I need a favor, I don't have the game with me right now. So I'm going to ask you to do something for me, can you please confirm to me which of these skills are in the game currently (Raid Mode)?
Auto Evade
Quick Heal
I'm just not playing Raid. I did a few levels but waiting for online.
"Enemies running at you" is exactly what happens in Mercs, too, only in Mercs they slowly shuffle in circles around you before one of them lunges. In Raid, there's much more variety than you describe, whether it's an enemy where a well-aimed headshot will kill him instantly but scatter mines that can be either hazardous to you or an asset (if you use them against foes), or enemies that have hidden weakpoints you must expose, and that rearrange their body parts to make the weakpoints hard to hit, switching between walking on two legs and all fours. You have enemies that can lunge and grapple, enemies that can continue crawling after they've been killed, enemies that will recompose themselves to fire splash damage projectiles until you destroy their core. You have enemies that explode in proximity to you, or on death, unleashing fire or ice or lightning that can hinder your foes if it doesn't kill you first. The list goes on and on. Raid is perfectly deep, and the levels are suitably varied with intertwining passages and blind corrners and elevation changes, depending on the map. Raid is great.But the enemies don't do anything and the environments are all super bland and flat. Yes you get the cool powered enemies but they don't really begin to actually mix well into who knows when, I am about 30 missions in and the majority of enemies are the same boring guys that run at you and die easily. Then you get hunters that run at you, and dogs that run at you, and so on. Since the environment is not used in any way the combat is simply you either running up to a guy or them running at you and you blast them with a shotgun. The only danger is running out of bullets. In the other RE games you had to use the entire stage to your advantage, enemies would come from all angles and had many tactics to take you down. The combat is not great at all. Any Mercs is better than this. Maybe on very hard the challenge becomes interesting but why should it take 10 hours to get good.
So have we figured out the full roster of Raid characters?
Also, if Omega Gauntlet is not a Ghost Ship-style run through the whole island, what is it?
Haha, very wellIt's kind of a spoiler so maybe wait until you've finished the game![]()
Haha, very well
I'm so obsessed with this game... I can't stop thinking about it!
I must say I'm let-down with Wesker.
He was such a boss in RE5 Mercenaries, with his various melee attacks, his grunts in which he sounds like he's punching you to the next decade, his taunts, his dash and everything.
Now he's a little bitch that does the lamest melee attack he had in RE5, which looks like an alternate version to the cobra strike, and they paired it with a lame sound effect and grunt.
Seriously, what happened to Wesker's donke (or was it jaguar)? kick, mustang kick, tiger uppercut, ghost butterfly?
"Enemies running at you" is exactly what happens in Mercs, too, only in Mercs they slowly shuffle in circles around you before one of them lunges. In Raid, there's much more variety than you describe, whether it's an enemy where a well-aimed headshot will kill him instantly but scatter mines that can be either hazardous to you or an asset (if you use them against foes), or enemies that have hidden weakpoints you must expose, and that rearrange their body parts to make the weakpoints hard to hit, switching between walking on two legs and all fours. You have enemies that can lunge and grapple, enemies that can continue crawling after they've been killed, enemies that will recompose themselves to fire splash damage projectiles until you destroy their core. You have enemies that explode in proximity to you, or on death, unleashing fire or ice or lightning that can hinder your foes if it doesn't kill you first. The list goes on and on. Raid is perfectly deep, and the levels are suitably varied with intertwining passages and blind corrners and elevation changes, depending on the map. Raid is great.
These are skills that are in the game files. They will be available later.
I am 99% certain Bewilder is Alex's ability. (Her ability is to make one enemy her ally. Has amazing potential, imagine Skags as an ally.)
Hurler / Auto Evade are probably for Evgeny and Neil.
Auto Evade - Episode 3 Character -Hurler - Extra Episode Character -....Neil.....Quick Heal - Multiple Characters -.....Evgeny.....maybe everyone actually >_>Neil, Evgeny, Alex, Chris, Leon
Bewilder - Episode 4 Character -Alex......
Bewilder feels more powerful I think. It affects enemies in an area and upgrades increase the time that enemies stay bewildered and how many times you can use it in a single match.
Have we found out what theare yet?crossover gestures
The Bowgun is one of the games many post game unlockable weapons.
For the campaign?The Bowgun is one of the games many post game unlockable weapons.
Off Topic but i'm playing Dying Light and the voice of Chris redfield is the main character.
He uses the exact same voice he does for chris. It's like i'm playing a RE spin-off.
While downloaded episode 2 I noticed some costumes were available to buy can those be unlocked via just playing the game?
Why is the game telling me that my friend has 535 more medals than me haha? First of all...can't we only get 450 right now haha? My friend isn't a hacker first, and any we're on PS4 so there is no hacking at all hahaha. WTF?
Guys, episode 3 cannot come out fast enough.
>mfw when finding an orange, fast, shielded scagdead in Raid.
LOL,>mfw when finding an orange, fast, shielded scagdead in Raid.
Scagdeads are the worst. they are terribly designed enemies. You can only score crits off the liitle head and lining up a good shot is a crap shoot.
Even the giant shellfish guys from rev1 were easier to deal with, it was easy to exploit their weakness and patterns. Scags are just mindledd bullet sponges.
Is the deluxe edition worth 15$ more? Or 10$ more with gmg sales? Honestly it doesnt seem like it.
I've S-ranked every level in every Mercenaries from RE4 onward (including Mercs 3D). I know how hectic Mercs can be. Granted, it's purely arena-based and time-based, lacking the variety of Raid (where you have gated area progression levels, looping levels, defense levels, arena-based levels, with and without time limits), so naturally it will always run at that "speed," which is frankly why some people came to be tired of Mercs, if they were ever interested in the first place. Mercs people aren't going to convince Raid people that Mercs is superior, and vice-versa.It is deep, the combat is not that great. Compare one mission from Raid 2 to any Mercs level in any game since RE4, are you going to tell me it is anywhere near as intense. In Raid you have to wait for a few enemies to spawn at a time, they usually slowly get up, half the time you are actively looking for enemies. Here is an example:
Compare that to a Mercs level where you need to move around the level, get timer upgrades, keep a combo going, use melee to get a higher score. Look at the size and complexity of the level in the below video, compare that to what you saw in raid 2, they are not even close. Look at how the enemies swarm you, he can't even turn without seeing like 3 guys waiting to attack. The action is at an entire different pace. Look at the first map from RE5:
Now I know this is raid mode not Mercs but then why in the hell did they change the structure from the first raid game which was about getting through a level, into an arena like Mercs map where all you do is countdown kills. If you give me an arena I expect Mercs level action, and this falls way short. Also the lack of any scoring system is ridiculous, even the first raid had rankings.
I understand at high levels it becomes far more challenging but as I showed in the example above the first time you start Mercs the levels are super intense and fun. Not the case with raid 2.
They're actually some of my favorite enemies, but I'm a Claire main so maybe it's easier. I slow them down with ice bottles, then circle around their backside using the dodge sidestep, and fire away with the shotgun. This is especially useful with the shield variants, which are only vulnerable from the sides and behind.Scagdeads are the worst. they are terribly designed enemies. You can only score crits off the liitle head and lining up a good shot is a crap shoot.
Even the giant shellfish guys from rev1 were easier to deal with, it was easy to exploit their weakness and patterns. Scags are just mindledd bullet sponges.
It is deep, the combat is not that great. Compare one mission from Raid 2 to any Mercs level in any game since RE4, are you going to tell me it is anywhere near as intense. In Raid you have to wait for a few enemies to spawn at a time, they usually slowly get up, half the time you are actively looking for enemies. Here is an example:
Compare that to a Mercs level where you need to move around the level, get timer upgrades, keep a combo going, use melee to get a higher score. Look at the size and complexity of the level in the below video, compare that to what you saw in raid 2, they are not even close. Look at how the enemies swarm you, he can't even turn without seeing like 3 guys waiting to attack. The action is at an entire different pace. Look at the first map from RE5:
Now I know this is raid mode not Mercs but then why in the hell did they change the structure from the first raid game which was about getting through a level, into an arena like Mercs map where all you do is countdown kills. If you give me an arena I expect Mercs level action, and this falls way short. Also the lack of any scoring system is ridiculous, even the first raid had rankings.
I understand at high levels it becomes far more challenging but as I showed in the example above the first time you start Mercs the levels are super intense and fun. Not the case with raid 2.
I think the intent with Mercs was that players would only hit the time bonuses if they felt they could survive to the end, but the way people end up playing it is running through the map hitting all of the time bonuses at the start, which as you said is a dull routine and kind of makes the time limit pointless.Mercenaries got so dull especially when you are actually good at it.
Run around the small arena map collecting all the stupid timers-> go sit in a good position until the enemies start thinning out-> quick run around to get some enemies and back to your spot for the remainder.
Only way to make it really interesting again is to add a mode without the obnoxious timers/limit and make it survival based.
I think the intent with Mercs was that players would only hit the time bonuses if they felt they could survive to the end, but the way people end up playing it is running through the map hitting all of the time bonuses at the start, which as you said is a dull routine and kind of makes the time limit pointless.
But it's not completely pointless, since you still have to kill X number of enemies within that time limit in order to get the best score. If there was no time limit in Mercs, anyone could get the highest score eventually.
The problem with no time limit/infinite enemies Mercs is that once you're good at Mercs nothing can kill you, so... it'd last forever. I guess you could limit ammo, but then you'd reach a situation where you deliberately suicide or die knifing enemies.Eh, I just got tired of running them over and over just to do something maybe half a second faster or get just one more zombie in the combo.
What I mean by without the time limit is infinite enemies as well.
The problem with no time limit/infinite enemies Mercs is that once you're good at Mercs nothing can kill you, so... it'd last forever. I guess you could limit ammo, but then you'd reach a situation where you deliberately suicide or die knifing enemies.
I suppose that could work, since the optimization would come from saving heavy weapons and environmental hazards for crowds/bosses. Still, I don't think Mercs is broken. They can still refine the balance and find that sweet spot, I think.Keep ammo and herbs the same but make difficulty increase by wave or time,
Say at 5:00 a boss comes, 10:00 two come, 15:00 three come, and so on.
So something like COD zombies but without them gaining more and more health every round.
Is the deluxe edition worth 15$ more? Or 10$ more with gmg sales? Honestly it doesnt seem like it.
I'm hoping he'll show up. Sidestepping his charging tackle with the new dodge would be fun.Oh people are hating the scagdead?
I thought we were talking about this guy, I personally hate him more.
has he shown up yet in Rev 2?