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Rick Santorum says he'll try to unmarry all same-sex married couples if he's elected

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Bastard. That's all I got. What an evil bastard.

Let me squeeze a little more: evil, fucking scum-of-the-earth, stain-of-my-shoe, essence-of-fart-moisture, opportunistic, slimy, sleazy, hate-mongering, shit-eating, brown-nosing, no-brain-having, anti-intellectual piece of garbage bastard.
"Just because public opinion says something doesn't mean it's right," he said in the NBC interview. "I'm sure there were times in areas of this country when people said blacks were less than human."
I...I just....



I usually don't have a strong opinion of politicians but americans blow my mind. How the fuck can such bigots/ignorants can be let anywhere close to having a job with such responsibilities.

Because such ignorant, bigoted fucks are accurate representations of like 45% of the population.

It's true that we have problems with corruption/corporate influence on politics in America, but it's also true that a significant amount of the electorate is just dumb as shit. You could solve all the corruption over night and America would still have a bunch of problems until the people start to change.


Rick Santorum's greatest achievement is not his sheer idiocy but actually making people give a fuck about it after years of irrelevancy. It's as if he's unburdening all the pent up stupidity he's kept inside during that time.
Sick kid with poor access to medication: That's just the free market, can't do anything about that.

But some blokes marry some other blokes and suddenly he's fucking Captain Intervention.

I usually try to see and understand the point of view of those I don't agree with, but this guy is simply a grade-A cunt.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
i wouldn't be remotely surprised to find out that the whole GOP campaign so far was actually an ARG for obama's reelection campaign

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
"Just because public opinion says something doesn't mean it's right," he said in the NBC interview. "I'm sure there were times in areas of this country when people said blacks were less than human."

Oh my god he has to be trolling. He has to be


Now I hope he gets to run against Obama so I can see him fall.

No matter who wins, I can't wait until the presidential debates this year.


I have said this a thousand times, but I think government needs to not recognize any type of marriage. You can get the exact same benefits without recognizing it.

It looks like most Christians (like myself) would want it that way, too. Do you really want government dictating who you can marry? Really?
Frothy Mix said:
"We can't have 50 different marriage laws in this country," he said. "You have to have one marriage law."

Oh, so state sovereignty is awesome except when it comes to marriage equality. Got it.
"Opposing gay marriage is like being mad at someone else for eating a donut while you're on a diet."

Don't remember where I heard it, but the comparison stuck with me.
As his chances for the candidacy get slimmer and slimmer, the risk/reward ratio gets higher. "I'm probably not going to win, so I may as well go all in and see what happens." In a couple weeks he'll probably be detailing a plan to tie all gay people to a rocket ship and send it to the moon.


I have said this a thousand times, but I think government needs to not recognize any type of marriage. You can get the exact same benefits without recognizing it.

It looks like most Christians (like myself) would want it that way, too. Do you really want government dictating who you can marry? Really?

Without the government to recognize marriage, then it would be left to who exactly to recognize marriages?

It's much more than the benefits, by the way.
"We can't have 50 different marriage laws in this country," he said. "You have to have one marriage law."

As usual, "states rights" are thrown out the window any time states do something they disagree with.
I think this is actually pretty tame compared to what he's said in the past (comparing it to incest, child abuse, and bestiality).

And it's not exactly new - he said the same thing back in January.

He's also opposed civil unions.

He pretty much represents the obsolete social conservative wing of the Republican party. No staunch social conservative will ever win the office of President in this country, fortunately.


This isn't even politics, its just his personal agenda against minorities. He would be such a shitty president.
"We can't have 50 different marriage laws in this country," he said. "You have to have one marriage law."

As usual, "states rights" are thrown out the window any time states do something they disagree with.

Hypocrisy on federalism is par for the course for both parties, unfortunately.


Without the government to recognize marriage, then it would be left to who exactly to recognize marriages?

It's much more than the benefits, by the way.

Nobody has to recognize them, unless they choose to do so. I'm not exactly sure why this seems so untenable.


Not that he had more than a tiny sliver of the gay vote, but did he not just lose almost every single vote from anyone LGBT that isn't a hardcore denial-case Republican?


It's like this guy forgets that at some point he's going to have to try to court non-republicans to vote for him...
"We can't have 50 different marriage laws in this country," he said. "You have to have one marriage law."

As usual, "states rights" are thrown out the window any time states do something they disagree with.

Ironically, marriage law was one of the things that the founders actually wanted to be regulated at a state level not a federal level.
Not that he had more than a tiny sliver of the gay vote, but did he not just lose almost every single vote from anyone LGBT that isn't a hardcore denial-case Republican?

He never had any LGBT votes to begin with. None, well except for hardcore anti-homosexual republicans.


I have said this a thousand times, but I think government needs to not recognize any type of marriage. You can get the exact same benefits without recognizing it.

It looks like most Christians (like myself) would want it that way, too. Do you really want government dictating who you can marry? Really?


There are several hundred laws in place regarding civil unions. It would be much easier to legalize gay marriage than to end marriage altogether. How stubborn would you have to be destroy a concept simply to prevent a smaller group from also taking part in it?


This isn't even politics, its just his personal agenda against minorities. He would be such a shitty president.

Because marriage is more than a religious binding now. It's symbolic. People want to be married, not in a civil union.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
So what's actually involved in governing America again?


I was just thinking, the way the American right argues that a secular state is taking an anti-religion stance by not taking a pro-religion stance, when are they (read: is he) going to start arguing that their opponents are against free speech by arguing for gay marriage? The step isn't very far to "by the state allowing homosexual marriages, they are also prohibiting the right of those who oppose it".



There are several hundred laws in place regarding civil unions. It would be much easier to legalize gay marriage than to end marriage altogether. How stubborn would you have to be destroy a concept simply to prevent a smaller group from also taking part in it?

Because it's something government probably shouldn't be meddling in to begin with. Yes, this country was "built" on that principle, as much as it was slavery. Doesn't mean we should be doing it in 2012.
At first, I cannot understand why someone this stupid is given so much attention.
On a second though, I guess that it's yet another example of a very widespread celebrity culture.


Because it's something government probably shouldn't be meddling in to begin with. Yes, this country was "built" on that principle, as much as it was slavery. Doesn't mean we should be doing it in 2012.

Marriage belongs to everybody. If the government has to enforce it then so be it.
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