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Retro-GAF unite!

Retro GAF just has different wars. Less SONY vs MICROSOFT, more "The N64 is the worst console of all time."

I wouldn't say of all time but maybe if it's generation.

All the companies seem to have their haters on GAF. In my opinion, it's probably just a vocal minority. Most people seem pretty happy that Nintendo is doing well.

I think we're just less concerned with graphics and "warz" in general, considering our focus.

Most of us fought in the biggest console war of all. Shit today is quaint and pathetic.


I think we're just less concerned with graphics and "warz" in general, considering our focus.
Personally, I love graphics tech. I'm extremely into VR, I keep a high-end gaming PC fairly up to date, and I'm often floored booting up big new games on my PC.

...But I can't imagine getting into console wars shit over the Switch. Would I have bought some hypothetical more powerful console-only version? Sure, but ultimately I'm just really happy that I can play all the good games that it's bound to get in console form and I'm happy that there's a big new outlet for Japanese console game development. This rules, and the console is already more appealing to me than the Wii was in its first year.
I wouldn't say of all time but maybe if it's generation.

Most of us fought in the biggest console war of all. Shit today is quaint and pathetic.

So true. I was a full patch member of SEGA back when I was a kid. I would have died for Sonic if I had to.

I do miss when consoles were completely different experiences. Now a days it's the same games different controller.

At first I was up in arms about your N64 comment but... I think I actually agree. As far as multiplayer goes the N64 is king but outside of that I never touch mine whereas I'm constantly finding new stuff to play on Saturn and the PS1 has, maybe, the most diverse and packed library of any console.
I had both SNES and Genesis growing up, both consoles remain two of my favorite to this day. My parents bought SNES on their own and I was definitely 100% on the Genesis hype train from the second I saw Sonic the Hedgehog, so I was able to convince them to get it, as well.

Aside from Super Mario 64 and Goldeneye, I have no real nostalgia for the N64 and it hasn't aged nearly as gracefully as either of the aforementioned consoles.
I recall my introduction to the wars well. At school, chatting about whatever game to my friend. Some shitty kid nearby felt it was their manifest duty to butt into our convo and inform us "Nintendo fucking sucks." Which was bizarre to me then and bizarre to me now.

I've always been the type that wants to play everything, everywhere. PC, console, arcade, phone, whatever. Can I slam a button? Tap a screen? Interact with it in some way? Send it my way, I am interested. I don't give a shit if it runs on a potato.

And I especially don't give a shit what you choose to play or not play on.


I went to some video game store the other day about 30 min from my house that I didn't know existed in Lacey NJ

Had a nice selection of things I was a little overwhelmed first lol . I could have gotten my adapters, there and not spend eBay prices even though they were fairly cheap

I got a sega Saturn model 1 controller $20

That asciiware genesis 6 button stick for $19

And I got official sega genesis 6 button wireless controllers for $30

receiver and 2 controllers was like Ooohh shit

I was looking at all this other stuff they had and stuff they had in cases And stuff not in cases. They had rare genesis games out in the open from the $40-$50 dollar range.

i need to look at there genesis games again, on the table they had a valis 3 cart for 10 bucks. I was sooo going to get that but I stopped myself. That and it could be a repo cart. If it's there in the next 2 weeks when I go I'm getting it.

All in all I found a new place to go to instead of the Columbus flea Mart and store and route 70 flea market
I had both SNES and Genesis growing up, both consoles remain two of my favorite to this day. My parents bought SNES on their own and I was definitely 100% on the Genesis hype train from the second I saw Sonic the Hedgehog, so I was able to convince them to get it, as well.

Aside from Super Mario 64 and Goldeneye, I have no real nostalgia for the N64 and it hasn't aged nearly as gracefully as either of the aforementioned consoles.

I had both as well but I always leaned towards the Genesis since it had Shining Force and was better for action games.

Does 3DO count? I'd vote 3DO.

What about Jaguar? That was 64-bit, the commercial even did the math for you!

I've never used a 3DO but it looks like it was an interesting, but expensive, entry into console gaming history. The Jaguar sucks though. I think if we were to neglect non-serious entries and things like the Virtual Boy, the worst console would either be the Jaguar or the 5200.

what about Dreamcast vs. PS2?

that was a great battle.


I recall my introduction to the wars well. At school, chatting about whatever game to my friend. Some shitty kid nearby felt it was their manifest duty to butt into our convo and inform us "Nintendo fucking sucks." Which was bizarre to me then and bizarre to me now.

I've always been the type that wants to play everything, everywhere. PC, console, arcade, phone, whatever. Can I slam a button? Tap a screen? Interact with it in some way? Send it my way, I am interested. I don't give a shit if it runs on a potato.

And I especially don't give a shit what you choose to play or not play on.

Nintendo fucking sucks tho.


I've always been the type that wants to play everything, everywhere. PC, console, arcade, phone, whatever. Can I slam a button? Tap a screen? Interact with it in some way? Send it my way, I am interested. I don't give a shit if it runs on a potato.

And I especially don't give a shit what you choose to play or not play on.


One of the big reasons I got a Saturn as my main console that gen is because my friends had N64s and Playstations.

one way or another I was gonna play everything

One of the big reasons I got a Saturn as my main console that gen is because my friends had N64s and Playstations.

one way or another I was gonna play everything

I figured my crew was the only one crazy enough to do shit like that. I never even owned a PSX until way after the fact due to coordinating with friends. Played the hell out of RE, Jumping Flash, Toshinden, so on.. all the same.


The title for worst console of all time is probably a tie between the 5200 and the GX4000 :p With the Pippin and the Playdia in the running too now that I think of it.

Anyway the 3 best "system wars" were :

- C64 Vs CPC
- Amiga Vs Atari ST

The rest is child's play. Many fights broke out when those topics cvame up :p

One of the big reasons I got a Saturn as my main console that gen is because my friends had N64s and Playstations.

one way or another I was gonna play everything

When I was a kid, I did so many house chores and weeded front yards so I can save up money for a Sega Saturn. I wanted Nights and Mega Man X4 so bad.

By the time I saved $200, Sega Saturn was being wiped out, so I bought a Nintendo 64 and the rest is history. Years later, I got rid of my N64 (which I regret) and bought a Sega Saturn with a plethora of games including Nights. Such sweet success.


I would bang a hot farmer!
The title for worst console of all time is probably a tie between the 5200 and the GX4000 :p With the Pippin and the Playdia in the running too now that I think of it.

Anyway the 3 best "system wars" were :

- C64 Vs CPC
- Amiga Vs Atari ST

The rest is child's play. Many fights broke out when those topics cvame up :p
And the first two fights didn't matter in North America.


And the first two fights didn't matter in North America.

Just like no wars of significance were fought in America :p

At school you had two camps, the C64 one and the CPC one (no one cared about the Spectrum outside of some brits here and there), then the ST or the Amiga one.

Those were oh so bloody

The SFC/MD one was tame in comparaison (probably because they were so hard to pirate compared to the first 4)
Just like no wars of significance were fought in America :p

At school you had two camps, the C64 one and the CPC one (no one cared about the Spectrum outside of some brits here and there), then the ST or the Amiga one.

Those were oh so bloody

The SFC/MD one was tame in comparaison (probably because they were so hard to pirate compared to the first 4)

Despite what I said above, if you know of any media (video, print, whatever) of smarmy commodore superiority, or similar, I'd kind of be into that. Just because it would be so far removed from my own experience.

I had exposure to 8-bit computers but 386 is where computer gaming really starts in my personal head cannon.
Just like no wars of significance were fought in America :p

At school you had two camps, the C64 one and the CPC one (no one cared about the Spectrum outside of some brits here and there), then the ST or the Amiga one.

Those were oh so bloody

The SFC/MD one was tame in comparaison (probably because they were so hard to pirate compared to the first 4)

Only a complete idiot would prefer the ST though.


Despite what I said above, if you know of any media (video, print, whatever) of smarmy commodore superiority, or similar, I'd kind of be into that. Just because it would be so far removed from my own experience.

I had exposure to 8-bit computers but 386 is where computer gaming really starts in my personal head cannon.

I mean, I believe the channel "Battle of the ports" does in a much more civil way what we were doing way back then at school.

I remember telling friends that the ST version of SOTB fucking sucked and that the Amiga version was were it was at (the worst? I had an Atari 520 STF before going for an Amiga :p and I still have it!)

I mean to this day those good old console wars are all over the net. I could source some french magazines from that time, it would take me a while though.

Only a complete idiot would prefer the ST though.

The ST was king for music composition thanks to the baseline midi interfaces (which is why almost every single piece of modern music making software was born in some way or form on the Atari ST ecosystem, all the way to the Falcom 030)

The ST was also ahead for a while in the drawing departement thanks to Degas Elite (untill Deluxe Paint matured with versions 3 and 4)
I mean, I believe the channel "Battle of the ports" does in a much more civil way what we were doing way back then at school.

I remember telling friends that the ST version of SOTB fucking sucked and that the Amiga version was were it was at (the worst? I had an Atari 520 STF before going for an Amiga :p and I still have it!)

I mean to this day those good old console wars are all over the net. I could source some french magazines from that time, it would take me a while though.

The ST was king for music composition thanks to the baseline midi interfaces (which is why almost every single piece of modern music making software was born in some way or form on the Atari ST ecosystem, all the way to the Falcom 030)

The ST was also ahead for a while in the drawing departement thanks to Degas Elite (untill Deluxe Paint matured with versions 3 and 4)

The ST could be a good system. I have no idea really. I never even heard of it until after Commodore went under because I'm a yank. My knowledge is really just limited to wanting an Amiga and developers holding back Amiga games because they developed for both systems.

The ST came with a midi interface by default? That's pretty cool. How difficult was it to install one on an Amiga? I know it's difficult to find and install one for an X68000 but my PC-98 has one built in so I was thinking about doing music programming on that instead.


Battle of the ports is my favourite YT channel and it's simply awesome. No console war, no shit-talks, a lot of anedoctes about obscure console and computer conversions...it' an amazing channel.


The ST could be a good system. I have no idea really. I never even heard of it until after Commodore went under because I'm a yank. My knowledge is really just limited to wanting an Amiga and developers holding back Amiga games because they developed for both systems.

The ST came with a midi interface by default? That's pretty cool. How difficult was it to install one on an Amiga? I know it's difficult to find and install one for an X68000 but my PC-98 has one built in so I was thinking about doing music programming on that instead.

The ST was a wonderfull computer and the true successor of the C64 (Sam Tramiel took the design plans with him when he left Commodore and purchased Atari, Commodore then looked around and purchased the Amiga design from the young Amiga company which was a startup of sort in 1984).

As far as using a midi interface on the Amiga, all you need is a Midi adapter that connects on the RS-232 port. There were several made and you can even find plans for some DIY action if you're into that :p



gets even better with that news report about how retro stuff's coming back

I wouldn't say of all time but maybe if it's generation.

Most of us fought in the biggest console war of all. Shit today is quaint and pathetic.

strongly agreed on all fronts

SNES vs. Genesis? I don't know... I always thought both were cool and kids who fought about which was better on the playground were dumbasses.

both were cool, and those kids were THE GREATEST GENERATION™

That asciiware genesis 6 button stick for $19

And I got official sega genesis 6 button wireless controllers for $30

still haven't had a chance to mess with the wireless, but that ascii one was alright in the day!

Nintendo Shitty-Bore amirite?

u rite

If we were out of our fuggin' minds

the tao of ABF


I had an ST when all my friends had Amigas, tough times being an Atari kid then with nobody to trade games with! I always felt like the grass was always greener on the other side, so when I had a SNES I wanted a Mega Drive, when I had the PS1 I always desired the Saturn. Thankfully I had friends who would be up for swapping a system for a short while whilst we enjoyed each other's small library of games. Strangely enough, I don't think I came across Console War stuff until the internet, everyone I knew was interested in the games rather than the platform and brand they come from.

Speaking of the ST and Amiga...the MiST FPGA box thing, how perfect is it at playing ST stuff? I was looking at its quality of PC Engine playback and hear it's not perfect but then I don't think it's originally meant for that. Does it also play software made for Amiga CDTV? I am seriously considering getting one if it recreates BBC, Amiga, and ST well.


I prefer to look at the situations where it wasn't the one you had as a kid, but became your favourite of the gen later.

From Mega Drive/SNES onward I got most consoles in order or release, except the Saturn. Now Saturn was actually the worst - in the west (especially PAL), so that kind of made sense. It was N64 and PS1 all the way, N64 obviously had the absolute top games, but PS1 had got the most (single player) playtime due to the obvious huge excellent library. But now years later, Saturn is my favourite and by far most played system of the generation, with help from Japanese games.

As a kid I played Master System (it was the most popular in Australia for a while, eventually dethroned), but now Fami/NES is my #1 of all time. Still a soft spot for Sega 8-bit of all forms though.

I think the only generations where my preference at the time remains my preference now are SNES (over MD - though I now prefer PCE over MD too, primarily for the better CD game library), and Gamecube over the others. I don't think I like any of PSWii60 enough to call a favourite, probably Wii if pushed I guess, but with many caveats.


I had both a Mega Drive and SNES when I was a kid. Got my MD first and SNES a year or so later.

I think I'm more likely to get into debates/arguments about them now at 28 than back then lol.


The MIST is very good at both the ST and Amiga (up to AGA, so the CDTV isn't an issue provided you get disc images usable or use an USB CD drive)

For what it is, PCE recreation is prety good (the core still needs some work) but is restricted to Hu-Cards.

You can check some ST specific videos (and Amiga ones too) to make up your mind.

I also believe someone in here has one and could chime in to provide more information


The Chuck Norris of Peace
I actually only had an Nes before i jumped on the computer bandwagon pretty early, and only got back to console gaming with emulation. Still, my impression too, is that console wars wasnt that usual. A friend with a Snes would trade it for a while with another friend with a Mega Drive, and while none of them would trade for my Nes, i was able to play both systems a lot with them. But yeah, first with emulation, and then in the mid 2000s when i started to seriously collect, was i really able to dive deep into the libraries of the Snes and Mega Drive. And while I love both, i feel the Snes slightly edges it out thanks to the top games like Super Mario World, Zelda 3, Super Metroid, Final Fantasy etc. But right now, I play the Mega Drive way more and have much more fun collecting for it, since there are so many obscure action-plattformers on the system. For the generation that followed, I am mostly the same. My little brother had a PS1 and a few friends had an N64, so i got plenty of exposure to both of them at the time, but after becoming a more serious collector and starting to become interested in searching out less well known stuff, the Saturn became my favorite machine of the gen. Same with Dreamcast next, and Wii after that.

But while i like the Master System/Game Gear-library, there is just nothing that can ever top the Nes/Famicom for me with its incredibly deep library. Still my absolute favorite console.


There's not a single NES action game that can top both GG Shinobi games

None (/braces self for console wars)

In France Sega ran an amazing add campaign during the 8bit/16 bit years. Their motto was "Sega c'est plus fort que toi!" which translates to "Sega, it's stronger/better than you!"

It was totally in your face and we loved it! (Sega/Amiga fanboy represent)


I actually only had an Nes before i jumped on the computer bandwagon pretty early, and only got back to console gaming with emulation. Still, my impression too, is that console wars wasnt that usual. A friend with a Snes would trade it for a while with another friend with a Mega Drive, and while none of them would trade for my Nes, i was able to play both systems a lot with them. But yeah, first with emulation, and then in the mid 2000s when i started to seriously collect, was i really able to dive deep into the libraries of the Snes and Mega Drive. And while I love both, i feel the Snes slightly edges it out thanks to the top games like Super Mario World, Zelda 3, Super Metroid, Final Fantasy etc. But right now, I play the Mega Drive way more and have much more fun collecting for it, since there are so many obscure action-plattformers on the system. For the generation that followed, I am mostly the same. My little brother had a PS1 and a few friends had an N64, so i got plenty of exposure to both of them at the time, but after becoming a more serious collector and starting to become interested in searching out less well known stuff, the Saturn became my favorite machine of the gen. Same with Dreamcast next, and Wii after that.

But while i like the Master System/Game Gear-library, there is just nothing that can ever top the Nes/Famicom for me with its incredibly deep library. Still my absolute favorite console.

NES is great. It was my first console, and probably sits in second place behind the SNES for me. I still need to focus a bit more on it and buy more games though. Luckily I don't mind getting loose carts for that for some games, which should make getting stuff easier.

While the SNES has come up, here's a couple of pics I took for a reply to a Tweet a couple of days ago

Still a lot I want to get, but I'm happy with what I've got at the moment.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Awesome Snes-collection you get there!

And Fularo, i actually own both the GG Shinobis, but there just isnt a good way to play them these days. Guess I need one of those consolized Game Gears eventually.


I wouldn't say of all time but maybe if it's generation.

Most of us fought in the biggest console war of all. Shit today is quaint and pathetic.

Depending on how old you are. there was some epic console wars. For me personally it started with Atari 2600 vs. Intellivision...then of course the epic Nintendo vs. Sega battles, which were legendary.


The title for worst console of all time is probably a tie between the 5200 and the GX4000 :p With the Pippin and the Playdia in the running too now that I think of it.

Anyway the 3 best "system wars" were :

- C64 Vs CPC
- Amiga Vs Atari ST

The rest is child's play. Many fights broke out when those topics cvame up :p

Around where I grew up on the PC side it was:

C64 vs Atari 800xl
Amiga vs Atari ST

I was on the Atari side of the battle. Loved my Atari ST though. Started with a 1040ST then got the Mega ST2 and started a BBS and ran it for a few years. Amazing time frame.


I would bang a hot farmer!
If you have an Everdrive, you can patch GG games to act as SMS ones


(SMSPOWER is Omar's site, of Meka and WonderBoy The Dragon's Trap remake fame)
Speaking of GG, just a reminder for those who care.

beharius said:
Consolized Game Gear units will go up for sale on May 5th at 11:00am Eastern Time or 15:00pm GMT. There will be very few units only. Please don't be sad if you can't get one. Because we are considering to build more in the future. It's just a very time consuming side project for us.
Price is $290 including shipping. Good luck!
beharius said:
The demand is so high that we can't take preorders. It will be available for ordering on our site Beharbros.com for a limited time, there will be very few units, so first come first served.
Maybe for the second batch we can build more units, unfortunately most of the boards (1/3) we received couldn't be revived back.
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