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Reuters: Trump administration tells EPA to cut climate page from website

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Out of curiosity to the members of Gaf who voted for Trump, what is your reaction to something like this? I assume not all Trump voters deny climate change.
Out of curiosity to the members of Gaf who voted for Trump, what is your reaction to something like this? I assume not all Trump voters deny climate change.

Presumably they considered the environment, healthcare, birth control, science, and racial tensions to be less important than Hilary's emails.

I am so depressed and so worried. I don't even know how to get through the day any longer.

Luckily there's a lot we can do as individuals. I'm an Ecologist, and yesterday afternoon I volunteered my time to give a presentation to school kids about the importance of conservation. They have a nature area in their school so it was great to be able to get them more invested in wildlife and the role they can play in helping animals out.

Don't underestimate the impact you as an individual can have. I mean, if every person in the world picked up one single piece of litter per day and put it in the closest bin, we'd be litter free in no time. Bizarrely most people just don't even consider that they can do anything to help, and assume it has to come from the government or charities.


Junior Member
I've often wondered how dictators came to rise, how leaders of countries managed to turn people against others. I've thought that those kind of happenings were over; a relic of the past. They were from a less informed time. Propaganda worked because people had nothing to counter it. Trump isn't a dictator, but he's certainly acting like one in one too many ways. He's an insecure idiot, who seemingly push people around to cater to his whims. The first official press meeting of the White House going down as shamefully bad as it did goes to show that. Alternate facts, a butthurt president calling "fake news".. I mean, it's disgusting to watch. America has become the epitome of the post-fact world. Facts don't matter. The free flow of information on the internet have biased people into echo chambers. Trump signing an executive order to continue the pipeline work, that's kind of a shitty behavior I'm used to. Bank Modernization Act and a ton of other things have come from the lobbyist shithole Capitol Hill has become. However, Trump blatantly denying climate change, calling it even a hoax, and now forcing the removal of scientific peer-reviewed articles from the fucking ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, the White House and so on is a new kind of belligerent behavior pertaining to propaganda and outright denial is starting to become simply too much.


Yeah this is all perfectly fucking acceptable.
So long as President Obama's legacy gets shafted, Republicans are 100% ok with federal soldiers policing a city and allowing people who have Obamacare, to live, die. So long as some asshole can be allowed to keep digging up a non-renewable source (At least I never see it grow back, maybe add some fucking fertilizer on it and give it a little sunshine) I guess fuck renewable energy and the planet.

Yeah our generation's kids and grandkids don't need this fucked planet.

NO NO. YOU KEEP YOUR JOB. Our kids can just go fuck themselves when the coastlines start overflowing, and are literally shooting and stabbing each other over a $30 loaf of bread.


Excellent news! Global warming is no longer real! Glaciers will start growing again, broken iceshelves will reattach and the dodo will un-extinct itself. We thank you Donald Trump!

No information about climate coming out of the USA can be trusted for the next four years. And I'm sure that was the intention. Idiots.


Excellent news! Global warming is no longer real! Gletchers will start growing again, broken iceshelves will reattach and the dodo will un-extinct itself. We thank you Donald Trump!

No information about climate coming out of the USA can be trusted for the next four years. And I'm sure that was the intention. Idiots.

Effect will be longer than 4 years. Depending on how badly Trump manages to poison the well it may take 2-3 times that long before US science departments gain global trust back.
Presumably they considered the environment, healthcare, birth control, science, and racial tensions to be less important than Hilary's emails.

Luckily there's a lot we can do as individuals. I'm an Ecologist, and yesterday afternoon I volunteered my time to give a presentation to school kids about the importance of conservation. They have a nature area in their school so it was great to be able to get them more invested in wildlife and the role they can play in helping animals out.

Don't underestimate the impact you as an individual can have. I mean, if every person in the world picked up one single piece of litter per day and put it in the closest bin, we'd be litter free in no time. Bizarrely most people just don't even consider that they can do anything to help, and assume it has to come from the government or charities.

Word. Ecologist here too, and it is important for individuals to realise they are both part of the problem and part of the solution - the world emerges to a degree from interaction and aggregation of individual actions. On the other hand, people need to also demand change. For instance, it is not enough to put litter in your bin, you need to demand that your supermarket and their brands use less packaging, and find alternative ways of say higher quality containers that can be re-used, etc. people need to engage on both fronts. They also need to be required to engage in many instances, because in the current climate you can't rely on people's self-realisation or motivation to make significant changes. Education + regulation + incentives...


Out of curiosity to the members of Gaf who voted for Trump, what is your reaction to something like this? I assume not all Trump voters deny climate change.

They will not answer to this question. Most of them aren't in the situation for giving a satifying answer to anyone. And there is no excuse for that.


Effect will be longer than 4 years. Depending on how badly Trump manages to poison the well it may take 2-3 times that long before US science departments gain global trust back.

And people act like it's just 4 years like there won't be any repercussions afterwards.
Thank God people voted on economic anxiety and masses from the opposing party didn't show up or voted 3rd party or else we wouldn't be able to correct the alternative facts of global warming. You all did wonderful for the nation and for the world as a whole.


We are witnessing the fascist takeover of America by corporatists and the far Right. Trump will sell-off public assets and strip the country to the bone, then exit after lining his pockets. This is his modus operandi and we have seen this behavior from him over and over.


Every morning I wake up and listen to an NPR briefing, this week has been awful to wake up to. Every morning it feels like something worse has happened.
I try to keep going but it's hard.

This is how I feel. It's definitely important to stay informed, but it's telling that on a daily basis, 1/2 the threads on off-topic are all about some new bullshit with the Trump administration.

I appreciate Neogaf keeping me in the know, but man. The whole damn fucking planet is in danger and we're near powerless when it comes down to it. :/ I can't believe half the country didn't vote. -sigh- I should get over that fact by now. Up to us to convince everyone else that these things are important.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Millions of people are going to dance the day this man dies. I really hope he comes to know how truly despised he is before death.

People over the age of 60 shouldn't be allowed to vote. Idgaf anymore.


I hope the next time we have a Democratic President they will put stuff in place to put someone like a Trump in check. We should have no place for a dictator running the show.
I hope the next time we have a Democratic President they will put stuff in place to put someone like a Trump in check. We should have no place for a dictator running the show.

My dream is the Democrats take a few seats in 2018, then steamroll in 2020 and just go complete bonkers ape-shit on the Republicans.
I hope the next time we have a Democratic President they will put stuff in place to put someone like a Trump in check. We should have no place for a dictator running the show.

As long as the Democrats attempt third-way politics and "bipartisan" legislation, the ultimate outcome will be an eventual right-wing majority. When Democrats get the executive and legislature back, they need to act quickly, and decisively to neuter the far right for good.


My dream is the Democrats take a few seats in 2018, then steamroll in 2020 and just go complete bonkers ape-shit on the Republicans.

hopefully people go out and vote, what was the voter turnout in the last election again? 58%? pathetic


Is there an efficient way to download and re-host the webpage as is?

Some of the web visible web content, perhaps, but there is also a user searchable/filterable web tool with a massive emissions database of data down to facility-level on the backend. (which was working yesterday).
World can you sanction the US?

At this point, it just needs to happen. I'll suffer, but I'll know it's for the right cause. Maybe if people's food and general cost of living goes sky high, it'll wake up people. I really don't know what else is needed at this point to wake up the part of this country that's so blind to what's happening. And who knows if even that will help in the end. Our country feels so lost right now, and it's sad, because it's not even the majority who are dragging it down at the end of the day.
The electoral college, winner take all system dissuades voters of lock-in states and presidential elections are sold as the only ones that matter.

I mean, this is partially true. But the other side of this is that countries with low voter turnout are generally ones where the population feel as if the country is stable. A lot of countries that have high voter turnout tend to be those with a lot of political instability. I think here in America, a lot of people really don't realize just how on the verge we really are, and you can chalk that up to a lot of things: lack of education, specifically lack of interest or understanding how government works and affects our everyday life.


At this point, it just needs to happen. I'll suffer, but I'll know it's for the right cause. Maybe if people's food and general cost of living goes sky high, it'll wake up people. I really don't know what else is needed at this point to wake up the part of this country that's so blind to what's happening. And who knows if even that will help in the end. Our country feels so lost right now, and it's sad, because it's not even the majority who are dragging it down at the end of the day.

Ultimately... yeah. Penalties and punishment are supposed to hurt. If nobody with power and influence is affected whatsoever, what motive or cause do they have to alter course?

Sure, the planet is taking a huge hit it may never recover from... but they're old and rich and it won't affect THEM. Their kids and grandkids can pick up the pieces long after they've died in comfort and cash.

Sad to say, but the only way to wake any politician with power up is to him them right in the pocket book with sanctions and PR hits. Until that happens, they have no reason to pivot.


And people act like it's just 4 years like there won't be any repercussions afterwards.

This is like when your girlfriend goes insane and throws all your stuff in the trash, burns your house down and kills your pets.
She persists in terrorizing you for years, and then suddenly she comes around and tells you she is fine now. She knows she was wrong and it won't happen again, promise.

The girlfriend is George W Bush. 8 years of Obama was not enough to make up for that cretin, we're still handeling the fallout from Iraq here in Europe. And now it looks like Trump will be much, much worse, wtf.
Defend this, Diablos. I dare you to defend this, ou coward. You and the rest of the GAF trumpeteers , as well as the rest of the people in this country, are the reason we are in this mess, so thanks a lot.


I mean, this is partially true. But the other side of this is that countries with low voter turnout are generally ones where the population feel as if the country is stable. A lot of countries that have high voter turnout tend to be those with a lot of political instability.

Not really, the Netherlands is politically stable and turnout is about 75%, ten years ago it was 80% and it has been even higher in the past.

A clown like Wilders is actually one of the longest sitting members of parliament, so even our extreme politicans are kinda part of the establishment. We also don't commonly replace high-level agency directors every election, those are supposed to be neutral and they largely are.


Presumably they considered the environment, healthcare, birth control, science, and racial tensions to be less important than Hilary's emails.

This is about it. My mom and sister really didn't want to vote for Trump, but they said they didn't want a criminal like Hillary, so anyone else will do. They say he won't be that bad because he's "not as corrupt, no matter what he says or does."
This is about it. My mom and sister really didn't want to vote for Trump, but they said they didn't want a criminal like Hillary, so anyone else will do. They say he won't be that bad because he's "not as corrupt, no matter what he says or does."
Same. My dad said it was a vote against Hillary, not for Trump, even though he thought Trump was a joke. Better than that criminal Hillary, and of couse all that nonense he was saying while campaigning was just to be elected. He won't be able to actually do them, because that's not how a president acts
Not really, the Netherlands is politically stable and turnout is about 75%, ten years ago it was 80% and it has been even higher in the past.

A clown like Wilders is actually one of the longest sitting members of parliament, so even our extreme politicans are kinda part of the establishment. We also don't commonly replace high-level agency directors every election, those are supposed to be neutral and they largely are.

I'm talking in general, of course. Not a universal law or anything.


Same. My dad said it was a vote against Hillary, not for Trump, even though he thought Trump was a joke. Better than that criminal Hillary, and of couse all that nonense he was saying while campaigning was just to be elected. He won't be able to actually do them, because that's not how a president acts

My mom was the same way.

"Oh, honey, if he's bad, it's ONLY four years. Besides, we have checks and balances. And I think he's gotten right with God, so I trust him."

I told her, in no uncertain terms, "Mom, he is everything you raised me not to be."

She doesn't like him, but "you stick with your team" and "at least he's not Hillary".

My aunt is far, far more zealous about it. "He's God's chosen man! He's going to save us and make our nation a godly nation again! No more atheists! The Muslim is out of office!"

You can't choose your family.


contribute something

In these nightmarish times, I'd recommend that everybody google murray bookchin


Elden Member
My mom was the same way.

"Oh, honey, if he's bad, it's ONLY four years. Besides, we have checks and balances. And I think he's gotten right with God, so I trust him."

I told her, in no uncertain terms, "Mom, he is everything you raised me not to be."

She doesn't like him, but "you stick with your team" and "at least he's not Hillary".

My aunt is far, far more zealous about it. "He's God's chosen man! He's going to save us and make our nation a godly nation again! No more atheists! The Muslim is out of office!"

You can't choose your family.

Yeah, my Grand parents (Grandmother is British, moved to the US in the 80's) voted for Trump, and support Brexit, because "the Muslims and foreigners have over run these countries and taken our culture away. Britain has lost its soul and needs to get it back, it cant do that in the EU, and Trump will make American strong again, instead of the nanny state it is now"

The really hard part of all this is I can see the pain in their eyes when they talk about what Britan has become. They truely, with all their heart and soul believe evil people have taken away something good from them. And these are the most open and caring people I ever knew growing up saying this. Its very confusing.
My mom was the same way.

"Oh, honey, if he's bad, it's ONLY four years. Besides, we have checks and balances. And I think he's gotten right with God, so I trust him."

I told her, in no uncertain terms, "Mom, he is everything you raised me not to be."

She doesn't like him, but "you stick with your team" and "at least he's not Hillary".

My aunt is far, far more zealous about it. "He's God's chosen man! He's going to save us and make our nation a godly nation again! No more atheists! The Muslim is out of office!"

You can't choose your family.
I'm actually hesitant to ask my dad how he feels now. Because either he's not fine with it but it doesn't matter because liberals, or he is fine with it and checks and balances will keep Trump in order, this is a democracy, freedom, this is necessary, etc

He listens to right-wing radio constantly so I just know it'll be the latter


Unconfirmed Member
All STEM people need to get out of this country. The goverment doesn't want you. I'm sure Europe and China can find jobs for the best and the brightest.

Remove the "T" and possibly "E" from that acronym in this instance.

I've found that there are a good deal of people in Computers and Technology are Trump supporters if not simply Republicans. Most are Libertarian leaning, but they regard government as a nuisance to them making more money and climate change as an inconvenience they'd rather just downplay or ignore entirely.
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