JJ is Michael Bay without the self-awareness.
JJ is Bay without the sex or the imagination. even
Transformers, as visually and intellectually offensive as they are, are bursting with style and passion, iconic action movie characters, non winky cheesy one liners, and a sense of dramatic visual flair. JJ tries to shoot everything like it is a 2010s documentary, shaky cam and lens flair, etc. lighting and color grading in a Bay movie is much more visceral. JJ is like porridge. beige filler with occasional colored lights.
still, JJ's lack of self awareness betrays a lack of pretention, so he can still create fun from time to time. TFA is evidence enough of this, the film was massively loved. the problem is that when Rian was passed the baton, the threw it in the grass.
TLJ stans are saying he is "vindicated" in the trilogy he worked on, whose conclusion he was tasked with setting up, ending in failure. for them he is just sitting sipping tea watching JJ have to walk over and get the baton and go back to the track and start over, cackling like kermitsippingtea.gif, as millions of people have their time wasted on this pair of children fighting over toys. Rian refused to take responsibility for his story choices, he was offered IX and turned it down, he did not want to continue anything he "set up". he is placating his cowardice through petty schaudenfreude & the usual trolling. his army of stans are more than willing to indulge his fantasy and make it the dominant narrative.
personally i blame all the idiots in charge, rather than singling any of them out. KK, JJ, RJ, BI, yall are bozos.