Gina's gesturing is ok. It becomes a lot less practical once enemies start to have all kinds of elements on them. Maybe it becomes super effective at max, but it's also one of the more expensive upgrades.
There's some cool skills between the roster but overall the raid characters feel a lot more uniform than the more nuanced Rev 1 characters, IMO.
How do you guys deal with the Baby Mayday when it has ice attacks. That's the ONLY thing I struggle with in this mode. Even regular mayday with a special attack I have a hard time dealing with. It's just so fast and then it freezes you and then insta kill attack. WTF?!
Favorite is Jill. She's level 54 and my main. Love her and I use any excuse to use the Double Knee Drop <3 Have her Melee Master fully upgraded so she's a beast with the knife. I want to give her a charge melee attack as well. And Imma fully upgrade her doge move.
Otherwise I don't play with anyone else. I like Wesker alot but I'm kinda waiting for the online patch to play with others. Kinda. Wesker is level 15 I think. He's cool he has his own melee moves both regular, and on ground and his commands are hilarious.
I love/hate Gina. Because of this: Her commands are utter ridiculous and I hate them but I can't stop using them. Kinda like Rachael, omg! Remember her commands? "AHIA, THANKS!" *cringe* And her skill to damage with taunts is fucking stupid yet I love it. Can't wait to troll with her online.
Will Episode 2, 3 and 4 add new Raid characters? I'd like to have... Leon...
Good news about Episode Two then..
Great!!! Thanks!
Good news about Episode Two then..
What's that skill for pedro? A flamethrower? lol... hard to see.
What's that skill for pedro? A flamethrower? lol... hard to see.
Gabe Raid Gameplay:
Pedro Raid Gameplay:
Pedro has a drill in the campaign, so I'm assuming his special weapon he has is a drill.]
Oh. okay. lol?
Anyway, one more question maybe someone knows... is Cipher's katana a skill? Can that be inherited? Cipher is literally the worst, laziest fucking character ever to be in RE. It will be annoying if its the only character to ever have a non-knife melee weapon. Major troll by Capcom.
For Cipher, we won't know unless someone maxes out his Katana skill. This said, I actually don't have anything against Cipher being playable.
lol okay. Got me there.
But is it a skill though? If so, then it's heritable. So far all skill are. So we good.
So no episode 2 eh? Games page says its supposed to be out today, :/.
Will Episode 2, 3 and 4 add new Raid characters? I'd like to have Chris and Leon as options.
Figured.If on PSN, it will probably update the time PSN usually updates on Tuesdays, which varies, but is around 3-8 PM PST usually, I hear.
Yep.I will be so annoyed if I have to deal with GCT the next three weeks.
God Sony. Christ.
Pedro Fernandez huh.
I hope we finally get a Latin American character who's not a criminal.
Pedro Fernandez huh.
I hope we finally get a Latin American character who's not a criminal.
Well they are on prison island.
Going by the manga, the island was not always a prison, and used to be a happy small community of islanders.
Its kinda funny, but common "trope" for some videogame characters to never get together, like they are official couple, but not at the same time, or get to flirt with different chatacters, unfortunately this also means a lack of character development, Leon and Ada has been a thing for years, but Leon probably won't get Ada until he dies.I also want to throw this out there, Resident Evil at this point probably has one of the most diverse casts in gaming. That's not to say most sensitively diverse, as it plays up tropes and stereotypes pretty big in B-horror fashion, but as they've gone globe trotting to almost every continent in the world now, and have had games set in North America, China, South America, Africa, Russia, Spain, various islands, Antarctica, etc, they've collected a pretty large collection of characters, alive and dead, and that's not even getting into how the series is super ambiguous with some of the characters sexuality, sexual the male and female characters (closer to) equally, and are pretty open to making sure every country can experience it's own viral doomsday.
I've heard about RE mangas got any links or titles to what they are? Im kind of interested reading through them.
It's not available yet. I guess we're going to get it when the store updates later today.Isn't episode 2 out yet for PS4? Doesn't look like anything new's been added to my game, and it says it's up to date.
You sure Heavenly Island isn't a Doujinishi because wow at the cover.
You sure Heavenly Island isn't a Doujinishi because wow at the cover.
Also it's funny but understandable that all of the resident evil comic book series aren't canon. The most recent was by IDW I believe.
Its the best skill in the game, it let's you cancel out of any animation. If you reload at the wrong time and an enemy is coming at you, you can dodge instantly. I really like using it to cancel out of the end of melee animations after I already do the damage, saves time and puts you in a better position if there are more than one enemy around
You just sold me on buying Wesker to get that skill, i needs it!
Heavenly Island isn't set on REV2's island, just to be clear.