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Resident Evil Zero: does anyone find this game fun?

I must admit, I haven't played it in some time, but I had fond memories of it. I think there were a few cheap ambushes that annoyed me. I still to remember four monkey like things in the top floor or something and they killed me a lot. Other than that I really enjoyed it.
This game would be kind of fun... if they only GOT RID OF THE FUCKING MONKIES. SERIOUSLY fuck this game. If you enjoy it, then you'd probably enjoy an enema, too.
This game needs to be somewhat rebalance... or maybe I need to play it 100 times to git gud....LOL.
Seriously, what kind of defense is “once you know the routes and what to do it’s a lot more manageable”?

A lot of tips for the game sound like this:

“When you’re in Location X MAKE SURE TO GO UP THE LIFT AS BILLY AND HAVE X EQUIPPED. Otherwise you will have to backtrack for 3 years and encounter this enemy that will make you die a horrible death.”

“Make sure you carry X item ON REBECCA. And DO NOT GO TO THIS ROOM before going back to the main hall.”

DO NOT LEAVE THE HOOKSHOT HERE. You will need it at 2 other random points later in the game.”

MAKE SURE TO HAVE REBECCA EQUIPPED WITH X BEFORE ENTERING THIS ROOM. She will be separated from Billy and will be stuck in a room with 5 enemies that can kill her in one hit.”
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Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
Seriously, what kind of defense is “once you know the routes and what to do it’s a lot more manageable”?

A lot of tips for the game sound like this

“When you’re in Location X MAKE SURE TO GO UP THE LIFT AS BILLY AND HAVE X EQUIPPED. Otherwise you will have to backtrack for 3 years and encounter this enemy that will make you die a horrible death.”

“Make sure you carry X item ON REBECCA. And DO NOT GO TO THIS ROOM before going back to the main hall.”

DO NOT LEAVE THE HOOKSHOT HERE. You will need it at 2 other random points later in the game.”

It's item management on steroids. You have to duo as it is. So, that is double or even triple management, if you count what you are trying to achieve in the game (it's end).
The later parts of the game are pretty nice, though. I won't shit on late game Zero.


I like it, I am not saying "I loved it" but I think it is a fine game, I replay it sometimes when I do a full RE-series play through and aside from RE6 and RE Survivor I don't skip any of the main entries.


Linux User
I despise Resident Evil inventory system. However I understand why it exists. It creates the illusion that the game is longer.

Cut out the backtracking and the game is short.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
That's weird, I'm playing it right now for the first time. REmake 4 inspired me to finally get around the ones in the series that people are less enthusiastic about, will do a round-up once I've done 6.

It's not a good game. There's moments where good RE peeks through the cracks, but overall, no. The inventory system is hot, indefensible garbage. There's nothing fun, tense, scary or immersive about carrying all of your items from one save room to another just so that they're closer on hand for the next area. Rebecca is a glorified pack mule.


I honestly haven't played it in forever, but I remember liking it. I do remember hating the C stick for movement


I don't enjoy RE0, but I appreciate that it tried to innovate, introducing several new ideas. At the time, there was a feeling that the series was stagnating and needed to shake things up.

It's a bit like Tekken 4 in my mind - it tried to innovate in response to critiques that it was getting a bit stale, but then people realised they liked Coke Classic just fine.

Mr Hyde

Played it on GameCube when it came out 20 years ago and thought it was trash. Worst RE by a country mile. Tried to revisit it again with the remaster and didn't really care for it now either. The worst part is the door transitions, which is longer and slower than in any old school RE, making backtracking a chore. I'm probably gonna finish it though, been on a huge RE bender as of late, and want to refresh my memory with each installment, especially in regards to the story.
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Those unskippable slow loading door animations are the worst. I tried playing REMake a while back and couldn't, too much of a waste of time with the door transitions. I'd probably share your complaints OP. No storage box sounds miserable.
On pc there's a mod that removes the door transition, making them instant.


Has some flaws, but gets much more flak than deserved. Personally, I'd still take it over 5, 6, Code Veronica, the first Revelations and each spin-off.

Actually, I was thinking of replaying it for the 5th time soon.
Attempted to play it on PC recently and I gave up on the second level. Something about it was annoying to me, must have been the constant inventory management.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
I can't believe nobody (that I know of) has made an item box mod and just stuck them in a few of the save rooms. Would immediately make the game better.


Gold Member
Seriously, how did Capcom not put an option to skip door animations in the remasters? You have to appreciate the fact that they drew so many different doors for those, but that should have been a pretty obvious choice when tasked with bringing the games to modern systems. Just like SQEX seems to think people must absolutely love losing to Yunalesca in FFX HD and rewatching that damn cutscene over and over again.

2nd best game to code veronica
Sure, if those are the only two REs you’ve played.
I tried to give Zero another shot after my most recent replay of RE1 Remake. The fantastic art direction lures me in every time and if it walks and quacks like a duck...

Well, that was probably the third attempt and once again I bounced off after about 2 hours? It just feels like a poor imitation or something and the two character system sucks major ass. Having to dump items all over the place? Why the fuck would anyone think that's an elegant solution to a problem that did not need fixing? I get they wanted to shake things up but...what is that.


I enjoyed the game. I had no major issues with it. It is a game; enjoy it for what it is. Games that are actually terrible are games you won't be able to finish. :D

But seriously, I don't remember having issues with any of the things you mentioned, and I saw some others mention unnecessary backtracking, but that is what made me love the RE games—the backtracking aspect made the area real to me. I hate how new games try to just keep you moving forward.
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I’d like it better if it had item boxes and the bosses were more interesting than “big animal/bug.” Also unlike the HD port of REmake on the Xbox, the classic control scheme uses RB instead of RT for Aim/ready weapon which really bugs me. Yeah I can remap the bindings in the system options myself but then that makes the pause menu LT go to the left screen and RB to go to the right screen, which is annoying also.

Also it’s just kind of a worse REmake gameplay wise so I always just play that instead.
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I tried to give Zero another shot after my most recent replay of RE1 Remake. The fantastic art direction lures me in every time and if it walks and quacks like a duck...

Well, that was probably the third attempt and once again I bounced off after about 2 hours? It just feels like a poor imitation or something and the two character system sucks major ass. Having to dump items all over the place? Why the fuck would anyone think that's an elegant solution to a problem that did not need fixing? I get they wanted to shake things up but...what is that.
Something something atmosphere and adds to the survival horror aspect (even though the game isn’t even remotely scary or unsettling). In reality it doesn’t add anything. It just makes the game more annoying and tedious. Or, if you have less patience for the game’s glacial pacing like me, it makes you want to be glued to a walkthrough at all times so you have to endure as few of the game’s loading screens and loading masks (60% of your play time) as possible.

Fuck, I just remembered, even the game “typewriting” your save is slow. Even the text every time you load up your save is slow (idc if this is a loading mask). Even examining/picking up an item is slow. I cannot stress enough how absolutely everything in this game is obnoxiously slow. It makes me want to rip my head off how nothing is remotely snappy… minus the damn character swapping. Which makes all the loading and loading masks even more puzzling and infuriating.
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Kev Kev

Yeah, I enjoyed it quite a bit. It was almost as good as RE1 Remake, although there were some odd design choices that I didn't care for. I've been looking forward to playing it again one day.

Lux R7

oh i love it, there is like the worst boss ever in a RE game (bat) and the annoying hookshot but i enjoy the game in general.
Also the atmosphere is top, i like the music, i like Rebecca and the backgrounds are absolutely amazing.


If you enjoy it, then you'd probably enjoy an enema, too.

Confused Curb Your Enthusiasm GIF
Fuck, I just remembered, even the game “typewriting” your save is slow. Even the text every time you load up your save is slow (idc if this is a loading mask). Even examining/picking up an item is slow. I cannot stress enough how absolutely everything in this game is obnoxiously slow. It makes me want to rip my head off how nothing is remotely snappy…
Funny enough, I kind of feel this way about RE4 Remake. It's like everything you do is running at 5 to 10% decreased speed. Like one of those shitty dreams where you pedal your bicycle really hard but only go walking speed.


The story was so awful….before the mansion incident you visit…ANOTHER MANSION. The fuck?

Could have been the Arklay Mountains or surrounding areas but nope another mansion with a man singing opera for leaches.

Oh man the dissatisfaction I had with this game was awful. I thought we would investigate incidents before “the” incident. Also wasn’t this suppose to flesh out the Bravo team? Nothing.


Has some flaws, but gets much more flak than deserved. Personally, I'd still take it over 5, 6, Code Veronica, the first Revelations and each spin-off.

Actually, I was thinking of replaying it for the 5th time soon.
I wouldn't take it over CV, but I'd take it over 5/6 in a heartbeat.

The flak it's getting ITT is full of hyperbole like "Door transitions are 60% of the playtime", and people are making the game seem like Big Rigs.

Zero is flawed without a doubt, but people finished it just fine. So either they're amazing, or maaaaaybe people are being a teeny bit dramatic. Like with the item dropping. Let's do a thought experiment.

In REmake, a game hailed as one of if not the best in the franchise, you have the item boxes everyone craves. How far are you from an item box at any given time in the mansion? You can easily be 6 rooms away, right? In Zero, you'd be hard pushed to find a location 6 rooms away from a central location like the main hall, which is the safest room in which to drop items. In fact, the Hookshot, even when you have to run back to the train, is barely more than 6 rooms away as the map opens up a direct line back to the main hall. So what's the issue? Why is item management god tier in REmake but it's complete and utter dogshite in Zero? Is it because some items take 2 slots? That's sad and all, but you spend most of your time with 2 characters.

I freely admit that Zero is more enjoyable when you know how to play around its flaws, but let's not get over the top and pretend it's a 0/10 game


Great Game. Story is great, atmosphere epic. Love it since its first release on the NGC.

More heart and soul than any orig. RE after Zero.

In Love Hearts GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants


Gold Member
Funny enough, I kind of feel this way about RE4 Remake. It's like everything you do is running at 5 to 10% decreased speed. Like one of those shitty dreams where you pedal your bicycle really hard but only go walking speed.
It maybe fucking with your perception but RE4 Remake does slow down your running speed while in combat. You definitely run faster out of combat even compared to OG RE4. I appreciate that for backtracking purposes.

I imagine they did this because of the wealth of new combat options you have. Especially now that you can move and shoot at the same time.
I wouldn't take it over CV, but I'd take it over 5/6 in a heartbeat.

The flak it's getting ITT is full of hyperbole like "Door transitions are 60% of the playtime", and people are making the game seem like Big Rigs.

Zero is flawed without a doubt, but people finished it just fine. So either they're amazing, or maaaaaybe people are being a teeny bit dramatic. Like with the item dropping. Let's do a thought experiment.

In REmake, a game hailed as one of if not the best in the franchise, you have the item boxes everyone craves. How far are you from an item box at any given time in the mansion? You can easily be 6 rooms away, right? In Zero, you'd be hard pushed to find a location 6 rooms away from a central location like the main hall, which is the safest room in which to drop items. In fact, the Hookshot, even when you have to run back to the train, is barely more than 6 rooms away as the map opens up a direct line back to the main hall. So what's the issue? Why is item management god tier in REmake but it's complete and utter dogshite in Zero? Is it because some items take 2 slots? That's sad and all, but you spend most of your time with 2 characters.

I freely admit that Zero is more enjoyable when you know how to play around its flaws, but let's not get over the top and pretend it's a 0/10 game
I’m being obviously a bit hyperbolic but I’m not being hyperbolic when I say playing the game, for me, is miserable. And that I don’t enjoy a single thing about the gameplay. My “60% of the game is loading or loading masks” comment was a hyperbole but playing the game feels like a lot of my time is spent waiting or pausing (to do inventory management, to check the map, or to confirm picking up an item… all of which feel slow).
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Something something atmosphere and adds to the survival horror aspect (even though the game isn’t even remotely scary or unsettling). In reality it doesn’t add anything. It just makes the game more annoying and tedious...
yep. how in the hell did anyone think that walking around stumbling over everything you've dropped in a big pile on the floor is somehow more 'atmospheric'? a potentially okay re game demolished by a single dumb mechanic that'd already been dealt with & eliminated via a simple, elegant solution present in every previous game...


Gold Member
yep. how in the hell did anyone think that walking around stumbling over everything you've dropped in a big pile on the floor is somehow more 'atmospheric'? a potentially okay re game demolished by a single dumb mechanic that'd already been dealt with & eliminated via a simple, elegant solution present in every previous game...
It's an allegory of how you're supposed to dump RE0 for better RE games.


I’m being obviously a bit hyperbolic but I’m not being hyperbolic when I say playing the game, for me, is miserable. And that I don’t enjoy a single thing about the gameplay. My “60% of the game is loading or loading masks” comment was a hyperbole but playing the game feels like a lot of my time is spent waiting or pausing (to do inventory management, to check the map, or to confirm picking up an item… all of which feel slow).
It wasn't a shot at you, I didn't even remember who wrote it--it was just the first comment that came to mind as an example as obvious hyperbole.

I'm not here to convince anybody they actually enjoy something they don't enjoy, and if you don't then that's fair enough. I've always enjoyed the whole experience of classic RE so doing more of the same was never a chore to me, even if Zero is a bit slower.

I think the bulk of Zero's issues might actually stem from combat rather than anything else. If you didn't have such annoying enemies like Leech Zombies and monkeys, you wouldn't feel the need to carry round an arsenal and you'd have more room for exploring. That wouldn't help your issue, but it sounds like classic RE as a whole isn't for you.
It maybe fucking with your perception but RE4 Remake does slow down your running speed while in combat. You definitely run faster out of combat even compared to OG RE4. I appreciate that for backtracking purposes.

I imagine they did this because of the wealth of new combat options you have. Especially now that you can move and shoot at the same time.
I did notice that. I feel the same way about barrel breaking animations, vaulting, pretty much everything feels like it has like...5 to 10 percent slow motion. Hard to explain. I like the game but it has this general feeling of wading through sludge at all times to me. I'm currently doing Professional and I don't think I can power through.


Gold Member
I did notice that. I feel the same way about barrel breaking animations, vaulting, pretty much everything feels like it has like...5 to 10 percent slow motion. Hard to explain. I like the game but it has this general feeling of wading through sludge at all times to me. I'm currently doing Professional and I don't think I can power through.
Yeah I feel you. It feels more realistic. No i frames on animations that previously did and melee moves has less impact and slower to do like the neck stabbing on the floor. It's definitely a matter of preference and I don't fault you for that. You can stab the barrels which speed things up a bit.


Bought it on the day of release for the Cube, I thought it was pretty awful.
Bought it on the PS4 years later when released, played for a bit, eh, still seemed pretty awful.
Bought it on the Xbox one, years after my ps4 jaunt, I thought i'd give it another try, it cant be as awful as I remember, it was awful

I think it might be awful.


I replayed it in 2020 on Xbox One X and think it's better than Resident Evil Remake in every way but story. The story is easily the second worst, of a series (one of my favorite series') that has zero good stories. It's really, really bad.

But yeah, I think the game itself it really fun.


I don't remember for sure because I played it on GameCube ages ago, but I remember I dropped 76€ for it at my local store and as a teenager I was so scared by this game, but it was also one of the best graphics I had ever seen. Yea, I basiclaly just remember that graphically was insane.
I love it. It has some of my favourite atmosphere in the series, especially the opening train sections. Very well designed environments that still look good playing through it now.
My favorite of the OG RE games that came before 4. It sounds like your main gripe is that these classic games had methodical, slow gameplay and are not at all fast-paced. They lack modern QOL improvements and are not known for being all that easy to play through.
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