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Resistance: Fall of Man - The Official Thread


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Vibri said:
This might be a preview code issue but a big negative is that the soldiers fighting alonside you seem be pretty much brainless drones. You don't seem to affect their behaviour (like CoD) and they don't seem to do much damage. They just kinda stand about lamely and act as scene dressing.
Inasmuch as they don't do much damage, Ted Price indicated that was a distinct design choice. They don't allow friendly AIs to finish off enemies for you. All enemies must be killed by the player.

Safe Bet

Taking into consideration how dedicated IG is to this game, I wonder if they can "tweak" the game's gameplay via updates, etc..


kaching said:
Inasmuch as they don't do much damage, Ted Price indicated that was a distinct design choice. They don't allow friendly AIs to finish off enemies for you. All enemies must be killed by the player.
Bah, that's stupid. I always liked it in Halo and other fpses where your AI taunts the dead bodies after killing them.
Proelite said:
Bah, that's stupid. I always liked it in Halo and other fpses where your AI taunts the dead bodies after killing them.

Yeah, can't say I like the sound of that...if anything it's a total missed opportunity of AI use for the next generation difference. It really makes you feel better immersion of the war and that's it's not just window dressing. It's just awesome knowing that if I truly kept my team intact, there is someone to truly cover my ass and vice versa...really helped change the dynamic of firefights.

Sometimes where there is only me, I have a tough time but when a teammate suddenly charges in...it can help cover fire, draw fire for me to counterattack better. I could either be alone or try again and kept my crew alive and have a nice unit doing some serious damage. The firefights have an extra level of unpredictability like that.


kaching said:
Inasmuch as they don't do much damage, Ted Price indicated that was a distinct design choice. They don't allow friendly AIs to finish off enemies for you. All enemies must be killed by the player.
Thats the first truly terrible thing I've heard about this game.


LJ11 said:
WTF....I hope that was a joke question. If it was, try again.

It's a relevant question because Resistance's storyline is about alternate history, and 2001 is just as a good year for some spin as 1951. What if questions can bring about many interesting discussions. However, a lot of the story elements of Resistance are not known as of yet, so we must make many conjectures about it. But once the game is out, it'll be fun to debate about the what if situations. Heck, that's when the developers know they made an awesome and deep story.


He only played 4 levels. It's tough to gauge how the story could have been if he hasn't played through the entire game.


JStevenson said @ the official forum that it was bs. Allies can definitely take down hybrids on their own though obviously not as effective as you. Level 1 spoiler:
You fight alongside allies in this level so you can get this demonstrated right of the bat.

Anyhow, one weapon that has been around for quite a while but never really talked about that much is the Arc Charger. I'm not totally sure what it does besides primary fire which basically is a powerful electrical bolt but it seems like you have to reload it for each shoot (and it looks like you take down most foes with two shots). Maybe it's one of those weapons that increase with power the longer you hold in? (I mean, charger is part of it's name)



kaching said:
Inasmuch as they don't do much damage, Ted Price indicated that was a distinct design choice. They don't allow friendly AIs to finish off enemies for you. All enemies must be killed by the player.

The AIs do kill enemies, they just won't finish the fight for the player. I think that's a good thing though.


Still Tagged Accordingly
when i saw this thread had a recent post i knew it'd be about that screw attack video.

next someone will come in here claiming the game has being delayed till next year.

Safe Bet

Wollan said:
Anyhow, one weapon that has been around for quite a while but never really talked about that much is the Arc Charger. I'm not totally sure what it does besides primary fire...
I noticed how the weapon's stream splits a few feet away from the barrel..

Perhaps it works on groups, hitting multiple enemies at once?


time to take my meds
I'm pretty sure primary fire is a bolt that hits one enemy, and secondary fire is a bolt that "arcs" between enemies and hits multiple targets. I'm guessing the primary fire is much stronger than the one that goes between enemies, either that or the secondary takes much more ammo.


Bad_Boy said:
I'm pretty sure primary fire is a bolt that hits one enemy, and secondary fire is a bolt that "arcs" between enemies and hits multiple targets.

If that's the case then that is great. Always had a thing for chained lightning and such in games. I'm going to waste so much time toying with these weapons.


I hope the AI can indeed kill off enemies at least semi-effectively. I think my biggest gripe about 99 Nights was having to backtrack because 50 of your men were standing around a single enemy, just staring at him. : l

Safe Bet

Wollan said:
A NeoGAF clan is needed to sort things out online come Nov.17th.
There's going to be alot of "stray puppies" looking for a home once the game hits..

Are we going to allow people outside of GAF into the clan?

Should we tell them to sign-up here first?



Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Vrolokus said:
I hope the AI can indeed kill off enemies at least semi-effectively. I think my biggest gripe about 99 Nights was having to backtrack because 50 of your men were standing around a single enemy, just staring at him. : l
I highly doubt anything like THAT will occur...

N3 had some of the worst, most broken AI routines I've seen in a recent game. Truly a mess on that front.
Ted Price in Lisbon's Pestana Palace Hotel showing off Resistance:

He claimed that the Superhuman difficulty is "freaking impossible" to beat.

Ted Price coming to Portugal, a country that will only receive the PS3 in March shows that he's a real good guy.


That's pretty interesting with them already doing trips to EU.
I wonder if he has to drag that 1080p tv with him everywhere as well. :lol

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Wollan said:
That's pretty interesting with them already doing trips to EU.
I wonder if he has to drag that 1080p tv with him everywhere as well. :lol

eh why bother dragging it. its not like the game plays in 1080p. haha oh well gonna be cool. interested in playing it.


momolicious said:
what is this talk about delay

There's another thread about a guy misinforming some people waiting in line for the PS3.

GoncaloCCastro said:
He claimed that the Superhuman difficulty is "freaking impossible" to beat.

Plot speculation:
Maybe that difficulty suggests more than one would think. Nathan Hale is the sole survivor of an ambush and by unknown means so maybe...


jjasper said:
Someone want to recommend me a good but cheap headset so you guys can hear me when you kill me?

You can use a PS2 headset if you have one. They work with the PS3, and I think they cost around $20.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
jjasper said:
Someone want to recommend me a good but cheap headset so you guys can hear me when you kill me?

Or just use a bluetooth cellphone headset if you already have one.
New IGN preview

Seeing as this is one of the PS3's flagship titles, it's probably worth spending a moment talking about initial impressions of the next-gen behemoth's technical abilities. Although the game's unlikely to wow you in terms of stunning photorealism, it's hard not to be impressed by the slightly exaggerated visuals developer Insomniac has opted for. Although everything has a slight cartoonishness about it, there's no doubting the massive sense of scale present from the off. From the incredible draw distance and architectural touches to the incidental, yet hugely immersive, effects like realistic smoke, destructible scenery and relentless explosions shifting huge chunks of debris around the screen, Insomniac's world is wholly believable and involving from the off.

Even more impressive is the quality of AI apparent, even in our relatively incomplete demo. If you're used to the shop dummy enemies of games like Half-Life 2 - you know the ones, happy to stand around looking nonplussed while you empty a round of bullets into their heads - prepare for a serious wakeup call. The Chimera are tough and won't miss a single opportunity to duck, weave or retreat in the face of opposition. Similarly, you'll need to keep your wits firmly about you in the more labyrinthine areas of the game, with foes routinely using cunning to flank or simply ambush your squadron if you don't stay alert at all times. Needless to say then, Resistance is hard - infuriatingly, hair-tearingly difficult but always fair - it's a game that demands you become a better soldier, learning the intricacies of your arsenal if you want to survive to the end. Of course, the upside here is that Resistance is relentless in terms of tension and, frankly, that's the way we like our FPSs.

Whichever weapon you opt for though, you'll appreciate Resistance's impressive location-specific damage system and resulting physics behaviour. Enemies react convincingly to your fire, with an extensive number of hit zones per opponent - whether you're blasting kneecaps or shredding your foes life support tubes for a nasty oxygen-inhaling end, the Chimera buckle, bend and ultimately slump convincingly, making retribution all that much more satisfying. Of course, if you don't keep an eye on your Halo-style health gauge, refilling to the nearest quarter once you're out of the firing line, you'll be experiencing the physics first hand - and that's really not so much fun.

There's no denying that a lot of Insomniac's success with Resistance relies on plenty of smoke and mirrors to create the illusion of something much bolder, much grander than it actually is but, when you experience set-pieces like the astonishing opening to Burning Bridges, you probably won't really care. Starting on the cusp of a partially-collapsed London Bridge, Insomniac's art team takes no prisoners, with the drained banks of the Thames beneath you, the dusty river bed punctuated by huge alien structures stretching as far as the eye can see both vertically and across the horizon. Contrasting sharply with the well-realised carcass of a decimated London, it really is a sight to behold - especially given the sheer amount of action going on at ground level.

From what we've seen so far then, Resistance: Fall of Man manages to impress with the power of its next-gen host in subtle but undeniable ways - a far cry from, say, Rare's Xbox 360 debut, Perfect Dark Zero which attempted to conceal its all-too-apparent gameplay flaws in excessive amounts of obtrusive visual gloss. Based on the four-level demo we've played, it's unlikely Resistance is going to remembered for any advances in genre innovation but, nevertheless, its everything you'd expect from an Insomniac game - a beautifully presented, solid and satisfying entertainment experiences. What more could you possibly want from a launch title?



Kangu said:
I wonder what IGN means by smoke and mirrors?
Yeah, I don't understand that...? They're complaining that Insomniac has made it look like there is more to the war happening beyond what you're experiencing...? So what.

Safe Bet

There are very few games that manage to be hard without being cheap...

I hope Resistance is one of them...

*cross fingers*
Kangu said:
I wonder what IGN means by smoke and mirrors?
I'd think it's something like in Half-Life 2, where there's lots of big stuff around and big stuff going on in big environments, but you basically go through the game on rails with scripting and so on (smoke and mirrors?) keeping you on course.
Of course, being like Half-Life 2 is definitely not a bad thing. We shall see anyway.


AltogetherAndrews said:
I assumed they were talking about environments looking bigger than they are, due to good compositing of background reference visuals and actual game environments.
Supposedly levels like Cheddar Gorge offer huge, open areas with vehicles though, so it looks like there will be quite abit of variety
Patrickula said:
I'd think it's something like in Half-Life 2, where there's lots of big stuff around and big stuff going on in big environments, but you basically go through the game on rails with scripting and so on (smoke and mirrors?) keeping you on course.
Of course, being like Half-Life 2 is definitely not a bad thing. We shall see anyway.
i can't remember who said it but the best impression ive seen for this game compared it to gears of war: They felt GoW played like doom 3, and resistence played like HL2. That seemed fair to say, and I'm a big HL2 fan so I think im going to really like it.
Patrickula said:
I'd think it's something like in Half-Life 2, where there's lots of big stuff around and big stuff going on in big environments, but you basically go through the game on rails with scripting and so on (smoke and mirrors?) keeping you on course.
Of course, being like Half-Life 2 is definitely not a bad thing. We shall see anyway.

I was initially worried about this comparison, thinking that Resistance would inherit HL2's main failing (unsatisfying combat), but the videos show the exact opposite. I could give a shit about rails; meaty explosions, powerful guns, and lots of death are on display here, and I like it.

Now, of course, the problem is ever finding enough money for both a PS3 and HDTV... not gonna happen :( Oh how I wish it would come out for PC, like Bioshock and Assassin's Creed... ah well.


The physical form of blasphemy
Insomniac is truly great. Early adopters have fun! Resistance looks to be a really damned good game. All the indications point to it being better than PD0, which is a huge plus, for a launch game.
I'm not saying it's going to be just like Half-Life 2 all that much, I just think that it might be a valid comparison in the smoke and mirrors department. I don't think it's going to be on rails to the same extent, and really, I don't care that much about rails either. If it's fun to play and a memorable experience, then that's great. A lot of memorable stuff in games (like HL2) comes from scripting, which is by its nature on rails, and I wouldn't be surprised if Resistance used quite a bit as well.
I have quite a bit of faith in Insomniac as well, and it's good to see them taking a break from Ratchet I must say.

BTW, Gears of War reminds me less of Doom 3 than Resistance of HL2... but maybe that's just my bias toward Half-Life 2 and Gears (which doesn't remind me of too much really). I look forward to when Resistance and Gears are actually out and can stand on their own (if they're as good as we're all hoping anyway). Then games can be like Gears or Resistance instead of like Doom or Half Life, oh boy!
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