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Retro-GAF unite!

It's still the best looking non-special edition Saturn by far IMO... And it can be restored.

The Derby Stallion non-'This is Cool' skeleton Saturn is best overall IMO.

i seen some neat saturn games come in my local retro store digital Press this past week:
but been holding off as i'm trying to get a decent nes or PC engine. i guess i'll look into a Saturn. so the white is desired, got it!
so avoid white saturn? got it!

I think one thing to remember with any Japanese Saturn is that the cart slot AND the lens need to work. On an american Saturn you just need to hope for a good lens. I'm not sure how much luck people have buying Japanese saturns online either. Not fun to ship back.

No cart slot means no action replay which means no US games.

Any Saturn is really expensive to collect for to be honest. That might be the most important point.


I need to get the cd emulator for my saturn. That way I can stop destroying my cart slot whenever I want to play an import (the 5 US/Pal games I own) instead of a capcom/snk game
You're allowed to make up your mind yourself dude ;)
oh i do. i just don't know a thing about Saturns. (what to avoid, what's desirable etc. flaws, things that are prone to break. etc.) i was about to buy a US Duo but everyone warned me the caps are bad. then i wanted buy a dougjindance duo but many posted warned me so i decided to wait. same here.

I think one thing to remember with any Japanese Saturn is that the cart slot AND the lens need to work. On an american Saturn you just need to hope for a good lens. I'm not sure how much luck people have buying Japanese saturns online either. Not fun to ship back.

No cart slot means no action replay which means no US games.

Any Saturn is really expensive to collect for to be honest. That might be the most important point.
thanks! i see a few cheap saturns on my local craigslist but i've been waiting for the right time.

Why you guys going crazy for the model 2 Saturn? I always preferred the model 1 or Victor or Hi-Saturns.
so a model 1's better, like the genesis? i guess i better go read up on the Saturn thread.


Hey retrogaf, cross posting from its own thread, I've done a little write up on the Famicom Mini Classic here. Comparisons to Game Boy Micro and various other 'Mini Famicom' devices from the last few years.

I've also been working on an extensive article on the Famicom Robot (R.O.B.) for a while, there's very little quality coverage of it IMO. I figure my 'hardware photographs plus software review' format is perfectly suited to the hardware/software combo that is the robot.


Finished XX last night and holy hell, it must have the worst final boss of them all. What a slow endurance test. What a weak game.
I've debated getting a Saturn just for the handful of shmups I want that aren't available on the psx. But then I remember all those games are worth more than most of my psx collection and I laugh
I've debated getting a Saturn just for the handful of shmups I want that aren't available on the psx. But then I remember all those games are worth more than most of my psx collection and I laugh

As an owner of Batsugun, Radiant Silvergun, and Battle Garrega, (and more) I have no regrets.

Still play my 30-40 dollar copies of DoDonPachi and Layer Section more than those...

Saturn is my biggest collection, love it dearly.
The pain in your wallet will bring joy to your heart.

Yep. Once you get into Saturn you’ll wonder what happened. I picked up that white Saturn and in the same month I bought Magic Knight Rayearth ($250), Albert Odyssey($150) and Guardian Heroes ($90), all CIB. Though the Guardian Heroes had a crack in it that was held together by the rental sticker. Still!

Thankfully I bought Panzer Dragoon Saga back in 2002 for $100 (along with Shining the Holy Ark). It looks great on the XRGB mini, but I wouldn’t recommend it at its current price. I think that I pretty much have all the Saturn games I want though.

Until I look at the Saturn thread again.


Gold Member
That is good advice. My last Saturn, from 1998 or so, had the lens and the cart slot both went bad.

I actually meant collecting cart only systems, like Snes and Nes. I collect mainly cause I love the games, but its nice when they hold their value, ie avoiding disc rot.

I have yet to have a single disk go bad. Not saying it snidely, I am sure it exists in some fashion... just not nearly as much as people lead on. Even my 3DO and Sega CD games all bought original, not kept in a sleeve (just the old spindels blanks come on), and have moved internationally with at least 6 times still all work, and they get used regularly.

I did break my first copy of PS1 FF9 disk 3 by sitting on it... but that isn't exactly 'rot'.

The Saturn system I had to replace the lens on but has run well since ( I modded it at the same time), and I am worried my model one sega CD may be starting to show some flakiness in the last year... but honestly, the 32X is the most touchy part of that setup.
I have yet to have a single disk go bad. Not saying it snidely, I am sure it exists in some fashion... just not nearly as much as people lead on. Even my 3DO and Sega CD games all bought original, not kept in a sleeve (just the old spindels blanks come on), and have moved internationally with at least 6 times still all work, and they get used regularly.

I did break my first copy of PS1 FF9 disk 3 by sitting on it... but that isn't exactly 'rot'.

The Saturn system I had to replace the lens on but has run well since ( I modded it at the same time), and I am worried my model one sega CD may be starting to show some flakiness in the last year... but honestly, the 32X is the most touchy part of that setup.

To add to this, I have a shitload of games on Floppy and only one is bad.

Things like floppies and CDs can go bad over time but so can anything. The problem isn't really the media its that over time the media was produced more cheaply leading to quality issues.
I guess my concern with disc rot is far into the future. Say I keep Panzer Dragoon Saga for 20-30 years? I've played it twice, and now consider it more of an investment. I don't need it in my collection, but its hard to part with it and watch the price rise and rise.

I doubt game prices will continue to rise at their current rate, but my investment (which I know is a collector mentality people hate, I did play it though!) would definitely drop off it the disc rotted.

I've just been mulling switching over to cart based games for that reason.

I'd be almost more happy with a CIB edition of Metal Warriors or EVO Search for Eden. I like those games a bit more too.
All I know is that every year that passes by I regret not buying a bunch of games yet as I watch them rise. And they are all the big money ones now.

I got Snatcher and Panzer Dragoon Saga for hundreds less than they typically go for.

For Snatcher, I did a favor for my local retro store and they sold it to me for $100. For PDS, I just got lucky and nobody else bid on it. I think I paid around 200 for it. I was actually worried the seller might take the loss in rating and refuse to ship it.

If you really want something that's rare, you just gotta be persistent.


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If you really want something that's rare, you just gotta be persistent.

I think my problem is that I have lulls. Like I will be searching every day for a few months but then give up for a few months. This has gone on for years trying to find copies of a bunch of games I want in the condition I want. As I watch them rise in price and wish I just did a buy it now on a good looking one years ago in hindsight. Oh well.


I've debated getting a Saturn just for the handful of shmups I want that aren't available on the psx. But then I remember all those games are worth more than most of my psx collection and I laugh
Outside of a few notable exceptions, the Saturn versions are always much better than the PSX ones (the few exceptions beeing DonPachi, RayStorm and maybe DoDonPachi?)

Everything else is better on the Saturn (Soukyugurentai, Shienryu, Darius Gaiden, Salamander Deluxe Pack, Parodius, Gradius Pack, Thunderforce V, etc..)

And the exclusives are amazing
Outside of a few notable exceptions, the Saturn versions are always much better than the PSX ones (the few exceptions beeing DonPachi, RayStorm and maybe DoDonPachi?)

Everything else is better on the Saturn (Soukyugurentai, Shienryu, Darius Gaiden, Salamander Deluxe Pack, Parodius, Gradius Pack, Thunderforce V, etc..)

And the exclusives are amazing

yeah, that's what initially got me looking at the Saturn. way back, i picked up thunder force V psx really cheap and sixteen-bit mentioned the Saturn version. since then i've been looking at the system. i'm still going to do some more research into the games recommended on the saturn thread. (the low cost ones) and then jump in once i get familiar with the prices of each game.
I can't believe I only just stumbled upon this thread.

For those of us in Britgaf, of a certain age, the only retro a man needs is:

- ZX Spectrum
- Commodore 64
- Atari ST
- Amiga

Sadly under-represented on the first page. We need to press play on tape (ideally to the Ocean loading screen music).

I clap regularly but am pretty interested in all of these (especially the Amiga). I figure I'll start collecting around next summer. If you have any good recommendations for games/sites/youtube channels, I'd love to know.
Outside of a few notable exceptions, the Saturn versions are always much better than the PSX ones (the few exceptions beeing DonPachi, RayStorm and maybe DoDonPachi?)

Everything else is better on the Saturn (Soukyugurentai, Shienryu, Darius Gaiden, Salamander Deluxe Pack, Parodius, Gradius Pack, Thunderforce V, etc..)

And the exclusives are amazing
The Salamander and Gradius deluxe packs make you pick your poison on Saturn; correct resolution (smooshed with black bars) or correct aspect ratio (with uneven scaling artifacts). This is because the Saturn cannot output the arcade resolution of those games. For that reason I would recommend the PS1 versions.


The pain in your wallet will bring joy to your heart.
Paying 200-500 bucks for the more expensive games is too much for that, and if you want more than 20 games like that, then good luck!!!

I just use backups, get the joy of playing great games on my Saturn without going broke.

Your mileage may vary.
Is your Saturn modded? Because Saturn can't play backups without some modification.
Outside of a few notable exceptions, the Saturn versions are always much better than the PSX ones (the few exceptions beeing DonPachi, RayStorm and maybe DoDonPachi?)

Everything else is better on the Saturn (Soukyugurentai, Shienryu, Darius Gaiden, Salamander Deluxe Pack, Parodius, Gradius Pack, Thunderforce V, etc..)

And the exclusives are amazing
Yeah, for sure, but I already have a PSX and have invested quite a bit. I'd rather get the (frequently marginally) worse versions of the games on the system i've already established in my collection. especially given it's cheaper.


Is your Saturn modded? Because Saturn can't play backups without some modification.

As others said you can also use Pseudo Saturn, but yes my Saturn is modded. Back when I wanted the 50/60 hz switch on it (since it's a PAL console) I got my friend to modchip it too. Didn't know about Pseudo Saturn solutions back then, but I don't think that a modchip was very hard to put in anyway. And I like to use my AR card as save backups anyway.


Yeah, for sure, but I already have a PSX and have invested quite a bit. I'd rather get the (frequently marginally) worse versions of the games on the system i've already established in my collection. especially given it's cheaper.

In case you ever come back, most of the PSX ports are awfull (especially 2D ones like Darius Gaiden which is atrocious, same with Soukyugurentai which is downright unplayable on PSOne).


Unfortunately, that's actually the correct price, maybe even cheap, for a boxed Derby Stallion skeleton Saturn...
Whew. Those prices are high. I never knew a Saturn system alone could reach 400.

Not that you need that fancy a system. I think the US system would be okay but that price seems a bit high. Ebay is pure luck with Saturn sometimes though. I got my white Saturn 70 shipped, but that was without a box.

Do you have an idea of what kind of games you want for it though? Its one of the rare systems that it makes sense to take stock of what you want to play. Or mod it.

Dark Savior is supposedly great for the price. I hear recommendations on Legend of Oasis as well.
Those prices are not cool but I wish I had anything like that near me.
i go there every other day during dinner time since it's pretty close to where i pick up food.
Unfortunately, that's actually the correct price, maybe even cheap, for a boxed Derby Stallion skeleton Saturn...
most of the stuff is decent price. but some is about ebay prices or higher. They have a Boxed US turbo Duo for 799. i heard those are really rare.

Whew. Those prices are high. I never knew a Saturn system alone could reach 400.

Not that you need that fancy a system. I think the US system would be okay but that price seems a bit high. Ebay is pure luck with Saturn sometimes though. I got my white Saturn 70 shipped, but that was without a box.

Do you have an idea of what kind of games you want for it though? Its one of the rare systems that it makes sense to take stock of what you want to play. Or mod it.

Dark Savior is supposedly great for the price. I hear recommendations on Legend of Oasis as well.
i posted in the Saturn thread that i'm into shooters (probably the most expensive genre at this point) i normally don't pay attention to Saturn but go straight to the genesis snes ps1 and gamecube sections. but after today i started looking at the saturn stuff for the first time. i was going to pull the trigger on a few of the games but decided to hold off until i can fully get into buying a system.

i started to collect a few CIB NES games but don't have a system yet so that's prob first priority but damn those systems on display were tempting me.
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