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RESISTANCE 2 - Hype Thread w/latest info


sillymonkey321 said:
Played a little more co-op, bosses are still incredibly boring. I'm getting a huge desktop tower defense out of these boss fights, especially when people know what you are doing. All they do is stand there while you unload clip after clip into them, their only main strength is having tons of health like in Desktop. I don't understand the appeal in just holding down the fire button while the special ops makes sure you dont run out of ammo/shield. How long is that supposed to be fun? An hour? I played one match of competitive last night in the Chicago map. It was fun using the chimera night vision and a shotgun and running around. I'm going to put a lot more time in competitive, co-op is a snoozefest from a combination of a lack of interesting enemies and not a lot of combat variation.

It works in Doom.


RockmanWhore said:
Anybody know how to use the splicer efficiently? It just feels underpowered, and I don't understand the secondary fire at all.

Lead your foe into a narrow coridor then let the blade bounce between the wall. Alternatively, spin the blade with R2(Hold), when it spins fast enough(1-2 secs) press R1 to fire. If it hits your foe, it will stick on their body spinning into their skin and hurt them a tad bit more.

Rapping Granny said:
Am I the only one that doesn't get any XP points at the end of the match?

Are you talking about the summary list with all the people in the party? Mine always show 0 in every field at the end of the game, but you do get XP. In fact, the game gives you XP as soon as you cause some damage, or heal/supply your mates.


Question, are you able to log into multiple different PSN accounts and play online on a single game? (Ie. Online Coop/Deathmatch on a game with 2 different PSN accounts playing under 1 PS3 and 1 TV)


sillymonkey321 said:
Played a little more co-op, bosses are still incredibly boring. I'm getting a huge desktop tower defense out of these boss fights, especially when people know what you are doing. All they do is stand there while you unload clip after clip into them, their only main strength is having tons of health like in Desktop. I don't understand the appeal in just holding down the fire button while the special ops makes sure you dont run out of ammo/shield. How long is that supposed to be fun? An hour? I played one match of competitive last night in the Chicago map. It was fun using the chimera night vision and a shotgun and running around. I'm going to put a lot more time in competitive, co-op is a snoozefest from a combination of a lack of interesting enemies and not a lot of combat variation.

I remember that segment. The Titans should jump down from the tower and go after our collective *sses.

Or there should be time-based and trigger-based traps to move us around.


jsrv said:
Question, are you able to log into multiple different PSN accounts and play online on a single game? (Ie. Online Coop/Deathmatch on a game with 2 different PSN accounts playing under 1 PS3 and 1 TV)

You can go online with two people on the same console, however, it just shows them as your username (2). It's a guest account basically.


Skirmish in Chicago is amazing. I sunk hours into it last night, as well as this morning. Only thing that I don't like in the game is the grenades. The release point seems low, I am constantly standing in front of a fence or something and throwing the grenade and having it bounce back on me, or throwing it and it hitting a teammate and killing both of us. It just seems like it needs more velocity or height or something. And it's not just me being a crappy player, I see it happen to lots of other players as well.


andycapps said:
You can go online with two people on the same console, however, it just shows them as your username (2). It's a guest account basically.

Aw, I was hoping you could use at least two different accounts at the same time.
Edit: Is there any chance the retail/final version of the game will have the option of using multiple accounts (Or at least 2) at the same time?
Man, I don't really know about this game yet.

After playing so much CoD 4, I just don't know if I can go back to a MP game where you have to hit the guy with 200 bullets before he dies. It seems a little ridiculous now, and a whole lot more frustrating. I just don't have the patient for it. Even headshots with the Carbine don't' seem to do much more damage. It still takes unloading on them to kill them.

I've had some games on R2 that were amazing. Great battles, lots of kills, and nothing too unfair. Then I have other games where it seems like I can't kill anyone, even though I'm riddling people with bullets. Literally, some games I'll have 8 kill streaks, others I'll be lucky if I have 8 kills the entire round. I don't' know if I'm down for this kind of unevenness. Sometimes it doesn't feel like I'm getting better, which just plain sucks.

Speaking of perks, what perks have people found works best with what weapons? I've mostly been using the Carbine with Ironheart, but I'm looking to change it up. It just seems too standard for a Resistance game.


my posts are "MEH"
sillymonkey321 said:
Played a little more co-op, bosses are still incredibly boring. I'm getting a huge desktop tower defense out of these boss fights, especially when people know what you are doing. All they do is stand there while you unload clip after clip into them, their only main strength is having tons of health like in Desktop. I don't understand the appeal in just holding down the fire button while the special ops makes sure you dont run out of ammo/shield. How long is that supposed to be fun? An hour? I played one match of competitive last night in the Chicago map. It was fun using the chimera night vision and a shotgun and running around. I'm going to put a lot more time in competitive, co-op is a snoozefest from a combination of a lack of interesting enemies and not a lot of combat variation.

I was like "WTF IS THIS!"


What a bunch of crybabies the gaf clan are. My clan was probably more hardcore R1 players than you, and thats not competitive speaking. We knew every in and out and played 8hrs on days off or stayed up till 4am on the east coast to play with the west coast.

Dont give me that the hardcore dont like the changes, you guys are the only people who dont like the changes. Your making it seem like a huge amount of HC players dislike the changes.

I dont see the changes to be honest, the game feels as fast or faster with unlimited sprint. Carbine is the same if not better since ppl die faster when your good. Marksman helps with huge maps since you can engage in long distance battles easier than running around just looking.

Nades suck, they arent the same, I completely agree, no splash damage or anything. I hate the nades but o well I use them and I am good with them.Learn to adjust or just stfu and play a different game. LOL @ IG stabbing you in the back.

I'm glad ppl cant camp air lifts, that shit was fucken stupid and annoying. Makes for a better strategy than just sitting on them.

Ppl bitching about the bullseye are the ppl we use to bitch about who sucked balls and just tagged ppl to get kills. That was their only way to get kills.

The gaf clan just isnt very good @ the game and cant get into a good groove because how much they dislike it. IF they played enough they would get better and find why everyone else likes the game. Look @ Rapping Granny he disliked it, made changes and loves it now. I sucked @ private beta and hated it, played 2x and just waited it out. Not I really enjoy the beta and I play really good @ it.

I was a hardcore R1 player, along with all my friends, along with the hundred of clans who played gbs trying to get better to beat each other, along with all the other ppl who kept going back to play R1 before the beta hit. The majority is always going to speak louder to the devs like IG than the minority. And the majority agree the game is better.
Was a casual R1 Multi player and i've put in a little time with the R2 beta now and i'm liking it

I still don't really like the move to only having one of the weapons. I know it streamlines it and is similar to other FPS games, but i think it limits the weapon usage as a whole. For example, At times i'd like to use the auger, but i never would want it as my only weapon

Ploid 3.0

oneHeero said:
What a bunch of crybabies the gaf clan are. My clan was probably more hardcore R1 players than you, and thats not competitive speaking. We knew every in and out and played 8hrs on days off or stayed up till 4am on the east coast to play with the west coast.

Dont give me that the hardcore dont like the changes, you guys are the only people who dont like the changes. Your making it seem like a huge amount of HC players dislike the changes.

I dont see the changes to be honest, the game feels as fast or faster with unlimited sprint. Carbine is the same if not better since ppl die faster when your good. Marksman helps with huge maps since you can engage in long distance battles easier than running around just looking.

I love the unlimited sprint and without consequence. It sure made the game seem faster to me. Well mobility wise. In R1 it's like I'm usually walking a lot (save my chim special in case I need it. Maybe a wrong way to play).

Nades suck, they arent the same, I completely agree, no splash damage or anything. I hate the nades but o well I use them and I am good with them.Learn to adjust or just stfu and play a different game. LOL @ IG stabbing you in the back.

I'm glad ppl cant camp air lifts, that shit was fucken stupid and annoying. Makes for a better strategy than just sitting on them.

I didn't much like the air lifts in R1 because of the exposure. Not sure how I like them in this one but when I first saw them I thought "Oh no".

Ppl bitching about the bullseye are the ppl we use to bitch about who sucked balls and just tagged ppl to get kills. That was their only way to get kills.

The gaf clan just isnt very good @ the game and cant get into a good groove because how much they dislike it. IF they played enough they would get better and find why everyone else likes the game. Look @ Rapping Granny he disliked it, made changes and loves it now. I sucked @ private beta and hated it, played 2x and just waited it out. Not I really enjoy the beta and I play really good @ it.

I was a hardcore R1 player, along with all my friends, along with the hundred of clans who played gbs trying to get better to beat each other, along with all the other ppl who kept going back to play R1 before the beta hit. The majority is always going to speak louder to the devs like IG than the minority. And the majority agree the game is better.

R2 looks like it will be a beast.


oneHeero said:
The gaf clan just isnt very good @ the game and cant get into a good groove because how much they dislike it. IF they played enough they would get better and find why everyone else likes the game. Look @ Rapping Granny he disliked it, made changes and loves it now. I sucked @ private beta and hated it, played 2x and just waited it out. Not I really enjoy the beta and I play really good @ it.

You sound like you're the only one crying about them not liking the game. Guys like effertlis (aka beatbox) had probably some of the best k/d ratios of any person who ever played that game, Click as well. They were incredibly good at the original game. For those who grew accustomed to that style of play, I find it VERY FUCKING EASY to understand why they'd be unhappy with the changes - it is a CONSIDERABLY different game, no matter how you look at it. Even with 3 iterations, the Halo franchise never saw gameplay changes that were this drastic.

And by gameplay changes, I'm talking about tempo, pace and speed - it's a whole different ballgame, dumbed down for the 'casuals.' Mark my words, a few months into the release of this game, COD 4 will be the more played MP game on PSN.


Is there a place to report the problems we are experiencing with the beta?

Like no ability to create a game while in a party.

An easy way to message fellow friends in the game.

Clipping issues where the boss may get stuck in the wall unable to move.

Aside from these. I've enjoyed Co-op it's pretty fun, still wish there was two player single player campaign though.
I'm negative on R2 now. Co-op is lame (hold R2 and hope for a good team), multiplayer is a bit of a mess (Skirmish and TDM bored me and I'm not a fan of the new weapon system), so the single player of R2 is all I'm really interested in now. The weapon system was not well implemented. Yes, you also only have two weapons in Halo or CoD4 but those had different systems. In CoD4 you actually had to fine tune your own little combination and experiment whereas in R2 you get one decent weapon that's not adjustable and a single perk. I know there are more options as you level up but they should be in the beta. Also in Halo a lot of the strategy is managing weapon spawns which again this game doesn't have. Disappointing. Resistance 2 isn't going to be a bad game (I'll still purchase it someday) but this holiday season there is so much awesome innovative games (Fable 2, Mirror's Edge, LBP, Far Cry 2) that I'm not really interested. And as from someone in the KZ2 beta I can definitely say that without a doubt, KZ2 will be the PS3's definitive FPS.

Ploid 3.0

JB1981 said:
You sound like you're the only one crying about them not liking the game. Guys like effertlis (aka beatbox) had probably some of the best k/d ratios of any person who ever played that game, Click as well. They were incredibly good at the original game. For those who grew accustomed to that style of play, I find it VERY FUCKING EASY to understand why they'd be unhappy with the changes - it is a CONSIDERABLY different game, no matter how you look at it. Even with 3 iterations, the Halo franchise never saw gameplay changes that were this drastic.

And by gameplay changes, I'm talking about tempo, pace and speed - it's a whole different ballgame, dumbed down for the 'casuals.' Mark my words, a few months into the release of this game, COD 4 will be the more played MP game on PSN.

Not if a lot of people that never got into R1 play R2's MP games a lot more than they did R1. Also if it was "dumbed down for the casuals" that means it's more accessible like the wii games. And that usually makes it more popular, not less.
Damn I love the skirmish mode, I never really got into the team deathmatch stuff, those modes are usually really frustrating if you're not playing in a team or a clan. The fact that you're into small squads and that the objectives changes constantly makes the whole thing much more accessible. And the objectives are simple enough to not require some complex strategies or teamwork, you just have to fallow the objectives and stay with your team. And it's nice to go from small combat with your squad and the opposite squad, to some mess involving everybody now and then. This mode is brilliant, I never though I'd get into some 30 vs 30 game without a headset or any means to communicate :lol


Sailor Stevenson
RockmanWhore said:
Damn I love the skirmish mode, I never really got into the team deathmatch stuff, those modes are usually really frustrating if you're not playing in a team or a clan. The fact that you're into small squads and that the objectives changes constantly makes the whole thing much more accessible. And the objectives are simple enough to not require some complex strategies or teamwork, you just have to fallow the objectives and stay with your team. And it's nice to go from small combat with your squad and the opposite squad, to some mess involving everybody now and then. This mode is brilliant, I never though I'd get into some 30 vs 30 game without a headset or any means to communicate :lol


Glad you like it. We spent a ton of time working on that mode and playtesting it --- but it gives you the nice sense of a controlled tactical game but also all of the chaos of the big battle going on around you. There's another map you guys haven't played yet that I am oh so fond of for Skirmish --- the battles it sets up are some of my favorite in the competitive game.


jstevenson said:

Glad you like it. We spent a ton of time working on that mode and playtesting it --- but it gives you the nice sense of a controlled tactical game but also all of the chaos of the big battle going on around you. There's another map you guys haven't played yet that I am oh so fond of for Skirmish --- the battles it sets up are some of my favorite in the competitive game.
Bring back Meltdown, Assault and Breach KTHXBYE.
In all my negativity I did forget to mention one thing: the match selection is fast and excellent and the allies menu is awesome. It does suffer the Warhawk "why can't I join this game it says it has spots left" thing but other than awesome. The play now has never work for me either but that's probably beta worthy.
JB1981 said:
You sound like you're the only one crying about them not liking the game. Guys like effertlis (aka beatbox) had probably some of the best k/d ratios of any person who ever played that game, Click as well. They were incredibly good at the original game. For those who grew accustomed to that style of play, I find it VERY FUCKING EASY to understand why they'd be unhappy with the changes - it is a CONSIDERABLY different game, no matter how you look at it. Even with 3 iterations, the Halo franchise never saw gameplay changes that were this drastic.

And by gameplay changes, I'm talking about tempo, pace and speed - it's a whole different ballgame, dumbed down for the 'casuals.' Mark my words, a few months into the release of this game, Killzone 2 will be the more played MP game on PSN.



sillymonkey321 said:
Played a little more co-op, bosses are still incredibly boring. I'm getting a huge desktop tower defense out of these boss fights, especially when people know what you are doing. All they do is stand there while you unload clip after clip into them, their only main strength is having tons of health like in Desktop. I don't understand the appeal in just holding down the fire button while the special ops makes sure you dont run out of ammo/shield. How long is that supposed to be fun? An hour? I played one match of competitive last night in the Chicago map. It was fun using the chimera night vision and a shotgun and running around. I'm going to put a lot more time in competitive, co-op is a snoozefest from a combination of a lack of interesting enemies and not a lot of combat variation.
Maybe you should try playing something other than Soldier ;o

Rolf NB

Bosses don't just stand around anymore in the current patched version.
I'd still agree that they have too much health though. It shouldn't take a full team longer than three minutes to take one down.


Pai Pai Master said:
Is anyone else constantly getting booted from the network? Can't get a co-op game to last very long.
Yep. Having the same problem. It's really frustrating. It started after downloading the latest patch.

Rolf NB

A few good 1000-kill rounds of team deathmatch later ...
The problem with the game is the lack of punch in the regular weapons. It all devolves into grenades and carbine secondaries, because that's what produces quick results, even if erratic. Otherwise, in any short to mid-range encounter between decently capable players, sometimes one wins, sometimes the other. There is no reason or rhyme to it. It takes so long to kill a healthy opponent that it doesn't even matter how smart or dumb you choose to approach. The encounter will in any case take long enough that players don't lose much, relatively speaking, by having to turn around first. Or they can just sprint the hell away.

Standard weapons only start to drop people reliably when you start doing squad combat. Of course half of your squad will go down too, when facing even opposition, but it doesn't matter because it all takes so long that in the meantime new spawns will come over to refill the ranks on both sides. Killing one, two or three enemies in a row in direct confrontation is sometimes possible, but then you'll have certainty that the next random passerby will take advantage of your by now nearly depleted health and it'll be over. It's all just so ... predictable.

I think getting melee down pat is a good challenge, and so is effective use of grenades at longer ranges (preferably in the faces of stationary snipers). There are also some good opportunities for snipers, if only because the maps are so enormously large. But in between, shooting people in the face personally, instigating that good old honest mayhem on the streets just doesn't feel as rewarding as it should.
*gets toasted by an air-fuel grenade*

Also, just to annoy jstevenson again: 1)two-weapon systems are horsedung; 2)having unlimited explicit sprint and ironsight aiming in one game is redundant, which makes it a design mistake.


Yeah, too bad ... but I'm not feeling it. I'm very picky with my shooters and totally not able to click with R2. RFoM felt right from the get go and I loved it. I don't mind change. KZ2 is very different from RFoM, it took me only one round and I fell in love with it. I was looking forward to R2, but it seems this game isn't for me ~_~


my posts are "MEH"
Lets get one thing straight.,....Even though im not feeling the online aspect of the game. Im still purchasing the game for the single player alone.

I see some of you guys not getting the game based on multiplayer...What about the single player? RFOM1 was solid.
deejay8595 said:
Lets get one thing straight.,....Even though im not feeling the online aspect of the game. Im still purchasing the game for the single player alone.

I see some of you guys not getting the game based on multiplayer...What about the single player? RFOM1 was solid.

MP has to be solid for a shooter, that's really the game. SP is training. Usually 8 to 12 hours of whatever, to prepare you for 100 to 200 hours of the meat. R2 doesn't have fun meat, unfortunately.


SaggyMonkey said:
MP has to be solid for a shooter, that's really the game. SP is training. Usually 8 to 12 hours of whatever, to prepare you for 100 to 200 hours of the meat. R2 doesn't have fun meat, unfortunately.

Dont agree with that at all,its really fun especially co-op, and the right players.


deejay8595 said:
Lets get one thing straight.,....Even though im not feeling the online aspect of the game. Im still purchasing the game for the single player alone.

I see some of you guys not getting the game based on multiplayer...What about the single player? RFOM1 was solid.
From what I played, the single player is way better then the first.
SaggyMonkey said:
MP has to be solid for a shooter, that's really the game. SP is training. Usually 8 to 12 hours of whatever, to prepare you for 100 to 200 hours of the meat. R2 doesn't have fun meat, unfortunately.
Half Life says fuck you


Can't wait to eat some Kobe tubesteak
SaggyMonkey said:
MP has to be solid for a shooter, that's really the game. SP is training. Usually 8 to 12 hours of whatever, to prepare you for 100 to 200 hours of the meat. R2 doesn't have fun meat, unfortunately.
Ok then


wouw owu wouwouwow
i was never in to R1 and now i am hooked to online co-op in R2. The controls are very tight and i loved how every weapon has a different crosshair, frame rate is great and everything feels so smooooooooth. Loved the new partying system, everything is tweaked and executed very nice.

As visually, at first few mins i thought its like R1 with a few more colors then i start to notice little details like much better textures and ripples on water etc..and did i mention controls are very tight?

I just relized, walking is very very slow. my thumb hurts because of all the running.

Played 60 player match 1000 kills. SOOO GOOD! AGHR!!

Went 91-44.

And holy fuck, nobody else is amazed how they managed to get 60 people online without a single lag? To me this is fucking impressive and step in the right direction for console shooters, and I can't wait for MAG now.

Also, how do I get XP and rank up? where are the ranked matches?


Rapping Granny said:

I just relized, walking is very very slow.

Played 60 player match 1000 kills. SOOO GOOD! AGHR!!

Went 91-44.

And holy fuck, nobody else is amazed how they managed to get 60 people online without a single lag? To me this is fucking impressive and step in the right direction for console shooters, and I can't wait for MAG now.

Also, how do I get XP and rank up? where are the ranked matches?

Well, that is one thing no one can deny about this game - the netcode is unassailably good. Best ever.


Awntawn said:
Maybe you should try playing something other than Soldier ;o

I played a lot of special ops, which is basically being a babysitter to a special needs child that's always trying to push you down the stairs.

And i'm not sure how the ammo boxes work that special ops throws out, but if they don't distribute ammo in a radius like the medic's team heal function, that's crazy. When everyone is huddled around a soldiers' shield, targeting who gets the ammo is not easy.
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