the collection is complete~
that's my roommate's shellless turbo everdrive (i'll likely get my own down the road, they're not expensive), and i plan on an SMS one day for the SG-1000 library, but i'm really happy with this! Mega Everdrive label could use some work, but that one honestly gets the most use and it's not like they're often out of their respective systems, haha
honestly, i should've done this years ago - i now have the means to play anything i want on any cart system, without emulating. i likewise have every disc-based system up to about the 7th (last) gen modded to play backups, so from now on, i can literally play anything i have the hardware for. this way, stuff i absolutely love gets added to a list & i feel no rush to pick any of it up until i find it for a price i want...if that never happens, i still get to experience it.
with the way prices have gone the last few years - particularly how bad US saturn & turbo stuff got - i told myself this would be the year i stop worrying about the bubble & my white whale/etc skyrocketing like Little Samson & others have. fear's a shitty reason to do anything, and even winning the lottery tomorrow wouldn't make me feel better about forking over half my rent check just to have Space Adventure Cobra on my shelf, much less feed the cycle.
not judging anybody here for doing otherwise, mind - just really excited to play games, not follow ebay/pricechart crap like it's comics in the early 90's all over again. god knows
my backlog isn't getting any better now, but i'm so happy with these guys.