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Riddick or Metroid Prime


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Metroid Prime.

Riddick is a solid game, but is much less polished, much shorter, and lacks the general creativity of Prime. I certainly deserves its props, but it isn't nearly as good...

I don't know why they are being compared, though. Prime is an exploration based adventure game and Riddick is kinda like Deus-Ex lite. :\

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Riddick is pretty glitchy.. but its Very enjoyable.. that said, i have to give the nod to Prime.. game of the generation i say .
"Thats just Prime!"



Value and boss battles -> Prime. Production value - Riddick. Replay value - neither. Said that, if you like lonely exploration, platforming with a good sci fi story then Prime, want alot of gameplay components done well with an equally good story then Riddick.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Riddick is an amazing game, definitely not one to miss if you own an Xbox, but with that said, I have to go with Prime, I just overall found it better.


I have'nt played Riddick so I cant compare the two, but just so you know, the pc version of Riddick should be released by the end of the year, so if you got an high end pc you should consider it over the xbox version.
Riddick has no replay value. I didn't feel the desire to go through the game again when it ended. With Prime you'll want to play through again on hard mode, or just to better your completion time, or just to see Samus in her Fusion suit.
Prime. It's cheaper and tbh, Riddick while good, is a little overrated. One to buy when it comes down in price. Certainly you'll have Halo2 to satisfy all your Xbox FPS needs in just a few days.
I finished Riddick and enjoyed it. The controls in Prime made me give up on it. Just never could get past them for it to continue being fun to play. Riddick actually has a story that's told to you through voice acting, so if you don't like reading line after line of text to understand what's going on in the game then Riddick might be the best bet. Both reviewed well, but if you went strictly by reviews then Prime would be the better pick. Just depends on what you're wanting in a game. I also agree that Riddick is more rental material when it's $50 at the store, but now that it's $20 to $30 at retail then it's moving into the buy category.


If you ever experienced misplacing your keys or remote control then you pretty much played Prime. Pick up Riddick and shank somebody today!

Pick of Prime if you want a longer game with more variety in level design.

Pick up Riddick if your a fan of the movies and don't want to spend too much time finishing up a game. Riddick is probably one of the best games based on a movie franchise.


MP by a long shot. Riddick looks great, and MP has lame controls ;) -- but overall MP is one of the three best games of this gen, IMHO.


I prefered Riddick myself, but then I'm probably a bit biased. I loved the original metroid, and while I didn't find Pitch Black or Chronicles of Riddick to be anything amazing (mildly enjoyed them both), I'm a huge Deus Ex fan, and Riddick is as someone else put it, a Deus Ex Lite type game.

If you aren't a die hard FPS nut who'll get pissy at the lack of dual analog controls in Metroid though you'll probably be better of with it. Its simply got more to do. Riddick, while an awesome ride while it lasts, is very short and doesn't make you want to play through again. Metroid is longer and draws you back in much easier. Its more bang for your buck with Prime, but if you're looking for the best 8 hours or so of gaming you can get this generation, Riddick would be right up around the top of any list.


being watched

Prime's softly softly hold your hand approach to the genre soon gets annoying. Plus it has some of the best graphics this generation....probably the best title to feature early versions of all the bells and whistles that will be the norm come Xenon 2 / PS3.
I'd go with Prime. The constant loading when moving into a new zone, or just dying, made Prime more enjoyable to me. Also, I like the graphics better in Prime. Even though Riddick had much better lighting, the enviroments are sparser than Prime, and the jaggies seem to jump out at you in Riddick.

Besides, Riddick doesn't have morphball, which is so fun to use.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Riddickulous. Prime is obviously the answer.

Yes, I'm sorry for that horrible Riddick/Harry Potter gag.


Banstick Emeritus
huzkee said:
I am mod. I don't agree with you. You're banned.

Ultra Magnanimous
(Today, 10:40 AM)
Hey, if it was about banning everyone I didn't agree with, none of the Prime boosters in this thread would still be here. See what wonderful things can happen when you think before you post? Give it a shot sometime, spanky.
bishoptl said:
Hey, if it was about banning everyone I didn't agree with, none of the Prime boosters in this thread would still be here. See what wonderful things can happen when you think before you post? Give it a shot sometime, spanky.

OH YEAH, well Riddick SUCKS :p

J/k I haven't played it... but Metroid Prime has good controls!! :)


Having played both id reccomend Riddick. But if your a fan of Metriod and its style of play then obviously Metriod Prime by far (i was new to the series, being my first Metriod game, i was impressed, but not really amazed by it).

Im mostly thinking about combat, its far, far better in Riddick, thats what i remeber it for. exploration is kind of simple, which is an area where MP excels in. There are some really neat touches in Riddick the whole RPG aspect and atmosphere is real cool. I didnt enjoy MP as much as i could have because of the backtracking, simple combat, non existent story and respawning enemies. But if your a fan of the metriod formula, Metriod Prime by leaps and bounds.


being watched
Prine said:
Having played both id reccomend Riddick. But if your a fan of Metriod and its style of play then obviously Metriod Prime by far (i was new to the series, being my first Metriod game, i was impressed, but not really amazed by it).

Im mostly thinking about combat, its far, far better in Riddick, thats what i remeber it for. exploration is kind of simple, which is an area where MP excels in. There are some really neat touches in Riddick the whole RPG aspect and atmosphere is real cool. I didnt enjoy MP as much as i could have because of the backtracking, simple combat, non existent story and respawning enemies. But if your a fan of the metriod formula, Metriod Prime by leaps and bounds.

Reasoned. Non biased argument. INSTABAN! :p
They're both pretty awesome games that really surprised me with their quality. I'd go with Prime just because I'm more into exploration. Plus Riddick is a little shorter.


Get both for sure. If I had to pick one it would be riddick. You have more freedom to do what you want in riddick.


Riddick has no replay value. I didn't feel the desire to go through the game again when it ended. With Prime you'll want to play through again on hard mode, or just to better your completion time, or just to see Samus in her Fusion suit.

Riddick, while an awesome ride while it lasts, is very short and doesn't make you want to play through again.

I actually thought the opposite. I had no desire at all to play through Prime again, and in fact had little desire to finish it once I found all the upgrades. The game isn't particularly fun in itself; it rewards you with a little high when you find something new, and you'll spend the majority of the game in search of your next fix.

Riddick at least gives you some degree of flexibility in playstyle and it's short enough that you're not left burnt out on it's formula. The fistfights and gunfights are exciting, the stealth is tense, and the pacing is excellent.
Riddick is a great game. Metroid Prime is just a better, imo.

Prime would be one the my top 3 this generation, Riddick is somewhere in my top 15.

It's not because i'm a Metroid fanboy. Before Prime, i've only played Metroid 2 and Super Metroid for about an hour each. I plan on playing SM but I also need to play A Link to the Past... It's the only Zelda I haven't gotten around to beating yet.

Yes, you heard it right. I haven't beaten Super Metroid or A Link to the Past... Both of which are arguably the best in thier series' (from what i've heard). Nintendo fans must hate me.
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