I’ve made a negative thread about RE7 around 2 weeks ago, but I ended up appreciating it. I also just finished Village and outside of the garbage story I really enjoyed my time with it. I also LOVE RE2R and RE3R. So I’m not a hater! Lol.
But Resident Evil Zero…. My god. I think I initially tried playing it 2-3 years ago but gave up.
This game is hideously unfun. I know part of my gripes with it have to do with modern conveniences + being spoiled by how amazing RE2R is (in my opinion), but I’m still just constantly wondering to myself “WHO FINDS THIS FUN?” any time I play the game.
1. Everything about the game is excruciatingly SLOOOOOOOOW. The room transitions that they didn’t cut out are SLOW. The jogging speed is SLOW. The load times are SLOW. The process of interacting with anything is SLOW. Doing anything feels like it takes forever.
2. The inventory system. Oh my god. What is this?? There’s almost no room for anything. You have only 6 slots per character and no item box. And the game has the audacity to still have ink ribbons lol. You constantly have to drop shit, and personally, I don’t care enough to lug everything into an area’s “main” room. And despite the game giving you a paltry amount of space, there’s seemingly a bunch of weapons and they practically all take up 2 slots and then another slot for ammo.
3. The hookshot lmao. You randomly need it a few times and it takes up 2 slots.
4. Rebecca seems to die when an enemy brushes against her.
5. Combat is atrocious and janky and tbh the pre-rendered backgrounds are no excuse. Onimusha 1-2 manage to be fun despite its pre-rendered backgrounds.
6. This is basically an extension of point #1 but the slowness of the game makes me want to cry any time I have to backtrack for anything. The last time I played the game, I wanted to save and quit, but I realized that I accidentally dropped my ink ribbons 3 rooms away because I probably needed space for some key item and dropped that without thinking. Which means slowly jogging through 3 rooms, sitting through the unskippable room animations, having to confirm picking up the ink ribbon, then slowly jogging back through 3 rooms while sitting through the unskippable room transitions. Needless to say, I definitely stuck to my decision to quitting the game after I managed to make it back to the typewriter with ink ribbons in hand lol.
7. This is definitely me being spoiled by modern RE games, but the very least this game could’ve done to be less effing annoying would be for the map to indicate what I need for each locked door, like with RE2R. It just makes me want to play with a walkthrough at all times because I’m not accidentally going into the wrong room and having to slowly backtrack and sit through more unskippable room transitions.
I mean seriously idgi; this game is almost torturous for me. Only positive thing I have to say about it is that the production values are off-the-charts. The pre-rendered backgrounds look absolutely phenomenal. It’s too bad that I can’t appreciate them because I’m too busy thinking about how the game is the antithesis of fun.
Does anyone find the game fun? If so, how? I’m genuinely curious.
Thank you!
But Resident Evil Zero…. My god. I think I initially tried playing it 2-3 years ago but gave up.
This game is hideously unfun. I know part of my gripes with it have to do with modern conveniences + being spoiled by how amazing RE2R is (in my opinion), but I’m still just constantly wondering to myself “WHO FINDS THIS FUN?” any time I play the game.
1. Everything about the game is excruciatingly SLOOOOOOOOW. The room transitions that they didn’t cut out are SLOW. The jogging speed is SLOW. The load times are SLOW. The process of interacting with anything is SLOW. Doing anything feels like it takes forever.
2. The inventory system. Oh my god. What is this?? There’s almost no room for anything. You have only 6 slots per character and no item box. And the game has the audacity to still have ink ribbons lol. You constantly have to drop shit, and personally, I don’t care enough to lug everything into an area’s “main” room. And despite the game giving you a paltry amount of space, there’s seemingly a bunch of weapons and they practically all take up 2 slots and then another slot for ammo.
3. The hookshot lmao. You randomly need it a few times and it takes up 2 slots.
4. Rebecca seems to die when an enemy brushes against her.
5. Combat is atrocious and janky and tbh the pre-rendered backgrounds are no excuse. Onimusha 1-2 manage to be fun despite its pre-rendered backgrounds.
6. This is basically an extension of point #1 but the slowness of the game makes me want to cry any time I have to backtrack for anything. The last time I played the game, I wanted to save and quit, but I realized that I accidentally dropped my ink ribbons 3 rooms away because I probably needed space for some key item and dropped that without thinking. Which means slowly jogging through 3 rooms, sitting through the unskippable room animations, having to confirm picking up the ink ribbon, then slowly jogging back through 3 rooms while sitting through the unskippable room transitions. Needless to say, I definitely stuck to my decision to quitting the game after I managed to make it back to the typewriter with ink ribbons in hand lol.
7. This is definitely me being spoiled by modern RE games, but the very least this game could’ve done to be less effing annoying would be for the map to indicate what I need for each locked door, like with RE2R. It just makes me want to play with a walkthrough at all times because I’m not accidentally going into the wrong room and having to slowly backtrack and sit through more unskippable room transitions.
I mean seriously idgi; this game is almost torturous for me. Only positive thing I have to say about it is that the production values are off-the-charts. The pre-rendered backgrounds look absolutely phenomenal. It’s too bad that I can’t appreciate them because I’m too busy thinking about how the game is the antithesis of fun.
Does anyone find the game fun? If so, how? I’m genuinely curious.
Thank you!