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Rise of Skywalker premiere press impressions are streaming in

the thing is, the critics themselves are setting up those expectations. you always hear "people wanted Luke to just X, Y, and Z" and it's like, no, people didn't, YOU did, and you're trying to project it on some vague "toxic fan"". this is one of the problems i have with TLJ, it is aimed at this phantom "fan", the strawman you create when you say "People just want trash". it's kind of an elitist position to start from, based on considering the common movie goer to be idiots. no doubt Rian thinks this way, and probably most reviewers/Twitter users as well.

that said, just subverting expectations doesn't earn you anything. you can say the Holiday Special "challenged fans" by having them sit through a 5 minute long fake cooking show led by a flailing & unfunny Harvey Korman in drag. it isn't inherently an interesting or new thing in itself. the academic backings of postmodernism/structuralism are 50+ years old at this point. Rian doing slight twists on films that are 4 decades old isn't really blowing minds so much as letting people down.

I'd argue that subversion is such a strong element in postmodernism, and postmodernist ideas are now so prevalent in (particularly Western) media, that it's probably the biggest reason a lot of stuff getting produced today just...sucks. Shit's just transmutating into blobs of nothingness with no solid foundations and no care given to consistency in ideals, tastes, etc. The rampant politicization being pushed in a lot of entertainment now is just a symptom of the problem, not necessarily the root of the problem itself.

...Oh well, I think I'm gonna stop with that talk, this ain't the thread for that kind of conversation xD


How hollow must it feel for the remaining OT cast members to watch a once in a lifetime chance to relive past glories and safeguard their legacies get absolutely squandered by the goons in charge of crafting this new trilogy; Especially for Hamill, since Luke is his most famous and influential role.

Disney had one last chance to craft a decent story that would let Carrie, Harrison, Mark, and Billy ride into the sunset and they fucked it off. We will never see these icons alive and on screen together in a Star Wars film ever again. Instead we have this disjointed, incoherent, Frankenstein'd together mess of a trilogy that disrespects, if not out right neuters, the old cast while passing the torch in a way that feels empty and unearned. I'm not even a big Star Wars guy, so I can only imagine how gutted the people who go hard for SW must feel.


it is pure projection. here they are, spreading divisive narratives, calling people idiots, and recently shaming actors & the people who work on these things, in order to support the narrative. they have massive audiences and spend all day spreading gossip about people through legitimate establishment media channels, dominating the narrative. yet they always play the victim, they have to point to some kind of toxic fan for everything.

TLJ just flattered the intelligence of reviewers too much. "those idiot peasant normies don't understand the themes as you do, that's why they dislike it" "it's too new!" it makes me so sick to see this myth perpetuated, as if TLJ didn't consist of a solid hour of ripping off entire sequences from Empire and Jedi.

So what you're saying is movie critics are now copying Bob Chipman's (aka Moviebob) playbook?


What a true bizzaro world we live in right now.
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Came from the cinema, the movie is alright, way better than TLJ.

However the end sucks ass.

Kylo returning to Ben was actually cool, specially when he takes down his knights of Ren. However all this mambo jambo so he can kiss Rey and die by passing to her his vital force. Seriously? For me the Skywalker Ascension was Ben's, not Rey's. And that last line... "I'm Rey Skywalker, lol please. No you're not. It's funny because in an Era "people are supposed" to assume what/who they really are, the protagonist in the end assumes something she's not lmao.
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Oh my god at one gay character = being woke. That's the LEAST of this franchises problem. KotoR had a Lesbian Dark Jedi Catgirl. It's not a fresh concept.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
58 percent on Rotten Tomatoes.

Critics hate it.

Normies hate it.

Fans hate it.

They completely screwed the pooch with the final Star Wars film in the saga.

If Disney has any sense, they need to boot Kathleen Kennedy out asap and make sure Rian Johnson isn't within 10 miles of anything Star Wars related even if it requires him to wear an ankle braclet.
Oh my god at one gay character = being woke. That's the LEAST of this franchises problem. KotoR had a Lesbian Dark Jedi Catgirl. It's not a fresh concept.
We can all look back stuff like KOTOR and realize how good we've had it. I mean yeah KOTOR was Bioware in their prime but it managed to not only tell a great story, it smoothly set it in the context of the Star Wars universe. And it was a video game where you could literally choose your path and your own fate as the player. The soulless and empty Disney era is such a contrast to some of the really great entries in the old EU. I really loved how the old EU basically operated on the rules of "it's canon unless Lucas says otherwise" so all the stuff like the video games, comics, animated shows, and anything else all became a part of the universe and I think no other author retconned anything else a different author did in the EU.
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Mendelson probably stayed awake the whole night after watching this piece of garbage wondering who to blame & decided the so-called "toxic fandom" (or what he really wants to call white men) were the perfect scapegoat. Because obviously JJ has the Alt-Right, Trump voters, Russian bots & Nazi ghosts whispering into his ear about their dream of seeing Rey Mary Sue rapekill Palpatine.

Read that Mendelson review. What a douchebag...
As others have said: the critic's agreed-upon problem with RoS is that it nullifies much of Visionary Director Rian Johnson's work:

They really are steadfastly sticking to their shilling of that piece of shit, like lone Japanese soldiers who don't know the war is long over.
What I don't get is how do they think this should have gone on?

There was literally nothing left at the end of TLJ.
Snoke dead, Luke miserable and dead, the resistance reduced to twelve people, Poe and Finn were utter failures, Crylo shown as being an ineffective loser, and Rey already at the height of her powers.
The only way someone could have continued that shit would have been a movie about those stable boy slaves, and who would want to see THAT movie?
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Unconfirmed Member
I'm starting to get nostalgic for the prequel days. The movies weren't great but they didnt invalidate the OT, we still had the EU, and we had some good to great games.

I watched the prequels again a few months ago. Sure the dialogue is clunky and the acting iffy but the world-building was stellar, the intrigue around Palpatine was fantastic (he was the star of the prequels for me). What killed the films was reliance on CGI that wasn't ready yet and which people didn't really know how to work with, and nobody tightening up the dialog - in the OT the cast said no to George on a number of lines. Without George Lucas it's not Star Wars.
"Can't believe they're bringing back Palpatine, that's ridiculous... oh by the way it was totally hype when Clone Wars brought back my favorite character Darth Maul, also check out those EU books where Bobba Fett survives the Sarlaac pit, totally hype shit"


I do find it interesting theres a culture of people 'believing a critic' or something.

I mean, some get paid to write a certain score - others are writing from their own opinions; regardless, neither should really reflect
Look at dis dood.


This is an actual movie critic.

What a cunt. Fan of Star Wars/Internet-User complains about Internet-Users or Star Wars fans.

What is this self-deprecating group think I see everywhere, does the individual think theyre not part of 'the internet'?


How do so many “film critics” think the internet wrote this movie?

Blaming the fans or the internet or someone besides the actual idiots in charge, It’s the dumbest fucking take

Why do they despise common people so much? Why do they think they are so much better than everyone else? Is it really because they get paid to watch comic book movies?
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"Can't believe they're bringing back Palpatine, that's ridiculous... oh by the way it was totally hype when Clone Wars brought back my favorite character Darth Maul, also check out those EU books where Bobba Fett survives the Sarlaac pit, totally hype shit"
Who said that?
Both of these other decisions were also shit.
And I don't know anybody personally who doesn't think that.

Dude, the more I read you posts here I feel you are being contrarian for the sake of it.
Who said that?
Both of these other decisions were also shit.
And I don't know anybody personally who doesn't think that.

Dude, the more I read you posts here I feel you are being contrarian for the sake of it.

The fanbase loved Clone Wars and the decision to revive Darth Maul was pretty openly praised by the fandom. You don't get to rewrite history to pretend I'm just a contrarian.


Is it enjoyable if you’re a Star Wars fan? Or is it totally irredeemable crap? I’m just trying to set my expectations lol I already bought tickets.

I didnt think anything would top AOTC as the worse Star Wars movie yet here we are, it is that bad. For reference I hated Endgame too so yeah might not want to listen to me


Boy is there some epic shitpiling on this movie. As I stated before I know I'll end up loving it as I just can't get enough Star Wars content into my veins, seeing it tomorrow at 5pm PST by myself because my wife isn't feeling well, haven't gone to a movie by myself since I was in grade school and would ride my bike to matinees

Envision a middle aged male sitting alone weeping into his jacket.



If Disney has any sense, they need to boot Kathleen Kennedy out asap and make sure Rian Johnson isn't within 10 miles of anything Star Wars related even if it requires him to wear an ankle braclet.

Lol, Rian Johnson actually did give me actually wonder at the end of TLJ. Like I thought it absolutely was Star Wars, whereas Ep 7 and 9 are just laughable tries at replicating the same old formula


I watched the prequels again a few months ago. Sure the dialogue is clunky and the acting iffy but the world-building was stellar, the intrigue around Palpatine was fantastic (he was the star of the prequels for me). What killed the films was reliance on CGI that wasn't ready yet and which people didn't really know how to work with, and nobody tightening up the dialog - in the OT the cast said no to George on a number of lines. Without George Lucas it's not Star Wars.

I actually have found that the new trilogy has left me quite strongly agreeing with this.

Whatever people want to say about the prequels it's still really cool that those 3 movies are Lucas' vision. I'm not going to argue that they are good movies.
When Luca says "they are supposed to be for kids" the usual argument is "well why is there decapitations and conversations about trade disputes". However, I think this just means that he set out to make a kids movie but put in some things that don't really belong. He was still trying to make a movie for kids.

Anyway, that's not the point.

There is plenty of great Star Wars content that was not made by Lucas but these were always really side-content that allowed the OT to stand entirely on it's own. Some of the best books are set literally a thousand years before the events of ANH.
When the prequels came out they did start to mess with this a little bit by having side novels and cartoons but again those were distinguishable from "real" Star Wars.
The plan for these movies originally was having the 3 directors creating 3 movies that would form a trilogy. Except they had no real plan for that trilogy and it seems they were just intending to let the directors all do their own thing. They are basically "Star Wars" branded movies. They are not really Star Wars movies.
At least with Solo and Rogue One they had the decency to put them under the "A Star Wars Story" banner and allow them to be their own thing to some extent.

With the main trilogy though they are trying to pass these movies off as the continuation of an epic story but really they are cheap knock-offs masquerading as legitimate sequels.
This is especially true for TLJ where it's almost like they legitimately thought that doing something completely different and off the wall is a good idea when you are sitting on episode EIGHT of a nine part series.

TLJ is Rian Johnson's take on Star Wars but it isn't Star Wars.
You telling me if I sit down over the next 18 months and write a new book titled "The Lord of the Rings - The One Ring Reforged" as a sequel to The Return of the King then I can just pass it off as a legit entry in the series?
The only difference though is that the Tolkien estate would not endorse it whereas TLJ is passed off as "official" because Lucas sold the rights.

Let's say in theory I was able to get over that hurdle though. Maybe I bought the rights.
So in my new LotR book it turns out Sauron is back and the ring is back.
Saruman didn't die either and his grand-daughter is going to go into Mordor and steal the ring from Sauron and use it to bring peace to the world forever. Aragorn tries to advise her against it but he is a weak old man now so whatever. Blah blah blah.

So people are just forced to accept this as "a bold new direction" for LotR under threat of being called racist or sexist or whatever?
People who point out that this is NOTHING like LotR and it not only undermines the originals but changes main characters in an inconsistent way are hit with "you're just angry cos you have rigid ideas and they subverted expectations".

It's fucking nonsense.

Where the sequels fail for me is that they have no sense of authenticity.

It's fine to "subvert expectations" in the sense that great twists and surprises in movies are awesome.
It's not fine to significantly alter the nature of something just to say "I am trying something new".
In other fields, most corporations understand this and protect the authenticity of their brands by releasing new ideas under different branding.
With Star Wars it's been more like they try to pass these copies off as authentic Star Wars movies and they have an army of hacks ready to berate customers who are saying "this isn't how Luke Skywalker would behave" and pointing out how inauthentic the whole thing is.

Then, in the end, the same people who were claiming fandom is toxic and is just mad because TLJ tried "new" things had a hissy-fit because the next episode did things that they themselves disagreed with.

"Your TLJ criticism is dumb because you just didn't get what you wanted it's all about the themes maaaaaaan. I didn't get what I wanted from ROS but it's OK when I complain, my criticisms are valid." Bunch of fucking two-faced hypocritical cunts. When does the Rian Johnson fandom get it's turn to be called out?

The trilogy has been absolutely dragged down by arguments over the directors and seemingly also by disagreements on how the movies should go. Shit, they even dumped the director of 9 and replaced him with the director of 7 who then went to work undoing the ideas of the director of 8. What a fucking mess. All the while pushing ideas about "russian bots" and conservative white dudes being the only ones who dislike the movies instead of just doing good movies.

At least with Lucas in charge the movies would maintain their authenticity even if they were poor movies.


It's as good as it could have been given the narrative dead end TLJ gave us.
Yep. Like the action flow better in tros too.

tlj subvert to nothingness forced tros go at break neck speed. Blame Rian for this

The only quirk is the reylo moment, my theater got a laugh at the suddenness and the drop dead ending!

Tlj wokees going to hate that shit.


58 percent on Rotten Tomatoes.

Critics hate it.

Normies hate it.

Fans hate it.

They completely screwed the pooch with the final Star Wars film in the saga.

If Disney has any sense, they need to boot Kathleen Kennedy out asap and make sure Rian Johnson isn't within 10 miles of anything Star Wars related even if it requires him to wear an ankle braclet.
Bullshit. Looks like European Critics AGAIN (just like Joker) seems to like it. Germany audience likes it very much with applauding and cheering at the end. This is just another Movie whoich shows how political driven American "Critcs" have become.


Unconfirmed Member
It is incredibly funny reading the 'audience' reactions from certain websites where users haven't even seen the film yet are criticising it!

Sadly it appears that the majority of people who have seen it did so with their eyes closed too.

It's not even approaching being a perfect film but people getting annoyed at Hux's fate for example are just demonstrating a lack of even the most basic comprehension skills.
Lol, Rian Johnson actually did give me actually wonder at the end of TLJ. Like I thought it absolutely was Star Wars, whereas Ep 7 and 9 are just laughable tries at replicating the same old formula
May I ask what your history with Star Wars is?


Lol, Rian Johnson actually did give me actually wonder at the end of TLJ. Like I thought it absolutely was Star Wars, whereas Ep 7 and 9 are just laughable tries at replicating the same old formula

How is this not a total contradiction?
Regarding Ep 8: "I thought it absolutely was Star Wars"
Regarding Ep 7 and Ep 9: "laughable tries at replicating the same old formula"

If there is a Star Wars formula then how is completely throwing out the formula defined as "absolutely Star Wars" but trying to replicate the formula is a negative thing?

Completely changing the formula = this is authentic Star Wars
Trying to use the same formula = this is a laughable copy
That makes no sense at all.


I just dont get why tlj is being held with high regards?

Rj just went about closing threads in a fuck care manner. By the ending, it still stuck with and felt back to square 1. A whole movie was a wasted opportunity to develop on the ST.


I just dont get why tlj is being held with high regards?

Rj just went about closing threads in a fuck care manner. By the ending, it still stuck with and felt back to square 1. A whole movie was a wasted opportunity to develop on the ST.
Held in high regards by whom? By Critics? They had a political agenda behind it. For example the Critics in Germany hated the movie but liked this one.


I just dont get why tlj is being held with high regards?

Rj just went about closing threads in a fuck care manner. By the ending, it still stuck with and felt back to square 1. A whole movie was a wasted opportunity to develop on the ST.

My take is that TLJ became some weird battleground for the "Culture War" and people seem to have picked a "side" and then went into battle for that side.

It's long been a thing that critics have a dislike for fandoms.
Probably with good reason since criticism of anything with a passionate fandom tends to garner unwanted attention.
Shit, people have been harassed and driven almost to suicide over fan art.
Yeah, how dare you draw a skinny version of that fat character.

Fandoms absolutely can be toxic.
The Star Wars fandom is particularly passionate and the downside to that is some people express this in extremely negative ways.
Many of these critics hate fandoms.

At the time of TLJs release I avoided all spoilers, avoided all reviews. I was so pumped about the possibilities set up in TFA that we went to the midnight show and we had a great night. Until the movie started. From the first moment of "humor" between Hux and Poe right through until the very end of the movie I was constantly surprised by just how much I disliked the movie.

To this day I honestly believe that they deliberately set out to make a movie that would troll fans and piss them off. This wasn't Lucas trying to do his best and failing. This was a deliberate attempt to crap on the fans. The whole "your Snoke theory sucks" thing really hammers that home for me.

The movie takes a massive dump on the fandom and I think the critics loved that.

Then you have an issue where the critics and the mainstream outlets that they work for are able to craft and control a narrative.
So the narrative becomes "fandoms are toxic" and even goes as far as to suggest that they are breeding grounds for extremist groups.

There is just a weird political "thing" going on with this movie.

Look at the first 40 seconds or so of this:

Dude, that's the DIRECTOR OF THE MOVIE legitimately buying into this conspiracy theory that "Muh Russians" are actively trying to influence the content of the movie.

They crafted a narrative that "bad people are out to get this movie" and then they just ran with it.
So now that the new movie is seemingly trying to give the franchise back to the fans they have to double down.


I'm so sad for Mark Hamill, he waited 30 years to play Luke again and had to ruin his career with this shitshow. He's such a nice guy too. I can't begin to imagine how gutted he must feel..
imagine waiting for 30 years, then meeting with all your friends near the end of your life, then finding out 3-4 years in that you not be working with ANY of them, it's going to be like Empire where it was just one and one other person stuck on a set for most of the movie. and what's worse, your character will be on some massive ego trip, the reason he won't be with his friends will be his fault, he doesn't care about them. Luke's character was entirely 180 degrees from what actor Mark wanted.

it's complete and utter bullshit. they didn't give the OT characters a send off, the leveraged the fuck out of them, by trying to space them out to 1 per movie. the entire thing was cynical and contrived and they deserve to suffer for the massive missed opportunity.
To this day I honestly believe that they deliberately set out to make a movie that would troll fans and piss them off. This wasn't Lucas trying to do his best and failing. This was a deliberate attempt to crap on the fans. The whole "your Snoke theory sucks" thing really hammers that home for me.
oh without a doubt. there is no explanation for the salt tasting scene then Rian wanted message board warriors to use his GIF to shut down conversation. it has also come out that internally, they were making memes of Mike Zeroh, Johnson and crew actively mocking the fanbase while production was undergoing.

when you look at all the decisions made in the movie, the idea to have a new character introduced tasing and calling a former hero coward. how is the audience NOT supposed to be suspicious of Rose here? a character he has admitted doesn't belong in this universe.these were deliberate choices. IMO most fans tried to stomach them, they watched Rey smack Luke in the back of the head like a coward, they saw so many gaslighting scenes, by the end of the movie, it's just a matter of the straw that broke the camel's back.
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