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Rick Santorum says he'll try to unmarry all same-sex married couples if he's elected

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Santorum backs nullifying existing gay marriages:

There are 18,000 married gay and lesbian couples in California and at least 131,000 nationwide according to the 2010 census, conducted before New York state legalized same-sex marriage in July.

Rick Santorum says he'll try to unmarry all of them if he's elected president.

Once the U.S. Constitution is amended to prohibit same-gender marriages, "their marriage would be invalid," the former Pennsylvania senator said Dec. 30 in an NBC News interview.

"We can't have 50 different marriage laws in this country," he said. "You have to have one marriage law."

The comments didn't attract nearly as much attention as Santorum's recent invocation of his Catholic faith to denounce government support for birth control, prenatal testing and resource conservation - which, in the last case, he attributed to President Obama's "phony theology."

But his declared intention to nullify past as well as future same-sex marriages has reinforced his position to the right of the other Republican contenders, even though each of them has also voiced fervent support for traditional unions.

Mitt Romney, who was governor of Massachusetts when the state's high court became the first in the nation to declare a right to same-sex marriage in 2003, backs a constitutional amendment to outlaw such marriages in the future, but says he'd leave currently wedded couples alone. Newt Gingrich also wants an amendment but hasn't said whether it would be retroactive.

Ron Paul opposes same-sex marriage but wants the federal government to stay out of it - no federal benefits for gay and lesbian couples, no federal court authority to overturn state laws like California's Proposition 8 and no constitutional amendments overriding a state's prerogative to decide which of its residents can marry.

'Bigoted, shameful'

Santorum's proposal for constitutionally mandated divorces would affect couples like Stuart Gaffney and John Lewis of San Francisco, longtime partners who wed in June 2008, five months before Prop. 8 banned same-sex marriage. The couple later helped to found an organization called Marriage Equality USA.

"It's with profound sadness that I contemplate somebody running for the highest office in the land on a platform of taking away anyone's marriage," Gaffney said Friday.

Fred Karger, a longtime Republican political consultant and gay-rights activist who is also running for president and will be on the Republican primary ballot in California, said Santorum's comments on marriage were "the most destructive of any Republican candidate by far, bigoted, shameful."

Santorum's stance was endorsed by the Family Research Council, which was involved in an unsuccessful attempt to win passage of a constitutional amendment during George W. Bush's presidency.

"Same-sex marriage is an oxymoron" because marriage can only be a male-female relationship, said the council's Peter Sprigg. If the Constitution is amended to include that definition, he said, states that had recognized same-sex marriages would have to convert those relationships to civil unions.

Future conduct

Santorum's position is noteworthy because laws revoking individual rights are usually drafted, or interpreted by the courts, to apply only to future conduct.

The issue arose in California when the state Supreme Court upheld Prop. 8, which amended the state Constitution to prohibit same-sex marriage. The measure declared that only marriage between a man and a woman would be ''valid or recognized" in California. Its sponsors argued that the language barred the state from "recognizing" 18,000 marriages of same-sex couples who had wed in the months before Prop. 8 passed in November 2008.

But the court said Prop. 8 did not clearly inform voters that it would invalidate existing marriages. Therefore, the justices said, the 18,000 couples were entitled to rely on the rights they had gained in the court's May 2008 ruling, which briefly legalized same-sex marriage in the state.

Spelling it out

That doesn't rule out the possibility of a U.S. constitutional amendment like the one Santorum favors, which would nullify existing same-sex marriages.

"You'd have to word it so it was perfectly clear," said Jesse Choper, a UC Berkeley law professor who submitted arguments to the state's high court against the retroactive application of Prop. 8. The amendment would have to declare that "marriages that were once valid are no longer valid," he said.

Santorum, who once practiced law, hasn't said how he would draft a constitutional amendment - or how he could get one passed even while opinion polls suggest increasing public acceptance of same-sex marriage.

"Just because public opinion says something doesn't mean it's right," he said in the NBC interview. "I'm sure there were times in areas of this country when people said blacks were less than human."

A constitutional amendment requires approval by two-thirds of each house of Congress and three-fourths of the states. Even when Republicans controlled both houses in 2004, the Bush-endorsed marriage amendment failed to pass either chamber, with a handful of states'-rights Republicans joining Democratic opponents.

But Sprigg, of the Family Research Council, said the political climate could change - and the prospects of a constitutional amendment increase - if the courts spoke first.

"If you were to have some sort of sweeping decision ... which would essentially impose same-sex marriage on every state in the country," he said, "I think that would perhaps create a huge backlash."
seems kinda immoral.

btw, whats up with the all these right-wing Christian anti-gay groups with euphemistic names like "Family Research Council", "American Family Association" , "Focus On The Family" etc?


He's crazy. 10/10 for mental gymnastics.
Good for him for taking himself out of the elections. >_>


Santorum on states outlawing birth control:
The state has a right to do that, I have never questioned that the state has a right to do that. It is not a constitutional right, the state has the right to pass whatever statues they have.

Santorum on states legalizing gay marriage:
Fuck the states!


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
So freedom from government, except if you're a married homosexual.



How do you nullify something in the future?

Santorum is really an enormous cunt and I cannot believe a person like him gets so much support.


at this point, as long as the eventual supreme court decision on prop 8 is limited to California's situation I don't see the backlash being there to pass a constitutional ban on gay marriage. This is all empty threat from Santorum (who is beyond idiotic incidentally), the President is only a bystander to the Amendment process, he has no actual power with it.

Hell, if the Congress couldn't get a majority for a Constitutional ban on gay marriage (and you need a super majority) in either chamber when Bush was President then Santorum has no chance in hell either.


"Just because public opinion says something doesn't mean it's right," he said in the NBC interview. "I'm sure there were times in areas of this country when people said blacks were less than human."

Bwahaha, that's too perfect for it not to be a joke.


"Just because public opinion says something doesn't mean it's right," he said in the NBC interview. "I'm sure there were times in areas of this country when people said blacks were less than human."




That's ex post facto, jerk.

Of course no idea how that's work with legally binding agreements instead of criminal law.

Also. No way he become pres and an actual amendment to our constitution happen.


"Just because public opinion says something doesn't mean it's right," he said in the NBC interview. "I'm sure there were times in areas of this country when people said blacks were less than human."

Hahahaha... oh god.
This literally is not news. This is what he's famous for. Do we really need a new thread every time he reiterates his commitment to bigotry? I think not.
I thought his campaign was making a strategic shift to focus on economic issues following their Michigan loss. I guess he's doubling down on the social issues, and I'd argue that's probably his only political play. It's the biggest differential between himself and Romney, so as much as I disagree with him on just about everything, I do think this is the 'right' strategy for his campaign.


I usually don't have a strong opinion of politicians but americans blow my mind. How the fuck can such bigots/ignorants can be let anywhere close to having a job with such responsibilities.


I usually don't have a strong opinion of politicians but americans blow my mind. How the fuck can such bigots/ignorants can be let anywhere close to having a job with such responsibilities.

The sad thing about it is, people actually vote for this Douche.
Its horrific that people like this still exist in the twenty-first century.

The fact that he's got enough of a following to run for President makes me very sad.
Thank Satan he doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning this election.

Also, thank Satan that Obama was lying about his own opposition to gay marriage.


I thought his campaign was making a strategic shift to focus on economic issues following their Michigan loss. I guess he's doubling down on the social issues, and I'd argue that's probably his only political play. It's the biggest differential between himself and Romney, so as much as I disagree with him on just about everything, I do think this is the 'right' strategy for his campaign.

His campaign made the strategic decision of complaining about the media focusing on his social issues instead of economic/foreign policy. Even though he never comments on either.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Is Super Tuesday when he comes off the rails?

Or is this carnival of stupid going to go on longer?

Funky Papa

"Just because public opinion says something doesn't mean it's right," he said in the NBC interview. "I'm sure there were times in areas of this country when people said blacks were less than human."


Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Still so bitter about the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter thing.
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