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RESISTANCE 2 - Hype Thread w/latest info

Assembly Required said:
I agree, the aim-assist feels more like involuntary auto lock-on at times. It needs to be toned down.

Because that is exactly what it is. And yes, it's quite bad when playing as a Medic (I'm level 10). If you try to aim the secondary fire it will lock right onto the enemy, especially if it's a boss.

This happens in competitve MP as well... very frequently if someone runs past your target from the front.


Lots of talks about random ppl being able to just kill you and no separation between good players and non skilled players.

This is a typical game for me on Chicago 40p. IF a few other friends are playing with me, the game only becomes more lopsided.

This is carbine only, that is all I used.



Rapping Granny said:
And people laughed at me when I said Killzone looks like a more polished and finished game than R2, and should have been released this holiday.

So R2 is not polished?and why are people keep trying to compare the 2?They are both going for something different.
Pai Pai Master said:
Yeah man, fuck the R2 beta for not being polished.

Shit like this is the reason betas should stay private. Far too many people think of them as demos.

This is the thing which irks me the most.

A Beta is not demo.


Pai Pai Master said:
Yeah man, fuck the R2 beta for not being polished.

Shit like this is the reason betas should stay private. Far too many people think of them as demos.

What amazes me is how it runs well with so much going on,sure there are clipping issues with some monsters,but to have it lag free is a huge feat.
My problem is that all these people bitching and bitching about what they don't like about the game (namely that ZOMG, it isn't Resistance 1!)...half of them probably aren't posting their complaints in the beta forum. They're looking at it like a demo and treating it like a demo, as if they're reviewing the final build of a game for the press or something. I understand wanting to make big open betas to get some publicity, but when you have people who'd rather complain about what they don't like about the game to public forums and completely ignore the beta forums where their feedback is most noticed, it'll end up doing more damage than good to the reputation of the game. I'm so glad a lot of you guys didn't play the private beta. The bitching and moaning would have been unbearable.

I humbly request to those of you who think you're important enough to deem R2 as you have: post your damn opinions and some worthwhile feedback in the actual beta forums. I don't see any of you doing that.


Has anything been mentioned about a demo before release? There is only one thursday (psn store update) left before release on 4 november so i'm wondering if we are going to see a demo at all.


Pai Pai Master said:
My problem is that all these people bitching and bitching about what they don't like about the game (namely that ZOMG, it isn't Resistance 1!)...half of them probably aren't posting their complaints in the beta forum. They're looking at it like a demo and treating it like a demo, as if they're reviewing the final build of a game for the press or something. I understand wanting to make big open betas to get some publicity, but when you have people who'd rather complain about what they don't like about the game to public forums and completely ignore the beta forums where their feedback is most noticed, it'll end up doing more damage than good to the reputation of the game. I'm so glad a lot of you guys didn't play the private beta. The bitching and moaning would have been unbearable.

I humbly request to those of you who think you're important enough to deem R2 as you have: post your damn opinions and some worthwhile feedback in the actual beta forums. I don't see any of you doing that.
Stop making your awesome post, I have to keep quoting you!!!!!!!!!!

I love how they refer to the ppl who dont like the changes as Hardcore ppl, more like just the gaf clan. Dont lump us r1 hardcore players with your assumptions.


when is my burrito
FightyF said:

Agree with everything here.

My two big disappointments of R2 (beta):
1) 2 weapon system. Seriously makes the game feel much shallower. Less strategic. This will make the special weapons you get less appealing because you will basically always only be able to have one extra weapon and need an automatic weapon.

Completely flawed game mechanic in my honest opinion. I don't like Halo for it's two weapon system. I like it despite that.

2) Had to completely remap the controls and I'm still not totally happy with it. It's mostly set back to how it was for R1 with some minor adjustments. The zoom/iron sights is much more useful than they were in the first game, but I don't like how I have to depend on it more to make sure I get a kill in competitive. Still really frustrated that I do not have individual access to change the horizontal sensitivity and acceleration options. The sliding scale is fairly well designed but is really frustrating for somebody like me who likes to have a steady controlled aiming area but would still like a shot at killing somebody who sneaks up behind me.

Mostly played coop and have had a good time despite its flaws. The teamwork and the way the classes work together make it awesome.

Points about coop:
-AI needs a MAJOR upgrade in coop. If it's tiered difficulty like I've been hearing, it needs major work.
-Every enemy feels like a bullet sponge.
-The only reason why we ever failed is because we were suddenly overwhelmed by a large quantity of "bullet sponges."
-No surprises really. You just happen to come across large groups of bullet sponges.
-Playing the beta has made me realize that the Coop mode wasn't really its own campaign like we were led to believe. I was expecting some kind of linear level progression.
-I also found that what I mistook for variety in the coop missions in the closed beta was actually me just joining in at different points of the same mission.

Overall fun and the graphics are gorgeous but some major issues to address. I can get over the 2-weapon thing and enjoy it for what it is but I think it's going to take away a lot of the replayability and tactics of the SP campaign which I especially enjoyed with the first game.
Enjoying the beta so far... one question I have. Are there ranked competitive matches? I have played many of them and my XP and stats never record. Co-op stats and xp save just fine. Did I miss the memo? Are there no ranked games for the vs mode?

I realize it does not mean much since it is a beta but I want to make sure that when I get the game I will be able to find the ranked matches.

It seems to me the 2 weapon system makes it so you have to use teamwork more due to the simple fact that your weapons won't be ideal for all situations.

I think if its done properly in the maps and games it could be a nice mechanic to force people into relying on each other more.

That being said it certainly removed the "one many army" aspect of the game where you could adapt to any situation.

However, teams which coordinate their weapons and roles will certainly have an advantage.


So I'm not to happy with how R2 plays and I've got some time to give some solid feedback. My biggest complaint is the new shooting/aiming mechanics, they feel underdeveloped and out of place. The 2 problems with them,

1. Iron sights. The iron sights are completely useless and/or broken. The purpose of them is to make aiming easier by slowing down the sensitivity and decreasing the bullet spray. But in R2 neither of these things happen, the sensitivity is the same as off-the-hip aiming and the bullets still spray out of control. To back these complaints up just try it out with your Magnum, the thing moves maybe an inch to the center of the screen, doesn't zoom in any further, and fires exactly the same way as off-the-hip. Also, not every gun even has them. Why does the Bullock have that sight on it if you can't even use it!?

2. Inaccuracy of the weapons. As a result of the new iron sight aiming mechanics the traditional shooting has gotten significantly worse. The expanding/contracting cross-hairs are also completely worthless, the guns don't fire accurately regardless of their position. I've tried it out with multiple weapons, even in a crouched position with the smallest cross-hair the bullets still spray. In R1 the bullets would go where you'd actually want them to go, If I wanted to shoot guys in the head with the Carbine I could, now headshots are about luck, not skill.

There's also quite a few other problems I have with it.

It's hard to tell when your bullets are actually hitting someone.
When you're getting shot the whole screen turns red and starts to shake making it ridiculously hard to aim.
The guns have no "oomph" to them, they all feel weak.
The audio is atrocious.
Artificially hectic. R1 had this problem too, Insomniac for some reason likes to cram a bunch of people into small maps. Why is San Fran a 20 player map? It's more suitable for 8-12 players, yet the games turn into cluster fucks with so many people.
Terrible spawns.
The Marksman is overpowered, the auto-aim is way too strong which means there's no skill required to use it, especially looking down the scope.
Berserk system is boring.
Picking up weapons is harder than it needs to be, there's a delay from the time you walk over a weapon to the time the "pick up weapon" HUD pops up.

Overall, it feels like ideas from other popular games were shoehorned into the Resistance formula, it doesn't work well with the pace of the game nor the weapons. I would love to see them build upon the base R1 laid down.


Pai Pai Master said:
My problem is that all these people bitching and bitching about what they don't like about the game (namely that ZOMG, it isn't Resistance 1!)...half of them probably aren't posting their complaints in the beta forum. They're looking at it like a demo and treating it like a demo, as if they're reviewing the final build of a game for the press or something. I understand wanting to make big open betas to get some publicity, but when you have people who'd rather complain about what they don't like about the game to public forums and completely ignore the beta forums where their feedback is most noticed, it'll end up doing more damage than good to the reputation of the game. I'm so glad a lot of you guys didn't play the private beta. The bitching and moaning would have been unbearable.

I humbly request to those of you who think you're important enough to deem R2 as you have: post your damn opinions and some worthwhile feedback in the actual beta forums. I don't see any of you doing that.
I thought I read from JS and other IG devs that the public beta is basically what we're getting on release day, barring minor tweaks. This isn't your average beta. This is a complete game undergoing broader network-related tests imo.


Rapping Granny said:
Anyone else feeling like what the fuck is the point of this?

I am enjoying it but, when I finish playing a match and especially one I did good at then I get kicked to the main menu at the end of it, all alone going through my head " what a waste of time, I accomplished nothing"

It has to do with the beta not having the leveling system in, or the stats being recorded or any type of unlockables/challenges that makes you feel you have some objectives to do when playing online.

I feel pretty much exactly the same way.

This is why I stopped playing the beta and I'm just getting the full game.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I have been playing the beta for the last few days and to me the game doesn't seem that amazing. Gameplay wise I feel like I want more. I never played resistance one so I have nothing to compare it to. It would be nice to get into the KZ2 beta so I can see what this is bringing to the table.


when is my burrito
UntoldDreams said:

It seems to me the 2 weapon system makes it so you have to use teamwork more due to the simple fact that your weapons won't be ideal for all situations.

Which I like for coop but I think will break a large part of the fun I had in R1's campaign mode.


i think R2 gunplay is faster with just two weapons instead of one. In R1, you would have to hold the button down and go the specific weapon. I guess i'm looking at this with a keyboard perspective, where one would switch guns with numeric keys which was just a finger stretch away. But I havn't really played R1 much online


dralla said:
It's hard to tell when your bullets are actually hitting someone.

Someone mentioned this earlier, but it's kinda crappy that the exp. ticker is the only way to detect successful hits. There's pretty much no visual feedback, no reactions to gunfire. I can understand you don't want staggering animations in competitive, but it should be more pronounced in co-op mode.


Ceb said:
Someone mentioned this earlier, but it's kinda crappy that the exp. ticker is the only way to detect successful hits. There's pretty much no visual feedback, no reactions to gunfire. I can understand you don't want staggering animations in competitive, but it should be more pronounced in co-op mode.

I see blood when I shot ppl.


Pai Pai Master said:
Yeah man, fuck the R2 beta for not being polished.

Shit like this is the reason betas should stay private. Far too many people think of them as demos.

This isn't a real beta, it's a large cale focus group test to tweak the game play style for the retail release. A real beta isn't this polished.

It might help if they outline what this 'beta' contains and what will be in the final product. If 'Priority Target' and 'take/defend the beacon' really are the only set of objectives for Skirmish, then that's not good. I was under the impression that the squads would be doing things that altered the dynamics of the combat itself, no just grinding for XP.

My problem is that all these people bitching and bitching about what they don't like about the game (namely that ZOMG, it isn't Resistance 1!)...half of them probably aren't posting their complaints in the beta forum. They're looking at it like a demo and treating it like a demo, as if they're reviewing the final build of a game for the press or something. I understand wanting to make big open betas to get some publicity, but when you have people who'd rather complain about what they don't like about the game to public forums and completely ignore the beta forums where their feedback is most noticed, it'll end up doing more damage than good to the reputation of the game. I'm so glad a lot of you guys didn't play the private beta. The bitching and moaning would have been unbearable.

I humbly request to those of you who think you're important enough to deem R2 as you have: post your damn opinions and some worthwhile feedback in the actual beta forums. I don't see any of you doing that.

You have a point, however there's no NDA for this 'beta', unlike Killzone 2 (unless I'm mistaken). People should of course put constructive cirtisism into the Beta Forum, but they're also free to post about in on their usual message board haunts.

If any dev is makinga beta NDA free, so should they make sure that their product is as absolutely tightened up as possible, because an NDA free Beta this late in the game is a PR tool more so than it's just a beta for rooting out bugs and doing stress tests. The player feedback is invaluable, but you get that if you do a real real beta all the same.

I think the guys and gals at IG must have put a lot of effort into the game, and obviously they will try to patch it up and tweak it based on player feedback... but I'll be putting my thoughts here, and in the beta forum, later.


when is my burrito
sca2511 said:
i think R2 gunplay is faster with just two weapons instead of one. In R1, you would have to hold the button down and go the specific weapon. I guess i'm looking at this with a keyboard perspective, where one would switch guns with numeric keys which was just a finger stretch away. But I haven't really played R1 much online

R1 had a customizable weapon ring where if you just clicked the R2 button, it would toggle to the next weapon on the list. No pause.

JB1981 said:
I thought I read from JS and other IG devs that the public beta is basically what we're getting on release day, barring minor tweaks. This isn't your average beta. This is a complete game undergoing broader network-related tests imo.
Honestly, if this was the case (and I'm not sure it is), that sounds extremely narrow minded and stubborn. Ultimately, the game is about what players want. The trick they face is to find or fix things that most of the people who will buy the game want fixed or want as a feature.

If they think their MP design is in its final form at this point, that's pretty damn arrogant.


tanod said:
R1 had a customizable weapon ring where if you just clicked the R2 button, it would toggle to the next weapon on the list. No pause.

Honestly, if this was the case (and I'm not sure it is), that sounds extremely narrow minded and stubborn. Ultimately, the game is about what players want. The trick they face is to find or fix things that most of the people who will buy the game want fixed or want as a feature.

If they think their MP design is in its final form at this point, that's pretty damn arrogant.

It's really just a stress test for the servers, don't expect any big changes.


dralla said:
It's really just a stress test for the servers, don't expect any big changes.

If that's true. Both single player and Co-Op better be damn good! Cause i don't think the "old build" argument can even save this!!!


Ceb said:
Someone mentioned this earlier, but it's kinda crappy that the exp. ticker is the only way to detect successful hits. There's pretty much no visual feedback, no reactions to gunfire. I can understand you don't want staggering animations in competitive, but it should be more pronounced in co-op mode.
That, and you don't know when you kill someone unless you look at the small font in the bottom-left corner saying "_____ killed _____." I get about five kills a game or so, but it feels like I've killed absolutely nothing.
What about when the person you're shooting at falls down?

It plays a sound as well and the EXP turns red. I think that's plenty notice that you killed someone; the HUD doesn't need to become more intrusive.


aka andydumi
I think they need to tweak the throw mechanics for ammo packs a tad. Either make the throw more horizontal and faster, or increase the arc. If I am moving, its hard to gauge where I will throw an ammo pack, as it throws in a very vertical but very short arc.


Pai Pai Master said:
What about when the person you're shooting at falls down?

It plays a sound as well and the EXP turns red. I think that's plenty notice that you killed someone; the HUD doesn't need to become more intrusive.
I've exclusively been playing 40-60 player TDM games – when there are bullets and grenades flying everywhere and everything is really hectic, hearing a specific sound or noticing the color of a HUD element isn't the easiest thing to do. I'm going to try out some other, slower gametypes, but I didn't even know that there was a kill sound, nor did I really notice an exp color change.
Loudninja said:
Never happen to me, I have no idea what you are talking about
It happened to me I know exactly what he's talking about.

I was zoomed in shooting this guy with that new three shot burst rifle he was strafing to the right I was locked onto him shooting then one of his team mates starts walking in front of him going left and my aim automatically locked onto the second guy strafing to the left.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
JaCk BuRtOn said:
Matchmaking is failing on me every time ..... server problems ???

60/40for me

off some games today. the FarEye is sooooo much better in R2, feels tighter to me definite improvement.

targeting with the Bulleye seem off to me, im not sure why yet.

so how does the 'Berseks" work exactly? how do you actually use em, how do they come in play?


I must really suck not to be noticing the auto-lock. Haven't played a console FPS in around 5 years and I'm really struggling. At this point, I wish my reticule was being pulled towards enemies.

EDIT: Is there a lot of chatter in this game? I've yet to hear a single person talk in any online PS3 game since I've purchased my PS3.

No, I don't have a headphone. Was gonna get it with Socom HD, but now I'm reluctant because the impressions seem a lot like the beta... which I was never able to play because of technical problems.


Rapping Granny said:
And people laughed at me when I said Killzone looks like a more polished and finished game than R2, and should have been released this holiday.
I'm not laughing. The x-mas window was pretty much an early present from Sony to IG.


Incredibly Naive
UntoldDreams said:
This is the thing which irks me the most.

A Beta is not demo.

And this shit is what irks me the most. PLEASE take notice the damn game comes out in 2 weeks... This is essentially a demo at this stage. It's fine you can pull the "BETA!" card for a few more weeks, but when the actual game comes out what will you say?

That being said I still love the game, but I agree it needs a lot more attention still.
msdstc said:
And this shit is what irks me the most. PLEASE take notice the damn game comes out in 2 weeks... This is essentially a demo at this stage. It's fine you can pull the "BETA!" card for a few more weeks, but when the actual game comes out what will you say?

That being said I still love the game, but I agree it needs a lot more attention still.

There's some truth to what you are saying. That being said you cannot remove the word "Beta" and rewrite it as Demo. You just can't.

Keep in mind that in the realm of online gaming & patching its not too late to provide feedback and receive changes to the gameplay.

Frankly, by having the word "BETA" in it means quite honestly they are probably listening to feedback on the Resistance Website.
Right? Take that for what its worth and go contribute to fixing what is wrong.
Zen said:
If 'Priority Target' and 'take/defend the beacon' really are the only set of objectives for Skirmish, then that's not good. I was under the impression that the squads would be doing things that altered the dynamics of the combat itself, no just grinding for XP.

I've only gotten a few hours in the beta but this is my biggest complaint about R2's competitive so far. Skirmish mode is a really cool idea on paper, parring down large 60p matches with smaller squads and assigned objectives to maintain a reasonable battle flow. But in execution (at least from what I've played in the beta), its remarkably rote. You're shuffled between two rather simple objectives with little incentive for tactical adjustment (or communication for that matter). Also there isn't much of a sense of how the battle is progressing, how your fellow squads are doing etc. I never felt more 'on rails' in a MP game before, which is the antithesis of what MP gameplay should be about IMO. In R1 games like Meltdown and Assault were occasionally too chaotic for their own good, but at least there was a sense of tactical freedom and teamwork.

Ironically even though I tend to enjoy objective based modes in shooters, simple TDM was a lot more fun. It got back to what made Resi such a cool shooter, super polished fast paced gunplay with diverse weaponry. I can see why a lot folks miss the weapon wheel but I like how each gun has its own personality and style of play. The loadouts are sort of an instant class system, streamlining COD's often redundant mixing and matching. I saw some people saying the SF map being particularly ugly but I thought it was the prettiest of the bunch. Awesome active backgrounds, great lighting and a nice tiered design.

I agree with the complaints about the audio. Maybe its because I'm coming off playing SOCOM where the real world guns are expertly captured and have all sorts of whiz bang reverb and occlusion fx, but R2 sounds downright hollow in comparison. What happened? I remember R1 sounding a lot beefier.

Anyway just a few of my thoughts. The beta didn't kill my pre-order or anything but I'm definitely disappointed with Skirmish mode. SOCOM getting the hooks back in means I probably won't be into other MP games for awhile anyway. I'm still really looking forward to the SP and checking out co-op.
man these impressions are exactly what I was afraid of.

Fuck COD4 for introducing XP into my skill based FPS games. (cod5 day one advantage ugh)

Why did we have to lose co-op in the main campaign? Like i said before these co-op only campaigns ALWAYS are inferior to the main campaign.

playing co-op through the main campaign was awesome in R1. :(


UntoldDreams said:
There's some truth to what you are saying. That being said you cannot remove the word "Beta" and rewrite it as Demo. You just can't.

Keep in mind that in the realm of online gaming & patching its not too late to provide feedback and receive changes to the gameplay.

Frankly, by having the word "BETA" in it means quite honestly they are probably listening to feedback on the Resistance Website.
Right? Take that for what its worth and go contribute to fixing what is wrong.

They are they even have a topic dedicated to to feedback and suggestions.
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