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Rise of Skywalker premiere press impressions are streaming in


Disney should have acknowledged TLJ is horrible and made four movies instead of a trilogy.

It is impossible to fix what TLJ has made, no director could have undone the mess without being ridiculous, but two movies could soften the blow much better. There would not be a necessity to resolve all the arcs and more time for plot development.



This is so true that when my friends and I were leaving the lot last night after seeing the movie, one said "Have you ever wanted to see what would happen if Reddit made a Star Wars movie?". He decided to NOT Tweet that because he's avoiding Twitter over psychopathic fans at the moment.

its true, Reddit loves Rey and would for sure have her defeat the Emperor within minutes. also no Anakin force ghosts pls, Reddit famously dislikes the prequels /s

jfc the blaming of fans by reviewers for this travesty is the latest shitshow. we get it, you guys are elitist assholes with perfect taste in storytelling! every bad decision made by JJ was whispered into his hear by Doomcock.
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Not quite, Daisy Ridley is on record saying that JJ left outlines to follow after TFA and that Rian ignored all of it.

In JJ's notes Poe was captured by a Yeti and Finn rode a beast to find him. Then the First Order attacked the Rebel scum with mechs and shit.
The guy is creatively bankrupt, all he's good at is relentless pacing and fluid camera moves. But he will never match his master.


Unconfirmed Member
Considering they finished the trilogy with the second episode, I'm amazed it's done as well to get around 50%

Lots of low scores to balance out the disproportionately high scores for TJL I assume.
The thing that strikes me the most about this is how much of a change in rules takes place in this movie. I know TLJ already started that, but this movie is like full blown DBZ rules. With people lending energy, running out of energy, stealing energy. I thought one of the whole points of the Force and what made it different is that it was a mystical power, not like a 'storage" of power or Ki that you have.


he wrote the movie down the hall from the Lucasfilm Story Group, which was all people with little experience. he ran ideas by them and they just told him do whatever he wants.

it's obvious he wanted to troll people through his movie, it's a big selling point among stans, the idea that it upsets people.

the problem with upsetting people is, well, they don't go to your next move.


Kennedy and Jar Jar Abrams really seem to have done the impossible. They united the fans who hated and loved the last jedi over how shitty this movie is, lol.

Also JJ was always a overhyped hack. Most of his works are an inch deep, but that mystery box though right?
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This movie is a complete bust. Fucking Star Wars and I can easily find tickets opening night. Are that many screens playing it?


Kennedy and Jar Jar Abrams really seem to have done the impossible. The united the fans who hated and loved the last jedi over how shitty this movie is, lol.

Also JJ was always a overhyped hack. Most of his works are an inch deep, but that mystery box though right?

JJ is Michael Bay without the self-awareness. At least Michael Bay has the decency to admit he's doing brainless popcorn movies for teens and he actually has made some good movies in the past like The Rock, Bad Boys, and maybe the Island. JJ on the other hand has never made a movie that was unique, on the contrary, he took franchises that already were and made them generic, forgettable and dull.
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After the fan backlash agaisnt The Last Jedi, a film the reviwers loved, i'm actually surprised that reviews for this are mixed, i expected worse to be honest.
Spent about 2 hours reading about 40 reviews (yeah i'm sad, sue me) and its painfully obvious that a lot of critics have an axe to grind.
Let them do what they want to do as critics become even more cut off from the general movie going public with each passing 'blockbuster'.


JJ is Michael Bay without the self-awareness.
JJ is Bay without the sex or the imagination. even Transformers, as visually and intellectually offensive as they are, are bursting with style and passion, iconic action movie characters, non winky cheesy one liners, and a sense of dramatic visual flair. JJ tries to shoot everything like it is a 2010s documentary, shaky cam and lens flair, etc. lighting and color grading in a Bay movie is much more visceral. JJ is like porridge. beige filler with occasional colored lights.

still, JJ's lack of self awareness betrays a lack of pretention, so he can still create fun from time to time. TFA is evidence enough of this, the film was massively loved. the problem is that when Rian was passed the baton, the threw it in the grass.

TLJ stans are saying he is "vindicated" in the trilogy he worked on, whose conclusion he was tasked with setting up, ending in failure. for them he is just sitting sipping tea watching JJ have to walk over and get the baton and go back to the track and start over, cackling like kermitsippingtea.gif, as millions of people have their time wasted on this pair of children fighting over toys. Rian refused to take responsibility for his story choices, he was offered IX and turned it down, he did not want to continue anything he "set up". he is placating his cowardice through petty schaudenfreude & the usual trolling. his army of stans are more than willing to indulge his fantasy and make it the dominant narrative.

personally i blame all the idiots in charge, rather than singling any of them out. KK, JJ, RJ, BI, yall are bozos.
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I sense a pattern in these reviews. Most people who give this game d terrible score do it while saying how muhc better Last Jedi was. They sound like entitled little children who did not get what they wanted.

The European scores also seem to be diffferent AGAIN. In the end I will wait for the audience score.


Unconfirmed Member
After the fan backlash agaisnt The Last Jedi, a film the reviwers loved, i'm actually surprised that reviews for this are mixed, i expected worse to be honest.
Spent about 2 hours reading about 40 reviews (yeah i'm sad, sue me) and its painfully obvious that a lot of critics have an axe to grind.
Let them do what they want to do as critics become even more cut off from the general movie going public with each passing 'blockbuster'.

Yeah I'm on my way to see it now. I don't trust the critics at all as they seem completely unable to be impartial. A lot of impressions seem reactionary because it retcons the last jedi, which let's not forget, was the hill they chose to kill their credibility on a few years ago.

Look at it this way, if it's terrible, it's because of Rian. And if it's great, it's in spite of him.


Unconfirmed Member
I sense a pattern in these reviews. Most people who give this game d terrible score do it while saying how muhc better Last Jedi was. They sound like entitled little children who did not get what they wanted.

The European scores also seem to be diffferent AGAIN. In the end I will wait for the audience score.
Are you suggesting that they are mad because the movie didn't follow the fan fiction in their heads??


I sense a pattern in these reviews. Most people who give this game d terrible score do it while saying how muhc better Last Jedi was. They sound like entitled little children who did not get what they wanted.

LOL now his stans are ruined for liking films other than TLJ. a true cult.

"sorry it didn't match your head canon. quit complaining and consume product! quit criticizing the director, actors, and fans like a manbaby, you toxic ISTs."
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This movie is a complete bust. Fucking Star Wars and I can easily find tickets opening night. Are that many screens playing it?

When it was reported that it was sold out and evidence presented that the prebooked ticket sales all seemed to follow and unnatural seating plan some people claimed it was a conspiracy theory. Yet here we are.
I'm wondering if the Emperor would find it ironic that people who hated TLJ are celebrating the critical thrashing this is getting when most that thrashing is predicated on the idea that the film is trying everything it can to win the people over who hated TLJ... yeah he'd probably say ironic to that, Sheev for President, to be fair.


Gold Member
Are you suggesting that they are mad because the movie didn't follow the fan fiction in their heads??
so exactly what the last jedi did coming off 7

So Jar Jar tried to please fans with fanservice while angering TLJ stans who wanted more fan bashing. But Jar Jar ended up angering both parties. What a train wreck.
and now we can have peace.
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Ulysses 31

I'm wondering if the Emperor would find it ironic that people who hated TLJ are celebrating the critical thrashing this is getting when most that thrashing is predicated on the idea that the film is trying everything it can to win the people over who hated TLJ... yeah he'd probably say ironic to that, Sheev for President, to be fair.
Bringing back a villain that died breaks more than it fixes. >.>


Sometimes I wonder if the problem with Star Wars is that I am trying to like something that just isn't for me.
I genuinely want them to be good but they genuinely don't really see people like me as their audience.

When I saw the originals, I was just a kid.
The first one was awesome and then it's sequel had this massive, instant, impact on me.
I always remember feeling like Empire scared the shit out of me and I couldn't stop thinking about it.
That was a movie I'd just watch over and over again as a kid and always when Luke faced Darth Vader it was just so terrifying.
At that age, I think the good guys failing to come out on top just fucked with my head.

By the time the prequels came along I was grown up and Episode 1 just didn't land with me at all.
The movie is definitely fun but it's just not what I would have wanted at that age.
My brother is eight years younger than me and he absolutely fucking loved Episode 1 and still has fond memories.
Episode 2 and 3 is more of the same. They just aren't movies that appeal to my tastes at all and I would have made so many different choices.

When The Force Awakens came along it was almost like it had some rejuvenating effect.
I still believe it is a very good Star Wars movie and a movie that absolutely "gets" the appeal of Star Wars.
It's a rip off of A New Hope, sure, but at least it made Star Wars feel relevant and vibrant and there was enough laid out in that movie to carry out a decent trilogy.

The Last Jedi was just a massive, massive, reminder that these movies are not for me.
So I am a lot more relaxed about this new one. I may not even see it in the cinema to be honest.

I am starting to liken this to how I feel about From Software games.
I am showing up to a Star Wars movie and then moaning because I don't like it.
The creators of the movies are almost actively saying though "yeah dude, this isn't for you".
So I end up feeling like those people moaning about difficulty in Sekiro.

Right now it feels like the only interesting aspect of Star Wars is the fun that everyone has completely ripping the movies apart.
Wow. Really well-said. My sentiments exactly.
Man are people still upset about that? Bringing back Palpatine is bar none the most interesting decision about the movie I know about.

How is having the same villain doing the same sort of things for nine movies interesting? Like, I love Palpatine, but bringing him back is creatively bankrupt. It also makes Episode 6 looks stupid as all hell. Was Palp getting thrown down that shaft all part of his grand master plan now? At this point I wouldn't be surprised if that's the implication.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Why would it upset people to have the victory of Luke and Vader diminished or leave unexplained how Palps survives the fall, death star explosion, crash land into the planet. Why, I wonder? :pie_thinking:

Misogyny, of course.
Why would it upset people to have the victory of Luke and Vader diminished or leave unexplained how Palps survives the fall, death star explosion, crash land into the planet. Why, I wonder? :pie_thinking:

Diminished victory? Wasn't it diminished the second the trilogy came into existence? There's actually a significant amount of time between Palp falling and the Death Star exploding, and Luke survived falling down a similar tunnel in ESB. The Emperor is stronger with the dark side than Luke is with the light, some kind of resurrection or whatever isn't beyond believable for me.

How is having the same villain doing the same sort of things for nine movies interesting? Like, I love Palpatine, but bringing him back is creatively bankrupt. It also makes Episode 6 looks stupid as all hell. Was Palp getting thrown down that shaft all part of his grand master plan now? At this point I wouldn't be surprised if that's the implication.

Technically he doesn't do much of anything in 2 of the OT, he isn't even in 2 of the ST and he doesn't do a whole lot in the first two prequels so... Not sure what you're getting at? Also if we're looking at the 9 films as a sort of Skywalker saga why NOT bring back the man who created their line? I doubt it's implied being thrown down there was part of some grand master plan, I'm sure he's been rebuilding his strength for decades.

Ulysses 31

Diminished victory? Wasn't it diminished the second the trilogy came into existence? There's actually a significant amount of time between Palp falling and the Death Star exploding, and Luke survived falling down a similar tunnel in ESB. The Emperor is stronger with the dark side than Luke is with the light, some kind of resurrection or whatever isn't beyond believable for me.
It was indeed already diminished with 1st Order popping up with multi-planet destroyer unexplained and now it's diminished even more. Lucas said Palps was dead so now having him return with a huge fleet without explanation makes it feel very tacked on. I'd say there needed to be a movie to fix the mess TLJ left and a movie to end the saga.


Nowadays you should expect the movie to be okay/good if it gets negative press and bad if it is positive news all around so... Win win I guess?
Technically he doesn't do much of anything in 2 of the OT, he isn't even in 2 of the ST and he doesn't do a whole lot in the first two prequels so... Not sure what you're getting at? Also if we're looking at the 9 films as a sort of Skywalker saga why NOT bring back the man who created their line? I doubt it's implied being thrown down there was part of some grand master plan, I'm sure he's been rebuilding his strength for decades.

Cmon man, don't play dumb. The plot twist is that Snoke was just a puppet that he created. So right from the get go, the Emperor is the villain of this trilogy. Same goes for the OT. The Disney films centering around the same people, the same plans, and the same ideas is one of the main reasons why they don't work. It both cheapens the previous films while not allowing these ones any room to become there own thing. A passing of the torch from the previous hero's would have been fitting and could have been great. But once you have the same over arching plot, the same threats, and generally the same plot, everything is gonna feel meaningless. Like seriously, what logical reason is there for the Emperor to not return yet again. Why is he super for sure dead now, when he wasn't before? And hell, after that we could have his great great grandson be a sith or something.


Oh, it is most definitely the tone of the article. It even starts off with this zinger.

The Rise of Skywalker is a bad movie and a miserable finale that serves no purpose other than the reassure adult fans of the original Star Wars that they are still the “chosen ones” of the pop culture galaxy.

I still don't get what soy got to do with it. Like, soy beans or something?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The best comments are from TLJ diehard fans that keep saying that TROS ingnored or destroyed what TLJ built up.


The lack of self awareness is palpable.

Seriously... I cannot believe some of the stuff I'm reading.

The critic outrage has got me more interested in seeing this film than I was before.


Oh, it is most definitely the tone of the article. It even starts off with this zinger.

The Rise of Skywalker is a bad movie and a miserable finale that serves no purpose other than the reassure adult fans of the original Star Wars that they are still the “chosen ones” of the pop culture galaxy.
Well now I am more excited to see it this weekend than when I woke up today.
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