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Resistance 3 |OT| You ARE the Resistance


test_account said:

Yeah, just about the only interesting fiction to come out of R2 was the
Change from Angel's telepathically controlling Chimeran forces, to whatever Daedalus did
, and that was all completely ignored in R3. Apparently, a lot of this tied into R2's coop "story", which obviously didn't make an appearance in 3.

Doesn't take away from R3, but it's a little disappointing if you were invested in the Resistance fiction.


theBishop said:
Yeah, just about the only interesting fiction to come out of R2 was the
Change from Angel's telepathically controlling Chimeran forces, to whatever Daedalus did
, and that was all completely ignored in R3. Apparently, a lot of this tied into R2's coop "story", which obviously didn't make an appearance in 3.

Doesn't take away from R3, but it's a little disappointing if you were invested in the Resistance fiction.
Yep, i missed to learn more about it. But as you say, it doesnt take anything away from R3. Reistance Burning Skies (PS Vita) is set between R2 and R3, so maybe we will learn something more there :)


Cornbread78 said:
just give me back my insta kill 40 on the carbine and there would be no need to tone down the Atomizer and Shotty... 1 shot multi-kills will fix that....

More like remove all insta-kill weapons (to include 1HK Shotty).

The only thing that should be 1HK is a headshot from a sniper rifle. Nothing else, IMO.
I like the new balancing, the Rossmore is fine and now there's a lot less of Atomizer users lol. I've been playing with Gaffers and it was fun, but the truth its that was the only fun I had, because I suffered again lots of lag and sttutering. It was curious, the first 2 matches (4 rounds of TDM) were almost flawless, and probably were my only almost perfect games in terms of lag, it was almost like R:FOM or R2 (and I enjoyed them like I was in Paradise lol). But then the rest of games.. omg. Three leapers coming for me, I shoot the shotgun grenade, I have 75% health, the screen freezes two seconds, and I'm death by the leapers. Other "fun" situation is in Seaside, in one of the lateral bridges, I catch a guy running in the opposite direction, I EMPTY my carbine magazine AIMING FOR HIS HEAD (and appearing the impact indicator), he turns around and kills me extremely fast with the Bullseye (and his life at 50%).

I know that probably all you people are tired of my rants, but I'm very disappointed, it so frustating to not be able to play a online game that you like so much. Anyway I'll repeat myself, I've searched in MyResistance and googled about Resistance 3 ports or anything that can help me. And I haven't found anything.. if anyone knows, I would be very thankful.

And btw, it appears that my coop partner has the luck to enjoy Resistance 3 MP and he's hooked with it like he's in crack ;) , so if anyone wants to help me with a Superhuman run, I would appreciate it. I play around 22:00 - 01:00 UTC+1 (Western Europe)
I just tried it with Move, and it's the pointer so much smoother than KZ3. Is it just the framerate? Anyway, it feels really good, it's a shame that the weapon looks so weird with the PS Move and that the ADS is impossible to use. With a few tweaks, the move controls would beat KZ3's. I hope they won't fuck up the upcomming Move patch.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
ChiefEdiri said:
The MP on this game still sucks badly.
R2 had 40 players and godlike netcode... R3 not so much.


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
I just finished R3 and wow, I really enjoyed it (with a couple of buts). How this scored lower on Metacritic than R2 I do not understand. I couldn't even get through R2. Didn't like the single player or multiplayer.


- Gameplay. Best gameplay in the series hands down. A lot of variety and very satisfying. The weapon wheel is awesome, it was nice to have to look after your health again.

- Set pieces. Really awesome and fun. The boat sequence, the boss fights, and the stand offs against the Chimeran army were all really, really enjoyable.
The train sequence
was a lot of fun too (even if not perhaps Uncharted 2 level, it wasn't far away).
The prison sequence
was a great diversion and lots of fun.

- Levels/Environments. Even aside from the set pieces I loved the level design. How alive all the outdoor areas felt really emphasized how calm and suspenseful the indoor levels were. This was all elevated by how well they used the lighting system this time around. Lots of great lighting interaction -- especially when walking inside of broken down buildings.

- Environmental FX. Deserves to be mentioned on its own even if I brushed on it above.

- End level (it's not that different from the rest of the game but I really enjoyed it).


- Story. I thought it was actually one of the more well written stories of the year, especially for an action FPS. What brought it down from love to like? The characters. THE CHARACTERS.

- Art direction. Never been a huge fan of the colors used in Resistance. I get that they are going for the time period but I've never fully embraced it. Some levels have much stronger art direction than others,
like the prison and end level

Strongly disliked:

- Characters. They really phoned them in. I can't believe a AAA game can have characters of this substandard quality. It boggles my mind. There are so many great character artists out there and this is what they end up with? How can you have an emotional story and not focus greatly on how the characters emote? IG must realize that they aren't well made?

- Distracting jumps in story. I loved the story overall, so it's not the writing that bothers me. What bothers me is that between some chapters there wasn't a sense of continuity. Like after you finished
killing Satan, there was no closure and all of the sudden we were on the train.
This part needed a closing segment, just a small one.


- Minor, tiny spoiler.
Small thing but they really didn't do a good job on the wormhole. What should have felt like this huge event taking place but also subtle enough to give the player the sense that it's very ominous. They failed at both.
Looking up at that thing was really ugly.

- Bugs. Enemies getting caught in walls a few times and ragdolls acting badly.

- Graphical inconsistencies. For a three year game, I thought everything was going to be pretty polished and for the most part it was.

As an overall game, this is easily a 9 out of 10 from me.

On to Gears of War 3 next... got high hopes for that one, at least gameplay/graphics/set pieces wise. Then RAGE next week!


Loudninja said:
Rate of fire of the Rossmore will be decreased. Damage & status increase for Mutator alt. Reduction of range and chain bonus of Atmoizer #fb

Yeah the range needed to be tone down that should help.
HMMM.... Alright now I'm just tempted to jump on and see what happened to the shotgun and atomizer myself. Was in the process of making a loadout built around the atomizer too when I would have unlocked it. Won't be sad to see that I won't need it anymore.


RockmanWhore said:
I just tried it with Move, and it's the pointer so much smoother than KZ3. Is it just the framerate? Anyway, it feels really good, it's a shame that the weapon looks so weird with the PS Move and that the ADS is impossible to use. With a few tweaks, the move controls would beat KZ3's. I hope they won't fuck up the upcomming Move patch.
Hm that's good to hear. I thought MAG felt great with Move until I tried KZ3. Now KZ3 just feels like it's perfect (aside from how often I have to fucking recalibrate). If this is smoother than KZ3, I really need to try it out. Move is basically the reason I like KZ3 as much as I do.


Darkatomz said:
HMMM.... Alright now I'm just tempted to jump on and see what happened to the shotgun and atomizer myself. Was in the process of making a loadout built around the atomizer too when I would have unlocked it. Won't be sad to see that I won't need it anymore.

It's a pretty substantial fix. Shotgun users are much much smaller in numbers, and the ones who do use it are actually deadly instead of spray and pray players. I dig it!


After taking a break I think I'm ready to dive back in and play the single player again, as at least the early moments were pretty durn good. But, before I commit: does New Game + carry over even on Super Human?

And why am I the only person who has mentioned the overdone motion blur? I can't be the only person it bothered...

Edit: Cool, thanks Pilskin.


Stantron said:
The last patch helped marginally, but there is still a terrible amount of lag. If it's still not fixed by the time the first DLC hits, then I'm done with MP. I want to like it, but the lag and stuttering frame rate when getting killed is too annoying. I'm getting killed behind cover. I got killed once by an atomizer that didn't even show the blue effect. I get the jump on guys who are able to then turn around and kill me.
I'm getting the terrible feeling that if it's not fixed by now it never will be


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Grinchy said:
Hm that's good to hear. I thought MAG felt great with Move until I tried KZ3. Now KZ3 just feels like it's perfect (aside from how often I have to fucking recalibrate). If this is smoother than KZ3, I really need to try it out. Move is basically the reason I like KZ3 as much as I do.

Out of curiosity, do you melee with gesture or circle button in KZ3? (sorry for the OT)


duffyside said:
After taking a break I think I'm ready to dive back in and play the single player again, as at least the early moments were pretty durn good. But, before I commit: does New Game + carry over even on Super Human?

And why am I the only person who has mentioned the overdone motion blur? I can't be the only person it bothered...

Yes, New Game+ Weapons carry over. Trust me, you'll need them. The folks who are saying it was a breeze don't realize it was only easy because they had their upgraded weapons. I played through with a fresh pallet, and it was HARD. Legitimately hard.

Also, you're not the only one, but one of a very small group, at least that seems to be the consensus.
I think I'll give the Sharpshooter another try if ADS is changed. I didn't dive too deep into trying everything last time, but is there any way to change jumping from being assigned to X ?

That appeared as the most annoying thing (having to take the thumb of the navcon stick to jump) or I simply didn't figure out if there is another way to jump.

Did anyone else find a workaround to this?


RockmanWhore said:
I just tried it with Move, and it's the pointer so much smoother than KZ3. Is it just the framerate? Anyway, it feels really good, it's a shame that the weapon looks so weird with the PS Move and that the ADS is impossible to use. With a few tweaks, the move controls would beat KZ3's. I hope they won't fuck up the upcomming Move patch.

Le sigh. :(


MrPliskin said:
It's a pretty substantial fix. Shotgun users are much much smaller in numbers, and the ones who do use it are actually deadly instead of spray and pray players. I dig it!
Is it really? Range on the Atomizer is definitely shorter, but it feels weaker to me too. Haven't noticed much with the lightning chain. The shotgun has been slowed down like... a hair. Feels mostly the same to me.

The biggest plus to me is that I see VERY few Atomizer users now, and less shotgun users as well also. Saw a few more people using the Mutator too, which is nice. And for some reason, I saw a bunch of Wildfire users tonight, which was... different.
Grinchy said:
Move is basically the reason I like KZ3 as much as I do.

Same here.

KZ3 is probably the most fun I've ever had on a multiplayer console FPS and I credit that 100% to the excellent move controls. I would even go so far as to say I prefer good move controls over a mouse and keyboard. More comfortable and immersive.

TTP said:
Out of curiosity, do you melee with gesture or circle button in KZ3? (sorry for the OT)

I know you weren't asking me, but I just felt like chiming in. =)

I use circle. I can't fucking stand using gestures when playing shooters and I hope Insomniac gives an option to map melee to a button in the upcoming patch. They should map crouch to down on the d-pad to free up the extra button.
I am on godmode in Global Resistance, I always have more resources than I can deploy, heh. I guess I could stop now as I have all the skins and stuff but I guess I'll continue.

And Superhuman seems pretty easy too except for Longlegs in SP
Vasilisk said:
And btw, it appears that my coop partner has the luck to enjoy Resistance 3 MP and he's hooked with it like he's in crack ;) , so if anyone wants to help me with a Superhuman run, I would appreciate it. I play around 22:00 - 01:00 UTC+1 (Western Europe)

I will help you anytime it's fine by me, (viva el Alcampo de la estación de autobuses btw)


Have a fun! Enjoy!
LowEndTorque said:
I know you weren't asking me, but I just felt like chiming in. =)

I use circle. I can't fucking stand using gestures when playing shooters and I hope Insomniac gives an option to map melee to a button in the upcoming patch. They should map crouch to down on the d-pad to free up the extra button.

Yeah, fair enough. The reason I asked was another one tho and it's related to the calibration issue.


Thunderbear said:

- Minor, tiny spoiler.
Small thing but they really didn't do a good job on the wormhole. What should have felt like this huge event taking place but also subtle enough to give the player the sense that it's very ominous. They failed at both.
Looking up at that thing was really ugly.

I strongly disagree. Combined with the sombre music, and the
frozen and barren landscape
it felt truly epic and ominous for me.

BTW, I wonder why no-one has spoken positively about the
fight with Satan
. I found it extremely entertaining, a LOT better than any of the
bossfights in R2

On a side note, I've now played the game through two times (first on normal, then on easy, like I usually do), and have gathered 58% of trophies so far, yet I've only managed to unlock a handful of SP campaign cheats. I really dislike the notion, that you're forced to play the MP part in order to obtain something for the SP part. That's not the way it's supposed to be IMO.


Thunderbear said:
- Distracting jumps in story. I loved the story overall, so it's not the writing that bothers me. What bothers me is that between some chapters there wasn't a sense of continuity. Like after you finished
killing Satan, there was no closure and all of the sudden we were on the train.
This part needed a closing segment, just a small one.
Regarding the
Satan fight
, out of curiousity, what did you feel was missing? Personally i felt that it was a good enough continuity there. First
you get "shot down" by dropships, so you land in the outskirt of this random town. You walk towards this town. In this town there is a train, which you need to get further to New York, but the train doesnt work. The only guy who can fix the train is missing. The town's big problem is the creature called Satan. You go out trying to find the guy who can fix the train, then you go and fight Satan. After you beat him, you take the guy back ot the town, he fixes the train. So you saved (well, partly at least) the town, you brought this guy back to safety and your on your way towards New York again. I thought it was a good closure, especially when he asks the guy to do a prayer for them while the train starts to move (maybe a bit cliché, but it worked in my opinion).


PetriP-TNT said:
I am on godmode in Global Resistance, I always have more resources than I can deploy, heh. I guess I could stop now as I have all the skins and stuff but I guess I'll continue.

And Superhuman seems pretty easy too except for Longlegs in SP

Did you keep all your weapon progress? Superhuman is literally two different difficulties depending on your weapon progress.


Well, I am done with Global Resistance. One of the global objective for donating 400k CP was 15k soldiers, and when I woke up this morning I saw that we finished the objective but only got 15k gold . So I thought to myself that I must of read the reward wrong. But 20 minute later, I saw the Chimera finished the same objective but they got 15k soldiers instead.

WTF is this shit. I know that the human side have more player than chimera, but changing the reward is completely unfair. It's like the game is trying to screw over the humans side. Regardless I am done, thanks for nothing.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Vasilisk said:
I've reached today level 32, not excessive lag so that was fun. But I need the Move patch ><
Good games last night but man the lag is ruining it for me.
* Empties Bullseye clip on enemy *
* Enemy lolz at me*

BTW is it true that the hardcore playlist have less lag?


I'd be in the dick
Achtius said:
Well, I am done with Global Resistance. One of the global objective for donating 400k CP was 15k soldiers, and when I woke up this morning I saw that we finished the objective but only got 15k gold . So I thought to myself that I must of read the reward wrong. But 20 minute later, I saw the Chimera finished the same objective but they got 15k soldiers instead.

WTF is this shit. I know that the human side have more player than chimera, but changing the reward is completely unfair. It's like the game is trying to screw over the humans side. Regardless I am done, thanks for nothing.
I got the 15k troops this morning. The current Skirmish win objective is the one that will give 15k cash. Odd that you didn't get the troops.
RoboPlato said:
I got the 15k troops this morning. The current Skirmish win objective is the one that will give 15k cash. Odd that you didn't get the troops.

It seems to change at random. Last war it was the Humans that got troops for something where we just got some Biomass, if I recall correctly.
From what I saw, it's not like you'll have to go out of your way for doing Global Objectives anyway. I always contribute my "spare change" after doing deployments and missions.


Fersis said:
Good games last night but man the lag is ruining it for me.
* Empties Bullseye clip on enemy *
* Enemy lolz at me*

BTW is it true that the hardcore playlist have less lag?

In my experience, yes.


LowEndTorque said:
I would even go so far as to say I prefer good move controls over a mouse and keyboard. More comfortable and immersive.
I want to agree here, but I struggle to find a comfortable sitting position where I can rest my arms on my knees and not have to angle my head up (so stiff neck after a while).


Achtius said:
Well, I am done with Global Resistance. One of the global objective for donating 400k CP was 15k soldiers, and when I woke up this morning I saw that we finished the objective but only got 15k gold . So I thought to myself that I must of read the reward wrong. But 20 minute later, I saw the Chimera finished the same objective but they got 15k soldiers instead.

WTF is this shit. I know that the human side have more player than chimera, but changing the reward is completely unfair. It's like the game is trying to screw over the humans side. Regardless I am done, thanks for nothing.

You act like Humans haven't been dominating this round :p


TTP said:
Out of curiosity, do you melee with gesture or circle button in KZ3? (sorry for the OT)
If I am using my sharpshooter (that's a big if) then I use gesture. It is like using a bayonet, which feels right and doesn't screw up my aim.

When I use Move+Nav I'm totally a circle presser. I cannot stand the gesture melee. It was really bad in MAG, better in KZ3, but I still much prefer a button. I don't know what it is about the calibration, but it seems like it never "sticks." Even when it works for a while, I can't go more than like 3 or 4 rounds before fighting the cursor as it drifts off to the right. And that's with the magnet on or off.

LowEndTorque said:
KZ3 is probably the most fun I've ever had on a multiplayer console FPS and I credit that 100% to the excellent move controls. I would even go so far as to say I prefer good move controls over a mouse and keyboard. More comfortable and immersive.

I say this shit all the time, but it seems like making positive statements about Move means you are a Sony fanbot. No one will take this opinion seriously but KZ3 with Move is fantastic. The only time I've ever played KZ3 with a controller is when my brother and I played co-op.
Grinchy said:
I say this shit all the time, but it seems like making positive statements about Move means you are a Sony fanbot. No one will take this opinion seriously but KZ3 with Move is fantastic. The only time I've ever played KZ3 with a controller is when my brother and I played co-op.

You are not alone with that opinion and at least around here Move seems to have been mostly accepted, judging by the stuff I've read in the KZ3 OT. TTP's explicit analysis for everything "on the Move" certainly helped there - heck, they even made me register for a GAF account to join the discussion here

So far, I only noticed two kinds of people who complain about the Move at all (anecdotal evidence incoming). One group tried it and had horrible problems with calibration and cursor drifting mostly due to environmental issues (background lights, weird angles, ...etc.) and the other group usually never tried it. Everyone else who tried it, but simply did not like it does not seem to complain that much. Only thing that usually has me shaking the head in disbelief is how the "enthusiast press" loves to rant about how Move was a failure.

I'm super happy with it and it does add a lot in terms of immersion for my playstyle. Above that, I am genuinely better with the Move in online matches and would also say that I like it even more than mouse and keyboard, even though I am sometimes missing the keyboard part.
I gave the demo a shot - surprisingly great game after the shitpile that was R2. The graphics are really nice if a bit soft. I thought the controls were responsive and I appreciated how the health system tied in with the story (because you aren't infected). I'll probably rent it.


I gave the demo a shot - surprisingly great game after the shitpile that was R2. The graphics are really nice if a bit soft. I thought the controls were responsive and I appreciated how the health system tied in with the story (because you aren't infected). I'll probably rent it.

The HP system and weapon wheel where big parts of why I liked this game so much.

Being able to experiment with which weapon suits witch situation felt..good. Instead of getting the right weapon thrown at me at every encounter.


Sailor Stevenson
We've found several more of the hitching issues, they'll be coming in another patch. We've got two more planned, 1.04 has the Move fix among some other things, a bunch more lag / frame / hitch fixes in 1.05 tho.


jstevenson said:
We've found a lot more of the hitching issues, they'll be coming in another patch. We've got two more planned, 1.04 has the Move fix among some other things, a bunch more lag / frame / hitch fixes in 1.05 tho.
Is it a bug or something?


jstevenson said:
there are a few bugs that are caused by various things we didn't see in testing here / live environment / more players etc.

Hurry up !

Sounds like a bug due to multi-threading. ^_^
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