Beatbox said:Wooptie doo. One week. No big deal.
Pristine_Condition said:Truth is spoken.
Goodness gracious, Sony management. You guys make a good product, (whenever you manage to actually make one, that is,) but you fellas really suck a fat **** when it comes to running a company.
When I started typing this rant, I was going to list all the delayed things PS3 owners have had to wait through, from the delayed console launches, to various delays in console firmware functionality, to the delays in Blu-ray movie releases and Blu-ray Java functionality, to the delays in big-name PS3 software titles, and the delays in even smaller titles PSN titles like FlOw and Calling All Cars, and even the delays of getting some damn demos and video clips up on the Playstation Store...
You know what? I can't.
I would have an easier time listing the things that Sony has managed to deliver on-time this gen, because that list would be far smaller than the list of delays.
This is not an acceptable way of treating your customers, Greg. And waiting to tell us, in the eleventh hour, on a message board, that the update we all were led to believe was coming tomorrow is a huge slap in the face.
**** you guys. Learn to run a company and take care of your customers, or step aside and let someone else do it.
Note: This rant is not directed at JS or Insomniac. I'm looking square at you, Sony management. Get your **** together.
TTP said:It's TWO weeks for us European. If we are lucky...
And obviously nobody really bothers with an official date for Europe. We have to wait "just a bit longer".![]()
Remy said:It's good to come back and totally work over some guys from WAR.
Taco Battle 5/29 nevar forget!
neogaf_cage_free said:No, Europe is lined up with the rest of the territories now. While I can't 100% confirm anything because it's Sony, I can say that I fully expect Europe to launch the maps (and the global server of course) at the same time as US, Japan, and Asia. And that time being next week June 7th.
It's a big deal to me that they waited till the day before to say anything. I hope Warhawk freezing gets fixed on Monday so I can save my 8$ for Super Stardust.Beatbox said:Wooptie doo. One week. No big deal.
Boycott the maps, just like you did with CAC.:lolAeon712 said:It's a big deal to me that they waited till the day before to say anything. I hope Warhawk freezing gets fixed on Monday so I can save my 8$ for Super Stardust.
That's how I rollGreg said:Boycott the maps, just like you did with CAC.:lol
Yes, we are all vampires.Madman said:You guys wonder why Sony doesn't announce release dates. They should just keep everyone complately in the dark, because you guys seem like you can't handle the light.
I didn't buy Calling all Carstanod said:I'm boycotting the 360 right now until they fix their hardware. Do I get a cookie?
Real menfollow through, Aeon.and vampires![]()
Madman said:You guys wonder why Sony doesn't announce release dates. They should just keep everyone completely in the dark, because you guys seem like you can't handle the light.
Aeon712 said:It's a big deal to me that they waited till the day before to say anything. I hope Warhawk freezing gets fixed on Monday so I can save my 8$ for Super Stardust.
I don't think they need to be 100% quiet. But announcing any form of release date seems to cause more harm then good, at least here. If something is a week late, it causes a unecessary uproar. The funny thing, is that on the flip side people are demanding release dates, although at this point they would be inaccurate.womfalcs3 said:That's how Toyota works too...and guess what? Their clandestine ways have catapulted them to the number one position they're in right now. (ie it works)
Remember the introduction of the Prius in 2000? Nobody in the automotive industry was aware of its planning before the final stages of development. It blew away all the Detroit manufacturers by surprise. GM and Ford are 7 years late to the hybrid game.
For all we know, Toyota is planning the mass-production of vehicles powered by PEM fuel cells.
I don't mind the secretive attributes of Sony. I just want the assurance that they are doing wonderful things.
jstevenson said:What if it the descicion to hold off didn't come down until yesterday, and until that point, we were still optimistic about being on time?
It wouldn't make sense for us to hold back news of a delay like that.
Beatbox said:Wooptie doo. One week. No big deal.
Aeon712 said:I didn't buy Calling all Cars.
I can stand doing ffa's for the next 3weeks while I enjoy non freezing WarHawk.
careksims said:C'mon Aeon. Join us. I'm miffed too, but it's not the end just yet. Do it for Maroon 5.
Kittonwy said:Yes Aeon, DO IT FOR MAROON 5!!!111!!!![]()
No actually do it for teh barrelz.
Welcome to the family, besides Red Faction this is the only FPS that I truly like. Join us online for some games.f0nz0 said:this game is awesome, awesome is this game! i just got a ps3 not too long ago, had a few reservations about picking it up, but the i popped in resistance and all i can say is wowzers, this fps has got to have some of the best pacing for this type of genre everrrrr, super game!
TTP said:I think he was referring to Sony, not you/Insomniac.
I myself would hardly believe that Sony discovered just yesterday they werent ready to go ww. If they did, well, what a coincidence.
Guileless said:Seriously Sony should give everybody at Insomniac bonuses. Without Resistance having such longevity online, the PS3 ecosystem would be frozen tundra. I have never regreted my launch day purchase because of it. It's always fun.
Pffft you guys had a record of 12-14 against us the years Emmitt was yall running backI'm going to PM him pictures of each and every one of Emmitt Smith's 2384 rushing yards against the Eagles.
Aeon712 said:Pffft you guys had a record of 12-14 against us the years Emmitt was yall running back.
I played so angry last night, it really effected my game but tonight I'll be happy giggling Aeon that only gets ticked off when he gets one hit killed by the shotgun. Hope the delayed update fixes that balence issue and how fast it spawns. No wonder it's so easy for whole teams to get one.
Guileless said:Seriously Sony should give everybody at Insomniac bonuses. Without Resistance having such longevity online, the PS3 ecosystem would be frozen tundra. I have never regreted my launch day purchase because of it. It's always fun.
Fight for Freeform said:She says we gotta hold on, to the Nodes we've got
It doesn't make a difference if we lose Delta or not
We've captured Papa, and that's enough to stay above...
We'll give it a shot!
Pics or it didn't happenBeatbox said:Last night at the Hangar I went 32-7 the first round and 29-7 the seconds round for a monster total of 61-14. Good times.
It's called editing, D_B. One was a trailer cut to provide an enticing glimpse of the game and the other was footage of an actual interactive demo. Are you really not able to sort that out yourself?Doom_Bringer said:For some reason the on rail stuff from gamers day was really slow paced compared to the trailer.
Did you guys tone the speed down since releasing trailer? The game feels so slow now :/
Fight for Freeform said:![]()
She says we gotta hold on, to the Nodes we've got
It doesn't make a difference if we lose Delta or not
We've captured Papa, and that's enough to stay above...
We'll give it a shot!
Aeon712 said:Pics or it didn't happen
totally obvious reason to give you a chance to post the pics
Aeon712 said:Oh yea I wanted to tell Kitton that me and Efertlis played with a guy that went 1-30+ might'vs been 40+:lol. He fired over 800 shots so he wasn't going for his 85%medal. Safe to say we lost that game as not even me and efertlis could balence that :lol.
Beatbox said:Ah-hem.
High Five for the set up.
Pristine_Condition said:That's sick.
Kittonwy said:I'm going to try to beat that by having 62 deaths.![]()
Yet so humble, hehe ... for the record: I was a little awesome too, uhm well, at least for one round :lolAeon712 said:I was all kinds of awesome