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Retro-GAF unite!

Yeah I forgot to post her webpage earlier. She seems cool.

That's actually a very nice site.

I met my soon-to-be wife playing diablo 2. At the time I couldn't keep up with her.

Now she has no interest in games other then Mario party or Mario kart with friends.

When it's just us at home she will usually turn down my idea of playing a game together because she feels " she can do something more worth while with her time" yet I'll usually find her watching kardashians on TV lol.


I've heard of her before. She's a pretty prolific collector.

As much as I enjoy collecting, I could never have a whole home like that lol.

I'm fine with my retro corner. I prefer a more minimal look.


I've heard of her before. She's a pretty prolific collector.

As much as I enjoy collecting, I could never have a whole home like that lol.

I'm fine with my retro corner. I prefer a more minimal look.

I feel like at some point it goes from collecting to hoarding.


I feel like at some point it goes from collecting to hoarding.

I have a whole bunch of consoles and games, but I thin out the collection regularly. For one thing, selling stuff makes money which can be put back into buying other, more important pieces. And for another - I don't want bad or uninteresting things taking up space in my place.

It's a personal library, not an archive of everything ever done. I want, like the top 30 PC Engine games, not the top 200. Even having 30 gives me that feeling of 'this is like being a rich man in 1993'.


It's a personal library, not an archive of everything ever done. I want, like the top 30 PC Engine games, not the top 200. Even having 30 gives me that feeling of 'this is like being a rich man in 1993'.

That feeling is precisely why I bought a 3DO.



I have a whole bunch of consoles and games, but I thin out the collection regularly. For one thing, selling stuff makes money which can be put back into buying other, more important pieces. And for another - I don't want bad or uninteresting things taking up space in my place.

It's a personal library, not an archive of everything ever done. I want, like the top 30 PC Engine games, not the top 200. Even having 30 gives me that feeling of 'this is like being a rich man in 1993'.

That reminds me that I really need to thin out my Dreamcast and Wii libraries someday. I have about 60 Dreamcast titles and maybe 80 Wii games. I need to go through and play the games I haven't played and either decide to keep or ditch 'em.
Some people clearly have the money and space, so kudos to them for that. Just because someone has a massive collection doesn't make them a hoarder, clearly everything she has is neat and organized. Perhaps some people just like to keep all of their games that they pick up and not resell. People do the same with books, movies, & music. Are they hoarders too?

Whatever makes them happy.


I've always thought that was impossible, until i've talked with other guys at work before, and they arent that into games in the least bit. More women i've talked to drop stuff about Mario Kart every now and then.

I basically never meet anyone, men or women, with any interest in games in the slightest, unless it's at an event about gaming (like when they setup a retro museum at a local tech event for example), or my childhood/school friends who I became friends with at the time due to similar interests. Even then, they're not really into it compared to me. That's not a brag or anything, it's just, it's not their main hobby like it is for me. It could also be because at my work for example I'm the youngest person there by a big margin. The other week we had two six packs of bread rolls and somebody had eaten 3 off each leaving two mirrored L shapes, and I fit them into one box to save space and someone was like "How did you do that?" and I said "Tetris!" and they were like "What's Tetris?" I nearly died.

The only person I've really met incidentally who is on my level of interest with gaming is now my husband and that's pretty much it, I think we were lucky to find each other, and we have good complementary interests so not much overlap in our collection.

Although I guess I'm not including guys I've met who are dicks about me liking games (who start with the *scoff* BUT YOU'RE A GIRL type comments) because I don't tend to continue the conversation past that.


Some people clearly have the money and space, so kudos to them for that. Just because someone has a massive collection doesn't make them a hoarder, clearly everything she has is neat and organized. Perhaps some people just like to keep all of their games that they pick up and not resell. People do the same with books, movies, & music. Are they hoarders too?

Whatever makes them happy.
Not hoarders like the TV show, but yeah I think a lot of people are hoarders. Or I know I would feel like a hoarder if I had too much junk and clutter. And yes, my mum is a book hoarder for example. 20 shelves of books that will never be read again, kept 'just in case'. Actually the 80s encyclopaedias end up being hilarious to read now, but I don't think they were worth taking up that much space and two moves for the few laughs!

Amiibo or any other toys for example - big NO for me. I have a 'no trinkets' rule, no toys, everything must have a purpose or be historically signifiant (well technically Amiibo have a purpose but a small one).

Also I like focus in a collection. I love complete sets, so am always impressed by those with a CIB Virtual Boy or 32X collection, for example. Or like I mentioned above, getting your uncompromised top 20/30 for a console. No padding - it's so easy to pad out collections with cheap medicore games, especially in Japan.

I basically never meet anyone, men or women, with any interest in games in the slightest, unless it's at an event about gaming (like when they setup a retro museum at a local tech event for example), or my childhood/school friends who I became friends with at the time due to similar interests. Even then, they're not really into it compared to me. That's not a brag or anything, it's just, it's not their main hobby like it is for me. It could also be because at my work for example I'm the youngest person there by a big margin. The other week we had two six packs of bread rolls and somebody had eaten 3 off each leaving two mirrored L shapes, and I fit them into one box to save space and someone was like "How did you do that?" and I said "Tetris!" and they were like "What's Tetris?" I nearly died.

The only person I've really met incidentally who is on my level of interest with gaming is now my husband and that's pretty much it, I think we were lucky to find each other, and we have good complementary interests so not much overlap in our collection.

Although I guess I'm not including guys I've met who are dicks about me liking games (who start with the *scoff* BUT YOU'RE A GIRL type comments) because I don't tend to continue the conversation past that.
Similar experience here. I had some mates who were into games at many points, but mostly just new games (at the time that was PS1/N64/Dreamcast at Uni then GCN/Xbox later). After that it kind of faded as I went back to Famicom etc, getting bored of shooters.

I'm not even sure I'd know how to 'share' anymore lol. if I had people round we could play fighting games pretty easily I guess.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Huh... the loan just got approved on my first house. I'm totally going to have a dedicated old-school setup. It's going to be cool.

Also thinking about buying an Analogue CMVS. Is this a good or bad idea?


Also thinking about buying an Analogue CMVS. Is this a good or bad idea?



Huh... the loan just got approved on my first house. I'm totally going to have a dedicated old-school setup. It's going to be cool.

Also thinking about buying an Analogue CMVS. Is this a good or bad idea?
There are obviously many cheaper options. They're supposed to be top quality for a CMVS though.

Congraturation on the house through. My plan is to do that within 1-2 years (well, a unit, I love the city...).

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
There are obviously many cheaper options. They're supposed to be top quality for a CMVS though.

Congraturation on the house through. My plan is to do that within 1-2 years (well, a unit, I love the city...).

Yeah, I really just want a Neo Geo unit that's decked out. I like that it has Unibios installed, and the wood looks cool. Just wanna make sure that if I'm going to shell out $650, it's really a top of the line piece of kit.

And yeah, the house thing still hasn't sunk in. I'm like maybe 1 mile from downtown Seattle, so I still feel "in the city" enough for my liking. It'll be cool.


Huh... the loan just got approved on my first house. I'm totally going to have a dedicated old-school setup. It's going to be cool.

Also thinking about buying an Analogue CMVS. Is this a good or bad idea?

Congrats on the house! I need to go ahead and get with my employer's credit union so I can progress down that path, but thats another thread.

EDIT: Go Omega CMVS. That AES style shell is just classic.
I really want to like Ghoul Panic but the constant res switching and awful loading times are getting in the way.

And now my disc locks up after every round, halp me david!

I was playing in the dark but I'll go check it now that it's morning!

Could just need a good clean!

Although I might enlist your help soon for another disc I have, it looks like it has a small puncture mark in it. But I'll meet you in the Gamecube thread for that :)

Edit: Yep it's scratched. More like gouges really. I've tried taking a pic but it just looks like I'm holding a little round mirror lol.

hey retroGAF,
i thought i move this over here as earlier i posted on here removing scratches for 1/4-1/3 of a CD. i went and did the whole disc just now and wanted to post a follow up w/ a step by step that might be helpful:
please pardon the large post, it's going to have several photos just to show the brands used and results:

if you want to see what the disc's condition at the start, you can look over here: post #2202:

Before we begin, there's 3 steps in removing scratches from a disc:
1. Rubbing Compound
2. Polishing Compound
3. Finishing Polish

First step: (to buff out deep scratches, skip this step if you only have slight swirls)
i used this Crest brand toothpaste as a rubbing compound:
Crest Complete multi- benefit gel w/ extra whitening

using a 100% cotton white t-shirt, i took a dab of it (old photo)

and began rubbing all around the CD in a circular motion. rubbing pretty hard. keep in mind my disc had deep and shallow scratches all over and pretty beat up. if your disc only has one or two deep scratches, you don't have to go over the entire area, just work the spots needed.

at a point the paste will become dry and very hard to rub which is good, that's the friction needed to begin buffing out deep scratches.
if it becomes too dry, add a dab of water:


buff thoroughly and wipe down the disc. the end result should look like this
(click to enlarge)
deep scratches should all be leveled out while the disc will look hazy full of micro scratches completely all over the disc. fear not, the next steps will be to buff out these with a polishing compound =)

Second step:

For a polishing compound, i used Mequiars Scratch Remover 2.0 (there's also a gentler one called PLastX by the same brand which i recommend over this but don't have at the moment, so this'll do)


apply a generous amount of polishing compound(more than what's pictured) and use a microfiber cloth to buff.you want to use plenty of muscle to buff really bc you're basically getting out all the micro scratches while polishing the disc. wipe down the disc after.

end result of step 2 (ignore the date on the paper, i'm just using that to keep my table from being dirty)
looks pretty good eh? well, if you're satisfied you can stop here, but there's some really fine scratches that the camera won't pick up so... onto adding a finishing polish =)

Step 3: add a finishing polish as it acts as a filler for small imperfections.
this is the brand i use:

i use Zymol but you can use Eagle1 polish as well, either one is good. I own a bunch of high end instruments w/ delicate finishes and this is what is used to remove scratches w/o damaging the finish.

same as step 2 apply an generous amount of finish polish:

using a microfiber cloth, muscle and don't allow the polish to be rubbed off. please note the Zymol dries on the cloth and hardens which can scratch the disc so add dab of water on the area of the cloth when needed.

next, wait and let the polish dry. buff the dried polish off the entire surface of the disc. make sure to move to a clean area of the cloth when buffing off the dried polish. redo steps 1 and 2 if you see some deep scratches not coming out.

afterwards: success!



anyway, as always, try at your own risk, but it's pretty easy, took me 30 mins =)
i recommend practicing first on a blank or cheap disc.
peagles, if you have any more questions just pm me and i'll try and assist.


Thanks for that! First mission will be to find products like that here (or maybe import to get the same ones) as I'm down in lil old NZ.


I basically never meet anyone, men or women, with any interest in games in the slightest, unless it's at an event about gaming (like when they setup a retro museum at a local tech event for example), or my childhood/school friends who I became friends with at the time due to similar interests. Even then, they're not really into it compared to me. That's not a brag or anything, it's just, it's not their main hobby like it is for me. It could also be because at my work for example I'm the youngest person there by a big margin. The other week we had two six packs of bread rolls and somebody had eaten 3 off each leaving two mirrored L shapes, and I fit them into one box to save space and someone was like "How did you do that?" and I said "Tetris!" and they were like "What's Tetris?" I nearly died.

The only person I've really met incidentally who is on my level of interest with gaming is now my husband and that's pretty much it, I think we were lucky to find each other, and we have good complementary interests so not much overlap in our collection.

Although I guess I'm not including guys I've met who are dicks about me liking games (who start with the *scoff* BUT YOU'RE A GIRL type comments) because I don't tend to continue the conversation past that.

Peagles, (correct me if I'm misremembering your location) but do you think that has to do with the fact that you're from a country where gaming is insanely expensive compared to other countries?

I've met several cool girls in my city who enjoy gaming - though admittedly almost none of them are into it to the same extent I am either.

I feel like a lot of girls say they're super into it to get with me, but then they can barely run and jump at the same time in Mario.... I'm like "It's okay... let's just make out instead"... but I'm slightly frowning on the inside.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Peagles, (correct me if I'm misremembering your location) but do you think that has to do with the fact that you're from a country where gaming is insanely expensive compared to other countries?

I've met several cool girls in my city who enjoy gaming - though admittedly almost none of them are into it to the same extent I am either.

I feel like a lot of girls say they're super into it to get with me, but then they can barely run and jump at the same time in Mario.... I'm like "It's okay... let's just make out instead"... but I'm slightly frowning on the inside.

If you go to PAX or something like that, they tend to come out of hiding. It's kind of eye-opening.

Granted, a lot of them are absolute ogres, but there's quite a few cuties in the bunch. Who weren't paid to be there. I think.
I can't help but feel like it's still early for the Wii.

I mean, okay, it's been ten years, and I suppose Genesis was considered "retro" by the time the PS2 was in full swing ten years later, but still! Maybe once the NX is out (presumably later this year)...


I've heard of her before. She's a pretty prolific collector.

As much as I enjoy collecting, I could never have a whole home like that lol.

I'm fine with my retro corner. I prefer a more minimal look.

Same here. Anyone with a decent income and a spare room could pull that off, but it's too much stuff. Undoubtedly cool and props for making it come together so well, but definitely not for me. At most, I want a small room with a practical setup of consoles, games and displays I feel are necessary for my enjoyment.
Yeah i dont want to hate, but theres something off putting about amassing that much stuff. Maybe i'll change my tune when i'm rich.

On the plus side, people actually seem to hang out and use the set ups.

And i have my own collection quirks, so 3 fingers pointing back and all that.


Peagles, (correct me if I'm misremembering your location) but do you think that has to do with the fact that you're from a country where gaming is insanely expensive compared to other countries?

I've met several cool girls in my city who enjoy gaming - though admittedly almost none of them are into it to the same extent I am either.

I feel like a lot of girls say they're super into it to get with me, but then they can barely run and jump at the same time in Mario.... I'm like "It's okay... let's just make out instead"... but I'm slightly frowning on the inside.

Naw cos everything's expensive here, it's not like gaming is an outlier really.

I think it's just like, a hidden hobby, people think it's for kids. In the comfort of my own home I feel fine being a mega geek, but when I'm at work and other places I feel like I have to hide it. Every time I go to buy a game in a shop there's queues out the door because they're so busy, and there was an hour long wait to get into the retro museum, but I never seem to meet these people outside of those specific situations.

I had a few guys try and do that too with gaming and hooking up. It was annoying. They'd either play the "Oh yeh I like games too" card or the "I think it's so cool that you like games" card and then turn out to be full of shit pretty quickly. The worst was the "I'm better than you at games because I'm a guy and I'm going to forcefully prove that to you" card, lol. One guy dragged me to the arcade and made me play Street Fighter II against him. Now while I admire fighting game prowess, at that time I had maybe played it once or twice. He shocked me repeatedly with Blanka to win both rounds while I tried to explain that although I'm into gaming and had just bought a fight stick for my SNES I'm not very experienced with fighting games. He then spent the next week or so shaming me loudly about it in front of other people.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
I can't help but feel like it's still early for the Wii.

I mean, okay, it's been ten years, and I suppose Genesis was considered "retro" by the time the PS2 was in full swing ten years later, but still! Maybe once the NX is out (presumably later this year)...

It is too early for Wii to be considered retro, and I made that Wii thread. It's more for people who want to see what they missed now that the system is dead, but it's not like it has any real relevance for people looking for retro shit.


Naw cos everything's expensive here, it's not like gaming is an outlier really.

I think it's just like, a hidden hobby, people think it's for kids. In the comfort of my own home I feel fine being a mega geek, but when I'm at work and other places I feel like I have to hide it. Every time I go to buy a game in a shop there's queues out the door because they're so busy, and there was an hour long wait to get into the retro museum, but I never seem to meet these people outside of those specific situations.

I had a few guys try and do that too with gaming and hooking up. It was annoying. They'd either play the "Oh yeh I like games too" card or the "I think it's so cool that you like games" card and then turn out to be full of shit pretty quickly. The worst was the "I'm better than you at games because I'm a guy and I'm going to forcefully prove that to you" card, lol. One guy dragged me to the arcade and made me play Street Fighter II against him. Now while I admire fighting game prowess, at that time I had maybe played it once or twice. He shocked me repeatedly with Blanka to win both rounds while I tried to explain that although I'm into gaming and had just bought a fight stick for my SNES I'm not very experienced with fighting games. He then spent the next week or so shaming me loudly about it in front of other people.

What a lame-o that guy was. Glad you found a fellow gamer to marry who was actually genuine about it.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
It is too early for Wii to be considered retro, and I made that Wii thread. It's more for people who want to see what they missed now that the system is dead, but it's not like it has any real relevance for people looking for retro shit.
It occupies a weird space for me. GameCube is, in my opinion, retro - but the Wii is really just a continuation of the GameCube with motion control bolted on. You're basically dealing with the same hardware (to a degree) with end results that look pretty similar. The Wii is the first console to have basically remained similar in capability to a previous generation machine.

I also wouldn't consider it retro but it is certainly something to think about.
Thanks for that! First mission will be to find products like that here (or maybe import to get the same ones) as I'm down in lil old NZ.

for the rubbing compound (step 1) you can use something else or really ultra fine sand paper and wet sand the disc to buff out deep scratches. some guy used liquid rubbing compound mixed w/ house hold ajax as an abrasive and had success (i'm not that brave)

Nice! Looks like I can pick up the stuff I need from my local Walmart.



Think I will give this a go this week.
yeah, that's the stuff =) let us know the results =)

Thank you for that wonderful post David. I will be testing this out soon!

I second this. Above and beyond the call of duty sir!
thanks =)

seriously, think i'm gonna link david's post in the OP - super thorough, thanks man!

awe man! you're awesome, i appreciate putting a link OP =)

i updated my post to include:
-recommend practicing on a junk/sample cd first before attempting on an expensive game.
-updated step one w/ the following info: step 1 is specifically for deep scratches and skip if disc only has light swirls. if disc only has one or few isolated deep scratches, buffing entire disc is not necessary.
-completely wipe the disc down after each step.

alright! i wish you guys success=)


I don't talk about my hobby unless it comes up naturally. It's not that I'm worried about being considered a nerd... it's the fact that most people truly don't give a shit. It was years ago when I saw eyes-glazed boredom that readily indicated to me, yeah, don't talk about video games to non-enthusiasts. Beyond thinking you're a nerd, you will be regarded as an annoying jackass who doesn't stfu. If they bring up games, I keep it real casual instead of misinterpreting that as an invitation to rant and go into obscure stuff no one asked about.

And I'm fine with not being very vocal about what I like to uninterested parties. I myself get out of a hundred different types of conversations that bore me to tears. I had my haircut on Friday and the guy asks me if I'm watching the game this weekend and I was half serious when I replied "what game."

As far as meeting like-minded people? Actual video game enthusiasts are rare outside of specific times and places like local retro game shops... but to be perfectly blunt, most of them are intolerable in more ways than one and do not embody the type of persons one wants to get involved with. The gamer stereotypes are sometimes real, sadly.
I don't talk about my hobby unless it comes up naturally. It's not that I'm worried about being considered a nerd... it's the fact that most people truly don't give a shit. It was years ago when I saw eyes-glazed boredom that readily indicated to me, yeah, don't talk about video games to non-enthusiasts. Beyond thinking you're a nerd, you will be regarded as an annoying jackass who doesn't stfu. If they bring up games, I keep it real casual instead of misinterpreting that as an invitation to rant and go into obscure stuff no one asked about.

And I'm fine with not being very vocal about what I like to uninterested parties. I myself get out of a hundred different types of conversations that bore me to tears. I had my haircut on Friday and the guy asks me if I'm watching the game this weekend and I was half serious when I replied "what game."

As far as meeting like-minded people? Actual video game enthusiasts are rare outside of specific times and places like local retro game shops... but to be perfectly blunt, most of them are intolerable in more ways than one and do not embody the type of persons one wants to get involved with. The gamer stereotypes are sometimes real, sadly.

That is also how I do. I can also relate to the people that have never really found other people irl that are as into the hobby as me, except at conventions and the like (excited for Magfest in couple weeks). But even at them, like you mentioned, it's hard to find people that I can relate to as well. I don't really have a problem with any of this either since I'm fine with it being a personal hobby, but it was odd when I first realized it years ago.

Keeping it casual is an important thing since the only time it is really brought up irl is with questions like "so what have you been playing recently" from people just trying to make conversation and you never want to take that as reason to go on about getting RGB out of old consoles, or why you really enjoy the worlds of souls games, or the plotpoints and progression of Xeno games.


Huh... the loan just got approved on my first house. I'm totally going to have a dedicated old-school setup. It's going to be cool.

Also thinking about buying an Analogue CMVS. Is this a good or bad idea?

Bad idea. Too much money, the wood looks nice, but it's an unnecessary novelty and I read about a couple of people experiencing the wood expanding and cracking. Makes you wonder if it will start happening more often down the road or how many Analogue CMVS owners have not noticed small cracks or not reported it publicly.

Get a Omega CMVS for the classic AES look. It's also a better value. James at Jamma Nation X also puts together a quality CMVS at a good price.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Bad idea. Too much money, the wood looks nice, but it's an unnecessary novelty and I read about a couple of people experiencing the wood expanding and cracking. Makes you wonder if it will start happening more often down the road or how many Analogue CMVS owners have not noticed small cracks or not reported it publicly.

Get a Omega CMVS for the classic AES look. It's also a better value. James at Jamma Nation X also puts together a quality CMVS at a good price.

Yeah, after seeing the Omega, I'm pretty sure I'll go with that one. I really like the look, and there's not a ridiculous wait time on it. That, and I've heard some iffy things about Analogue over the years, so I feel more confident going this route.


Both system and game were brand spanking new, fresh from the factory sealed boxes...

GAF... I finally own a NGPC!!!


Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!

I never had one. My friend did, but then he let someone borrow it and never got it back. So I can only assume it's fuckin' sweeeeet.


I don't talk about my hobby unless it comes up naturally. It's not that I'm worried about being considered a nerd... it's the fact that most people truly don't give a shit. It was years ago when I saw eyes-glazed boredom that readily indicated to me, yeah, don't talk about video games to non-enthusiasts. Beyond thinking you're a nerd, you will be regarded as an annoying jackass who doesn't stfu. If they bring up games, I keep it real casual instead of misinterpreting that as an invitation to rant and go into obscure stuff no one asked about.

And I'm fine with not being very vocal about what I like to uninterested parties. I myself get out of a hundred different types of conversations that bore me to tears. I had my haircut on Friday and the guy asks me if I'm watching the game this weekend and I was half serious when I replied "what game."

As far as meeting like-minded people? Actual video game enthusiasts are rare outside of specific times and places like local retro game shops... but to be perfectly blunt, most of them are intolerable in more ways than one and do not embody the type of persons one wants to get involved with. The gamer stereotypes are sometimes real, sadly.

Sums up all of my thoughts exactly. I don't really bring up games to uninterested parties much either... that's why I talk to all of you fine folk on GAF.

Most people in my life who come over and see my collection are shocked to see I'm so into it, because I generally don't come across as the gamer "type".
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