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Resistance: Fall of Man - The Official Thread


McBradders said:

Sorry to bump this, but I didn't think a LTTP thread would be appropriate. I sold Resistance earlier this year, pre-Dual Shock 3 purchase and decided to grab hold of it again a few weeks ago due to not having much on PS3 and the fact it had rumble added.

My opnion of the game has 180'd. The guns now feel much, much meatier and as a result the entire game is a shit-ton more fun. I still have a few issues with it, I certainly don't think it's anywhere near the same level as Halo 3, but god damn I'm glad I came back to the party.

Argh ! I tried DS3 with RFOM and threw the new controller in the drawer. I like SIXAXIS better because the rumbling screws up the delicate aim. If I grip the controller too tightly to control the rumbling, I often go into zoom mode (R3) accidentally.

It will take a long time for me to adjust to the DS3.


Finally went through and decided to play it on Super Human, and MAN. SO much more rewarding than playing it on any other difficulty setting. I didn't notice at first, but I was actually using my weapons in much more 'diverse' ways, and everything felt so damn good. That should have been the default difficulty :lol

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
I would assume that Insomniac, like alot of devs, hired on alot of people in order to ramp up for next gen. Did they hire on alot of people who had a background in FPS development?

They've always liked FPS(accordin to...them), and remember their first game as a studio


but yea, i'd say the studio grew for "next gen"


hey, i put in R:FOM in for old times sake, and wanted to play multiplayer but it doesnt work? is it working for anyone else?


For a Finer World
Just a quick question: I just got to
, how long do I still have to go in hours?

I'm not really LTTP as I just want to take a quick peek before booting Resistance 2...


For a Finer World
Wollan said:
You're in the very last parts of the game.
Thanks! It's been surprisingly entertaining, didn't realize I've been playing for more than six hours - the different weapons make for interesting tactics.


Ah this thread brings back a lot of memories. I remember when it finally reached the 100th page and that was an accomplishment at the time if your game wasn't called Oblivion. Shame what the sequel became.


JB1981 said:
The sequel is so shitty.

No it's not. I was one of those hardcore Resistance: Fall of Man players too. Nearly 50,000 kills amassed.

Now I've moved on to R2, and so far, I've been just as hooked. I've actually played for what amounts to 47 hours so far (I got it November 7th). I love it. Sure the competitive aspect was better in R1, but the sequel's is not bad at all. I enjoy it.

The sequel has another online MP aspect in Co-op that is extremely fun to play with friends. The campaigns are equal to me. There was a suspenseful feel to R1 that wasn't very pervasive in R2, but R2's action made up for it. The feel of urgency found in R2's story, that wasn't there in R1.

In R1, Hale and company were still dazed and confused about what's going on. In R2, it doesn't make sense to further such feeling. It was time to move on to the urgency of combat.

R2 has a campaign that's just as good as R1's.


For a Finer World
Holy s**t! I'm nearly through the first one now and I'm stoked to continue in Resistance 2.

Here comes the question: should I NOT unwrap it, but take the game back to the store and get something better?


womfalcs3 said:
No it's not. I was one of those hardcore Resistance: Fall of Man players too. Nearly 50,000 kills amassed.

Now I've moved on to R2, and so far, I've been just as hooked. I've actually played for what amounts to 47 hours so far (I got it November 7th). I love it. Sure the competitive aspect was better in R1, but the sequel's is not bad at all. I enjoy it.

The sequel has another online MP aspect in Co-op that is extremely fun to play with friends. The campaigns are equal to me. There was a suspenseful feel to R1 that wasn't very pervasive in R2, but R2's action made up for it. The feel of urgency found in R2's story, that wasn't there in R1.

In R1, Hale and company were still dazed and confused about what's going on. In R2, it doesn't make sense to further such feeling. It was time to move on to the urgency of combat.

R2 has a campaign that's just as good as R1's.

The singleplayer campaign is a steaming pile of shit imo.


Keio said:
Holy s**t! I'm nearly through the first one now and I'm stoked to continue in Resistance 2.

Here comes the question: should I NOT unwrap it, but take the game back to the store and get something better?

Depends what you want to do with it. I am assuming you have just played through R1's single player so you will want to probably play R2 for the single player. If this is the case then I can't recommend it. R2 has a absolutely terrible and generic single player with what I feel a garbage competitive game. The only saving grace of the title is the coop and I don't know how much you will play with it to warrant a purchase. If you are only going to play it for the single player, AVOID.


Keio said:
Holy s**t! I'm nearly through the first one now and I'm stoked to continue in Resistance 2.

Here comes the question: should I NOT unwrap it, but take the game back to the store and get something better?
It is hard to say in my opinion since tastes and opinions can be so different. Some people might like it and some people might not like it. I can only speak for myself, but i am currently playing the single player campaign of Resistance 2 (i guess i am near the end somewhere) and i would say that i enjoyed it so far, and i would not say that i regret buying the game. It might not be the world's best single player campaign, but i am looking forward to see how the single player ends atleast :)

I also think the competitive online play is fun. I havnt tried the co-op mode yet, but i will do that soon :) (i want to finish the single player campaign first before i try the co-op mode, eventhough that the co-op mode is another story than the single player story (atleast that is the way i have understood it, but please correct me if i am wrong :)).
Keio said:
Holy s**t! I'm nearly through the first one now and I'm stoked to continue in Resistance 2.

Here comes the question: should I NOT unwrap it, but take the game back to the store and get something better?

This season you can definitely do better. I put about 100hrs into R2 but felt that SP was really lacking (especially compared to the quality Insomniac usually puts out). I really enjoyed the co-op, but you have to make sure that that type of gameplay is for you. Competitive feels a lot less enjoyable compared to R:FoM, and if people are moving back to that then I am game. However, my bias is that I have been playing a lot of KZ2 and R2 in no way stacks against that. So take what I have said as you will, but I think the game is a rental for the online, unless the co-op is for you. Single player you can probably pass on as it really doesn't feel anything like R:FoM.


For a Finer World
Thanks for the comments, I'll get some sleep as it's 2 AM here with the end credits rolling for R: FoM.

As I said, surprisingly good: I missed it at launch as I only got a PS3 for MGS4, but I had low expectations as the first reviews were mixed.

What I liked were the weapons, the setting and the (admittedly B-movie level) sense of mystery with the Chimera and
the Russian special units laying around dead?!

My dislikes - it's amazing how much shooters have evolved in the SP department. The strict ammo limits were annoying, I didn't enjoy backtracking for health and some checkpoint placements were just outrageous.

Worth a buy at the current price. But I guess Resistance 2 is going back to the shop as I'm mainly looking for SP action. (For multiplayer I'm doing L4D)

Jason's Ultimatum said:
I can't find the gif of the snow in this thread. It's still the best, atmospheric effect i've seen this generation.
This is so very true!

All in all, the graphics were also good - I don't enjoy drab grey/brown environments, but there was a lot of interesting detail.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
I can't find the gif of the snow in this thread. It's still the best, atmospheric effect i've seen this generation.

I don't remember the snow in Resistance being nearly as good as the snow in MGS4.


For a Finer World
Damn, the shrinkwrap came off R2 in a moment of madness atfter reading a few reviews. I'm risking it, and I got a friend who will swap this for Mirror's Edge afterwards so no loss.

Will post impressions vs. Resistance later, tomorrow probably.


Big-E said:
Depends what you want to do with it. I am assuming you have just played through R1's single player so you will want to probably play R2 for the single player. If this is the case then I can't recommend it. R2 has a absolutely terrible and generic single player with what I feel a garbage competitive game. The only saving grace of the title is the coop and I don't know how much you will play with it to warrant a purchase. If you are only going to play it for the single player, AVOID.

Sweet vindication!!


Big-E said:
Depends what you want to do with it. I am assuming you have just played through R1's single player so you will want to probably play R2 for the single player. If this is the case then I can't recommend it. R2 has a absolutely terrible and generic single player with what I feel a garbage competitive game. The only saving grace of the title is the coop and I don't know how much you will play with it to warrant a purchase. If you are only going to play it for the single player, AVOID.

What? I personally found the single player portion to be a blast, so much that I couldn't pull myself away from the TV and ended up finishing the game in 3 sittings.
Just beat this game for the second time. This time on hard. Awesome game. It came with my PS3 18 months ago and I decided to go back for another play through.

I really hope IG take their time with R3. I also hope they bring back the snow.


Can somebody remind me in which location the first snow starts falling down. Definately want to replay that part.



Just picked this up used. Not to bad though I'm not crazy about the controls. The Wii has spoiled me I guess. Still the story seems interesting. I was all set to return it used after the first level to be honest until I realize it would be able get health packs and regenerate health. The way the game first presents thing it seems like that wouldn't be the case. Died several times starting out even on easy. Though it could just be me not used to playing with a traditional button controller in regards to a FPS. Still might take it back to gamestop though if I can't get over some things. Get the feeling I should have picked up Valkyrie Chronicles like I had originally planned. Oh well.

Should I expect to die a LOT in this game? Having to redo areas over several times until I get to the next check point?

Does the game expect you to go in guns blazing as a one man army? Or can you make slower and more tactical decisions? Or will that actually get you killed faster?



Rated-Rsuperstar said:
The opening is the hardest part of the game besides the final battle.

Gotcha. Thanks.

Also can I expect npcs allies to stop dying so soon after level begins or is that just how the game is?
I just downloaded the demo today (new PS3) and really disliked the size of the analog dead zone and its abrupt transition when aiming the cursor. Precision targeting felt really herky-jerky. However, as far as I can tell the demo doesn't include any control options (beyond inverted Y axis). Is there a remedy for this in the retail version?
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