Did you try the rocket launcher? Curious if it's worth leveling up for.Jill, 48.
Slowed way down playing though waiting for Chris next week.
Did you try the rocket launcher? Curious if it's worth leveling up for.
What's everyones mains and level so far? I've got Claire up to 43.
wow that's a nice touch, a connection to Damnation that only a few will understand, they could made the broadcast in english, but i guess Russian goes more with the setting.The Russian radio broadcast in Episode Two has been mostly translated. It's essentially a retelling of Damnation's prologue, and thus places Claire's chapters in REV2 before Damnation, while Leon is on vacation.
Basically mirrors Damnation's prologue:
Sounds good enough I guess, just wish leveling secondary chars wasn't so arse.I have it to level 5 and it fires 2 shots so far with cool down. Prob 3-4 shots in total by level 10. It's worth it if there is one asshole enemy that you can't take down. I've only used it for lulz or on Mayday on two occasions. Sometimes it doesn't instakill but it will take a huge chunk of their health.
Yeah same here. I plan on leveling up Hunk and then I'll see if I have the motivation to level up other characters.I've been using hunk since I like having 4 weapons.
I've been away from my Xbone for the week, so I've not played through Episode 2, but are the alts you guys talking about obtainable just through playing or do you have to buy them again?
EDIT: Or are we just talking about mods?
Every character can wield four weapons eventually. You unlock the different slots. HUNK just has all four open from the start.
About Omega Gauntlet, if it's not a Ghost Ship-style run through the entire island, what is it?
That is pretty sweet :-OYeah but i'm impatient.
Plus he can turn invisible.
I *think* from what Dusk said RE2 Claire and STARS Barry costumes will be unlocked when you finish the Campaign for the whole game. So as far as I can tell none of them are obtainable in Ep 2 but they will be in the game eventually. Stuff like the retro skins and BSAA Jill are mods, though.
RE6 had official retro skins in Mercs.Ah, I see. I figured the Retro skins were mods, though it'd be cool if they had something like that, like the MGS1 skin in MGSV: GZ.
RE6 had official retro skins in Mercs.
They should do it again in this game.
Yep, they were on console. I think you had to participate in the ResidentEvil.net competitions, though.Holy..!? Were those on the console version, I never got them.
Urban Ninja Moira is the best! Especially when served with Rodeo Claire for a Silly Shameless Sandwich.
I honestly can't tell if the poly count in Rodeo Claire's rear is higher than default Claire, or if it just looks that way due to the cut of the shorts, the shading, etc.Someone had a lot of fun modelling their rears.
This reminds what does everybody think of the CG movies?I just realized that this game is set on 2011, the same year as Damnation.
Revelations 1 and Degeneration were set in 2005.
I guess it's safe to say if we ever get a third movie, it would be set on the same year as a Revelations 3?
This reminds what does everybody think of the CG movies?
Degeneration was boring and looked bad, Damnation was an improvment, looked nice and Leon had more persolanity, although they went overboard with his cheesy lines, every thing that he says is some kind of catchphrase.
Overall plot in the CG movies was, not very good, but they had their moments.
This is terrible.
Is Moira's bikini top with chopped hoody shirt supposed to reference anything in particular, like a character from another series?
So bad, they're good! Best costumes since Sailor Chris and Schoolgirl Sherry.This is terrible.
I really enjoyed Damnation. Was a fun action flick in the RE Universe.
Degeneration had some cool ideas but it was just too slow for my liking.
Friend coming over tonight for splitscreen co-op. How does this work in Raid? Is this a good way to level up two characters at once?
Interesting. I only have the three I use. I'll have him look over what's available in the store and buy what he wants.Yep. You can't share weapons though! So make sure you have a few for your buddy to use.
RE6 had official retro skins in Mercs.
They should do it again in this game.