i just brought a copy of xenoblade 3D off ebay sealed and starting to think about how many games n3ds has... so only 3 huh?
i just brought a copy of xenoblade 3D off ebay sealed and starting to think about how many games n3ds has... so only 3 huh?
PS4 pro came out, does that count in the console cycle?
i'm not sure how to count it but was wondering about 3ds to n3ds. is that same generation?
We need exact guidelines so we can artificially drive the prices up! Right guys..... Right?
For me, it's when all my friends have moved onto whatever console plays the new madden or cod the best and are wondering why I'm still playing "shitty old games on that shitty old system". That's when it's retro for me.
What did anything I say have anything fuck all to do with price?
I apologize. Sarcasm is hard to convey over text.
Edit: after re reading this I think, that you think, I was implying your interest in wether something was retro or not was purely for you to make a buck. This isn't what I think or what I was trying to imply at all. I was making a joke about this retro gaming bubble we currently live in.
We need exact guidelines so we can artificially drive the prices up! Right guys..... Right?
For me, it's when all my friends have moved onto whatever console plays the new madden or cod the best and are wondering why I'm still playing "shitty old games on that shitty old system". That's when it's retro for me.
I apologize. Sarcasm is hard to convey over text.
Edit: after re reading this I think, that you think, I was implying your interest in wether something was retro or not was purely for you to make a buck. This isn't what I think or what I was trying to imply at all. I was making a joke about this retro gaming bubble we currently live in.
"Bubble"... lol okay...
This bubble ain't popping.
Yeah I got it was sarcasm but it came off like you said, that the reason we were discussing somethings retroness was its value.
Just a case of misunderstanding, its all good.
I considered the NES very retro back in the mid 90's, but then again, there were parts of the world it was still being sold and games were being developed for it.About a decade after it was succeeded IMO.
Famicom/NES became retro in 2000
SNES became retro in 2006
N64 became retro in 2011
Gamecube/PS2 in 2016
I think a successor console being released is a good way to draw the line because it's the date on which they cease to be that company's premier device, rather than the last game release or production ceasing (those dates would be 1995 and 2003 for the Famicom, for example). If the console maker leaves the business (Atari, NEC, Sega etc) then it can just be a decade after that.
That's a decent system, I would agree with that. I would also count anything over the 25 to 30 year mark as vintage, like the 2600, C64 and 128, and anything using the Intel 8088 or older. NES/Famicon and Master System is pretty close to vintage now I would think.When buying or selling with other collectors locally, it is understood that retro is defined as being 2 generations or more for that family. So PS2 retro, PS3 is not.
We also use 'vintage' for anything 80s or older... but I have really only seen that alot for computers.
and retroGAFers own a wondermega?
I'm driving now but will look it up when I get in =)I only own the "ugly" X'Eye (wondermega 2)
I had an x'eye for about an hour. Got it off ebay and it couldn't read CDs.
Cool looking, though.
Same thing happened with my CDX.
I just got a giant fuggin' box of case fans for my new computer case. $140 worth of fans. I'm fucking stupid.
Its hard for me to think of the Gamecube/PS2/Xbox as retro. Once people start giving a shit about them again, thats when I consider them Retro. Do y'all consider music from the 80's and 90's Oldies?
GB and GBC were different gens tho, right?
I had this argument in another thread recently. IMO GBC is a separate platform, whereas DSi and N3DS are not.This is how I feel, too. The GBC wasn't a super crazy upgrade, mostly just the color screens and incremental hardware improvements in line with something like n3DS. Not really significant enough to call it a new generation, especially given it was so big because of Pokemon, 5/6 games of which are grey/black carts (yknow.... in theory).
It doesn't really matter if it only had a few 'top' games that have stood the test of time (some games were huge names back then but are worthless now, eg Tony Hawk games, Donkey Kong Country port etc), the key is it had so many exclusives on clear carts.Crystal is the only exclusively color Pokemon game.
And while I am normally the one to defend the GBC as the "best gameboy", particularly in relation to its library, the games you listed are a pretty significant portion of the good exclusives. Other personal favourites I can think of off the top of my head are wario land, hamtaro, and dq3. At which point I start really blanking. The GB library is overwhelmingly grey and black carts.
Yeah, productive day.
Don't mind the Razer swag -- dude over there sent it to me. All I bought were the asinine number of fans and BoI.
So retro up in here.
I do the same thing. I just bought Mario Party for the N64 cib. All I need is Mario Tennis to finish off my boxed Mario 64 collection. Now I'm starting to look at the Wii library, seeing what I missed. I told myself I would quit for awhile, save some money and play some games. Maybe get some home improvements done. Well, I'm feeling lazy now and we just got our refund. It never ends. I always find an excuse to stop and startup again. I'm beginning to think it's a sickness really.If we're still on the subject of buying habits, I keep telling myself I'm done buying retro stuff and then go and buy more.
Late last year I was like "yeah I've got every system I want and pretty much every game" and then "oh yeah Xbox" and went on an Xbox game buying binge.
A couple weeks ago I was like "I'll settle out the Wii U and 3DS library as stuff gets cheaper but otherwise call it quits for a while" and then last week I bought a PSP go along with new old stock accessories for it.
I feel like I'm going to keep up this pattern for a while.
Music from 20+ years old??? Of course!!!Its hard for me to think of the Gamecube/PS2/Xbox as retro. Once people start giving a shit about them again, thats when I consider them Retro. Do y'all consider music from the 80's and 90's Oldies?
Holy shit!!!This is my ball of video game cord hell
Spent 2 hours trying to find a RF switches and power adapters for Genesis and SNES
Only found genesis
fuck that shit ill look for the adapter at a later date
This is my ball of video game cord hell
Spent 2 hours trying to find a RF switches and power adapters for Genesis and SNES
Only found genesis
fuck that shit ill look for the adapter at a later date
This is my ball of video game cord hell
I have no issue with controllers? Just use rubber bands on the cords.Ziploc bags are great for controller management.
Spent 2 hours trying to find a RF switches and power adapters for Genesis and SNES
Only found genesis
fuck that shit ill look for the adapter at a later date
This is my ball of video game cord hell
This is my ball of video game cord hell
I only own the "ugly" X'Eye (wondermega 2)
Easily. It's butt ugly.HOW can you hate on the X'Eye???![]()
I will own one within the year, hopefully.and retroGAFers own a wondermega?
Spent 2 hours trying to find a RF switches and power adapters for Genesis and SNES
Only found genesis
fuck that shit ill look for the adapter at a later date
This is my ball of video game cord hell
Easily. It's butt ugly.
I will own one within the year, hopefully.
Eh, while not as good looking as a Duo R or RX, it's better looking than the original PSX or the Sega Saturn
The HD model 1 Genesis spoiled me from the beginning. Everything after that looks inferior.Except the Wii
I like thinking about games for ps3/360/wii that don't exist in better forms via remaster or PC version.
Some may not even be good games, but these are some that come to mind. I excluded Nintendo first party because not a lot of Wii games got remasters, and never PC ports with them.
Ico/shadow of the Colossus
Ratchet and clank games/collection
Jak and daxter collection
Devil May cry trilogy
Yakuza 3,4,5,dead souls
Killzone trilogy
Resistance trilogy
Motorstorm trilogy
Metal gear solid legacy collection
Outrun online arcade
Sega rally Revo
Lost Odyssey
Blue dragon
D&D collection
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Dark stalkers collection
Afterburner climax
King of fighters 13
Ace combat 6
Tekken tag tournament 2
Tekken 6
Soul Calibur 4/5
Turok 2006
Sonic 2006
Resident evil Darkside/umbrella Chronicles
House of the dead overkill
Ghost squad
Burnout revenge
Ghost recon advanced warfighter 1/2 (the PC versions are different games made by a different developer)
Project Gotham racing 3/4
Halo reach
Red Dead Redemption
Midnight club LA
Nights Wii
Sonic Wii games
It would be nice to get together a definitive list. This is probably missing a lot, just off the top of my head.