I picked up a Naomi Universal cab in really great shape, back in the Fall. It came with Virtua Tennis, but I have since picked up a few other Naomi carts cheap, including Virtua Tennis 2, and a Naomi Net DIMM to load everything from a Rasp Pi.
I am in the midst of refurbishing it; including cleaning/re-painting, replacing the control panel (I'm pretty limited only having two buttons per player, ha.) Maybe add support for my Dreamcast? Primarily cosmetic stuff. I was after an Astro City for forever, but they are hard/expensive to come by, where I live.
I love my Naomi, but my biggest issue with it, is where to keep it. I have it in storage right now, and would rather keep it there forever, than part with it.
I love seeing others' arcade setups, and wish that GAF could support a general arcade thread that would survive over a week or two.
(excuse terrible iPhone photos)