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Resistance 3 |OT| You ARE the Resistance

Some fresh thoughts after letting the game sink in for a few weeks:

The campaign is absolutely phenomenal, and I actually think it's even better than my first impression led me to believe. I recently started another playthrough on Superhuman and I've enjoyed each section of the game immensely more this time around now that I am better at playing it and know what to expect. There are so many intricate details that I'm noticing that slipped past me on my first playthrough and the game just reeks of pure fun. This could very well end up being my favorite FPS from this generation, at least on the single-player side of things.

As far as MP goes my feelings are somewhat mixed. There are things that I really like about the game but for some reason the total package still feels somewhat off. Most of the weapons feel more like novelty guns than something I want to spend a lot of time getting good with and the framerate is still just a touch too low at times. Also, I feel like killstreaks completely control how well a game goes for me. If I get a nice streak going I'll likely end up 24-2 or something ridiculous like that and if I don't get many killstreaks then I'll finish something like 8-8. Of course I expect some games to go better than others but it seems like killstreaks are really the only thing controlling this outcome and their influence is a little too heavy for my taste. I guess their effects just feel a little too direct for me since they are influencing you as a player as opposed to something like the killstreaks in CoD4 where they have a more indirect influence on the player.

On the other hand the MP is quite fun at times. I think Breach is a very good game mode and I enjoy most of the others as well. The marksmen is a joy to use on larger maps and the perks and abilities are fun to play around with.

All things said I'll probably continue playing the MP for awhile off and on but I don't imagine it will get too much of my attention once Battlefield 3 hits.

Rolf NB

The_Darkest_Red said:
As far as MP goes my feelings are somewhat mixed. There are things that I really like about the game but for some reason the total package still feels somewhat off. Most of the weapons feel more like novelty guns than something I want to spend a lot of time getting good with and the framerate is still just a touch too low at times. Also, I feel like killstreaks completely control how well a game goes for me.
Totally. I was a few weeks late on the wagon, and I just get owned left and right by people with high-level perks and their ridiculous superpowers. I know I'm supposed to feel pressured into rising up on the tread mill myself, but it's actually off-putting.

I was seriously convinced I had played matches against lag-switchers and cheaters, until I saw that "Rush" is actually a high-level ability. How do you fight someone who can zip out of the room at will, can absorb way more damage than you and has a more powerful gun to boot?


Rolf NB said:
Totally. I was a few weeks late on the wagon, and I just get owned left and right by people with high-level perks and their ridiculous superpowers. I know I'm supposed to feel pressured into rising up on the tread mill myself, but it's actually off-putting.

I was seriously convinced I had played matches against lag-switchers and cheaters, until I saw that "Rush" is actually a high-level ability. How do you fight someone who can zip out of the room at will, can absorb way more damage than you and has a more powerful gun to boot?

Rush has a long regen time though
Jstevenson mentioned on Weekend Confirmed that there is a second DLC pack coming shortly after this upcoming one. I'm not sure if this has been said before.


Rolf NB said:
I wish he'd not have spent so much time sucking Half Life 2's cock, and instead reviewed Resistance 3 on its own merits.

Half-life 2 isn't even that good, I spent more time crawling around in air ducts that fighting enemies.


Vasilisk said:

booya. perfect time to jump in.

Also, It is probably just me, but is the aiming a bit sticky for anyone else? feels like I have to push the analog a lot to make the crosshair move, and when it does it moves too much.

Ah well, move patch is coming tommorow anyway, so dual analog won't be touched after that anyway.


Did anyone else get a Bioshock feeling out of R3? The atomosphere, the unique weapons/plasmids, the intel, the weapon wheel. It feels like a more refined, linear version of bioshock.


Patch notes:
Tomorrow we anticipate Sony rolling out patch 1.04 (in NA and EU). It includes minor performance optimizations, updates to the Move/Sharpshooter aiming when aiming down the sights, as well as some matchmaking balance tweaks.

Next patch:
Following 1.04 will be a patch that should clean up the rest of the loose ends. There are some smaller framerate issues we are aware of and these will be addressed in patch 1.05, along with some split screen optimization. This patch (1.05) has not gone to Sony approval yet, but should soon. We are continuing to strive for a smooth, positive experience for everyone.


The_Darkest_Red said:
Some fresh thoughts after letting the game sink in for a few weeks:

The campaign is absolutely phenomenal, and I actually think it's even better than my first impression led me to believe. I recently started another playthrough on Superhuman and I've enjoyed each section of the game immensely more this time around now that I am better at playing it and know what to expect. There are so many intricate details that I'm noticing that slipped past me on my first playthrough and the game just reeks of pure fun. This could very well end up being my favorite FPS from this generation, at least on the single-player side of things.
Agreed. R3 is basically everything I liked about R1 (Weapon Wheel, different variety of weapons) and R2 (more visceral combat) wrapped up into one amazing package. Arguably the best FPS shooter this generation has to offer, at least until RAGE comes out.

Angry Fork

How much would you guys say the single player for this is worth? I'm really interested in playing the SP but don't care about MP so I'm gonna wait for the price to drop. I wish companies would sell both modes separately on PSN or something for 30 a piece.


@ Angry fork

I've thought this for awhile now, why hasnt any publishers had the balls to sell the modes separately? Are they scared that most people would only want the multi for 30? I think theyd be surprised.
Beam said:
Yeah. Very well done SP mode. How are you liking the weapons?

They feel great with the Sharpshooter. They all feel a lot more finely tuned...R1 and R2 I would always go Bullseye over Carbine but both are equally enjoyable to use now. I didn't think I'd feel it but once I did get the Carbine I was super excited for it! I haven't used the Marksman enough so the alt-fire is pretty strange to me...it either isn't as effective or you just can't tell because it's not a giant glowing orb shooting shit at enemies.

The Rossmore alt-fire is a nice touch and I love the Atomizer. Wildfire is too big. D: Cryogun and Mutator are neat gimmicky weapons that mix it up nicely, I like that they're not really something I'd use to mow down a lot of enemies but you can incorporate them into your strategy to make the gunplay more exciting.

I'm rambling at this point but I've been thinking a lot of how much Insomniac's improved the series with just this one game. The strengths (gunplay, atmosphere, creatures) are developed to a point of near-perfection, and the weaknesses (characters, music, presentation) are brought up to parity with a lot of my other favourite games.

I am a long-time Insomniac fan and I really loved R1 and definitely enjoyed R2 (the campaign is definitely flawed but gets way too much shit for it) but I've definitely felt like the Resistance franchise in general has always been just shy of accomplishing what I feel like they've always wanted for it, whereas the Spyro and Ratchet games were pretty much ace from the start and were always improving.

I've always hated that people seem to be calling for the "death" of Ratchet & Clank every time a new game comes out, but screw them. Insomniac's always been improving that franchise with every game, and I really, really hope they know that fans like me want the same thing for Resistance. I guess it might be too much to ask of a developer that's working on debuting their third active IP, and I'm not even done with this game, but I really hope R3 isn't the last Resistance game from them. It's already my favourite FPS on the PS3 and I haven't finished the campaign or touched multiplayer yet. I'm cool with a lengthy break, but please don't abandon this awesome universe. Bring it back for PS4!

Is there going to be some sort of "horde" mode at any point? I definitely understand their thinking for the changes to the online modes and I got my fill of co-op in R2, but I really, really love the gunplay in R3 and I usually don't stick with competitive multiplayer very long...it'd be fun to get somewhere else to play around with friends.

Y2Kev said:
I'd buy it for the SP. I think the SP is excellent and highly, highly repayable.

I was worried at first because while I did enjoy the R2 campaign, online was a huge part of the overall package. I don't know if I would have bought R2 for the campaign alone, but R3 is easily my favourite single-player FPS on PS3 so far. I can't wait to finish it up and play through many more times, there have already been so many great moments
(The widowmaker! The train! ALL of Mount Pleasant!) Seriously...Mount Pleasant is fucking amazing from the sniper fight at the start to the grim-infested town to the Satan fight.


Just finished the campaign myself; very enjoyable game, I was honestly very surprised about it (after R2). And thank god the weapon wheel is back. Can't wait to play more of this on a higher difficulty / test the MP as well.

I certainly want more of this on PS4 (you hear me Insomniac?)!


Angry Fork said:
How much would you guys say the single player for this is worth? I'm really interested in playing the SP but don't care about MP so I'm gonna wait for the price to drop. I wish companies would sell both modes separately on PSN or something for 30 a piece.

Rent it. That's what I did. The only real replay feature would be to brag about beating it on the hardest difficulty which only unlocks after completing the game. It's a short campaign though, and it only had a few moments that stood out. Even the set pieces were just ho-hum.

If you HAVE to buy it, then wait for $20 or less. This game doesn't raise the bar in anything, and drops the ball in plenty of other areas too. If you've played through R1 and R2 though it's worth seeing it through, but go in with low expectations and then you might come away more pleased.

Others are praising it, and I'm just not seeing anything this game does that is WOW material within the FPS genre.


zlatko said:
Rent it. That's what I did. The only real replay feature would be to brag about beating it on the hardest difficulty which only unlocks after completing the game. It's a short campaign though, and it only had a few moments that stood out. Even the set pieces were just ho-hum.

If you HAVE to buy it, then wait for $20 or less. This game doesn't raise the bar in anything, and drops the ball in plenty of other areas too. If you've played through R1 and R2 though it's worth seeing it through, but go in with low expectations and then you might come away more pleased.

Others are praising it, and I'm just not seeing anything this game does that is WOW material within the FPS genre.

The campaign lasts for 10 hours in Hard for me. After that, you can replay select levels, or turn on the cheats in the game. e.g., health regen and give Chimeras more powerful weapons.

The SP is solid, and fun to play, plus the game is very well paced. They spent the power on combat effects and lighting instead of making the environment looks great. You can check out DF for their tech analysis.


patsu said:
The campaign lasts for 10 hours in Hard for me. After that, you can replay select levels, or turn on the cheats the game. e.g., health regen and give Chimeras more powerful weapons.

The SP is solid, and fun to play, plus the game is very well paced. They spent the power on combat effects and lighting instead of making the environment looks great. You can check out DF for their tech analysis.

My campaign run was about 7.5 hours on hard with probably 5 deaths through the whole thing. Still not seeing much incentive there for a replay.

Pacing for the game felt like it always was on the same note, even when it was trying to amp you up with a boss fight, it just felt like I was being pulled down one straight line the entire game. I found the majority of the collectibles too and they were not well hidden to encourage enough exploration.

The lighting in the game doesn't strike me as anything spectacular either, but that's probably because Gears of War 3 spoiled me on what to expect in that regard now. What particular combat effects are you referring to? Weapon wise only two did anything for me and that was the sledge hammer and that other gun you got in the prison which had some cool effects on enemies.

I thought R1 was great, and I even enjoyed R2's campaign for what it was, but R3 felt super weak in every department and the things I'll take away from it in the long run I'd say are:

The Ending was awful, and everything leading up to it narrative was dull as shit.
Beating people with a sledgehammer was a woah WTF moment, and so was the moment before that when Dr. M was executed in front of Capelli.

That's about it. I played the game on release and the rest of the game is honestly a blur. If I think hard sure right now I can recall more of the game, but this isn't a game that people will be singing songs of praise or will go down in the books as a MUST PLAY of this console generation.

Still worth renting if you played R1/R2 and are curious what happens next in this universe. For me, the game was just another shooter and doesn't do enough to distinguish itself from the pack. I guess I just expected more. :/


decon said:
Hey guys! I got some spare codes for Resistance 3 that I would like to share :)


I also posted the codes over at http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=31430551#post31430551

Please reply with what code you've used :)

New to the idea of lurkers?
they are all gone


CozMick said:
Woah, you're fucking with me right?

I've been sitting on Socom all damn day waiting for the 2x XP to start :\
Posted yesterday:
In the meantime, as a THANK YOU to those playing and hanging with us, we are going to offer DOUBLE XP THIS WEEKEND! Everything will be doubled starting now! You will simply have to close out of the game and go back in to get the updated configs.


Loudninja said:
You guys do know the patch is up right?
oh yea? imma try it right now
hey insomniac something is wrong with your patches. i install patch and load screen appears forever. only way i can get into the game is by logging out of psn and then logging in at menu menu screen. very annoying. oh and this also locks up my ps3


again staring at fucking loading screen. i really don't have the patience for this. i bet i'm going to have delete all my patch data now. this shit ONLY HAPPENS ON PS3. FUCKING ANNOYING MAN

And now I can't delete the fucking patch data. SERIOUSLY man WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!! It's hanging on the deleting patch screen. Watch this file is going to be corrupted and I will have to reformat my entire HDD. Fuck you, Insomnaic. This entire patching experience has been an absolute nightmare. Ship a fucking finished game next time.


Man i wish there would be a live action series based on the resistance 3 universe. The live action trailer were awesome and throughout the whole early sections of 3 i thought it could work really well. Things like the pit? would be fucking awesome. A psn based series would be awesome... the only current show they have is the tester which is eehh


UnBELIEVABLE MAN. My R3 game data is completely corrupted and now I can't delete it off my HDD. THE ONLY way that I can play this game now is if i reformat my HDD. fuckkkkk11!! o;


Neo Member
Been playing this game and for about a week now and I think it's great!!!! However, it seems that some members of the video game press are trying to "make up" for over inflating Resistance 2. In particular GI and some syndicated columnist named Doug Elfman. These are really the only reviews that I've read, but both condemn the game for being boring and ugly. IMHO this game has been just the opposite, great fun and better looking then the previous two games.


JB1981 said:
UnBELIEVABLE MAN. My R3 game data is completely corrupted and now I can't delete it off my HDD. THE ONLY way that I can play this game now is if i reformat my HDD. fuckkkkk11!! o;
Hey JB, if it's the same thing that happened to my brother-in-law, your HDD should be fine. Once the R3 data is corrupted, don't even bother deleting it off, pop the game back in and reinstall, it should overwrite the older data. His PS3 froze upon deleting the data, so we just had to do a hard shut off.


I just forced myself to play through the Resistance 2 campaign because I haven't picked this up, even though I plan to soon. How much of an improvement am I looking at with R3? R2 was shit compared to R1. Which I know is common knowledge.


Trevelyan said:
Hey JB, if it's the same thing that happened to my brother-in-law, your HDD should be fine. Once the R3 data is corrupted, don't even bother deleting it off, pop the game back in and reinstall, it should overwrite the older data.

My first game file is now corrupt. I put game in, was prompted to install. I let it install. The game installs successfully and then just hangs on on the loading screen with the little Chimera skull blinking and loading. It never goes any further than that. I then tried to sign into PSN while the skull blinked... I signed in and was prompted to install patch 1.04 .. my system hard locked and shut off. I am furious right now. I absolutely DESPISE the PS3 patching process. This is not the FIRST game that has done this. And I have NEVER had this problem on 360. I just lost all my campaign save data. All because of this stupid 22mb patch. UNBELIEVABLE.


Concept17 said:
I just forced myself to play through the Resistance 2 campaign because I haven't picked this up, even though I plan to soon. How much of an improvement am I looking at with R3? R2 was shit compared to R1. Which I know is common knowledge.
I'm firmly in the camp that R3 has by far the best campaign. I thought R1 was fantastic, and while I did enjoy R2, it didn't live up to the first at all. However, 3, is leagues better than both; great environments, fun and creative weapons, and excellent pacing.
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