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Resident Evil Village Maiden Demo on PS5 available Jan 21, 2021


always chasing the next thrill
Even with shit YouTube compression, the density of the environments leaves an impression.

People complaining about the visuals. It’s some kind of trolling or a genuine missing link, plain child minds attempting to look all grown up by expressing an ‘opinion’

Wake up call, everyone thinks less of you posting obvious nonsense, no favours onto one self, sad attention seeking is just sad.
i know right..
like give me 10 minutes i will make selective screenshots of the demo hyper focusing on small not so good details and saying

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Even with shit YouTube compression, the density of the environments leaves an impression.

People complaining about the visuals. It’s some kind of trolling or a genuine missing link, plain child minds attempting to look all grown up by expressing an ‘opinion’

Wake up call, everyone thinks less of you posting obvious nonsense, no favours onto one self, sad attention seeking is just sad.
Oh fuck-off with your judgement. People complaining about visuals are the ones who wants some kind of innovation not just MORE. I totally expected full dynamic shadows and some state-of-the-art textures considering it's and FPS horror game. You are the retarded one who can't distinguish aesthetics (artstyle, colour-grading, design) from technical solutions. RE8 aesthetics is superb, but from technical point of view there is nothing interesting here, same old stuff as in RE7.

Pedro Motta

Yeah. They don't agree with me. They must be blind.

Imagine living in the world with different opinions.
It's not different opinions, I want the same as you guys, I just manage better my expectations and I'm fully aware that this is a cross gen game. So it's actually just a matter of being a MAN instead of a little CHILD crying. And if you can't deal with my criticism, fuck off.


Yeah. They don't agree with me. They must be blind.

Imagine living in the world with different opinions.

lol yeah. Its probably me.

Weird because I was floored by Demon's Souls first boot up. REVIII nails the atmosphere and the sound though Pulse is extremely good. But texture wise this just doesn't set the world on fire and I think DF will agree. It looks like a cross gen game, or a slightly improved REVII. To be honest I was more impressed by RE3R.


Gold Member
It's not different opinions, I want the same as you guys, I just manage better my expectations and I'm fully aware that this is a cross gen game. So it's actually just a matter of being a MAN instead of a little CHILD crying. And if you can't deal with my criticism, fuck off.

Are you judging people judging? Is that what grow ass man do?

Relax dude. The game is fine, its just not next gen sometimes. When the final version release maybe we can see improves.


always chasing the next thrill
Here i made some NEXT GEN screenshots guys!


those brick textures look like some texture artist had a seizure


french fries polly maggots so good


fuck modeling just jam it in the game


lowress skirt is lowres


reminds me of doom 3 LOOK shiny bump maps


supposed to be rocks?


not even going to say something about this.




that gold wall stuff? yeah don't come close to it..


i think these are trousers?

My point being it's super easy to make this game look like fing garbage
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Oh fuck-off with your judgement. People complaining about visuals are the ones who wants some kind of innovation not just MORE. I totally expected full dynamic shadows and some state-of-the-art textures considering it's and FPS horror game. You are the retarded one who can't distinguish aesthetics (artstyle, colour-grading, design) from technical solutions. RE8 aesthetics is superb, but from technical point of view there is nothing interesting here, same old stuff as in RE7.
How dare you! Don’t you know who I am?!?
The sound design is really damn nice, and I'm loving the lighting and frame rate. That said, the whole floating camera perspective where you have no body parts is disconnecting. You look down and have no legs, you interact with things and they are just floating in front of you. It reminds me of one of those cheap indie pc horror titles in that regard. Outside of that, it's pretty damn sweet. Resident Evil 7 was great, especially the beginning hours where you weren't a walking weapons depot, so if this can match that at least, I'm in. It's going to get purchased regardless since the series is one of my favorites (save 5 and 6), so a pre-order is in my future.


I agree that the first major change happened a long time ago. But with RE7 they went to a completely different direction. Just because they added some classic elements in order to justify the name "Resident Evil" on the cover it doesn't mean that it's a Resident Evil game.

It definitely hasn't gotten "closer to its roots".Even with the remakes they managed to fuck up a lot of things the classics had done right.

You dont think this new one, 7 and the RE2/3 remakes are closer to the old school Resis than the action orientated games that dominated the series from 4 to Revelations 2? I mean, the series has definitely been in a worse state than its in right now imho.

Dont get me wrong, I actually did feel that 7 was a bit too generic and disconnected from Resi as a whole, this upcoming one has rectified that though for me. It feels like 7s gameplay mixed with a combination of Resi 4 and Resi 1 vibes/setting.

As for the 2 + 3 remakes. I think they did some things worse and some things better. RE2make is one of the best games in the series imo.


Gold Member
It's a visual showcase demo, it has nothing to do with the game story nor its gameplay.

It does make me laugh that the devs actually think this looks next gen
Actually there really isn’t a story with it except the location of certain objects. The kitchen in RE7 demo was still the kitchen in RE7. I knew I could open the fridge or examine newspapers on the table in the base after playing that RE7 visual demo. The door in the demo is the door from the 3rd trailer. I want that meatier demo.



My point being it's super easy to make this game look like fing garbage
This screenshot is the best example for me. This close-up looks ugly and dated but the whole stance, what you actually see in normal gameplay, is amazing. You can find ugly textures and low poly assets if you search for them, but in normal gameplay is captivating, beautiful, invites to explore.


always chasing the next thrill
This screenshot is the best example for me. This close-up looks ugly and dated but the whole stance, what you actually see in normal gameplay, is amazing. You can find ugly textures and low poly assets if you search for them, but in normal gameplay is captivating, beautiful, invites to explore.
yup it's called cherry picking and it's piss easy in this game


It's piss easy in this game because a lot of the textures aren't great and many assets are low poly.

It's not easy to make Demon's Souls look like garbage, but with this visual showcase, it somehow is.


It's not different opinions, I want the same as you guys, I just manage better my expectations and I'm fully aware that this is a cross gen game. So it's actually just a matter of being a MAN instead of a little CHILD crying. And if you can't deal with my criticism, fuck off.

oof...going with the 'MAN' defense whilst labelling others as CHILDREN. How EXPOSINGGGG....


always chasing the next thrill
It's piss easy in this game because a lot of the textures aren't great and many assets are low poly.

It's not easy to make Demon's Souls look like garbage, but with this visual showcase, it somehow is.
it bloody well is piss easy to make demon souls look like shit.
stop being a fan boy dude.

resi 8 is one of the best HDR demo's i played and yes it certainly has it flaws just like DS
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yup it's called cherry picking and it's piss easy in this game
I would call it cherry picking if it would be Destiny 2 or COD... but the whole shtick of Resident Evil (especially the FPS ones) is to "lick the walls" for lore, puzzles and items. I saw many bad textures in the dungeon because of the nature of the game - game is pushing you to look for shit everywhere. They should be aware that slow, exploration-based FPS should have good textures because you will be looking at those texture from very close distance A LOT.
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The demo was a little weak! Wish it had more scares and made use of the dual sense! Hopefully the future demo will be better. Thought the game looked good for the most part.


So is it safe to say the full game will have more interactions with the objects around the place? Because that’s what kinda killed it for me
Yeah, that seemed on that there was not much to interact with...but will wait for the final game and impressions. What seemed odd was that the desks/cabinets that you can open (at least the drawers) was that only the right top drawer was the one that can be opened...none of the others you could open. Hopefully the real game will have a bit more interactive stuff. Remember this was released to showcase mainly the visuals of the game...so a lot of the "gaming" elements would not be in this demo.
Here i made some NEXT GEN screenshots guys!


those brick textures look like some texture artist had a seizure


french fries polly maggots so good


fuck modeling just jam it in the game


lowress skirt is lowres


reminds me of doom 3 LOOK shiny bump maps


supposed to be rocks?


not even going to say something about this.




that gold wall stuff? yeah don't come close to it..


i think these are trousers?

My point being it's super easy to make this game look like fing garbage
Assassin's Creed Unity interiors looked better. And that's an open world last-gen game. Oops.


Is there any spoilers in this demo to the main game?

Does it show the mansion/castle or taken from a segment of the actual game?

I dont want to walk around the castle etc, Ill wait till the main game
AS Unity interior looks better than most games though. Its full of bugs but alot of the graphics and tech was stellar at the time as. Still better than most games now
Very true. I still play it on PC from time to time. City design is amazing. You can tell that this game was way ahead of its time. Bugs are mostly resolved by now and it's a rather pleasant experience. The only thing that really hurts the presentation is constant pop-in.
Some of the textures are dire especially for a slower paced 1st person game but some look photorealistic (if you squint a bit) so a bit of a mixed bag. Performance will be fixed I'm sure by release even if they have to tweak the res down a little like they did with RE3 on X1X


I played it when it was released in the afternoon on my timezone, and it was ok, I played it again at night an it looks so much better, this is a work in progress and I get that but it did not impress me. I guess the art is not very good, the main hall looks good but not beautiful and it is really tight, the original mansion hall in REMAKE looks bigger IMO. I liked RE7 in VR but it is was not a really good game it was average. This looks more of the same with vampires and werewolves which sound stupid for a RE game. I will try the next demo to see if anything has improved. I gave it a six.
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Stand on the balcony and slowly pan from right to left with the right stick and ul see severe judder.
Have a look at the floor surrounding the balcony across the hall in that pic and u will see geometry clipping.
The FOV is like 65.
Im failing to see how this is next gen. just feels like re7 with slightly better IQ.
Not hatin. Just speaking the truth my brothers.
Is there any spoilers in this demo to the main game?

Does it show the mansion/castle or taken from a segment of the actual game?

I dont want to walk around the castle etc, Ill wait till the main game
I don't believe so. It's just a small section, and doesn't seem taken from the main game at all. Most if the doors are locked, so it's pretty blocked off and you don't have to worry about spoilers. I didn't watch the game play showcase, so I could be wrong.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Stand on the balcony and slowly pan from right to left with the right stick and ul see severe judder.
Have a look at the floor surrounding the balcony across the hall in that pic and u will see geometry clipping.
The FOV is like 65.
Im failing to see how this is next gen. just feels like re7 with slightly better IQ.
Not hatin. Just speaking the truth my brothers.
I agree, I am yet to see anything that's impossible on last gen with a few tricks from all games on the new consoles


I agree, I am yet to see anything that's impossible on last gen with a few tricks from all games on the new consoles
I know. I dont want to shit on the game. Im hoping some of this stuff will get fixed anyway. But the combat still looks clunky. I do hope its good and as someone else said i hope its not front heavy like re7 was.


Al Pachinko, Konami President
Here i made some NEXT GEN screenshots guys!


those brick textures look like some texture artist had a seizure


french fries polly maggots so good


fuck modeling just jam it in the game


lowress skirt is lowres


reminds me of doom 3 LOOK shiny bump maps


supposed to be rocks?


not even going to say something about this.




that gold wall stuff? yeah don't come close to it..


i think these are trousers?

My point being it's super easy to make this game look like fing garbage

Those are Thief 2 screenshots


The usual PR words from software houses are always so funny! "PS5 to its limit!" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH poor silly guys! I suggest to crew of the game to watch the unreal engine 5 demo to be able to see what ps5 can do, not this meh cross gen title. And i can't believe where they found the courage to say something like that! :D
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I agree, I am yet to see anything that's impossible on last gen with a few tricks from all games on the new consoles
You mean like running this at 60fps at basically 4K.

I mean, sure, this is possible on PS4 pro at 30fps and image reconstruction but not 60fps and this clean high res image.
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You mean like running this at 60fps at basically 4K.

Yeah it's looking like that will be the main visual upgrade this gen. That or 30fps with some fancier lighting and reflections via ray tracing.

Unfortunately for me I've never been that fussy over 30 vs. 60fps. Totally fine with either and quickly adjust going back and forth between the two. Frame rates being stable is my main thing there. I've also been way less impressed with 4K than I expected to be (both with games, UHDs and streaming) after finally upgrading from my old 55" 1080p to a 65" 4K TV. I notice the difference, but I'm not blown away by it like I was going from SD to HD back in the day. HDR is a nicer boost though, and the black levels are vastly better on my Sony X900h than the old Samsung I had prior.

Not really complaining, as I mostly expected that going in other than expecting to appreciate 4K more. I figured this gen would just be mostly more of the same games with graphics and FPS boosts I personally don't care much about as someone who's never been that fussy about those things. That was fine by me as last gen was one of my favorites and I'm good with more of the same with slightly shinier coat of paint.

As a non videophile/graphics enthusiast it will take something like major revolutions in VR or AR, or hologram/holodeck type technology to really impress me. Nothing on a TV screen is going to wow me anymore as flat graphics hit a point of diminishing returns for me. Definitely still improvements the A/V enthusiasts who care more about higher FPS, resolution, ray tracing etc. will be impressed by, just nothing that's going to wow someone like me who was/is only wowed by major revolutions like going from 2D to 3D games, SD 4:3 to widescreen HD etc.
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Omnipunctual Godot

Gold Member
Yeah, the textures in some of the areas look last gen as in PS3 levels. It is most notable on the walls that have all that gold trim etc. It looks really bad. I don't think it is 60, but I do know when I played the chandelier area got really bad frame rate wise. Otherwise it looked pretty good..but nothing that blows me away.
Yeah, the bricks had really bad textures, too. And they looked weirdly low-poly.

Omnipunctual Godot

Gold Member
I agree, I am yet to see anything that's impossible on last gen with a few tricks from all games on the new consoles
Really? Demon's Souls looks significantly better than anything I've played with my 1080 ti. Graphical power/performance in that one alone is pretty incredible.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
You mean like running this at 60fps at basically 4K.

I mean, sure, this is possible on PS4 pro at 30fps and image reconstruction but not 60fps and this clean high res image.
More like 1440p CB 60fps with dips
The original was 1800p60fps on Pro and 4k60fps with dips on X
There's nothing here that leap's and bounds above RE7 and definitely not RE2 or 3.
Especially when bringing in the PC versions with native 4k60fps
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Unfortunately for me I've never been that fussy over 30 vs. 60fps. Totally fine with either and quickly adjust going back and forth between the two. Frame rates being stable is my main thing there. I've also been way less impressed with 4K than I expected to be (both with games, UHDs and streaming) when finally upgrading from my old 55" 1080p to a 65" 4K TV. I notice the difference, but I'm not blown away by it like I was going from SD to HD back in the day. HDR is a nicer boost though, and the black levels are vastly better on my Sony X900h than the old Samsung I had prior.
So here is the thing with resolution. The resolution a game renders at is quite important and so it the level and quality of antialias used. A clean sharp 1080p photograph or video will exhibit an infinite level of antialias in cgi rendering terms and will thus look amazing, imagine thine phone cables hanging in the sky, they will look smooth and crisp. A game on the other hand will likely exhibit some degree of aliasing even at a pristine 4K rendering unless you are using very good super sampling. So a 4K rendered image, with great antialias down sampled to 1080p will look comparable to a same size photograph. Thus will a game benefit greatly from 4K if possible. Secondly, I sit under 2m from a 75" TV and 4K is very noticeably crisper than a 1080p or 1440p image if they are all of high quality. I unfortunately want it all. 4K, 120fps, 85" TV with 4000nit HDR haha. The point is if you have a large display and high quality source, 4K does make a big difference but at the same time a very high quality game render at 1080p will look great next to a poor 4K rendering. Also, as the resolution and brightness go up you also need to increase fps to be able to make out the extra details when the image is in motion.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Really? Demon's Souls looks significantly better than anything I've played with my 1080 ti. Graphical power/performance in that one alone is pretty incredible.
Currently playing that right now and while it obviously wouldn't be as detailed or sharp, I'm sure it'll be easily possible and very similar at first glance
I mean it looks like a more cleaner and detailed Dark Souls 3.
Definitely not have a 60fps option 😂
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So here is the thing with resolution. The resolution a game renders at is quite important and so it the level and quality of antialias used. A clean sharp 1080p photograph or video will exhibit an infinite level of antialias in cgi rendering terms and will thus look amazing, imagine thine phone cables hanging in the sky, they will look smooth and crisp. A game on the other hand will likely exhibit some degree of aliasing even at a pristine 4K rendering unless you are using very good super sampling. So a 4K rendered image, with great antialias down sampled to 1080p will look comparable to a same size photograph. Thus will a game benefit greatly from 4K if possible. Secondly, I sit under 2m from a 75" TV and 4K is very noticeably crisper than a 1080p or 1440p image if they are all of high quality. I unfortunately want it all. 4K, 120fps, 85" TV with 4000nit HDR haha. The point is if you have a large display and high quality source, 4K does make a big difference but at the same time a very high quality game render at 1080p will look great next to a poor 4K rendering. Also, as the resolution and brightness go up you also need to increase fps to be able to make out the extra details when the image is in motion.
Yeah, I'm like 9-10' from a 65', wear glasses and often have tired eyes form working on a PC all day on top of staring at my phone and iPad so I'm probably one just not likely to notice resolution differences on top of not being a videophile and not caring to try and notice the difference if it doesn't jump out at me.


Gold Member
I loved the demo and im gonna play through it again tonite too. Sure its not very long, but there is that necklace item that you find that serves no apparent use in the demo (like the finger in the RE7 demo), so im hoping that means there's still some hidden things in the demo, or that it will get an update to add more things like the RE7 demo eventually did.
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