Paraclete said:At what Ch does that smg become available?
Kuro Madoushi said:My thoughts thus far
Plopped about 6 hours into the game so far. While I like the battles, I believe there's so potential for so much more here. The core is great, but I'd make it more like Grandia, and have ALL your attacks like the hero actions because standing there and shooting really is a waste of time...I dunno why they even bother putting it on there.
The map 'unlocking' part is really fucking stupid and a huge waste of time. I would've preferred a more traditional approach.
Music is alright...gets repetitive though.
Why so few gun types? Again, huge potential for more guns AND actual gun skills.
Story is pretty dull.
I would've preferred this
- more traditional approach to the world map
- real time combat that is based more on those hero actions so the pace if quicker (I really miss Grandia...)
- more weapon types
- weapon skills, or at least let me choose the cool ass acrobatics I can use when I attack
- more cool ass acrobatics...still looks awesome, but does get repetitive...would it have killed them to put in more variety?
- clearer tutorial for n00bs...I did all of them, and I'm still hazy on the bonus points
Is it better than FF13? Well...I will say I look forward to playing this more than FF13 right now and so far I've played it more in one sitting than FF. I gave FF a thumbs down, but I'd have to give Resonance the thumbs up thus far despite my gripes.
Kuro Madoushi said:My thoughts thus far
Plopped about 6 hours into the game so far. While I like the battles, I believe there's so potential for so much more here. The core is great, but I'd make it more like Grandia, and have ALL your attacks like the hero actions because standing there and shooting really is a waste of time...I dunno why they even bother putting it on there.
Hmm? Once you beat a room in a dungeon, you get the "suspend" option on the pause menu (while still in that room). Works just like quick save in other games.Defuser said:Got my ass kick on chapter 2 boss.
Fuck,the machines in the dungeon is fucking hard,barely beat those fuckers.
Bad flaw about this game is that you're not able to customize/equip and save in dungeons thus I have no choice but to lose my progress because I gotta go.
TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:To 360 owners, what's the install size for this game?
No shit? FML, I really need to look at the menu some more:lolKishgal said:Hmm? Once you beat a room in a dungeon, you get the "suspend" option on the pause menu (while still in that room). Works just like quick save in other games.
Thanks.atomsk said:6.7 gig
You're stuck(its happened twice already up to Ch 7)Khezu said:Quick question. I just got to the part where I am stuck with only two characters, will I get my 3rd back before the chapter ends? Or I'm I stuck doing the side missions with just two people?
Paraclete said:Wtf is up with my game? I can't heal my characters at all.... I've tried saving/reloading, nothing works. They are stuck at like half health permanently and only lose 1/2 a hero thing when they die...
I'm gonna be SOOOOOOOOOOOO pissed if my save is ****ed up.
:lol now it's back to normal except for Vash. Dunno wtf is going on.
It happens a few times in the coming chapters. You're not stuck doing the side missions with an incomplete party. Just rush and finish the main storyline mission then you'll get your full party back. Once you have your full party, you can carry on doing any side missions for that chapter.Khezu said:Quick question. I just got to the part where I am stuck with only two characters, will I get my 3rd back before the chapter ends? Or I'm I stuck doing the side missions with just two people?
Don't do theGyoru said:It happens a few times in the coming chapters. You're not stuck doing the side missions with an incomplete party. Just rush and finish the main storyline mission then you'll get your full party back. Once you have your full party, you can carry on doing any side missions for that chapter.
:lol yea that was a pain, lucky I had a ton of grenades and it went pretty easily.DMPrince said:Don't do theMission! god what a pain with 2 people.Dubios Cargo from Cranktown
Dresden said:Not a single store in my city has the game. Wow. They're either sold out or never had it in the first place.
Amazon time.
How's the story in this? Not bad? Doesn't bring down the quality of the game? I canceled my pre-order. I plan on re-ordering soon.
How's the story in this? Not bad? Doesn't bring down the quality of the game? I canceled my pre-order. I plan on re-ordering soon.
Gyoru said:I love this game to death so I made this
FlyinJ said:Just got it and put about 2 hours in. This game is absolutely fantastic. One of the best combat systems I've ever seen.
A few questions though:
Is there a way to switch targets other than rotating the camera? I'm having a really hard time picking the target I want.
Can you switch targets while performing a hero action?
If you leave loot lying on the battlefield, is it automatically collected when you finish a battle?
You have to beat the game to unlock other difficulties(9 of them I think). And yes, you can grind as much as you want(switch up weapons to really level fast).nismor2 said:Can you set difficulty at the beginning of the game? Also can you grind and become really powerful?
:lol yea it's surprising how the smallest change can make the boss battles go from throwing controllers to over in 45 seconds.Dead said:Man, its hilarious how just using a different type of ammo can change the tide of a battle
I kept dying at the Chapter 6 boss (god damn freeze ray!), then I had the bright idea (lol) to put armor piercing rounds on Vash's SMG. The battle was over in a few minutes :lol
So the game already starts on the easiest difficulty? And its still pretty challenging?Paraclete said:You have to beat the game to unlock other difficulties(9 of them I think). And yes, you can grind as much as you want(switch up weapons to really level fast).
Dead said:Man, its hilarious how just using a different type of ammo can change the tide of a battle
I kept dying at the Chapter 6 boss (god damn freeze ray!), then I had the bright idea (lol) to put armor piercing rounds on Vash's SMG. The battle was over in a few minutes :lol
I guess there is a fix for it... you have to basically back up all your data and format your HDD, or replace your HDD. Going to try it tomorrow.
Keep your manequin parts, you'll need them later on.jiien said:So, if the item description says that I can sell a particular item for rubies (such as Meat or Silver Chips), that means I should just go and sell them, right? I just want to make sure that I don't need to save these things for anything else later.