'll see under it the option to upgrade.
I need a video of all the special skill and melee moves.
Spoilers for Chris's special move in Raid Mode:He punches his first together, then he literally turns silver and made of steel, and becomes invulnerable for about 6 seconds and does power powerful melee moves, the skill is called, 'Coat of Armor'.
I am not making that up, btw.
I didn't have it spoiled for me beforehand and I was like. WHOAAAA MAMA!
Isn't episode 2 supposed to go up today?
Isn't episode 2 supposed to go up today?
Do Evades have invincibility frames or do you always need to dodge the actual hitbox?
Also, is the crouch invincibility any good?
yes but only for PS3/PS4 users in should be up when PSN updates later
Spoilers for Chris's special move in Raid Mode:He punches his first together, then he literally turns silver and made of steel, and becomes invulnerable for about 6 seconds and does power powerful melee moves, the skill is called, 'Coat of Armor'.
I am not making that up, btw.