Someone makes a bet on something and if they lose they're banned for a week or a month or some agreed upon period of time. Usually it's about sales numbers or some other dumb thing.whats a ban bet?
Is it possible to add large amounts of your games to steam's big picture mode in one or two steps or do you need to add them one at a time?
One at a time. Just lots of copying and pasting of file names into different batch files, and then running the BAT to EXE converter on all the batch files and then adding them all to steam, and then adding custom icons to them. It's not a quick process, that's for sure.
Try turning off bilinear filtering. I think it's on by default.Can anyone help me get my GBA games to look like this please?
At the moment im using the vba core, but i cant seem to make the shader look like that?! heres the resulting image from my settings using the lcd filter from the pack.
Thank you for any help.
The Retroarch dev's finally have real android hardware now, previously one was using a very old phone, and the other was using a chinese knockoff tablet with a obscure cpu and a version of android hacked together by 14 year olds in a mongolian cave.
NVidia was awesome enough to give both of them Shields, and they are now realizing things aren't as bad in android land as they thought. They also said the shield wipes the floor with the PS3/360 when it comes to emulation. Very impressive stuff.
Im wondering if theres a decent SweetFX config about that gives good crt effects??
One at a time. Just lots of copying and pasting of file names into different batch files, and then running the BAT to EXE converter on all the batch files and then adding them all to steam, and then adding custom icons to them. It's not a quick process, that's for sure.
The Retroarch dev's finally have real android hardware now, previously one was using a very old phone, and the other was using a chinese knockoff tablet with a obscure cpu and a version of android hacked together by 14 year olds in a mongolian cave.
NVidia was awesome enough to give both of them Shields, and they are now realizing things aren't as bad in android land as they thought. They also said the shield wipes the floor with the PS3/360 when it comes to emulation. Very impressive stuff.
I use SweetFX and in all honesty I don't think these custom shaders in RetroArch offer anything that can't be done in SFX. SFX has a VERY customizable CRT effect shader that allows an incredibly authentic look.
Yeah that's what I figured. I already knew how to add the game one by one, was just hoping I could add them in large groups. Thanks for confirming it can't be done. I have been doing a bit of reading and watching some YT demos of HyperSpin and it looks pretty damn cool. I think I'm going to go with that.
Yup, that's my thread over there. SquarePusher and Maister seem extremely excited about tweaking RA to run better on the The Shield. RA is the *MAIN* reason I want a Shield. Couldn't honestly care less about streaming. The fact that The Shield eats even psx games for breakfast gives me a hard on.
Jesus, what the hell is going on with the bowed scanlines at the top and bottom of the screen...looks awful
That sort of stuff used to happen heaps with curved CRTs, I'm sure. I don't think they're scanlines though, but some other CRT artifact emphasised by the curve.
One at a time. Just lots of copying and pasting of file names into different batch files, and then running the BAT to EXE converter on all the batch files and then adding them all to steam, and then adding custom icons to them. It's not a quick process, that's for sure.
That sort of stuff used to happen heaps with curved CRTs, I'm sure. I don't think they're scanlines though, but some other CRT artifact emphasised by the curve.
Yeah maybe on cheaper CRT, myself haven't ever noticed anything like that in all the years ive used CRT's. Looks like the screen needs to be degaussed, the only way you would get that sort of effect is if a large magnet was place on top of the TV, or the TV was sat on 1
Somebody hold me GAF, I´m passing out. Finally got this to work on Wii, though it seems to be 480i only for the moment. Still looks pretty good as I´m feeding that TV a component signal, for some near but not quite RGB goodness.
wiimote "-" key for settings to alter resolution.
RetroArch also works on GameCube to some degree i.e. all CPS1 but only 1 CPS2 game due to the lesser RAM on GC.
Looks good.
Is anyone else having issues with the CRT curved shader? When i try it the display isnt curved and it looks really blurry??
Yup, that's my thread over there. SquarePusher and Maister seem extremely excited about tweaking RA to run better on the The Shield. RA is the *MAIN* reason I want a Shield. Couldn't honestly care less about streaming. The fact that The Shield eats even psx games for breakfast gives me a hard on.
My note 2 plays all PSX games 60fps, you dont need super beefy hardware. Shield is beastly tho. I should add that i was the one who helped test the android port, and the videos on the retroarch youtube page were all done by me. I want to help them out more but i got to a point with squarepusher where he would use me as a punching bag and i had enough abuse about how bad android was, and had to leave the channel. Still love the project and all the work done for the good of open source.
Is there a comprehensive tutorial on the PC version of this anywhere? The lack of documentation is seriously aggravating me.
I followed the directions on the first page, and I can launch games through retroarch-phoenix.exe, but I can't get the GUI version working. Doesn't recognize my 360 controller, or the config settings I set up in retroarch-phoenix. Any help?
Ok give me a second and I'll tweak some moreThats more like it maybe a bit too much barrel effect though, what options do i need to alter in the sharder to change the curve on all 4 sides?
If we could get the same amount of curve you have on the bottom of the screen on the F-Zero shot, so the top of the screen has the same amount of curve that would be almost perfect i think!
Looks like a Sony BVM image!!
I don't know why, because I didn't made them. I support some of the shaders there, but not all.Thanks!
That works, but there isnt a great degree of curve on the bottom or sides?....
But at least its got a curve now, any ideas why the other shader released in the common-shaders-master pack which was posted a few pages back does work?
I was looking for something like the curve on outrun2 pic posted at the top of this page...but maybe not as server. Can this shader be edited like that, if so how?
Thanks again!
Were psx games really demanding? I only tried a couple on my s3 and they seem to work perfectly. I believe GBA was even more demanding.Yup, that's my thread over there. SquarePusher and Maister seem extremely excited about tweaking RA to run better on the The Shield. RA is the *MAIN* reason I want a Shield. Couldn't honestly care less about streaming. The fact that The Shield eats even psx games for breakfast gives me a hard on.
Can someone post a step by step guide of how to setup Steam to launch all the different cores?
Not in shader power. Shield barely run most shaders at 3x scale factor (I'm talking about the shaders at common-shaders). PS3 can run them easily at 5x scale factor. I think he was talking about CPU power and not GPU.I'm not surprised with Shield being better than ps3/360 though.