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Resonance of Fate |OT| John Woo RPG Action and Small Racks


I watched the Gametrailers review myself and most of the time they hit the nail on the head for their overall scores.(Maybe not their reasoning for getting there, but at least we agree on the quality of the product as a whole)

That being said I REALLY, REALLY get the feeling whoever was to play the game for the review did NOT complete this game. Aren't most of the scenes they use from the game in the first 4 chapters? I find it hard to believe they beat it, because usually GT puts MASSIVE amounts of spoilers in their vids, but here you don't see that. I think whoever played it LIKED it a lot, but when he had to turn in his review he just went with what he had so far. If he did complete it and the story is as bad as they say, then it won't derail till the very end because that's how tri-ace handles it. SO4 started off great and then little by little it gets worse and worse until you just zone out during cut scenes thinking about better things. :lol

I want to give tri-ace the benefit of the doubt that the third time is the charm for them this generation.(They do work in 3's after all) If anyone ends up doing a power play through the game and reaches the ending let us know how it stacks up against tri-aces other works.
Like I mentioned earlier, I do have the game but it's still sealed in its shrink wrap.

I'm wondering what I should do:

1. Open it, enjoy it and play it.

2. Return it since I'm still worried I may not like it (I want a demo darn it!)

3. Or keep it sealed and sell it later for three times the original price on ebay since the game looks like it'll be a rare one. :D
Success! i beat the Dweller mission! now i can finish Ch. 4 mission.

wait. don't they drop meat? omg. was i suppose to attack the others before leader? :lol.


DMPrince said:
Success! i beat the Dweller mission! now i can finish Ch. 4 mission.

wait. don't they drop meat? omg. was i suppose to attack the others before leader? :lol.

Nah, you get Gourmet Meat or something like that anyways, so you are fine. I forgot to activate the mission and I still got the meat. But I got the meat from the Dwellers at the Garden, they are in the transit cones. :lol
-DarKaoZ- said:
Nah, you get Gourmet Meat or something like that anyways, so you are fine. I forgot to activate the mission and I still got the meat. But I got the meat from the Dwellers at the Garden, they are in the transit cones. :lol
oh. so the ones i beat weren't the ones that dropped it? wtf. why did i fight them then? :lol.


DMPrince said:
oh. so the ones i beat weren't the ones that dropped it? wtf. why did i fight them then? :lol.

Dunno if they drop the meat too, but they drop a Doll, which you can give it to the guy you gave the doll before. He gives you a new accessory, which is good against fire IIRC.


TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:
Like I mentioned earlier, I do have the game but it's still sealed in its shrink wrap.

I'm wondering what I should do:

1. Open it, enjoy it and play it.

2. Return it since I'm still worried I may not like it (I want a demo darn it!)

3. Or keep it sealed and sell it later for three times the original price on ebay since the game looks like it'll be a rare one. :D

Let's not kid ourselves here. You are going with #1. Do you even see anyone in here yet who has said "omg waste of money"? Plus I don't think SEGA will keep this game rare if there is a massive influx of people wanting to buy it, because trust me, SEGA would S your D for extra cash if they could. :lol

Open it, play it, get a chubby, don't tell your friends about easy peenee erections, and then go on enjoying the game. :lol
Lucentto said:
I'm halfway through Chapter 2 and I can't stand this game, I don't know what i'm doing wrong.
Did you do the tutorial in the Arena? Once you do it all and go into battle you'll have a better understanding and will know what to do! You should have figured it out before end of Chapter 1 :lol.


Lucentto said:
I'm halfway through Chapter 2 and I can't stand this game, I don't know what i'm doing wrong.

What is it that you can't stand? What were you expectations?

If you were expecting and overly emo and melodramatic story from the get go, that won't happen. It gives you glimpse of the "sad" past of some characters after chapter 4.

Besides, RoF is about gameplay mostly and lolz, that is why I'm enjoying it a lot.
I'm getting tired of all the wandering around and lazy sidequests. They should not force the player to run in and out of the Core Lifts every time. It's getting to be very tedious.

You can beat the ch 4 dolled-up dwellest without using consumables (ammo, items, grenade)..


DMPrince said:
Did you do the tutorial in the Arena? Once you do it all and go into battle you'll have a better understanding and will know what to do! You should have figured it out before end of Chapter 1 :lol.
Yeah, I did the tutorial (took me damn near an hour) I understand the system pretty much, but its just not clicking with me.
-DarkKaoZ- said:
What is it that you can't stand? What were you expectations?

If you were expecting and overly emo and melodramatic story from the get go, that won't happen. It gives you glimpse of the "sad" past of some characters after chapter 4.

Besides, RoF is about gameplay mostly and lolz, that is why I'm enjoying it a lot.
I don't know the game is just not clicking with me, I wasn't really expecting anything. I went into this game completly blank, no trailer or anything. I'll give it more time, though i'm not even caring about the story.


Surprisingly I didn't have that much trouble with the lvl 48 dweller, I just kept comboing on him an he didn't even have a chance to move away from the middle of the arena.

The SG handgun is pretty good, not as good as the 1191, but it has more ammo capacity.

If you're wanting a demo, you can make a Japanese XBL account and get it off there. It starts you off very high level, so switching between that and the full game is a little hard to do.

Gummy Panda

Neo Member
-DarKaoZ- said:
Just saw the "infamous" scene and Nolan North nail it! :lol
Someone needs to get this up on YouTube.

I will be picking up a copy thanks to this thread. I have store credit with an online retailer and am just waiting for them to confirm that they will be stocking it.


Installing the game is such a pain. i really hope it pays up and makes loading time very fast. Though they have pretty nice pictures, so that's a plus.
survivor said:
Installing the game is such a pain. i really hope it pays up and makes loading time very fast. Though they have pretty nice pictures, so that's a plus.
ps3 version going from place to place is like 2-4 seconds. maybe quicker. battle is like 3-5 since they have those transition effects going on. But it won't be an annoyance.. Probably is the same with 360 version too.
Going to take a break before finishing Chapter 4.
DMPrince said:

I would post my fashion images but I have bad lighting! ;(

But what about the whole "some voice acting is missing"?
I agree with the battle cues thing though.

You don't need good lighting. You just have to turn off all your lights and snap away! :D

Here's a pic I took a while back with my shitty camera using that technique:

My pre-ordered copy came in today, going to grab it after work. Don't know when I'm going to get around to playing RoF though. I want to beat FF13 first so I can give this game my full attention.
radiantdreamer said:
But what about the whole "some voice acting is missing"?
I agree with the missing battle cues thing though.

You don't need good lighting. You just have to turn off all your lights and snap away! :D

Here's a pic I took a while back with my shitty camera using that technique:


well it doesn't help if the background is black :lol. only way i can get some images is during battle and rotating the camera around. I kinda wish there was one in the changing room though. but i'll try.
I finally got my (Canadian) copy of Resonance of Fate. I'm looking at the cover art, and I'm noticing "Inkjet Grain", IE shitty quality print. Does it look that way for you guys? It's most noticeable on the brighter areas like the face highlights and the windowed background.


radiantdreamer said:
I finally got my (Canadian) copy of Resonance of Fate. I'm looking at the cover art, and I'm noticing "Inkjet Grain", IE shitty quality print. Does it look that way for you guys? It's most noticeable on the brighter areas like the face highlights and the windowed background.

Yeah, the case is shit (USA).

I have it in hand but won't be playing it until I get back from work at like 1 or 2, so I'll probably only get a couple hours in...


Alright guys, I dunno if it was mentioned before but how do yo u do Smackdowns? I have been trying for a long time in the tutorial and it ain't working.

BTW, the main parts and body parts are confusing me a bit. Do I have to break all the body parts so I can actually hit the main body?

EDIT: just found out how to do smackdown. I had to make the enemy airborne first.
thanks for the confirm, batbeg.

Does anyone know which sections don't have english voices compared to the JP counterpart? And are they just incredibly minor stuff?
survivor said:
Alright guys, I dunno if it was mentioned before but how do yo u do Smackdowns? I have been trying for a long time in the tutorial and it ain't working.

BTW, the main parts and body parts are confusing me a bit. Do I have to break all the body parts so I can actually hit the main body?

EDIT: just found out how to do smackdown. I had to make the enemy airborne first.

depends on the direction the enemy is facing and the part you're shooting. i think you can break one part to reach the body but with you moving (and/or enemy turning or moving as well) it's hard to get a good shot so break it all :lol. look at the ring around the enemy. you can see where the armor or body parts health is.

and fuck whoever decided ch. 4 story event battle.


DMPrince said:
depends on the direction the enemy is facing and the part you're shooting. i think you can break one part to reach the body but with you moving (and/or enemy turning or moving as well) it's hard to get a good shot so break it all :lol.

and fuck whoever decided ch. 4 story event battle.
Ya it's that circular thing right? So if I break part of it, and I hit them through that part again it will do direct body damage? I probably won't even pay attention to that during the game since I will be just jumping left and right, but it's still good to know.
survivor said:
Ya it's that circular thing right? So if I break part of it, and I hit them through that part again it will do direct body damage? I probably won't even pay attention to that during the game since I will be just jumping left and right, but it's still good to know.
yeah. kinda hard to hit exact spot unless your gun has really good accuracy. So just shoot everything! :lol. There's always grenades!


Maybe I missed how the attack tickets work, but wtf, it seems like the enemies get WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more attacks than I do. 90% of the time I only get to use one person before the enemies are all shooting at me at once. I don't get it :(
Oh man. I barely survived the
Escort Mission
for chapter 4's last event. I could have played better if i knew what items work well against the enemy! but yay! time for chapter 5! :D

EDIT: Fuck. i got too excited and thought ch. 4 event was over. fuck! i lost for sure now! :lol.

Done it! with 1/30th HP left i survived! :D


I'm done chapter 1 but haven't advanced yet. 2 questions about the game

1) Are the chapters like FF13, so like when I advance I miss everything out in the chapter ? What exactly do I miss out if I advance a chapter ?

2) When you kill an enemy, they drop down these yellow stuff which I assume are items right? Do I have to go over them to collect them or not? Cause for some reasons, in some fights I end with one item and other fights I end with like 5-6 items.
Yeah those are items. stuff that fall into battle will auto collect after each battle. sure you can run and get it but i don't. but you may want to pick up any hero gauge chip that you drop because of enemy attacks. but most of the time when you use the anchor points you end up running by and it collects it!

Any side mission you didn't complete during that chapter will be lost. so that's why they let you advance or wait and you can advance later in your house on the chalkboard.


Yeah, the shards were the only thing I actually bothered running after, but I didn't know if time should be wasted on the items. Doing a leader assault gives more items right?

If it's just side missions then no need in being paranoid about advancing chapters.
survivor said:
Yeah, the shards were the only thing I actually bothered running after, but I didn't know if time should be wasted on the items. Doing a leader assault gives more items right?

If it's just side missions then no need in being paranoid about advancing chapters.

I don't know if killing the leader gives you more items or better stuff. i just kill them so i don't have to fight their minions :lol.

EDIT: Just killed a leader. it doesn't give you more items. just clears away their group (you just get the person you killed items)


survivor said:
Yeah, the shards were the only thing I actually bothered running after, but I didn't know if time should be wasted on the items. Doing a leader assault gives more items right?

If it's just side missions then no need in being paranoid about advancing chapters.

If you kill Leader the rest of the enemies will run away and it seems you don't get what they drop. So its better to kill the rest and then the leader. IIRC


Oh alright. I will just alternate between killing the leader and killing the whole group I guess. Depends on how fast I want to grind and if I can survive fighting the entire group.
survivor said:
Oh alright. I will just alternate between killing the leader and killing the whole group I guess. Depends on how fast I want to grind and if I can survive fighting the entire group.
just keep an eye on your hero gauge so it doesn't drop you to critical. it's a bitch to recover from that.


DMPrince said:
just keep an eye on your hero gauge so it doesn't drop you to critical. it's a bitch to recover from that.
Haha yea I've only done it once, and it was with a boss that I had down to almost 0 health.
survivor said:
Ya it's that circular thing right? So if I break part of it, and I hit them through that part again it will do direct body damage? I probably won't even pay attention to that during the game since I will be just jumping left and right, but it's still good to know.

Paying attention to it becomes more important as time goes on. I thought it was already important by chapter 4 but I must be wrong. Ignoring it is not a good way to play, positioning is pretty important.

Paraclete said:
Maybe I missed how the attack tickets work, but wtf, it seems like the enemies get WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more attacks than I do. 90% of the time I only get to use one person before the enemies are all shooting at me at once. I don't get it :(

You can see who they're attacking above their heads, there should also be target meters next to the players names, when one goes red they will be attacked as soon as the action is over. Your characters only move one at a time but enemies move simultaneously. Invincible actions (hero actions?) are long. You can always cut them short, as long as you don't jump. Enemy attacks will charge and then go off as soon as the action is over. You can always interrupt an attack before it goes off. Blasting up (target airborne?) will do it, some enemies are more susceptible than others.

A normal attack is a little different. Charging an attack will keep any enemies from firing off their shots, except at the character who is charging. So if a enemy is targeting Reanbell and you're charging with Zephyr, the enemy's attack won't go off until you've fired. If the enemy is targeting Zephyr, it will go off as soon as it is ready. Your characters are very easily interrupted, so be aware of who is targeting who when using normal attacks.

Lucentto said:
I'm halfway through Chapter 2 and I can't stand this game, I don't know what i'm doing wrong.

Chapter 2, the battle system should be starting to come into it's own. If you're looking for a crappy button mash action rpg like Tri-Ace usually makes, this isn't that game. If you want a really deep battle system, that I think is up there with the best (certainly this generation) then it's a blast. It will take it's time to get you used to how it works. The tutorial shows you everything before you need half of it, the game works it's way up to the best stuff. Not in the drawn out FF13 sense, but in a way that keeps you figuring things out.


chicken_ramen said:
Paying attention to it becomes more important as time goes on. I thought it was already important by chapter 4 but I must be wrong. Ignoring it is not a good way to play, positioning is pretty important.
My problem was not knowing which part I was hitting. In the tutorial, I think the circular thing around the enemy was broken up into 4 different parts and it kinda seemed hard to position my attack. I think I just need more practice time with it.


Paraclete said:
Yea I just got down the lower snow area, gonna take a break because its next to impossible to kill this f'n
Oh wtf my last save was 1.5 hrs ago? FML I'm not replaying this section again

Ugggggggh why must they have ENEMIES + a BOSS? its hard enough as it is to fight someone who freezes you without some little pansies running around doing it too.
anyone unlocked the trophy/achievement for killing over 30 enemies without weapons equipped? i haven't tried that but I wonder what it looks like using their fist :lol.
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