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Retro-GAF unite!


My grails have blown up long ago already =[

I'd love to own a real US Dynastic Hero, since it's a weird Hudson port of Wonder Boy in Monster World for the PC Engine CD/TG16 CD. It's one of the late TTI releases, which were mainly mail-order through their catalogs at the time but were later available from Turbo Zone Direct for years and years while I ignored it until after the current price explosion. It's up to depressing prices, though someone did manage to snag one on eBay that was incorrectly priced based on the manual alone cost of $150. Lucky!

My other grail is a complete Little Samson. After Akita Kitamura, the real creator of Mega Man, moved on from Capcom, he joined Takeru. Takeru is relatively unknown developer that contained some ridiculous talent like Kouichi Yotsui (Strider, Osman) and Utata Kiyoshi (sprite artist on Metal Storm.) Their first Famicom game was Cocoron, which is an evolution of the Mega Man formula with player-chosen body parts that affect your abilities. It's pretty interesting but not like omg. Their next game was Seirei Densetsu Lickle (something like Spirit Legend Lickle) which was actually brought over to the US near the end of the NES's life and translated into Little Samson, ensuring nobody would ever buy it =[


So another question to my collectors friends. What is the grail in your collection? Whether you have been able to obtain it yet or not. What is that one game that you just have to have, and/or may be worth the absolute most?

For me, I think the CPS Changer games will be the absolute most difficult to ever get, let alone their price will be astronomical.

I have a few, the Sharp x860000 being at the top of the list. Nearly pulled the trigger on one for 350.00, which isnt a bad price but it didnt have a keyboard andthe games themselves arent easy to find. I just don't have the time or money to invest in it right now. I also desperatly want an Astro cab but the price with freight costs, not to mention lack of space, makes this a pipe dream right now.
More realistic grails include Rondo of Blood for PC Engine and Elevator Action Returns for Saturn. Both are attainable but whenever I think about buying them, i also think of all the games I could buy for my SNES. Speaking of which, EVO is a bit of a grail. I always thought it was a fun and quirky game but cant justify 150ish for a loose cart...yet. ;-)
That Mega Man collection ... holy mother of God. Wow.

Thanks :)

I own a hell of a lot of Mega Man games, but those were bought way before the current Mega Man inflation bubble that makes buying these games way too daunting.

Prices on some of the MM games now are insane, I'm so glad I managed to get them a few years back before prices shot up. Wily Wars especially goes for crazy prices these days, pity as the Wily Tower part of the game is brilliant.
Then again I am feeling the price hike on Famicom and Game and Watch stuff. I still get stuff for my collection, but I can only get a couple of bits at a time rather than a whole lot which sucks :(

So another question to my collectors friends. What is the grail in your collection? Whether you have been able to obtain it yet or not. What is that one game that you just have to have, and/or may be worth the absolute most?

For me, I think the CPS Changer games will be the absolute most difficult to ever get, let alone their price will be astronomical.

My holy grail is this:

Its a Chinese only PC release but I can't fine it at all, even Taobao doesn't have any for sale. I'd love to get hold of this and would probably pay a crazy price to get it.

Plus Game and Watch wise it'd be Mickey Mouse and Donkey Kong Circus (Panorama releases). Both are hard to find complete, even harder to find at a decent price!


Thanks :)

Prices on some of the MM games now are insane, I'm so glad I managed to get them a few years back before prices shot up. Wily Wars especially goes for crazy prices these days, pity as the Wily Tower part of the game is brilliant.
Then again I am feeling the price hike on Famicom and Game and Watch stuff. I still get stuff for my collection, but I can only get a couple of bits at a time rather than a whole lot which sucks :(

My holy grail is this:

Its a Chinese only PC release but I can't fine it at all, even Taobao doesn't have any for sale. I'd love to get hold of this and would probably pay a crazy price to get it.

Plus Game and Watch wise it'd be Mickey Mouse and Donkey Kong Circus (Panorama releases). Both are hard to find complete, even harder to find at a decent price!

That's awesome. I'm a huge fan of the Mega Man franchise. But the sheer number of titles is daunting and the rise of prices turns me off too. :/ maybe one day tho.

Those CPS Changer and the X68000 games are def the rarest of SF games. If I could find SUPER on X68000 I'd be very happy. Id pay real good for a copy.
I looked into getting a CPS changer but never managed to track one down. Good luck on finding one of those!

As for the Sharp X68000 games, have you checked Yahoo Japan Auctions? That's where I got these from:

Still missing Strider and Ghouls and Ghosts though...


I looked into getting a CPS changer but never managed to track one down. Good luck on finding one of those!

As for the Sharp X68000 games, have you checked Yahoo Japan Auctions? That's where I got these from:

Still missing Strider and Ghouls and Ghosts though...

........!!!!!!!! I was able to get Champion but I NEED Super. I looked via Rinkya but didn't see any. :(

Congrats though! I need both Super and Final Fight.


Don't you need like a Japan credit card or something weird to use Yahoo Auctions? I'd love to be on there.

You can use a third-party service like Rinkya. I use them all the time. Got some completed Gundam models and rare trading cards via them. They charge a fee but it's efficient.
Don't you need like a Japan credit card or something weird to use Yahoo Auctions? I'd love to be on there.

I used Shopping Mall Japan to get those, you can use other 3rd party services like Jaeger
mentioned. They were really handy when it came to getting some of the Japanese only stuff I needed.


Got a few new pieces of art to put up a few weeks ago but they were only bagged and boarded. Frames were 3 for the price of 2 online the other day so I thought eh, why not?



okay retro-GAF, maybe you can help me on a simple issue of AC adapters

i found a powered USB hub i have need of in my closet, but no plug. it's a 7.5v (2.1a), any console/etc standard type plugs i might have about that'd work before i give a guy nine dollars on ebay?

Ban Puncher

okay retro-GAF, maybe you can help me on a simple issue of AC adapters

i found a powered USB hub i have need of in my closet, but no plug. it's a 7.5v (2.1a), any console/etc standard type plugs i might have about that'd work before i give a guy nine dollars on ebay?

Couldn't you buy a brand new USB hub for around nine bucks?


okay retro-GAF, maybe you can help me on a simple issue of AC adapters

i found a powered USB hub i have need of in my closet, but no plug. it's a 7.5v (2.1a), any console/etc standard type plugs i might have about that'd work before i give a guy nine dollars on ebay?

You need an equal voltage, over or equal amperage, and identical polarity.


What is eBay and PayPal policy on reproduction cartridges? If I buy a game and get shipped a repro, can I ask for a refund? What do I do with the cartridge afterwards?


What is eBay and PayPal policy on reproduction cartridges? If I buy a game and get shipped a repro, can I ask for a refund? What do I do with the cartridge afterwards?

It's legal as long as it's been stated as repro. If someone mislead you and the listing did not notate it was a repro cart, that's fraud no matter what the item was.

File a claim with both PayPal and eBay if the seller is not willing to cooperate.
So, fill me in on Wily Wars. Looks like you can get a North American repro version since the game was released via the Sega Channel. Going for about $50 on eBay. Worth it?



Ban Puncher

Reproduction cartridges or CDs of expensive games is some poser level shit.

Translations, unreleased games and hilarious ROM hack bootlegs out of China are all fair game though. Cannot wait for my copy of Top Fighter 2000 MK VIII on Mega Drive to arrive from glorious mother Russia.


Definitely. I saw a copy of Earthbound that was labeled "reoroduction" sell for 125.00 on eBay today. Wtf? Im not opposed to buying repros but come on. Who buys this stuff at that price? They could have spent a little more and bought an actual Earthbound cart.

I had some dipshit on my local trading forum try and sell 2 Earthbound Uncut Repros for $180 each. Trying to say they were more rare than an original Earthbound. I promptly told him to fuck off for trying to flip a $30 item for 500% profit and banned him.
I had some dipshit on my local trading forum try and sell 2 Earthbound Uncut Repros for $180 each. Trying to say they were more rare than an original Earthbound. I promptly told him to fuck off for trying to flip a $30 item for 500% profit and banned him.

Sounds like the everyday life of the people who are just in it for the money.
You should never, ever buy repros from eBay. They are always overpriced.


Here you go. $35.

Yeah I know better than that. I guess the price was more of an observation than part of the question. I am not as familiar with the Genesis library as I am with the NES and SNES and for some reason I thought the game had a proper release in NA. My real question is whether I should put WW on my get list if/when I start getting into Genesis stuff (I have MM 1-3 on NES).


Yeah I know better than that. I guess the price was more of an observation than part of the question. I am not as familiar with the Genesis library as I am with the NES and SNES and for some reason I thought the game had a proper release in NA. My real question is whether I should put WW on my get list if/when I start getting into Genesis stuff (I have MM 1-3 on NES).

The game was developed by Minakuchi Engineering, the same people that worked on Game Boy Mega Man I and III-V. It had a troubled development history but overall, I think they did a great job. I'd definitely recommend it to anyone if the high price of the game wasn't prohibitive, so the repro is fine.
Sounds like the everyday life of the people who are just in it for the money.

To expand: There are plenty of people making money from the hobby that provide a valuable resource. Modders, people who have designed and built their own custom replacement/enhancement parts for systems/use with systems, repro cart makers, and so on. I know I would have a lot less enjoyment with the hobby if not for things like cables from RCA, Tim's nesrgb board, and then someone who is able to install it, like baphomet. All of these people deserve the money they make from the services they provide. Then you have the scum that provide nothing and only act as the unnecessary middle men between an item and someone who wants it. People that would try to do things like flip a custom repro cart that is readily available for way more then the person who makes them currently sells them for. Or resellers that keep prices up by buying/bidding up everything that is lower then their price just to control the market.

I guess I'm just bitter though. I hate that I can't even use Craigslist anymore without seeing more "Buying all retro games, cash in hand" ads then actual listed products.


I had some dipshit on my local trading forum try and sell 2 Earthbound Uncut Repros for $180 each. Trying to say they were more rare than an original Earthbound. I promptly told him to fuck off for trying to flip a $30 item for 500% profit and banned him.


Everytime i see some bullshit like this on ebay, i do my best to annoy the seller with dumb offers. I know it doesnt change anything but it makes me feel better.

I guess I'm just bitter though. I hate that I can't even use Craigslist anymore without seeing more "Buying all retro games, cash in hand" ads then actual listed products.

Same bullshit where I live. The worst part, is that I live in a large city with literally no game stores that sell retro stuff. I dont have a car and all of them are far outside the city except for one that is bus accessible, but last I checked them out, they had very little stock of anything pre PS2, and the prices were basically pulled from eBay.
To expand: There are plenty of people making money from the hobby that provide a valuable resource. Modders, people who have designed and built their own custom replacement/enhancement parts for systems/use with systems, repro cart makers, and so on. I know I would have a lot less enjoyment with the hobby if not for things like cables from RCA, Tim's nesrgb board, and then someone who is able to install it, like baphomet. All of these people deserve the money they make from the services they provide. Then you have the scum that provide nothing and only act as the unnecessary middle men between an item and someone who wants it. People that would try to do things like flip a custom repro cart that is readily available for way more then the person who makes them currently sells them for. Or resellers that keep prices up by buying/bidding up everything that is lower then their price just to control the market.

I guess I'm just bitter though. I hate that I can't even use Craigslist anymore without seeing more "Buying all retro games, cash in hand" ads then actual listed products.
yeah, it's unfortunate. There are always people looking to make a quick buck off of things, but the lack of any subtlety or respect for consumers and the market as a whole is really obnoxious. I feel petty putting it to words, but I get so irritated seeing eBay listings for something incredibly mundane with 100 buzz words cluttering up the screen and a starting bid double the cost of the product.
Sharing my joy with RetroGAF, this came in today. :)

Very happy about this. Waiting on the next piece of my collecting venture!

There is no arcade perfect version of this, but this one is probably the closest.

The best fighting game of all time, IMO. I know a guy who has a head to head astro city set up for this game. It's a real experience.


There is no arcade perfect version of this, but this one is probably the closest.

The best fighting game of all time, IMO. I know a guy who has a head to head astro city set up for this game. It's a real experience.

Yea, brother. That seems to the general consensus I get. In fact I decided to grab this version after oneida suggested I go after it. Actually, it fueled my desire to start collecting SFII titles too.

Fucking awesome. I want to nab that one, myself.

Yea man. There are a small few left (on eBay). Grab them while you can. From what i understand they are really rare. I wish I grabbed one when they were way less. That seems to be my story with everything though.
Sharing my joy with RetroGAF, this came in today. :)

Very happy about this. Waiting on the next piece of my collecting venture!

Awesome pick up :) Very jealous of you on that one. I don't have that in my DC fighters collection, and that console probably had the best line up of fighters for me alongside the Saturn and Neo Geo.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Can anyone tell me how Taito Legends compares to Taito Memories?

Taito Memories is a 4-part (I think it's four parts) series that includes a lot more games than the Legends counterp arts. I've also heard that the emulation is more accurate in Memories.

I've only played Legends 2 on the PS2, personally, and wasn't impressed by the emulation. Made me think I didn't like Taito arcade games for a while.

Edit: This thread might be of some use: http://shmups.system11.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=17394


If the X68000 came out in the West it would have blown the competition away, I'm looking at you Commodore Amiga, and Atari ST! ...(provided it had the right western support..)


ugh, didn't even know Taito Memories existed, now i gotta track that down one day...i fucking love these compilation discs, still want Konami Antique MSX collection and that Tecmo one on Xbox, wonder which others im missing out on


Unfortunately, just like Taito Legends 1 and 2, the four Taito Memories collections also do NOT support tate mode for any of the vertical shooters on the discs. Annoying. There are some games in the Japanese collections that aren't in the US ones, though. I don't have the Japanese collections, but sometime might get the ones that don't overlap so much with the US collections.
ugh, didn't even know Taito Memories existed, now i gotta track that down one day...i fucking love these compilation discs, still want Konami Antique MSX collection and that Tecmo one on Xbox, wonder which others im missing out on

I didn't know either set existed until now. I have a region free PS2 so it's tempting but I already have Legends 1 and 2 so I'm good on Taito collections for now. I'd settle for that Konami Arcade Classics PS1 game -- it's getting rather expensive it seems. I know I saw it at a local store for $10 or $12 not all that long ago.


I didn't know either set existed until now. I have a region free PS2 so it's tempting but I already have Legends 1 and 2 so I'm good on Taito collections for now. I'd settle for that Konami Arcade Classics PS1 game -- it's getting rather expensive it seems. I know I saw it at a local store for $10 or $12 not all that long ago.
Once you open up your collecting to other regions it can get ugly real fast....

And by ugly I mean expensive. And by expensive I mean I need to stop importing games.
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