Dropped in today for couple of matches again and I was happy to see that most of the technical problems were FINALLY solved after installing the 1.05 patch. Played almost a round and the game crashed. No biggie, that happens. Reconnected and played for a while and I noticed that even the fixes make the game more enjoyable it isn't really fun. At all. I guess I could say it's fundamentally flawed, but flawed in a different way I consider let's say MW2 sort of flawed.
First of all, my major annoyance is still there. The game is an unbalanced mess. I could repeat everything I have said in past post in a long form but I'll try to condense them a bit.
1) Matchmaking pretty much sucks
2) Teams don't balance at all, not outside or during the matches. From ~10 matches I played (Anything), 80% were so unbalanced that our team or the other team ran over the other and spawnkilled them for the second half.
3) Weapons, while being a bit better, are still unbalanced but not as much as...
3.1) The perks. Holy shit at the perks. The level up system makes no sense at all. Compared to MW2, which people claimed was unbalanced as far as unlocks go, you could be very competitive after few levels because you unlocked some great unlocks early on. I am level 30 and I am still missing pretty much every "overpowered" unlock. Maybe I screwd up while setting up the skillpoints but I am not starting again.
3.2) TURRETS, Wildfire etc. should be killstreak perks. Especially the turrets, they can break any game.
Second, the modes aren't just enough. I don't have the DLC but there are like 6 game types right? Even less if you consider Deathmatch broken as it is. I understand that there isn't much time to develop these things but as the other modes aren't balanced, why not throw just shitload of classic MP modes to the mix and see what sticks. There's the new community thing that Pliskin just linked to so at least that is something.
Or maybe the maps aren't just that good but that I can't fix.
I really liked R2 MP, especially the CO-OP. I would trade everything in the R3MP to couple of maps of R2CO-OP, I really would.
TL;DR - MP sucks but at least classic hardcore is better than other modes but goddamn matchmaking can't seem to find a match for me. When I finally find time to play I don't want to spend it looking at some waiting for players-screen. Crap.