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RESISTANCE 2 - Hype Thread w/latest info


Man, if you guys think R2 is "hectic", then you would have really hated the original game. The speed has been taken down about 5 notches, at least.


hide your water-based mammals
I think all the changes are for the better. The hardcore R1 fans need to accept that this is a funner game for everyone now. It's pretty addicting. They just nailed the controls and the rewarding right.


JB1981 said:
Man, if you guys think R2 is "hectic", then you would have really hated the original game. The speed has been taken down about 5 notches, at least.
yeah, I noticed that, but the last time I played a team deathmatch game in Chicago, I just ended up quitting because of all the god damn snipers in their dark rooms.

oh, and those air lift things don't help, IMO.


I hope they add a classic game mode, with weapon pick ups. I also want Breach and Meltdown. The paltry list of game modes available in the beta is kind of disappointing (hope it's just a beta thing).


Darkpen said:
yeah, I noticed that, but the last time I played a team deathmatch game in Chicago, I just ended up quitting because of all the god damn snipers in their dark rooms.

oh, and those air lift things don't help, IMO.

I like that sniping really does require an accurate headshot in order to kill. Chest shots do not result in a kill.

I had quite a bit of fun w/ 40 player TD match on Chicago last night. I was playing well (that has a lot to do with it lol) but I felt that the game was a good mix of freneticism and balanced gameplay. I love going inside the bombed out houses and using the Auger. Dudes have no idea where they're being shot from - so satisfying. :D


AgentOtaku said:
Been playing on and off for the past day and...



I'm not feeling it, sorry =(
....but to be fair, I wasn't really ever into R1 MP either. It was the SP portion that I fell in love with
Darkpen said:

Personally, I don't really like the multiplayer, because it feels a bit too hectic like UT.
Im in the same boat as you two. =(
although i will definitely play the single player.


LiquidMetal14 said:
I think all the changes are for the better. The hardcore R1 fans need to accept that this is a funner game for everyone now. It's pretty addicting. They just nailed the controls and the rewarding right.

Hardcore fans:

1) some will never come back to multiplayer. It looks that for some of the GAF clan
2) some will be initially disappointed, but after putting some time in will come to like R2.
3) some will play and complain - forever
4) some won't accept the massive change in R2 multiplayer, and so will play a lot less.

I'm on the fence. I don't like much of what IG has done. But, if I give it time, I can see it growing on me. Thing is, without a cool bunch of guys to play R2 with (i.e. the GAFers I've been playing with over the last two years), it won't be near as enjoyable. As good as R:FoM was, it was the people I played with that made it so memorable. They're not all going to be back, and that's just sad. BobTheFork has said the same thing (the clan in general shares the same opinion).

BTW, in IG's recent podcast, someone mentioned that the ones complaining just can't accept change - that's bullshit and demeaning. I'm readily capable of accepting change, and I think the hardcore fans in general are too. The problem is we don't like the changes that have been made to R2 - it's just not as fun! Basically, it's not our style of game anymore, and more importantly, it no longer feels like "Resistance".

I'm interested in seeing what the day 1 patch is going to do. Besides fixing bugs they've run out of time to fix, are they going to do any more tweaking? Hmmmm....


btkadams said:
why does everybody feel the need for resistance 2 to be cod4?

Because fucking IG set up R2 multiplayer that way, and they can't stop talking about that game in their podcasts? They're suffering from group think and don't even know it.

I'm going to play some R2 today before picking up my LBP copy (it's in!). I want to enjoy playing this game so much I'm willing to endure the massive headaches many of the new mechanics give me. ::simmers quietly::


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Wow I saw my first add for R2, the crazy part was I knew it was for R2. IT was the one with the real life people talking.

I am officially hyped.


I'm also not really feeling the MP, I wasn't a hardcore R1 player either. I'd go into detail but I have to go to work in 5 minutes. What it comes down to.. It's too hectic, the iron sights are fundamentally broken, and the weapons aren't balanced


I say complaining about it is ridiculous: the game works well, as demonstrated in the beta, and it has opened the doors to a new crowd of gamers who didn't buy Resistance 1 because of the "feel" the shooting had, which was not at all tight (at least for me).


I'm a bit disappointed in the visuals in multiplayer. I hope they improve significantly in the single player campaign.

It's not that R2 multiplayer looks bad per se, it's just that the bar has been set so high in recent games that I can't help but be a bit disappointed in the way it looks. Obviously expecting graphics like MGS4 and Dead Space (to name a few) in R2 is not a fair comparison, but I guess I was expecting something closer to the Killzone 2 multiplayer videos...
jaaz said:
I'm a bit disappointed in the visuals in multiplayer. I hope they improve significantly in the single player campaign.

It's not that R2 multiplayer looks bad per se, it's just that the bar has been set so high in recent games that I can't help but be a bit disappointed in the way it looks. Obviously expecting graphics like MGS4 and Dead Space (to name a few) in R2 is not a fair comparison, but I guess I was expecting something closer to the Killzone 2 multiplayer videos...
If anyone remembers, the graphics in the first Resistance were not the greatest either. Also, due to having tons and tons of enemies on screen (compared to many other games that have fewer), oh course things may not look as realistic. The beta is only showing us a few maps too, not the whole thing (because I remembered some levels in R1 looked much better than others).

LiquidMetal14 said:
I think all the changes are for the better. The hardcore R1 fans need to accept that this is a funner game for everyone now. It's pretty addicting. They just nailed the controls and the rewarding right.
I definitely agree.

Rolf NB

Look what I just wrote mom!

Medidations on Resistance 2 co-op #1: the medic

you all know how much I love you, and yet I feel misunderstood at times. I feel we have come to a point in our relationship where I need to know that ongoing issues will be adressed, because I want to stay with you for the long haul.

I am your medic. I am a support class, and yet I am somewhat self-sufficient: I have some offensive capabilities that always work, without needing ammo. I can absorb health from enemies to heal myself and do paltry and yet reliable damage, and I can heal you in times of need. I can fire healing orbs across long distances if need be, and they instantly fix everyone inside a certain radius. I know you all love being healed. However, you must know that my capacity of healing orbs is finite, and our mutual success hinges upon our close cooperation. Did you know that it takes about five seconds of sustained attacking to restore just one charge of my healing gun?

Dear soldier,
your responsibility is not just to do damage, but to absorb damage, into your shield and into yourself, and thus protect the team that keeps you going. Being in front, it is your privilege to choose where we go and when, and your team will always attempt to follow. But thus it is also your responsibility to gauge the risks we all are taking with you. Please refrain from rushing. Please try to not get surrounded and killed. Please keep your shield up so the rest of us can follow you closely. Our mutual friend spec ops will keep your ammo supplies high, and I will care for your wounds, but we can't do any of that if we're all dead together.

Dear spec ops,
you are perpetually torn between dealing damage precisely and at long range, looking cool, and not least restocking your comrades. It is laudable that you focus your attention on the soldier class, as keeping his shield functional is a definite priority, but please also bless me with an ammo package every now and then. I don't need them to fire my health absorption gun, but ammo packs are the fastest way to refill my capacity to heal, and indeed the only way to refill it fast enough. It's also always delightful when I find a grenade or two in my belongings, especially when swarmed. I can carry hedgehogs and carbine secondary charges, but I spawn with zero of both. Only you can increase that number.

Dear all,
Another thing that concerns me is how headstrong you rush forward and then feel all too free to call my name just after you inevitably get yourself killed. It is as if you attempt to purge all possible blame from yourself. In actuality, I always know exactly what you need and when, due to helpful on-screen indicators, and there's no reason to call me, nor is it effective. I don't recognize your voice anyway. If I don't heal you right away, it's not because I don't know of your need. It's because I got tied up bailing out yet another comrade who took too many risks. If I keep fighting at the front lines, it's not because I misunderstand my role. It's because my healing gun ran dry and I desperately need to recharge. And should I ever refuse to revive you, be certain that it's not out of spite, but because you've rushed right into a wave of enemies, and to approach your corpse would only mean my own certain death. I know that waiting out a respawn is hardly a satisfying experience. What you should take away from it though is not first and foremost "I need to try harder to grab the attention of a medic", but perhaps rather "I need to more carefully manage my risk taking", at least some of the time.

I try hard, and I give it all for you. Please do not doubt my good intentions. I do take risks to compensate for the foolishness of my comrades, because I want us to thrive and succeed either way. If I don't get restocked, I can still regain healing charges, albeit slowly, by attacking, and I will of course dispense them to anyone who needs them as fast as I can. This however requires that we all stick close together, to minimize time spent running back and forth between multiple wings of the team, or even the occasional lone wolf. I can cope with one or the other, neglect in restocking or broken formation, but be advised that I cannot cope with the combination of both. As much as I would like to, it's regrettably not possible.

Feel free to put yourself in my shoes for a match or two. Notice the on-screen indicators. Notice how little damage I can take. Notice the limitations placed on healing. Notice the danger incurred by reviving comrades that have fallen right at the front lines. Notice how a single healing charge can heal many comrades as long as they are inside a certain radius. Notice how much more effective my work gets when we're close together.

Help me help you get through this. Know that proximity is key. Form up. Stick together.
Thank you.
RockmanWhore said:
Anybody know how to use the splicer efficiently? It just feels underpowered, and I don't understand the secondary fire at all.

Secondary fire fires a spinning blade into them, which continuously takes off health until sixaxised out.

One R1 shot then an R2 shot works well. Not nearly as accurate as the carb though.


I still don't get why people don't like R2 because its different then R1. If they had kept it the same then people would be saying its just R1.5. Change is good guys


RockmanWhore said:
Anybody know how to use the splicer efficiently? It just feels underpowered, and I don't understand the secondary fire at all.

Yes, you rev up R2 to fire up the blades and then you release them with R1. When used properly, the Splicer is pretty effective imo.
LiquidMetal14 said:
I think all the changes are for the better. The hardcore R1 fans need to accept that this is a funner game for everyone now. It's pretty addicting. They just nailed the controls and the rewarding right.

They made some good changes, but controls are one of the things they ruined.


Guled said:
I still don't get why people don't like R2 because its different then R1. If they had kept it the same then people would be saying its just R1.5. Change is good guys

You don't understand. The guys from the GAF clan played the original for about a year straight. Religiously. Every weekend. For a year. I can understand why they'd be unhappy with the changes - it's a very different game.


JB1981 said:
You don't understand. The guys from the GAF clan played the original for about a year straight. Religiously. Every weekend. For a year. I can understand why they'd be unhappy with the changes - it's a very different game.

It's not like the first game is going anywhere... it's still the game you clan members love.
LiquidMetal14 said:
I think all the changes are for the better. The hardcore R1 fans need to accept that this is a funner game for everyone now. It's pretty addicting. They just nailed the controls and the rewarding right.

I agree. I played FoM to death and had the top rank. When I first played this I didn't like it so much. But now that I've played for 20 hours I think it is better than FoM. The co-op makes it a lot better.

It's certainly a different game now, but still a very good one.


JB1981 said:
You don't understand. The guys from the GAF clan played the original for about a year straight. Religiously. Every weekend. For a year. I can understand why they'd be unhappy with the changes - it's a very different game.
but thats not a bad thing. A squeal should be a different game instead of just copying and pasting the first game and putting a 2 in the title
johnFkennedy said:
They made some good changes, but controls are one of the things they ruined.
but you can change them if you want


BeeDog said:
It's not like the first game is going anywhere... it's still the game you clan members love.
Well, I personally always had issues with the original game. I found it too frenetic .... to me it felt like a game of 'spazzing." Engagements with other players was always about who could spazz out on the other guy faster and win the duel. I prefer slower, more deliberately paced multiplayer games. Now, the sequel is hardly deliberate but it is a bit slower and I find there are a lot more ways to 'defend' yourself from enemy fire - there is more cover, there are more shield-enabled weapons and loadouts (iron heart). I also like that being able to choose your Loadout before the game starts, lets your prepare for how you want to tackle the game. You do not have to run around and wait for a weapon to respawn (no more Fareye-hogging). I also like that the Chimera don't have an advantage by default anymore. Nothing was more frustrating than being plowed over by a RAGING CHIMERA w/ a shotty in the original.


M3Freak said:
without a cool bunch of guys to play R2 with (i.e. the GAFers I've been playing with over the last two years), it won't be near as enjoyable. As good as R:FoM was, it was the people I played with that made it so memorable. They're not all going to be back, and that's just sad.

This. The R2 high-level co-ops need skills and strategy. The Chimeras are not push overs. They *are* getting smarter and more aggressive. I miss efertlis's sniping and Kittonwys tagging already.

EDIT: What I want to say is I don't care if R2 is the same or different from R1. I prefer those guys to be back ^_^


Changes always make people go insane... Just look at Halo, Counter Strike, and Socom. I think people will eventually warm up to it.


not an idiot
JB1981 said:
Man, if you guys think R2 is "hectic", then you would have really hated the original game. The speed has been taken down about 5 notches, at least.
thank God, it's one of the reasons i disliked the first one. it seems they learned from Halo and dialed it back to perfection (for a console). i hate fast fps. they play to the thumb jockeys instead of strategy and tactics. a lot of times, in super fast FPS, you can get the drop on another player, shoot them first, from behind, only to have them to get out of it by being lame and jumping around all crazy and basically being stupid.

i love Resistance 2 though. perfection. perfect controls, perfect pacing. :D

if people like R1 better, it's not like the game doesn't exist anymore. they can still go play that, but for those of us who like a more tactical game, we now have a worthy game that can stand straight up with any game out there. i love it. i'm so glad they made these changes.
I had problem with the slicer because you have to press both R1 and R2 to use the super effective spinning blades. You have to hold R2 then R1 to release it, which isn't super convenient with the standard control scheme. But there's still something I don't get : since I can't zoom with the slicer, why can't I use this button to use the secondary fire? I mean, pressing both L1 and R1 is perfect. I can still change the button layout, but it's weird to have a weapon that don't work well with the default scheme :/


Holy shit, 2-manning coop with two medics is friggin fun and pretty fucking funny :lol :lol We died at the hill where the two titans were though, lmfao.


Not pure anymore!
Vaux said:
Im in the same boat as you two. =(
although i will definitely play the single player.
Same here, I kinda suck at MP, it's still fun though. But I'm still interested in the game because of SP portion!


dwin45 said:
Agreed. I'm having a real hard time getting into the beta at all.
this beta has a been a disappointment all around.

the original's competitive was a great thing, but R2 has been the least fun i've had with a game in a while.


I don't know if it's just me, but I think the graphics in R2 multiplayer are really good. I think the San Francisco map is very impressive. I remember dying a couple of times because I was too busy looking at the Mother ships in the sky with the other smaller ships zipping by! :lol The lighting on that map is impressive as well. I'm really anxious to play the single player. I think the controls are fine. One question though... L2 pulls double duty as sprint and crouch, is there any way to maybe put crouch somewhere else? I like having sprint mapped to L2, but a couple of times I was sprinting towards another player and wanted to kind of stop and sprint again, but I ended up just crouching in front of the enemy. I know tapping L2 is crouch, but I wondered if I could maybe map crouch separately from sprint...


patsu said:
This. The R2 high-level co-ops need skills and strategy. The Chimeras are not push overs. They *are* getting smarter and more aggressive. I miss efertlis's sniping and Kittonwys tagging already.

EDIT: What I want to say is I don't care if R2 is the same or different from R1. I prefer those guys to be back ^_^

I think the group will come together for some co-op, but not for competitive. It seems that most of us have our eyes set on Killzone 2 now. Its really weird that K2 seems to have more of what the hardcore Resistance fans wanted out of R2.

And for those complaining about "change" and stuff, its the hardcore fans that kept R1 going for 2 full years.

As for what M3 said in regards to the latest podcast, I agree. That was a nice little knife in my back Insomniac, way to treat you're die hard fans!
fps fanatic said:
I don't know if it's just me, but I think the graphics in R2 multiplayer are really good. I think the San Francisco map is very impressive. I remember dying a couple of times because I was too busy looking at the Mother ships in the sky with the other smaller ships zipping by! :lol The lighting on that map is impressive as well. I'm really anxious to play the single player. I think the controls are fine. One question though... L2 pulls double duty as sprint and crouch, is there any way to maybe put crouch somewhere else? I like having sprint mapped to L2, but a couple of times I was sprinting towards another player and wanted to kind of stop and sprint again, but I ended up just crouching in front of the enemy. I know tapping L2 is crouch, but I wondered if I could maybe map crouch separately from sprint...

there is an option to serperate crouch from sprint ...it's at the very bottom of the controls menu


Firewire said:
As for what M3 said in regards to the latest podcast, I agree. That was a nice little knife in my back Insomniac, way to treat you're die hard fans!
this too. we can accept change, just not when the changes are terrible and subtract from the experience.


Firewire said:
I think the group will come together for some co-op, but not for competitive. It seems that most of us have our eyes set on Killzone 2 now. Its really weird that K2 seems to have more of what the hardcore Resistance fans wanted out of R2.

And for those complaining about "change" and stuff, its the hardcore fans that kept R1 going for 2 full years.

As for what M3 said in regards to the latest podcast, I agree. That was a nice little knife in my back Insomniac, way to treat you're die hard fans!

That's what I surmised. KZ2 for competitive and R2 for co-op.

I think a skillful squad of players will have a lot of fun in advanced co-op levels. I can already see some of their wicked moves. Hopefully, Insomniac doesn't hold back.

JB1981 said:
Jesus I just threw in the original game to play some multi and goddamn it is sooo different. :lol

I have been doing that for days. Play R1 for competitive and then R2 for co-op. It's been heaven so far. :)


Played a little more co-op, bosses are still incredibly boring. I'm getting a huge desktop tower defense out of these boss fights, especially when people know what you are doing. All they do is stand there while you unload clip after clip into them, their only main strength is having tons of health like in Desktop. I don't understand the appeal in just holding down the fire button while the special ops makes sure you dont run out of ammo/shield. How long is that supposed to be fun? An hour? I played one match of competitive last night in the Chicago map. It was fun using the chimera night vision and a shotgun and running around. I'm going to put a lot more time in competitive, co-op is a snoozefest from a combination of a lack of interesting enemies and not a lot of combat variation.
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