ABF, which do you believe in the best 2D Zelda game? Is it a LttP despite those flaws or do you like another entry better?
LA is the best 2d Zelda game, of course, followed by Oracle of Ages in second. After that would be Oracle of Seasons. Fourth is much harder, but LttP probably takes it.
Game is gorgeous, however.
The drawn promo art done for the game looks great, but as for the actual in-game sprite art, I disagree; I've never much liked the look of LttP's sprites, they're kind of weird looking and too cartoony...
But LA's is my favorite of the 2D set. It also had a lot of personality. LTTP was missing that. Marin of LA was much more thoughtful than Princess Zelda of LTTP.
A lot of things are better in LA than LttP, yeah -- story, characters, world design, controls, dungeons, gameplay...
You think it has tighter design than LttP? I know it's a large question, but why? How?
LttP's world is incredibly boring in terms of layout, first -- it's just a central castle surrounded by themed areas, that's it. It's the least interesting map of any 2d Zelda game.
And in that map, as D.Lo kind of said, you have lots of areas in LttP that are pointless empty space, random trees that serve no purpose, space that you just run through because there are few barriers to your progress in most of the world, etc. LttP has a much larger world than LA, but it feels small because there's so little to do and there is much less gating.
In comparison, LA's world feels bigger than it is because everything matters, every area is carefully designed and important, the world has a more interesting and varied layout, and there is a much better sense of progression as you explore new areas of the island. It's masterful stuff compared to LttP's large but often pointless areas.
The 3d Zelda comparison here is Majora's Mask, the 3d Zelda game with a smaller-feeling, but more tightly designed and interesting, world than its predecessor (OoT) has. In that case I think OoT is the better game by far, in large part because I find MM's time element very frustrating, but I will admit that I like its world design a lot.
I think they are able to do almost as much as LttP with less pixels. So in that respect, I agree. But I still think LttP has better pacing than LA.
Better pacing? Why? LA's pacing is pretty much perfect. LttP's is fine, that's not one of the bigger flaws with the game, but all of the issues hold it back here too for sure.
Both games are clear classics though. And someone else mentioned they didn't like Minish Cap, but I also thought that game was great.
A lot of people do seem to like Minish Cap, but I've always found it quite disappointing. I really love Capcom's first two Zelda games (Oracles and Seasons), as I said, but Minish Cap is a big step down from those games in a lot of ways. It's got an absurdly small world, art direction I have never liked, a very low difficulty level (this is so disappointing compared to the pretty tough GBC games!), and more... it's alright, but insubstantial. I probably consider it one of the weakest 2d Zelda games, though it's still good for sure.
Well yeah less pixels is one thing it's just insanely impressive. And it has more personality and intrigue in its world despite it being a smaller one.
There's just less waste. LTTP isn't fatty but LA trims the action adventure to the bone. The flip screen graphics really help in this regard, each map 'tile' in LTTP is several screens in size, so there are quite a lot of spots without anything in them, wheras in LA literally every single square is used.
I mostly cover some of my thoughts on this above, but yeah, in addition to LA having the best story in a Zelda game, the job they did at making the world feel so much more interesting than it was in LttP is impressive for sure.
One thing I've often noticed here, for example, is that trees in LttP use four times more tiles than trees in LA do. So LttP's world is bigger, but not more interesting, and there's more to the LA world than its "small" size would suggest if you'd only played the SNES game.
Might sound dumb but I really like being able to jump in Link's Awakening. Opened up avenues for different puzzles too.
That's not dumb at all, jumping is great fun!
What software do you guys use to catalog your collections? I am looking for something I can key into but also be able to call it up on my phone when I am out in a Store. Me and my Wife are moving at the end of January and I started boxing up all my stuff and decided to finally write down every game I own going back to my Atari 2600 collection. I need a program that I can key in each systems software and then be able to print it out, but also have access to it on the fly with my phone.
I used to use some web stuff, but gave up (because all of the ones I've seen have big issues, either lots of missing games, lack of updates, or what have you) and now just use a spreadsheet. For something on the internet... maybe GameFAQs, since of the sites with a database they might have the most complete one?