Not positive
Came here to post this if nobody hadn't yet.
Worst of the 9 he says. That's a big claim after 8.
Not positive
Sometimes I wonder if the problem with Star Wars is that I am trying to like something that just isn't for me.
I genuinely want them to be good but they genuinely don't really see people like me as their audience.
When I saw the originals, I was just a kid.
The first one was awesome and then it's sequel had this massive, instant, impact on me.
I always remember feeling like Empire scared the shit out of me and I couldn't stop thinking about it.
That was a movie I'd just watch over and over again as a kid and always when Luke faced Darth Vader it was just so terrifying.
At that age, I think the good guys failing to come out on top just fucked with my head.
By the time the prequels came along I was grown up and Episode 1 just didn't land with me at all.
The movie is definitely fun but it's just not what I would have wanted at that age.
My brother is eight years younger than me and he absolutely fucking loved Episode 1 and still has fond memories.
Episode 2 and 3 is more of the same. They just aren't movies that appeal to my tastes at all and I would have made so many different choices.
When The Force Awakens came along it was almost like it had some rejuvenating effect.
I still believe it is a very good Star Wars movie and a movie that absolutely "gets" the appeal of Star Wars.
It's a rip off of A New Hope, sure, but at least it made Star Wars feel relevant and vibrant and there was enough laid out in that movie to carry out a decent trilogy.
The Last Jedi was just a massive, massive, reminder that these movies are not for me.
So I am a lot more relaxed about this new one. I may not even see it in the cinema to be honest.
I am starting to liken this to how I feel about From Software games.
I am showing up to a Star Wars movie and then moaning because I don't like it.
The creators of the movies are almost actively saying though "yeah dude, this isn't for you".
So I end up feeling like those people moaning about difficulty in Sekiro.
Right now it feels like the only interesting aspect of Star Wars is the fun that everyone has completely ripping the movies apart.
Wow, are you me?
I haven't seen the movie yet, but I feel like it's gotta be more is how do you make a sequel to that was written to be a dead end in nearly every aspect. Fuck TLJ, and fuck Rian Johnson. This movie never had a chance to be good. Even if you like TLJ, you can't follow it up with anything interesting, because there's nothing left to care about. Rey is already perfect, there's no growth for her.
Wow, are you me?
Exactly my experience and thoughts about this..
How do you feel about the Mandalorian, though? I really like where they are going with that..
they had 200 EU books and a george lucas outline and didn't borrow from any of it.
here is an opening from the chronologically first eu book.
Exactly what I would say...Don't do prequels, sequels but instead try to make new stories set in the same world that still allows the main movie trilogy to stand alone as the absolute peak of Star Wars greatness.
I concur, but am still happy about what we got with Mandalorian. It feels like it has those little new side stories set in this amazing universe, not really touching anything that happened in the OT.I definitely think they should have never tried to make any content at all that goes beyond Return of the Jedi on the timeline.
Exactly what I would say...
I concur, but am still happy about what we got with Mandalorian. It feels like it has those little new side stories set in this amazing universe, not really touching anything that happened in the OT.
TV Reviews on Rotten Tomatoes should be ignored. I was doing TV reviews a few years ago and they would cherry pick reviews for the pilot episodes or for the first episode of a season and establish an entire percentage for the series based on that.rebels at 100% fucking lol proves it means NOTHING (painful show)
resistance is trash-tier ps2 animation and its one of the highest rated (never watched an ep, only clips but looks shite)
Not positive
I still laugh at The Force Awakens sitting at 93%, lmaoLowest rated Disney Star Wars release by a significant margin.
TV Reviews on Rotten Tomatoes should be ignored. I was doing TV reviews a few years ago and they would cherry pick reviews for the pilot episodes or for the first episode of a season and establish an entire percentage for the series based on that.
TLJ would have been better as a spin-off movie telling it's own story with it's own characters in a different part of the timeline.
IX is failing because JJ has to do the work RJ put off. he has to make ESB and ROTJ at the same time. and because of the rushed release schedule, he has to do it all in 2 years while Lucas had 6.Seems to be the case that Star Wars episode 9 is trying, but failing, to appeal to it's fanbase and as a result everyone hates it.
Then TLJ comes along and simultaneously renders TFAs set-ups irrelevant and takes the trilogy into a corner that the next director will have to write their way out of. TLJ honestly felt like a deliberate attempt to trash Star Wars. How subversive is that when the newest entry in a franchise is actually an attempt destroy that franchise?
What did you think of the last episode (6)? I thought it was pretty decent and a nice change of pace.Not really a fan of The Mandalorian so far, Baby Yoda aside. Incompetent protagonists typically aren't my thing though.
IX is failing because JJ has to do the work RJ put off. he has to make ESB and ROTJ at the same time. and because of the rushed release schedule, he has to do it all in 2 years while Lucas had 6.
Coz it ignores and even mocks the TLJ!I'm surprised it hasn't receive good critic reviews so far, given how low of a bar a 90% RT is for a Star Wars film.
Rebels has some of the best moments of animated Star Wars. It’s full of TV filler unfortunately but the highs are very high.rebels at 100% fucking lol proves it means NOTHING (painful show)
resistance is trash-tier ps2 animation and its one of the highest rated (never watched an ep, only clips but looks shite)
Coz it ignores and even mocks the TLJ!
rehashing Empire and Jedi is not new.I respect Rian for trying something new
Fuck Disney, Fuck Baby Yoda. I'm team Lumpy.Never in my life have I wanted a movie to fail so badly. The Mandalorian is pretty good though.
It's not mutually exclusive. >.>Or maybe Rise of Skywalker isn't a very good movie.
rehashing Empire and Jedi is not new.
rehashing Empire and Jedi is not new.
Yeah, 0 respect for Rian. He's a nu-male.
Luke is a hermit Jedi teacher stranded bc his student fell to the darkside. exact same as Obi Wan/YodaHow did he rehash Empire and Jedi? I haven't seen the movies in a long time, so please explain.
That video is fucking brutal. But through some of it I was like yeah well that’s a JJ film though. Like half of what he’s complaining about it JJ the other half is the result of having no set plan and script.Came here to post this if nobody hadn't yet.
Worst of the 9 he says. That's a big claim after 8.
Luke is a hermit Jedi teacher stranded bc his student fell to the darkside. exact same as Obi Wan/Yoda
Luke is a jerk to Rey at first refusing to train her then he trains her anyways. same as Yoda
Luke buried his x-wing in the ocean same as Empire
Rey training and having dark side visions in a cave same as Empire
even the Poe/Holdo side story about being chased the whole movie by the Empire was in Empire
then of course the throne room, ripping off entire lines of dialog from Jedi
then the AT-ATs on Not Hoth.
im leaving a lot out but pretty much everything in the movie is ripped from the OT, even the "subversion"
What do you mean with Rian being a "nu-male"?
He's soft and a cuck. I don't even think he's a hack, Looper was pretty great. But TLJ is a nightmare and I don't think I can forgive him.
It's all this cunt's fault