Miles Quaritch
My bad, I thought that was Chris when watching the gif on my phone.
Chris doesnt have a ground pound.
Chris turns into colossus from Xmen
Sweet Jesus.
This shit is out of control.
Chris doesnt have a ground pound.
Chris turns into colossus from Xmen
How do I download episode 2 onto my PS4? I bought the season pass, and I don't see it in the web store...
the big rock that claire and neil lift up with the big marked "drill X" stays around if you do that and barry has to drill through rather than the rock being mysteriously gone
it definitely doesn't
the more i think about this episode the more i wish this game got a full budget
Okay so I paused right assome giant fat fire thing dropped through the ceiling on Claire and Moira.
I still haven't finished Claire's side and been playing for at least 2 hours. Episode 2 definitely has way more content. And I gotta say, I loved episode 2 so far. I Would be 100% fine with Capcom continuing these smaller budget installments in between the main entries, as long as they're as good as RER2 has been (and assuming the last 2 episodes are as good). What's more, I'm actually pretty intrigued by the story so far, which hasn't happened with RE4, 5, or 6. RER had some intrigue but didn't follow through very well on the reveals, which I hope RER2 doesn't do the same.
I feel like I missed a ton of stuff so far though. Top3:
1. Can youbeat Pedro in the village?
2. In that room with the Russian broadcast, there was a crate. Where could I have used it and to get what?
3. Right before exiting a building and being back in the streets, a room with the exploding enemy (I have yet to kill these btw, I try running away but the AI keeps getting blown up on, do you just shoot them a lot quickly?) has a hole. Didn't try jumping down, what did I miss?
But yeah, loving this game.
Am I wrong in thinking that if you headshot the Afflicted with the goo on their face as Claire the exploding blobs will carry on to Barry's scenario? Another neat touch if it's like that.
You can beat Pedro in the village. But... Well, I don't want to spoil anything. Let's just say you're not missing anything if you didn't defeat him. I think there's an extra area you can reach if you defeat him back then, but there's also something extra that will happen if you -don't- defeat him in the village.
erm, you might want to fix the spoiler tag in your quote of what I saidThere's an extra little area it opens for Barry if you have the Drill early and for getting fast run times it lets you skip a pretty substantial section with Barry if you kill him with Claire.
Omg so I missed a gun? FUCK
Finished Claire. Now, what are those other completion things beside the medals? Have no idea what they are.
Okay, really interested in picking this game up. Was originally going to wait for the disc, but I don't think I can do it anymore. However, I have not played Revelations 1 yet. This is the only Resident Evil game that I have not played, and while I'm going to play it, I would like to experience Revelations 2 as the episodes are coming out.
Is Revelations 1 necessary? Or is this game merely a link between RE 5 and 6? I know this has probably been answered already but I searched for a bit and couldn't find anything on the last couple pages.
erm, you might want to fix the spoiler tag in your quote of what I said
That was great. That whole area was twisted as fuck.So who else thought it was sick as fuck whenthat was actually pretty scary to me.after the Wesker reveal, the huge monster thing just descends down out of nowhere
FINALLY! Managed to run this on my PC. Was a stuttering mess, but I copied the DLL file into the main game folder, and it's running much better.
Barry's such a fucking cool dude! Loved his lines throughout. Also, Moira's cheesy as shit 80's terribad lines were epic as well. Can't wait to play episode 2.
So who else thought it was sick as fuck whenthat was actually pretty scary to me.after the Wesker reveal, the huge monster thing just descends down out of nowhere
Hmm, Leon doesn't seem to be showing up in Raid mode for me. I own the full season, but I haven't finished episode 1 in the campaign. Will he unlock once I finish it?
Anyone get all 9 notes for Episode 2? I seem to be missing one.
I've got:
Traveler's Diary
Mock Experiment Results
Town Resident's Note
Gabe's Note
Female Villager's Letter
Town Resident's Memo
Clinical Experiment Notes
Parting Words to My Dear Father
No clue where the 9th one is.
Also in Records I have a slot totally grayed out. It's between "Got the Bomb on Me" and "Sharpshooter". No clue what it is, but it's just gray and ???.
I cleared episode 2. Once again Barry's chapter is much easier than Claire's. Claire's chapter reminded me of RE4.
A couple questions:
EP2 Spoilers
-I killed Pedro with Claire. Does it change something?
-I take it that Claire and Moira's boss is a bad guy in this? His bracelet stays green the whole time and he seems the only one that could take Natalia. She also mentions a Terra Save guy that saved from Terragrigia (nooooooooo not a reference to that place)and gave her the bear.
Someone else found something in the files of Raid Mode, I checked and it all seems to check out, think we've found what the unlockable of Raid Mode is. Heads-up, no story spoilers at all, but Raid Mode spoilers:
So, this first thing may be expected, but the last Gauntlet with only a Very Hard option only has one stage. This is probably our 'ghost ship' level, has the whole island from Revelations 2 as one big stage. I also thought they may do this as Ghost Ship was well-received, and I've been noticing the whole island is connected at this points so far in the game... All areas can interlock into each other well. There are hints like in Revelations HD there is a hidden boss exclusive to this stage at the end of the stage as well.
Now, when you get all completion medals, it looks like you also unlock something new, known as, 'Code Red'. Basically, it's the Red Queen system trying to kill you. It adds a new versions of each stage, basically a new difficulty, but it adds a lot more elite enemies, bosses, and has a much higher enemy count. It looks like the Raid lobby will change in appearance some when you unlock Code Red, as well.
And the final kicker: There's a Code Red version of the open-world stage.
So you're 100% sure Gauntlet Omega isSomeone else found something in the files of Raid Mode, I checked and it all seems to check out, think we've found what the unlockable of Raid Mode is. Heads-up, no story spoilers at all, but Raid Mode spoilers:
So, this first thing may be expected, but the last Gauntlet with only a Very Hard option only has one stage. This is probably our 'ghost ship' level, has the whole island from Revelations 2 as one big stage. I also thought they may do this as Ghost Ship was well-received, and I've been noticing the whole island is connected at this points so far in the game... All areas can interlock into each other well. There are hints like in Revelations HD there is a hidden boss exclusive to this stage at the end of the stage as well.
Now, when you get all completion medals, it looks like you also unlock something new, known as, 'Code Red'. Basically, it's the Red Queen system trying to kill you. It adds a new versions of each stage, basically a new difficulty, but it adds a lot more elite enemies, bosses, and has a much higher enemy count. It looks like the Raid lobby will change in appearance some when you unlock Code Red, as well.
And the final kicker: There's a Code Red version of the open-world stage.
I wish they would get rid of the smoky/foggy look of the main Raid Mode opinion
I have to say they absolutely nailed Barry, as someone who never really cared about him besides his classic lines they worked all that into a decent lead character.
I think i'd actually be interested in seeing this Barry off the job as well.
So you're 100% sure Gauntlet Omega is... Right? Not just inference at this point, but certainty?a Ghost Ship-style run through the ENTIRE island
If so:
I hope you're right. I could see them taking the easy way out and making itI won't say 100% since the stage files aren't there yet (they get added when the episodes get added), but fairly certain. And here's the reasoning:
01.) There's only one stage in the last Gauntlet, which is only available on Very Hard difficulty. This should be familiar to anyone who played Revelations 1.
02.) Notice in the main campaign, everything is connected and can be accessed, and how the main game loads areas when you go through certain doors seamlessly. I don't think they'd make everything so connected and do the loading thing as they do if they didn't need all the locations to be connected for a reason.
03.) There's hookings for there to be an exclusive enemy in that stage, as well as evidence basically every enemy in the game will be in that stage.
04.) Ghost Ship was well received in Revelations 1, I don't think they'd get rid of it.
I hope you're right. I could see them taking the easy way out and making it, or possibly evenan arena fight with waves featuring every enemy + the new enemy, but hopefully it will be theGhost Ship itself, but with Rev 2 enemies.entire interconnected island
I hope you're right. I could see them taking the easy way out and making it, or possibly evenan arena fight with waves featuring every enemy + the new enemy, but hopefully it will be theGhost Ship itself, but with Rev 2 enemies.entire interconnected island
Same.Man i'd buyat a high price.the full Ghost Ship, as DLC
3DS or HD version?I didn't enjoy the Raid mode in Rev 1 to go farther than the second difficulty.
Was way too grindy for my tastes. Shame I missed out on Ghost Ship but I wasn't going to put that amount of time to get to it.
was that a stylistic choice for the first raid map of ep 2? Or did they run out of time to implement textures? Either way not really feeling it.
Raid modes still fantastic though.