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For me, the gradual switch to Everdrives and the like is more about space constraints. I love having a huge library of carts, but for how much I play some of them, it's very difficult to justify increasing its size. My wife is pretty cool about having a large chunk of our home dedicated to my hobby, and I would like it to stay that way.


I feel the same, I have a Super Everdrive (which I fitted with the DSP chip), Everdrive N8 for the famicom and a Turbo Everdrive and I plan on picking up a Mega Everdrive in the very near future.

The cost of all retro games is getting insanely ridiculous and it just prices people out of enjoying some good old games. I'm not a collector just someone who enjoys playing games. I buy the games that I can afford that are really enjoyable or hold some sentimental value but let the collectors deal with the market. Besides I don't have the room for all dem carts.

Another problem is the fakes turning up.

Ultimately I just want to play the game, not just collect.
Another problem is the fakes turning up.

Ultimately I just want to play the game, not just collect.

All this Everdrive talk is making me rethink what to do going forward. I don't want to feed the problem and as someone said earlier and the devs don't see a dime. I like having everything physical tho & I guess I could just sit back play games and relax and when something comes along I really want I'll just grab it. As much as I am against save states it would be easier being that I don't have all the time in the world anymore and I'm not getting younger. I Don't know, lol


the collection is complete~

that's my roommate's shellless turbo everdrive (i'll likely get my own down the road, they're not expensive), and i plan on an SMS one day for the SG-1000 library, but i'm really happy with this! Mega Everdrive label could use some work, but that one honestly gets the most use and it's not like they're often out of their respective systems, haha

honestly, i should've done this years ago - i now have the means to play anything i want on any cart system, without emulating. i likewise have every disc-based system up to about the 7th (last) gen modded to play backups, so from now on, i can literally play anything i have the hardware for. this way, stuff i absolutely love gets added to a list & i feel no rush to pick any of it up until i find it for a price i want...if that never happens, i still get to experience it.

with the way prices have gone the last few years - particularly how bad US saturn & turbo stuff got - i told myself this would be the year i stop worrying about the bubble & my white whale/etc skyrocketing like Little Samson & others have. fear's a shitty reason to do anything, and even winning the lottery tomorrow wouldn't make me feel better about forking over half my rent check just to have Space Adventure Cobra on my shelf, much less feed the cycle.

not judging anybody here for doing otherwise, mind - just really excited to play games, not follow ebay/pricechart crap like it's comics in the early 90's all over again. god knows my backlog isn't getting any better now, but i'm so happy with these guys.

Awesome stuff.

Next step is SD card mods for the disc based shit. You have GDEMU for Dreamcast, rhea for Saturn, and PS-IO for PS1. We are still in the early days of this stuff, though. They are made by one guy, so they are constantly out of stock, not cheap, and compatibility isn't perfect.

I wouldn't be surprised if, in a couple of years, perfect SD card mods for PS1, Saturn, Dreamcast, PS2, Gamecube and Xbox were as common as Everdrives. And that's exciting :)


All this Everdrive talk is making me rethink what to do going forward. I don't want to feed the problem and as someone said earlier and the devs don't see a dime. I like having everything physical tho & I guess I could just sit back play games and relax and when something comes along I really want I'll just grab it. As much as I am against save states it would be easier being that I don't have all the time in the world anymore and I'm not getting younger. I Don't know, lol

yeah...save states are just an option, and only the NES & Genesis ones have em right now anyway! admittedly, it'd take more discipline than i have to not use em, haha

Another problem is the fakes turning up.

yeah, some scenes (AES, gameboy etc) are ripe with these, i know genesis & SNES repros are a popular thing but i wonder how many fake earthbounds are sold on ebay

Awesome stuff.

Next step is SD card mods for the disc based shit. You have GDEMU for Dreamcast, rhea for Saturn, and PS-IO for PS1. We are still in the early days of this stuff, though. They are made by one guy, so they are constantly out of stock, not cheap, and compatibility isn't perfect.

I wouldn't be surprised if, in a couple of years, perfect SD card mods for PS1, Saturn, Dreamcast, PS2, Gamecube and Xbox were as common as Everdrives. And that's exciting :)

it's funny, i love my discs so i'm not quite ready for this, but then i love my carts and it's been an easy transition...honestly, it's gonna be great when this happens full-on. years ago i took to PS2 HDD Loader & never looked back, loading times alone made it worth it
yeah...save states are just an option, and only the NES & Genesis ones have em right now anyway! admittedly, it'd take more discipline than i have to not use em, haha
Hasn't really fazed me, seeing as I don't really expect them to be there and thus aren't likely to remember they're available for use.

Actually, I've heard that it affects compatibility on the Genesis, at the very least, so I'll probably want to turn them off to maximize that.


Actually, I've heard that it affects compatibility on the Genesis, at the very least, so I'll probably want to turn them off to maximize that.

does it? i know some games just won't support it outright, Moonwalker comes to mind

more commonly it'll bork the music a bit, like Shining Force II


ugh...i'm gonna catch a ban one day for arguing with the moral high horsery of ITS PIRACY when the game is a decades-old licensed title

yeah, you're really doing the industry a service throwing hundreds at a reseller, excellent point


The only old games I'll argue against emulation/roms for are those that are still sold via digital means.

100% agreed - if its on GOG/PSN/etc you should support it there
ive had repros & such that showed up elsewhere later (Monster World IV comes to mind) and i always feel compelled to support it - hell, i often grab digital copies of stuff i legit own like NiGHTS/Grim Fandango etc because i wanna support the IP now where i didn't get a chance in the day


Yeah that thread seemed more like a joke post than a serious appreciation thread. I don't have a Jaguar yet but I want one, was going to ask in a Jaguar appreciation thread what a fair going price was for a console.

A used Jaguar with one controller and a game or two should run about $100 - $250. It all depends on the seller, condition of the console and if it comes with a box or not. Some good games to start out with that are reasonably priced are Tempest 2000, Alien vs Predator and Iron Soldier. The Jaguar originally came with Cybermorph, a free roaming planetary 3D shooter/exploration game as the pack-in, so many used Jaguar consoles will come with Cybermorph.


Sunsoft is up there with Natsume and a few others from me as far as wanting compilations of their greatest hits on a disc somehow...Hudson too =/


Its always terrible outside of retro-gaf when it comes to this stuff imo. So much ignorance, unfortunately.

Disagreeing with you doesn't make someone ignorant. I'd venture a guess that many 'shit posters' read these threads but just don't feel like debating it here and derailing things. You can appreciate and love retro games and be willing to only play what you buy. The beliefs are not diametrically opposed. I think things like ever drives and emulators are also awesome, but again this doesn't preclude using them in accordance with the laws of your land. I don't think less of you for disagreeing with me, please extend the same to us on the other side.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Disagreeing with you doesn't make someone ignorant. I'd venture a guess that many 'shit posters' read these threads but just don't feel like debating it here and derailing things. You can appreciate and love retro games and be willing to only play what you buy. The beliefs are not diametrically opposed. I think things like ever drives and emulators are also awesome, but again this doesn't preclude using them in accordance with the laws of your land. I don't think less of you for disagreeing with me, please extend the same to us on the other side.

I wasnt referring to the actual discussion there, about piracy/emulation and whatnot. I was saying in more general terms, that a lot of retro-themed thread on discussions have a lot of posters that have no idea waht they are talking about. This is not about agreeing/disagreeing on something, but just dont knowing. Which is different, and what I was refeering to. With that said, I am sure I post about things I have no clue on as well, and that it irritates folk, so no big deal. And I definitely agree with you that we need to respect people regardless of opinions (of course!).


I wasnt referring to the actual discussion there, about piracy/emulation and whatnot. I was saying in more general terms, that a lot of retro-themed thread on discussions have a lot of posters that have no idea waht they are talking about. This is not about agreeing/disagreeing on something, but just dont knowing. Which is different, and what I was refeering to. With that said, I am sure I post about things I have no clue on as well, and that it irritates folk, so no big deal. And I definitely agree with you that we need to respect people regardless of opinions (of course!).

My apologies for misunderstanding. You're alright, I'll go back to lurking now :)


The Chuck Norris of Peace
My apologies for misunderstanding. You're alright, I'll go back to lurking now :)

Hey, if you are a retro-lover, be sure to post more in retro-gaf, as i think we are generally a good group (although maybe a bit elitistic sometimes) that definitely welcome newcomers!


Hey, if you are a retro-lover, be sure to post more in retro-gaf, as i think we are generally a good group (although maybe a bit elitistic sometimes) that definitely welcome newcomers!

Hey, slow down. First he has to complete his initiation quest.


0 interest in the law of my land when it comes to entertainment - ive had some great talks with Stumpkapow about emulation talk on old stuff, and how silly it is to get on a high horse about essentially abandonware, but i'm not trying to spent my energy debating the lawful-good alignment in that thread or testing my luck with mod policies

Gimmick didn't come out in the States. I didn't learn about it until recently.

i think that's true for most of us, honestly
Where were these girls when I was growing up? My wife hates games lol









Where were these girls when I was growing up? My wife hates games lol








Whenever I see these kinds of images my first question is:

"What do you do for a living?"


Damn that is awesome!

Can't say I've ever met any guys like that either, I think I was lucky to find a husband that loves games as much as I do.
damn, i always forget that Sunset Memorial stuff since it's so expensive

Not sure about the others, but don't buy the Gimmick one for Gimmick. it's a shit port. slow down, small loading times on screen transitions, absolutely butchered music. stick to FCEUX for that one.

I wasnt referring to the actual discussion there, about piracy/emulation and whatnot. I was saying in more general terms, that a lot of retro-themed thread on discussions have a lot of posters that have no idea waht they are talking about. This is not about agreeing/disagreeing on something, but just dont knowing. Which is different, and what I was refeering to. With that said, I am sure I post about things I have no clue on as well, and that it irritates folk, so no big deal. And I definitely agree with you that we need to respect people regardless of opinions (of course!).

it's cool, i eat my words 3 meals a day for the most part lol
Not sure about the others, but don't buy the Gimmick one for Gimmick. it's a shit port. slow down, small loading times on screen transitions, absolutely butchered music. stick to FCEUX for that one.
Yeah, it has issues.

I think all the sunsoft collections have some quirks


Where were these girls when I was growing up? My wife hates games lol


She was featured in this months RetroGamer mag!. Her names Heidi and hails from Sweden and apparently had to wait until she was 18 till she got her first consoles, a PS2 after convincing her dad it was a very particular DVD player that she needed!!....good girl!
She was featured in this months RetroGamer mag!. Her names Heidi and hails from Sweden and apparently had to wait until she was 18 till she got her first consoles, a PS2 after convincing her dad it was a very particular DVD player that she needed!!....good girl!

Yeah I forgot to post her webpage earlier. She seems cool.


oh, yeah those were awesome (though i missed the boat w/ batman)

this is first time being aware of Gimmick... nice! i learned about a new retro game today =)

unfortunately i didn't... but i played nes superman and loved it =D

Man...if you havent heard Gimmick's soundtrack yet. You're in for some awesome.


Damn that is awesome!

Can't say I've ever met any guys like that either, I think I was lucky to find a husband that loves games as much as I do.

I've always thought that was impossible, until i've talked with other guys at work before, and they arent that into games in the least bit. More women i've talked to drop stuff about Mario Kart every now and then.
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