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Resident Evil: Revelations 2 |OT| Yeah, but it's only $25


....this seems so...strange. Why?

Is there some kind of gameplay issue that would prevent online co-op?

This would actually seem like the -perfect- thing to include co-op since it would require actual co-op play. You know, COOPERATIVE, talking to each other. Planning things out. Relegating tasks. Instead of most co-op games where it's just twice the guns and twice the bullets and you shoot shit up.

Online co-op via voice chat on invisible mode would be fantastic for hardcore fans. If they are worried about the reliance on mics, fine. Have microphone function be a requirement. Besides, only purists are going to want to bother with invisible mode to begin with.

I'm so fucking let-down by this. Fuck.
They probably think that online strangers could never decide who gets to be the character with the gun, whereas real-life friends could sort it out in person.

(Me personally, I have just as much fun with Moira/Natalia as I do with Claire/Barry)
Nothing has been said about it, but I think maybe the idea might be that fewer people want to play a purely defensive character (or limited might be a better word), and it would probably result in a lot of people dropping out whenever they come into a game as Natalia or Moira. That isn't an issue since you can just swap controllers locally whenever/ifever someone gets bored. I mean, I don't know, it might be just a budget thing, too, so who knows really.

If you have the netcode in place for multiplayer Raide mode, why would that change for story mode? It's already there.

Also, you can have it where when you create a lobby, you can set which character you are seeking or which character you will be before hand.

I am totally fine with playing Natalie and Moira. In fact, on invisible mode, Natalie and Moira are probably far more important. The gun characters would be useless without them on invisible mode. Moira and Natalie can still kill enemies with melee attacks and bricks.

So, I create a room - since I'm fine with playing as the secondary characters I can set it to where I'm seeking a Claire or Berry player. Also, if one person gets bored halfway there, you can player controllers digitally. The game just switches control between the two of you. It doesn't need to be local co-op for that to happen.


I'm not sure you understand what I'm saying.

I'm saying Claire is beautiful in RER2.

She doesn't need to be "fixed."

Ah I misread, I thought you said they looked different and was agreeing.

You're bringing up two completely separate points here though, the design being "beautiful" isn't mutually exclusive to the idea that it's embodying the concept of her as a preexisting character.


Ah I misread, I thought you said they looked different and was agreeing.

You're bringing up two completely separate points here though, the design being "beautiful" isn't mutually exclusive to the idea that it's embodying the concept of her as a preexisting character.
Ah, OK. Yeah, I guess the change isn't jarring for me because I didn't pay much attention to the character of Claire prior to this game. My experience with RE2 is watching a friend play through the N64 version of the game (or maybe it was GameCube, now that I think of it), and I haven't seen CV in person. So basically, I'm meeting Claire for the first time with RER2. And I like her so much that I actually want to play RE2 and CV now, lol. Although I'd probably find -those- depictions of Claire to be jarring, since now RER2 Claire is the "default" in my mind.
Anyone else kinda bummed that
they're ended up turning Alex into a monster in her first appearance rather than building her up as the next main villain for the entire series. Like I like the story and all but using Alex like that seems wasteful


benevolent sexism
These look exactly the same, except for subtle lighting differences.

Claire is beautiful in RER2. I can't understand some of these fans.

Their profiles are drastically different. I don't care what she looks like, and you are of course entitled to find her beautiful, but c'mon. They're different.
Anyone else kinda bummed that
they're ended up turning Alex into a monster in her first appearance rather than building her up as the next main villain for the entire series. Like I like the story and all but using Alex like that seems wasteful

I kinda agree, but I'm gonna reserve judgment until I finish all the episodes.


Just started episode 3, and wow, what happened there? The second episode ended with a bang, and then all of a sudden you have THAT opening? Was expecting a
boss fight intro

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
You guys want episode 4 hints?

Here's what I said for episode 3 hints:

Episode 3 hints?

Episode 3 will remind you of a puzzle.
Oh my, Uhh, I'll just say this, file digging has revealed a lot of things about the game, but the actual episode content doesn't show up until the episode is released. But I am a social little butterfly. You can pretty much gather this from the next episode preview, so I think it's alright to say, but the four chosen words I'd pull from what I know is;

From what I know from file digging and being a social butterfly;

Episode 4 may be a little nostalgic.

So four chosen phrases I'd pull from what I know for episode 4:

-Open Exploration
-Underground Lab
-Multiple Endings


You guys want episode 4 hints?

Here's what I said for episode 3 hints:

From what I know from file digging and being a social butterfly;

Episode 4 may be a little nostalgic.

So four chosen phrases I'd pull from what I know for episode 4:

-Open Exploration
-Underground Lab
-Multiple Endings

The canons about to be all messed up.


Anyone got any Claire chap 3 boss fight tips? Anything other then throw bullets by the ton?

use your environment

also re: the villain being one-time
i feel like it'd be way too cheesy/lame to have the next overarching villain just be "ANOTHER WESKER WHOA HEY". like that's more or less the textbook definition of desperation when trying to come up with a new villain, ain't it? "it's the villain's lost sibling back for REVENGE" kinda deal. the one time shot wrap-up gives a nice lil tie-in while not being -too- corny and allows them to explore different themes while having that nod to continuity.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I feel so stupid. What am I supposed to do in the
slaughterhouse? I'm in the first room you need a key to get into.


I just finished Episode 3. For some reason the frame rate got really bad during the
self destruct scene

I couldn't aim at the enemies at all because the camera kept jumping around like crazy.

I almost could not finish this episode because of it. But through some stroke of luck, I eventually made it to the gate puzzle and solved it.

How the hell did this get past QA?


I just finished Episode 3. For some reason the frame rate got really bad during the
self destruct scene

I couldn't aim at the enemies at all because the camera kept jumping around like crazy.

I almost could not finish this episode because of it. But through some stroke of luck, I eventually made it to the gate puzzle and solved it.

How the hell did this get past QA?

what did you play on?


Finished ch 3. Nice and long.

My only real gripe
is blowing all my ammo
on Claires boss fight before realizing
I just need him to punch the bombs

By the end of her section
I have like 15 pistol ammo
. Sigh.

Also, I would really like to find more Magnum ammo for both Claire and Barry. I have never found any.

Speaking on Raid mode. Real disappointed to see I can't play the new stages because I haven't really wanted to (repeat) play levels on hard and very hard.
Would she really be the villain if Alex is/was successful with the body transfer? She'd be more of a victim. Even if she's not I doubt we'd see her past this game anyway, unfortunately. Maybe in Revelations 6 as an adult with Alex's mysterious son.

Yeah, we may not see her again but I'd like her to get a happy ending. Go home with Barry and get adopted by the Burtons or something.
I've been playing this on my PS4, and I've been hearing this loud high-pitch beep for a couple of seconds in my right speaker (computer speakers hooked up to monitor) after playing Raid mode for about 10 minutes. It doesn't happen again during that play session, but it's starting to become consistent every time I play. This doesn't happen with any other game. Has anyone else experienced this?


I finally played Claire's section of episode 2. Would've done it earlier but you know, that whole season pass being broken on PS4 and all. It was alright but it didn't make me go wow so amazing. Lol. Hopefully Barry's part makes it better and episode 3 is really awesome to me like it is for the people here.


Oh man I completely bypassed the
gravestone puzzle
in episode 3, replaying it for the collectibles and there is a ton of shit I missed on my first run through and it's so much fun.
From what I know from file digging and being a social butterfly;

Episode 4 may be a little nostalgic.

So four chosen phrases I'd pull from what I know for episode 4:

-Open Exploration
-Underground Lab
-Multiple Endings

I really hope that will give us a new common enemy type, the regular fodder is getting a bit thin for me. I hope we'll see some
hunters, lickers or chimaeras in ep4 in the lab or mansion. Would be awesome if we can get some ceiling crawling lickers.


Just finished Claire's section,took me 2 hours...that Boss fight was great,reminded me of a Boss fight in Evil Within...was about to run out of bullets when the Boss went down also...missed the black door on the first step of stairs on the right,oh well...


Does his best thinking in the flying car
Finally finished the episode, & man, this is the Resident Evil game that I've needed. I've been close to walking away from the franchise the past couple of years, but this has been such a surprise. Exploration, light puzzles, different ways to approach stuff, a story I'm actually interested in... even running out of inventory space (stupid unstackable cloth).

Feels great to be excited about Resident Evil, man.

Though I wasn't happy to see
in raid mode. Seriously, fuck him/her/whatever.
Just finished Claire's section,took me 2 hours...that Boss fight was great,reminded me of a Boss fight in Evil Within...was about to run out of bullets when the Boss went down also...missed the black door on the first step of stairs on the right,oh well...

For those of you running out of ammo in the fight here's a tip

If you can get him to destroy the yellow boxes full of explosives they will actually drop ammo on the ground after the fire goes out.


Yeah the FPS took a big hit there for me on PC too. Not unplayable but pretty jarring.

If there is ever a lot going on the screen, like the exploding on fire room, it slows my game to a crawl. Certain Raid levels I pretty much have to skip as the frame rate is too awful to play.

I've tried turning everything to low or off and it still runs bad.


If there is ever a lot going on the screen, like the exploding on fire room, it slows my game to a crawl. Certain Raid levels I pretty much have to skip as the frame rate is too awful to play.

I've tried turning everything to low or off and it still runs bad.

I only recently noticed the pattern in Raid Mode.

When I was playing the Crashed Jeep Edonia level, I noticed that there is fire everywhere. Rooftops, trees, and the road itself. It's everywhere!
It made the level very difficult to play.


If there is ever a lot going on the screen, like the exploding on fire room, it slows my game to a crawl. Certain Raid levels I pretty much have to skip as the frame rate is too awful to play.

I've tried turning everything to low or off and it still runs bad.

It's a CPU issue I think, not a GPU one so settings won't help much. Game is extremely CPU bound and anytime I've had it slow down all of my CPU cores are pinged 100 percent, which is extremely rare for games to do. Only other recent game to do so was AC Unity (and only other examples I can think of were other crappy Ubi ports).


Been holding off on playing this since I'm getting the physical copy. It's nice to see positive reception for this game; makes me feel good for defending the game when everyone seemed to be hating on it back when it wasn't released.

It's nice to know that Claire is in great Resident Evil games.

Astral Dog

Anyone else kinda bummed that
they're ended up turning Alex into a monster in her first appearance rather than building her up as the next main villain for the entire series. Like I like the story and all but using Alex like that seems wasteful

While turning her into a monster is kinda predictable on this series, that makes Alex a bit more freaky and creepy, she probably lost everything and is just a mad monster now, and the way she transformed and is still a character is a bit different from other villains., We dont need another Albert, Alex can be Alex


Almost screwed myself on the
self destruction sequence
but was able to get out with 2 seconds remaining. Also I learned that I need to babysit Barry constantly :/
Zombie killed him while I was trying to open a gate

Episode 1 was the worst for me, there were areas where it constantly dipped in the mid 20s even when I was just standing still. I've found each new episode to be an improvement sans a section or two


Finished the countdown mode on episode 3. That was the hardest one so far. Claire's part was easy, but Barry has two moments that really stresses you and if you mess up one part the checkpoint may be in such a bad spot you need to start all over.

So good though.
Is there any reason to get medals for challenges that are way lower level then the character I'm using? Just wondering, because Ive been leveling Moira up, and I realized that I hadn't done some of the stage 2 challenges as her at all on lower difficulties, and they barely give any exp for her even. Is there any incentive to play through them and get all the medals with each character?


Is there any reason to get medals for challenges that are way lower level then the character I'm using? Just wondering, because Ive been leveling Moira up, and I realized that I hadn't done some of the stage 2 challenges as her at all on lower difficulties, and they barely give any exp for her even. Is there any incentive to play through them and get all the medals with each character?

Completion medals contribute to the unlocks, so there is a point to it, yes.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Is there any reason to get medals for challenges that are way lower level then the character I'm using? Just wondering, because Ive been leveling Moira up, and I realized that I hadn't done some of the stage 2 challenges as her at all on lower difficulties, and they barely give any exp for her even. Is there any incentive to play through them and get all the medals with each character?

Completion medals unlock characters, gauntlets, and other things, but if you got the completion medal with one character for a stage already, you don't get another for doing it with that character. However, those medals are recorded to the character you play as, so maybe if you get all medals with a character, something will happen?
Completion medals unlock characters, gauntlets, and other things, but if you got the completion medal with one character for a stage already, you don't get another for doing it with that character. However, those medals are recorded to the character you play as, so maybe if you get all medals with a character, something will happen?

you're lucky, I've never been finding any magnum ammo on my playthroughs. I knew I shouldn't have used it when I had some ammo on Barry, because now it's always empty.

Apparently the lower the difficulty the more magnum ammo you find, I've been speeding through them on easy for the records. I just started a replay on a higher difficulty and I'm finding slightly more gems than magnum ammo. Before it was like 80% now it's probably 70%.


I had so much Magnum ammo with Barry I was practically swimming in it.

I kept hoarding them because I had no reason to use it at all and by the time the mini-boss showed up in Episode 3, I was ready to unload on that fucker.

It was satisfying to finally have an opportunity to bust out the old Python.
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